Silverlining ago

@cantsleepawink Man accused of sexually abusing orphans in Haiti - Daniel John Pye, 35, ran orphanage in Jacmel.

Silverlining ago

@cantsleepawink In case you hadn't seen it.

Wonder why pizzagate was censored on Reddit and attacked in the press this week? It's because James Alefantis and Laura Silsby both have ties to the same anti trafficking group [NCMEC] by @PleadingtheYiff 4 Mar 2017

Silverlining ago

@cantsleepawink This submission looks like it may have vanished from the v/pizzagate subverse. Most likely I am mistaken, but the paranoia has set in!!

[edit] Cancel that, but the page that comes up won't take replies - no "reply" button - and I'm logged in.

cantsleepawink ago

I'm not sure what they do with threads eventually on that subverse. It's one of the reasons why I created this one, in order to have a place to find relevant posts that may get buried in the avalance of information. I have posted in the past about the NCMEC, the ICMEC and other related bodies. And also had skittish responses from medical people on Twitter regarding the reporting chain of child abuse cases. So, I'm very aware of how much over the target we are.

Silverlining ago

Removed submissions and their threads get put in removed submissions in the moderation logs at the bottom of the RHS column. It was a good move to get your own subverse. By over the target, do you mean we are hovering over the target or we are ranging but not quite hitting yet, or something else?

cantsleepawink ago

I mean that I just agree with George Webb and FBI Anon when they say look at Haiti and the trafficking networks, etc.. rather than solely focusing on the pizza parlour. In a sense, I think that is a trap.

Silverlining ago

I noticed a "cohen" on another thread and wondered if it was related to your cohen. FBIAnon suggested areas of Pizzagate research. Very long, multiple posts.

TL;DR: FBIAnon alludes to all of the following having connections to pizzagate: 24) The Cohen Group

Question: “The Cohen Group: hot or cold? ...”

FBIAnon: “1) Hot. ...”

Search for "cohen" on/v/pizzagate

•Danny Cohen, seems to be the only director of something called Danno Media. [youngest director of BBC TV ] NEW CONNECTION CLINTON FOUNDATION - LUMOS FOUNDATION. Possible paedo activity. Haiti and celebrities involved.

Silverlining ago

What is the Cohen significance to pizzagate apart from the suspicion that there are wolves in sheep's clothing - pedos and Satanists infiltrating charities close to their [dark] hearts.

You clearly think there is something of interest here. Please connect the dots for me.

Littleredcorvette ago

I don't have the connection. I read about a Cohen in another post somewhere; just a vague memory for me.