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ESOTERICshade ago

He needs to be canned. The few people left in this forum that have stuck it out in spite of him despise him for his censorship and want him gone. He is nothing but a force of destruction. This post is exactly the sort of genius mental associations that used to occur here on a daily basis. Falcon has systematically deleted research like this until there is hardly anybody left here willing to spend the number of hours it takes to produce work like this. The number of weeks it takes to learn these associations, and the dedication it takes, requires an enormous amount of time. Falcon zaps it in an instant.

Nobody around here believes it is an accident anymore. Most people think he is either getting paid, is a drunk, not mentally fit for the job, etc....Regardless of what the problem is he needs to be gone. He has turned this sub into more of a click bait atmosphere instead of research sub.

THIS POST is research. Most of these get deleted these days. This sub is mainly a news reporting sub now. People can get that any place on the web. He has killed the genius research activity that used to go on here.

I think its intentional and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. No, of course I can't prove it. Its an opinion, but its the one I have. The pizzagate community has had enough of him. The few left speak loudly and hope for his dismissal.