cantsleepawink ago

Thank you very much for this reply. It has helped enormously with my understanding of this particular rabbit hole and will go a long way to further research on my part. Just when I thought things couldn't get any darker. But this all needs teasing out and being brought to light. Hugely important.

cantsleepawink ago

Tavistock in Kosovo and Romania? That's interesting. I've just started looking at the Soros Centre for Contemporary Art in that part of the world. I can't remember what lead me there..but certainly I think Soros and others like him have been attempting to use the creative arts as another prong in their attack on Western society and to affect some sort of transformation. The Podestas are certainly fans of and promote Eastern European artists that have a particular aesthetic..the ones that come from Soros's traning ground. I have archived a pdf link here from an interesting article so unfortunately the images are missing:

1223344556677888 ago

Tavistock created the CIA with Nazis.

21yearsofdigging ago

Maybe unrelated but much of the info regarding Giustra seems to evaporate. Here is something about CF and Columbia

idkdu ago

Lumos trustee Danny Cohen, according to Wikipedia, was a fast riser at the BBC and became director of a unit thereof (BBC 3) and then other units until he became director of BBC.

Note that his time at the BBC overlapped significantly with the Savile scandal right before it broke. Cohen wanted to do a positive tribute special to Savile even after the scandal had reach epic proportions in public.

From same wikipedia page: 'The Pollard review into Newsnight's decision to drop an investigation into sex abuse claims against Jimmy Savile found that Cohen had not read emails that had been copied to him warning of Savile's "dark side" and which indicated there was knowledge within the BBC of the unsavoury side of Savile's character. Had he done so "it was at least possible that further questions [on the advisability of running the Christmas 2011 tributes] would have followed"'

He knew what Savile was up to (at least) and helped cover it up and whitewash it. How in the world is this guy a trustee for a children's organization?

wellington33 ago

Wow... thank you guys, i really feel like my work has been worthy. Your feedback is as helpfull as my post. Please, keep diggin on this!

idkdu ago

Blue Oysters is apparently more slang for boys. See this pic of a promotion for Alefantis' Bucks Camping and Fishing restaurant: Note the blue handkerchief right next to the "oysters" sign.

DevilintheDetails ago

I looked more at coram- "On 31 July 2015 the board of trustees announced the immediate closure of the charity. In a vague explanation it cited "significant changes and prevailing economic conditions" as the reasons for the surprising and sudden closure.[1] The charity was insolvent and in administration. Some of BAAF's functions in England were transferred to the children's charity Coram, with a new entity to be created named CoramBAAF Adoption and Fostering Academy.[1]"

****CAROLINEselkirk should be looked at-in December 2014 Caroline Selkirk became the new Chief Executive. BAAF had advertised for a "visionary" Chief Executive at a salary of up to £100,000. Seven months later the charity she led had ceased to exist." ___________________ under "patrons of the business" : BAAF's President was Rupert Hambro. Patrons included Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, Nicky Campbell, presenter of BBC Radio 5 Live, who was adopted, hairdresser Andrew Barton, interior designer Annabel Elliot, Clare Grogan and Nimmy March.

In 2014 Butler-Sloss withdrew as head of an inquiry into child sex abuse. This followed an allegation that in a previous review “she wanted to exclude some of his allegations in a bid to protect the Church of England” according to the BBC, because she "cared very much about the Church".[13]


________ her brother LORD MICHAEL HAVERS.,_Baron_Havers
"Havers represented the Crown in two of the most notable miscarriages of justice in British judicial history:[10] the trial and appeal of the Guildford Four and also of the Maguire family (known as the Maguire Seven), all of whom were wrongfully convicted. Collectively, they served a total of 113 years in prison and one of the Maguire Seven, Giuseppe Conlon, died in prison, convicted on the basis of discredited forensic evidence.[1"______he also had a role in Yorkshire ripper case as AG at the time

allconnected ago

SO I went back and read Mile's article on JK Rowling and as I said I think he might be disinformation (cover JK Rowlings to cover it up, so you don't dig further).

Anyway I started researching Nigel Newton and Bloomsbury Publishing the publisher of Harry Potter. Several things started to jump out.

