blumeanie ago

Thanks for the post, I was totally unaware of this horrendous problem, and is just one more example of TPTB playing God with our children's lives. Funnily enough, I came across this NYT article, which, if I wasn't convinced upon watching the movie, am 100% convinced now. It's like reading about PG all over again, with the word 'debunked' being used 10 words into the very first paragraph. The corporate media doesn't seem to realize that the harder they try to cover up the lies of their (((masters))), the more transparent they become.

EDIT: evidently ABCnews has reported the link between vaccines and autism to be 'debunked' also. I guess that means all those thousands parents whose children were affected immediately after receiving the vaccine can sleep easy at night now. As a parent who has allowed two children to be injected with MMR, this story makes my blood boil.

Aasb ago

Reminds me somehow of the suspicious death of numerous alternative Doctors about 2 years ago. Does anyone know/remember this crazy story? this is one video about it:

One of those doctors was Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who was the doctor of actress Suzanne Somers. She also doubts the official version of the stories and said this back then on facebook: @2:21 I remember her post, but I couldn't find it now.

carmencita ago

I read the article and it is shocking. I also made sure my friends read it as well. It is so sad about Dr. Molden and I wonder how many others have been silenced for telling the truth. I have not believed the CDC for years.

turitelle ago

It is terrible about Dr Andrew Moulden, he left an ebook available on amazon. He claimed that every vaccine causes injury, he explained how and he shows how to identify it.

Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.

Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.

Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone.

NeverGiveUp ago

Thanks for the post.

pbvrocks ago

Well done @cantsleepawink ! Access to kids and agenda's which "help" children seem to fit the MO. What you have uncovered is one tight circle with ties everywhere but apparently you have find the tie that binds. Keep on feels UBER important! Consider...there are kids they use for sacrifice/food, they need a way to id kids that will not be missed. Also, how do they "train" their children? They disassociate them at a very young age but could this be a front for better disassociation methods than raping and torturing them? Just speculating but luciferian's pretty out there with research on blood of the young, etc. WELL DONE and up votes for this and your other today!!!!

MolochHunter ago

thanks for this. I got a kid on the autism spectrum, and i do believe it to have been vaccine related because he was developing and te lost skills he'd already gained

turitelle ago

I'm sorry to hear about your child. Please find a naturopathic doctor who deals with vaccine injury they can help a great deal. I know one mother who lost her first baby but didn't put it together until she nearly lost the second one the day after a vaccine. I saw vaxxed, it didn't really have anything I didn't know before but it was put together in a very understandable way. I can see why they are trying to suppress it. And note, they do not advocate to entirely avoid vaccinating, they say the schedule is the problem as well some of the vaccines are totally unnecessary like the vaccine for Hep B at birth when the mother can be screened for it.

Laskar ago

It's not too late...even severe autism has been ameliorated by micro-nutrients. There have been medical studies to prove it.

You might want to have a look at this study:

This is definitely worth a try and it can't hurt:

PS--I always look forward to your comments.

MolochHunter ago

thx heaps for the links

Laskar ago

Laskar ago

You are most welcome.

FYI, the head of the psychopharmacology dept at Harvard med. gives empower plus to his own patients iwth great results. He testified in court about the effectiveness of these micronutrients. It's used for bi-polar and depression also.

MolochHunter ago

interesting, because Yale just put out a study confirming vaccine/autism link - so effectively thats 2/2 of America's top universities

ArthurEdens ago

Treatment is probably a lot more effective now than later right?

Laskar ago

what treatment are you referring to?

ArthurEdens ago

the micro-nutrients thing, maybe treatment is the wrong word

Laskar ago

Some people use the word "cure".

ArthurEdens ago


Laskar ago


ArthurEdens ago

gotcha that it's called cure and not treatment

Laskar ago

Oh, okay, right! At least that's what it should be called.

twistedmac11 ago

@cantsleepawink you're killing it lately! Great work! Can't wait to see what else you find

carmencita ago

I have never believed the CDC and their lies. The UK found Dr. Wakefield's findings to be bogus. 'This country then started a witch hunt against him as well. Every year the statistics on autism are climbing. Something is very wrong with the findings of the CDC, imo.