letsdothis1 ago

I'd like to know who posted this? I have many connections re Merck.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 1: nonsense and not related to pizzagate

Vindicator ago

Sorry MF, this is not "nonsense". Two relevant articles:



There is an entire industry based on fetal tissue harvesting.

If Pizzagate is about child sacrifice for the gratification of the elite, I'm not sure how you can just gloss over fetal tissue use in the development of biotech, cosmetics and snack foods as unrelated. Do you really want to ban this entire topic as off limits?

Millennial_Falcon ago

The very article you linked (first one) starts by saying "Bottom line: There are no aborted embryonic or fetal cells in any of PepsiCo’s final products." From looking at both articles, it appears that they never will. Basically, some cells were taken from a fetus way back when. Those cells have been continually cloned by a biotech company for use in testing flavors (i.e. they use the cloned cells to see how they respond to certain flavors). The cells never go into any products.

If Pizzagate is about child sacrifice for the gratification of the elite, I'm not sure how you can just gloss over fetal tissue use in the development of biotech, cosmetics and snack foods as unrelated.

Perhaps because child sacrifice for gratification is an entirely different thing from, say, using cloned stem cells to save people's lives, including children's lives, and end immense amounts of human suffering. Pizzagate is not about abortion politics. It's strange to see your comment after seeing that you removed a post about a woman who literally killed her children in a Satanic ritual, although I know the relevance of that was questionable, because no apparent connection elites, but it certainly is unusual to real confirmation that that sort of thing happens.

Vindicator ago

By the way, are you ever going to respond to my reply to you in the Kubrick thread? You renewed your offer of taking of morning modding on certain days, and I asked you which days you want.

I am happy to take whichever days you would like to take a break. But if I'm going to vet posts and leave them up, only to see them removed and then have to deal with an inbox full of irate comments about it, forget it.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I am happy to take whichever days you would like to take a break. But if I'm going to vet posts and leave them up, only to see them removed and then have to deal with an inbox full of irate comments about it, forget it.

I think I've generally only removed posts posted later than your last removal (with some exceptions), but I'm not going to promise to leave posts up just because you left them up. You don't get to dictate what meets the rules anymore than I get to dictate it to you. Basically you're saying "my way or the highway," so I don't think you're as interesting in helping as you initially claimed, particularly given your attitude of late.

Vindicator ago

My attitude of late, huh. Yes, I admit to being somewhat burned out on explaining your removals to the dozens of DMs and pings about them that clog my inbox every week.

I don't think you're as interesting in helping as you initially claimed

Honestly, MF, this statement just underscores the way your whole perspective about this sub colors everything you do. You consider this "your" sub. You see me as "helping". When I offer to give you a genuine break, you claim I am insincere and that I'm trying to "dictate what meets the rules." WTF? We are both guests in this role, here to help users document child sex trafficking by the elite.

I've made a common sense, rational suggestion that we both could benefit from a few days off every week. In the real world, no professional organization would allow people tasked with power over others to do it 7 days a week 365 days a year, ESPECIALLY given the subject matter and frequent manipulation attacks. You think the spooks and Brock shills are allowed to work to burnout? You can bet they want us to. You are usually a rational guy...yet you see my reasonable suggestion as evidence of an attitude problem. What the hell?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yes, I admit to being somewhat burned out on explaining your removals to the dozens of DMs and pings about them that clog my inbox every week.

I acknowledge there are some topics I perhaps should have let through regarding Rule 1 (organ trafficking being the most noteworthy), but I have always been open to a sticky so users can vote to expand the definition. I also acknowledge I could have been more careful about explaining things at times, but I don't want to let this take over my life. I don't act like it's "my" sub. It's simply that I'm the one doing the job, and if I'm the one doing it, I'm not going to let a few complainers dictate how I do it. You are choosing to engage with these complaints, when you could simply ignore them or direct them to me. You have no need to defend my modding decisions (although I appreciate the work you have put in). There are always going to be complainers, many of whom ARE shills and trolls. You can't let it get to you.

yet you see my reasonable suggestion as evidence of an attitude problem.

Your suggestion was reasonable until you attached the string that I have to promise not to remove anything you leave up. Perhaps we can compromise? As for the "attitude," I didn't say you had an "attitude problem," but you have clearly been showing you have a beef with me, and rather than communicate about to resolve things, you're shutting down. First, there was your extremely strident tone in expressing your concerns about the Kubrick post, as well as apparently some general grievances that had been festering surrounding Rule 1 and removal explanations, then when I replied to you, you proceeded to ignore my response indefinitely (including my question as to which days you wanted to mod), and then when I asked you again about it, your response is "forget it" unless I promise to leave up all posts you decide to leave up, which is the opposite philosophy as expressed by VSD, which is that we shouldn't be worrying about "stepping on toes." I think we can both be reasonable, and I don't think it's reasonable to expect me not to ever overrule you, just as it would be unreasonable for me to expect the same of you.

dragonkiller ago

This might be a certain "Berg"....amirite?