  1. Bloomsbury Pub went public in 1994 raising about 5 million. BP at this point was tiny and well before Harry Potter fame. Makes me wonder if it was taken public, so that those involved in Harry Potter (assuming JK Rowling is not who she presents) could cash out on their investment when HP went super nova.

  2. Nigel's father, Peter Newton, founded to major vineyards in Napa Valley. Peter's background looks like he could possibly be a spook. Miles inhis research starts looking at Nigel's mother. Here he makes so many leaps that I think the intent is to make you think - that the idea JK Rowling is not who she says she is - is rubbish.

  3. Peter 2nd wife, DR Su Hua Newton is where it all starts to connect. In researching all I could find was she was taken in by a wealthy UK family when she escaped China during the cultural revolution. In this article it was revealed that the father in family was SG of Unesco.

Digging down turns out the SG and founder of UNESCO was Julian Huxley

The Huxley family are linked to the major secret societies. Promotors of eugenics, darwin, and involved through Aldous Huxley in CIA, MK Ultra, LSD and hippy movement, Esalen and it seems McKenna. Jan Irvin has done a lot of good research on the Huxley here is just one article.

What are the chances that the publisher of HP is related through his step mom, (and probably directly related through his dad just can't find the connection yet) to the Huxley. Who are major players in eugenics, development of spy agencies, mind control, and so on. Prior to publishing HP, BP, which was a tiny company went public.

I definitely think we should figure how to incorporate In the link above you can see how Jan uses the brain on his gnostic media site

rodeo13 ago

I think Miles is disinfo as well. He dismissed Pizzagate & said it was a distraction.

wellington33 ago

Check the X-Club for more feedback on Huxley family.

cantsleepawink ago

Very interesting thread. Thank you. When the first Harry Potter book came out I bought it to read to my children who were quite young at the time. It was clear to me that the story was a mixture of mythology, fairy tales and an understanding of the use of archetypes within storytelling. To my mind, not terribly original but I could see the appeal for children. So, I always wondered about J.K. Rowling as an author. Back then the narrative being put out about her, was that she was a single mother, living on benefits, before striking it lucky with her first book deal, as in this Telegraph article. They forgot to mention that she took the entrance exams for Oxford University before going to Exeter University. Then moved on to working at Amnesty International, you can see this in the comments from this forum.

The use of magic as a theme in current British media and television programs is quite blatant and because of the little occult knowledge that I have, I have been of the opinion that there are a lot of mind control techniques that are being used for mass consumption in order to bring about profound societal change. To see Tavistock mentioned here comes as no surprise. I'll just leave a couple of links here about Rowling from a couple of conspiratorial type websites, so I can't vouch for the accuracy but could point to places to investigate:

J K Rowling, Gordon Brown and Spooky People

Joanna Rowling is a mind-controlled Monarch slave

rodeo13 ago

Thank you! I've been looking for info about JK & mind control.

allconnected ago

The second article you published has some interesting stuff. Primise of the article is Jessica Mittford along with Bob T are the creators of HP. Seems a stretch until you see how JK Rowlings talks about Jessica Mittford as her inspiration, and what are the chances that Treuhaft partner was called Dobby and HP has a Dobby character. And coincidently Hillary Clinton worked for Bob

Following on from these discussions I undertook some research of my own on the Mitford / Treuhaft connection and found that Bob Treuhaft’s business partner in his legal firm for almost 20 years was someone who went by the name of ‘Dobby’ Walker. This was just her nickname but even so her Wikipedia obituary refers to her as ‘Dobby Walker’ and not ‘Doris Walker’, her real name.

For those of you unaware, ‘Dobby’ was an elf-like character in the HP stories who was employed as a ‘manservant’. Maybe this is how Treuhaft and Mitford regarded Walker? In delving even further into Walker’s background it appears that she was an active member of the Communist party in the 1940s and 1950s as were Mitford and Treuhaft.

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Jolly good work Sir - perhaps you enjoy deathtraps like me lol

Society of the Inner Temple ( drawing room for the criminal most probably )


Sub-Treasurer; Patrick Maddams Hon FRIBA

Educated at Salvatorian College and University of Leeds.

