Scablifter ago

I knew it wouldn't be long before this charity came into the pizzagate headlights.

Baroness Buller was taken off the committee that was investigating the UK's establishment peadophiles as her brother was a shady character and said racist things. She is known as a very vigorous and intelligent lawyer and gets to the truth very quickly, but as her brother said hurtful things she was sacked.

It must have been a coincidence.

They are the charity that saved humanity from being a commodity. They were the first to sequence the human genome beating a commercial company who were going to patent our genome and own us all. The Trust put the results online for all to use.

I think this charity is just guilty by association, as will be a few more high profile people and companies, but everyone just bays for blood. They are the second biggest charity there is, of course they will have connections to all sorts of shady characters.

Lets see how the biscuit disintegrates before casting too many nasturtiums.

darkknight111 ago

Think if it this way if this thread concerns you:

Is it possible that Wellcome Trust STARTED out good and "on the up and up", then either went rogue or got subverted later? After all, that IS the MO of these "sick sacks of shit".

As it is now, there's too many "red flags" out there not to look into this.

If you're concerned, think on the lines of "save the tree by purging the tumor infesting it".

swordfish69 ago

100% right, Wellcome is who I identified as being involved in this too.

KnightsofHubris ago

Ebola, which I have good reason to believe is a man made biological weapon.


What's the reason you believe that?

Wellcome Trust ties to Sangar Institute. Margaret Sangar a known eugenicist.

This is incorrect. The Sanger Institute is named for a British biochemist, Frederick Sanger, not the American Margaret Sanger.

darkknight111 ago

What was his wife's name? That's right...Margaret. Looks like it is you who is incorrect.

Love how you site a source yet selectively omit information that discredit's your posistion.

KnightsofHubris ago

What was his wife's name? That's right...Margaret.


Love how you site a source yet selectively omit information that discredit's your posistion.

I mentioned the fact that one is British and one is American and I posted a link this his wikipedia page. Searching for "Margaret Sanger" on that page brought up zero results. You do find out about his wife if you search for "Margaret" only. The activist lived and died in America, didn't she? According to wikipedia, Sanger was her first husband's name and both her parents were born in Ireland, so I don't even think she is related to the British guy. Also according to Wikipedia, she did spend some time in Britain in 1914, but the biochemist wasn't born yet. I see no connection between the British Nobel Prize Winner and the American birth control activist. You have the wrong Margaret Sanger.

darkknight111 ago

That's because the Margaret mentioned on the chemist's page is refered to by her maiden name.

Either way, the Margaret mentioned in the original link was a nasty piece of work (as anyone who is a eugenicist typically is), thus her activities are worth looking at.

KnightsofHubris ago

That's because the Margaret mentioned on the chemist's page is refered to by her maiden name.

Yes, I see that now. But obviously, they are two different Margaret Sangers. Do you now concede the British chemist's wife was not the American activist?

You may want to look into the activist, but will you admit she has nothing to do with the Sanger Institute like you claimed?

darkknight111 ago

The context of the original article was about the Sangar Institute going bad. Comparisons to THAT Margaret and her stance on eugenics were being made.

The original point in posting the article was connections between Wellcome Trust and Sangar Institute.

KnightsofHubris ago

You clearly imply that Wellcome Trust has ties to the activist Margaret Sanger and that is false. You imply the Institute is connected to her.

Wellcome Trust ties to Sangar Institute. Margaret Sangar a known eugenicist.

And this context is not in what you posted? Did you mean Wellcome Trust here?

The context of the original article was about the Sangar Institute going bad.

Are_we__sure ago

What was his wife's name? That's right...Margaret. Looks like it is you who is incorrect.

Funny coincidence right? His wife died in 2012.

The Margaret Sanger you are talking about was born in 1879 and died in 1966. September 14, 1879 – September 6, 1966

I'm sure you will correct your post.

3141592653 ago

Its been a while!

darkknight111 ago

Something with that high a mortality rate is a major red flag.

Evolution favors that which is an optimal survival strategy. For parasites, having a very high mortality rate, especially with such a fast progression from infection to death is a very poor survival strategy given the context of a parasite.

Indicative of something that was made in a lab....purely to kill. HIV is suspected to be a bioweapon too, for slightly different reasons.

Note that outbreaks of ebola tend to happen near known bio weapon labs.

KnightsofHubris ago

What bioweapon labs are you talking about?

KnightsofHubris ago

Ebola is not a parasite. It's a virus.

Evolution favors that which is an optimal survival strategy.

But that is over time it doesn't preclude a mutation that creates a highly deadly virus that might not be here in a thousand years.

Narcissism ago

Check out the book "Emerging Viruses AIDS & Ebola" by Len Horowitz. Pack with evidence that these are both man made.

3141592653 ago

Wasn't there a Racine connection to mosquitos? anyone remember ?

Shizy ago

Where's that Wisconsin is corrupt guy when you actually need him?

3141592653 ago

Exactly what I was thinking

Narcissism ago

Knowing Bill Gates the mosquitoes will end up sterilizing everything they bite.

Ronin3000 ago

OMG LOL I didn't think of that!!

mooteensy ago

@Ronin3000 @Narcissism Oh my god, reading up on this now and it reminds me of that Black Mirror episode where the android bees end up killing people by someone hijacking their system/the way the colony moves. Thanks for the info!!! Crazy as hell.

Shillaxe ago

Stocking up up mosquito spray.

think- ago

Send Bill Clinton, Epstein and buddies to the mosquitoe area ASAP....!

migratorypatterns ago

Great research!

UpVoat for you.

SoldierofLight ago

One of the Wellcome Trust's key people is Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller.

Elizabeth Lydia "Eliza" Manningham-Buller, Baroness Manningham-Buller, LG, DCB (born 14 July 1948) was Director General of MI5, the British internal Security Service, from October 2002 until her retirement on 20 April 2007, aged 58. She became a crossbench life peer on 18 April 2008

What is a crossbench life peer you non-Europeans may ask?

A crossbencher is an independent or minor party member of some legislatures, such as the British House of Lords and in the Parliament of Australia. They take their name from the crossbenches, between and perpendicular to the government and opposition benches, where crossbenchers sit in the chamber.

So, after officially leaving England's premiere spy agency, this major player from the Wellcome Trust enters politics to shape the country's future. We did that in America, too. The guy's name was Bush.