Patrick Maddams was appointed Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple in 2005. He joined from Beachcroft Wansbroughs, where he was Partnership Secretary. Patrick was previously Managing Director of the Royal Academy of Music and, before that, at Dunlop Textiles Ltd. His early career was with Standard Chartered Bank and the Ocean Shipping group. ]( He has been a lay Board member of the Royal Institute of British Architects and is qualified to validate University Faculties of Architecture. He has served on several RIBA working groups and was awarded an Honorary Fellowship in 2007. He is the former Chairman of the pioneering Hackney Music Development Trust which has won the Royal Philharmonic Society’s award for education.

**OCEAN SHIPPING ** A News article referencing rock band Muse's promo shoot, directed on a Panama-flagged bulker, owned by United Ocean Ship Management of Singapore.

The film was shot by Paul Minor for US company streetgang films of the coast of Califonia in July 2006.

The article also mentions Blue Oyster Cult, Very strange. Its easy to assume United Ocean is involved in dark dealing which needs further exploration.


wellington33 ago

That's nice m8!

allconnected ago

As for J K Rowling read this by Miles Mathis.

I think Miles has a lot of disinformation, (I wonder if it is on purpose) but I bet if we run with some of his research in the above link we can do a better job at connecting dots

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Well done. See my connection in the comments. OP here, could well off possibly built a good chain of enquirers to blow the roof of in the UK.

allconnected ago


I am thinking we should crowd source this software so we can start mapping all these connections.

spacewitch ago

Yes! I've been waiting for someone to do that. I don't know shit about mapping but I think it could help a lot. Visualize better and maybe spot connections that haven't been made yet.

allconnected ago


Excellent research. It gets worse. Peter Righton a nortorious paedophile was a major player in the creation of social workers and the national children's bureau. He practically wrote the training manuels for both. The National Institute for Social Work was created by Tavistoct Clinic

As you pointed out Tavistock Clinic is behind the Tavistock and Portman NHS. In fact, if you start to dig deeper you can see Tavistock behind the creation of child services and development, social work etc.

Back to Righton, you can get a good overview of him here

Righton obviously was involved with Tavistock and Righton's work is credited for how much of children's care homes, social work and protocols were designed. Righton was also the founder of PIE, Paedophile Information Exchange, which received funds from the UK government before it was banned due to public outcry

spacewitch ago

I haven't seen it in the comments, in the book article of the guardian, there is the same ad several times. "CASA" with the butterfly pedo logo.

Edit : I can only see the ads on my phone, but i screened them :

Z11Mama ago

IMO, nothing here proves JK Rowling is involved in something where she knows what is happening. Not to defend her, if she is guilty. However, the Harry Potter books alone are responsible for getting children reading again. A LOT of people would refuse to believe she is involved. I think it would be very damaging to pizzagate to mention her name to others without having true evidence.

wellington33 ago

The second most blatant logo of #PIZZAGATE, solid connections to Clinton IN Haiti, People from Tavistock and Coram charity involved... Dude, i don't wanna be selfish, but this is huge. If you like Harry Potter, I'm sorry...

Z11Mama ago

This isn't about liking or not liking Harry Potter. It is about getting people to listen to the truth. For many years I have been telling this story. No one wanted to believe it. Pizzagate opened the door. I want to see it kept as wide open as possible. That is all.

21yearsofdigging ago

Harry Potter is all about occult magic so her involvement in this is hardly surprising

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

The FBI anon who was nearly 100% correct (with a few errant bones to throw people off the trail of identifying them), always maintained the Clinton foundation is the centre of the spider web. Comet Ping pong and co, whilst a major link, is still nothing compared to Clinton Foundation.

Leads like this so much solidify that position as being correct.

Gorillion ago

FBI Anon is one of my favorite people on the planet. Hopefully one day we can get the full story on what was going on there.

Most amazing revelation would be that it all came from the home computer of one of Hillary's Arkancide victims two days after he was murdered.

Dressage2 ago

I thought all people in Panama Papers were considered involved in money laundering?

blackfyre_rebel ago

Lum - Luminate Light Light = Lucifer

DevilintheDetails ago

Coram Children's Charity is old as hell----- from Wikipedia "The Thomas Coram Foundation for Children is a large children's charity in London which uses the working name Coram (formerly Coram Family).[1]

:It is one of England's oldest children's charities, established by royal charter in 1739 as the Foundling Hospital." -more likely fondling hospital..(pure speculation on my part, will dig)

DevilintheDetails ago

Coram is structured as an umbrella group of charities working with vulnerable children in different areas. Coram's headquarters are at Brunswick Square in London, but they work with children and young people across the UK and beyond.

Adoption and care Edit Coram Adoption is an independent adoption service working in London, the East Midlands and Cambridgeshire.[2] They also work in partnership with local authorities.[3] Their partnership with the London Borough of Harrow was the first use of the model.[4][5] Coram were also one of the pioneers of 'concurrent planning' (also known as 'foster to adopt'), and received government funding to become a 'National Centre of Excellence in Early Years Permanence' in 2012.[6][7] In 2015 the British Association for Adoption and Fostering went into administration. Coram took over many of the services in England, offering a total of £40,000 and taking on 50 of the 135 employees. The membership, training and research organisation became CoramBAAF. The Independent Review Mechanism (England) was taken over by Coram Children's Legal Centre. The National Adoption Register for England is now run by First4Adoption (jointly run by Coram and Adoption UK).[8][9]

So.. many... tentacles..

DevilintheDetails ago

Still wikipedia-Education Edit Coram Life Education runs programmes in schools to educate children about health, wellbeing and drugs. It was formed in 2009 as an amalgamation between Coram and Life Education. Coram was already working with families affected by drug and alcohol abuse and the education programme allows it to work both on prevention and helping parents talk to their children about the issues.[11]

Family support Edit Coram offers support for separating parents, parents of adolescents, young parents, and parents of particular faith or ethnic groups. They offer particular support in Camden through their Parents Centre and Camden Futures (in collaboration with other agencies). They also run the Family Drug and Alcohol Court in collaboration with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. This team supports families going through care proceedings at the Central Family Court.[12]

Legal advice and advocacy Edit In 2011 the Children's Legal Centre and Coram were amalgamated into Coram Children's Legal Centre.[13] The organisation offers free legal advice to children and people involved in their care, advice and training on the rights of young refugees and migrants, and international advocacy programmes.[14] In 2013 the charity Voice merged with Coram to form Coram Voice.[15] It continues to campaign on behalf of children, and offer an advocacy service. The service visits children in in residential care, secure children’s homes and psychiatric units, and they also run an Independent Visitor Service for children with little family contact. It also provides people to assist in investigations for complaints made under the Children Act 1989, and secure accommodation reviews.


FUCK ME RUNNING tstock, coram, whoever NHS trust is (must dig) are advisors on family court and advising immigrant families (I'm sure that's some sound advice to help the family..) on court proceedings, ect...

I am linking a long ass article about the horrors of family courts detroying families and giving children to pedos :

wellington33 ago

thanks for the feedback m8, love you.

wellington33 ago


DevilintheDetails ago

I get a creepy feeling every time I type a name in....this shit is not cool.

Blowitwideopen ago

The shipping company at this address????? Sure had a nice jump in profits beginning 2012

rodeo13 ago

Dammit. I'm a Harry Potter fanatic, but recently I began to wonder about JK Rowling's ties to Freemasonry.

diamonddust ago

Yup in my own research J K Rowling kept popping up to the extent I started to take notice.

rodeo13 ago

The more I research about Freemasons/Illuminati, the more I realize that there are way too many similar symbols & references in the HP books/films to ignore.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I am wondering now about any out of the blue "new hit wonders". Seems like they are unknown to us, but groomed by the Evils that be!

BlueTesla ago

God damnit I loved Harry Potter!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Makes one question humanity!

Freemasonsrus ago

Always pay attention to people who seemingly rise out of nowhere with wonderfully perfect back stories. Success at that level is for the chosen. Very few get there randomly.

ronnyCPI ago

A lot of popular authors are supported by the CIA-backed major publishing houses, of which there are only five major publishers now. The agency controls the publishing industry and has influence over what gets media attention and what books are pushed to the side and marginalized in terms of perceived relevance. The major book reviewers are controlled too and will pan books that don't heed the popular globalist narrative. Take for example David Talbot's The Devil's Chessboard a great book everyone should read was panned by most reviewers, and its importance mostly ignored.

Freemasonsrus ago

You are correct. If people open their eyes and see that they have mostly controlled the masses, not by war, but by controlling the narrative, then they'll see where the power lies.

strix-varia ago

Absolutely, she certainly came out of nowhere real quick. Not surprising all. Did she even write the things? If she's one of them, it's going to devastate a lot of fans of which I am not one.

derram ago :

Lumos (@lumos) | Twitter :

Lumos - Photos | Facebook :

Refugee Council - Photos | Facebook :

Comments :

Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith review – a daft but enjoyable hunt for a serial killer | Books | The Guardian :

Why I'm a families man | Society | The Guardian :

Law: The judge with children at heart - Telegraph

This has been an automated message.

wellington33 ago

Already one downvote without even reading? That's good i guess! :)

DisobedientMedia ago

Excellent work! What an enormous amount of links. We need to dig.

wellington33 ago

And that's everything I have. I hope it is usefull and helps to build a bigger picture of the Clinton Foundation and its ties in Haiti.

Also: This thread should be in this subverse because it's directly related to Pizzagate via Clinton Foundation and every claim I make is sourced. Meaning this thread is not breaking a single rule.

IMPORTANT! When i finished writing this thread, this message poped up in my screen:


Your Internet conection is being controled.

This extension has taken control of the proxy configuration, what means it can change, undo or SPY any action you do online.


I did this too:


YingYangMom ago

Ugh, I got the same message. I'm using Firefox now, but i need to export my bookmarks and archived files and pics before I can delete Google. Working on how to. First time, and I'm not a computer savvy at all. Geez!

wellington33 ago

Im having this error over and over again never had it before. and i'm having it in every page i try to open, youtube, zerohedge... whatever.

IT SAYS: You can't acces this website. We couldn't find the DNS direction of the server.


but i'm like

ads1241 ago

What you have is a malicious extension, or chrome hook that messes with your proxy. To fix this go to chrome settings --> advanced --> network --> change proxy settings --> lan settings --> remove automatically detect settings and any other settings that look like they've been tampered with. If the problem persists, you need to deinstall chrome, delete any remaining files & registry entries and run MS malicious software removal tool

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Have internet provider scan your router. Check for unauthorized connections and have provider block them. Use ghostery or VPN cloud.

User890020 ago

Possibly just a proxy error

DevilintheDetails ago

Well that is frightening

wellington33 ago

EDIT for reposting below.

DevilintheDetails ago

I'm over here wishing I could read spanish

wellington33 ago

It's traslated dude.

lawfag123 ago

What's that extension?

wellington33 ago

VPN called Hola

wellington33 ago

It's the first time i see that message in my life.

eyeVoated ago

I looked a little closer at your image grabs. It looks like you have some shit in your browser. Clear your history, remove any/all unnecessary plugins, and use a more secure browser. I don't think your computer is fucked up, but if you see any other issues, consider reinstalling the OS. Small price to pay for bagging pedos :)

wellington33 ago

Done. I really appreciate it dude.

eyeVoated ago

And I appreciate your amazing work! We have some awesome talent in this forum. I am in the presence of greatness, and I feel honored to be a small part of this group. Much love..

eyeVoated ago

Reset your router, restart your phone, clear the cache, clean out your browser, etc. I can't guarantee this will help, but I had a similar episode about a month ago. Hopy this helps. In the meantime, don't let these sick losers get to you. They have no power over enlightened human beings—that is why they prey on innocent children. Now it is time for the wrath of karma.

wellington33 ago

thank you!

Dressage2 ago

Great researched post. Stay safe and thanks for that info you provided to the group earlier today.

eyeVoated ago

Thank YOU, kind soul. Much love, no fear..