Silverlining ago

Christopher Witt Diamant shared a link.

11 hrs ..

Summary......permalink parent [–] redditsuckz 8 points (+9|-1) 10 days ago (edited 9 days ago) Well James Alefantis is probably a Rothschild...

I looked for your submission - maybe redditsuckz on facebook is not you.

Astrotheologist ago

again with Saturn symbolism. The black rock symbolizes Saturn. Or the black cube.

This is why they circle the black cube in Mecca. This is a very powerful ancient cult. Lets expose them.

equineluvr ago

"Ancestors of James Achilles Alefantis:"

That genealogy is questionable since there is no mention of JA's brother.

MW: And your brother is not involved with the restaurants, right?

ALEFANTIS: No, my brother I think wouldn’t mind it. But he isn’t. He has a wife and a kid.

redditsuckz ago

His brother is L.J. Alefantis or Louis John Alefantis on the left;

Then there is his cousin Dr. Tim Alefantis (PhD in microbiology) which is an important connection;

fogdryer ago

how did you come about this info of course you don't just type in a search box. how did ya find this info??? thks for sharing

redditsuckz ago

Actually yes...I just typed "rothschilds" in the search box to see all the Rothschilds threads(search function was broken for the longest time) and came across the youtube video of all of James Alefantis voter id's...and then ran James Alefantis previous address through "intelius address search" and the actual names of the Rothschilds names came up.

fogdryer ago


YingYangMom ago

Amazing work, OP.

redditsuckz ago

I just wanted to say that you, @privatepizza and @newworldahead have done a superb job of putting all the info together on your Consolidation threads;

PG CONSOLIDATION THREAD 1 - Calling ALL PIZZAGATERS! Please Help by Posting Everything You Have on Comet Ping Pong - Everything related to CPP - Jimmy Comet - Instagram pictures and albums

PG CONSOLIDATION THREAD 2 - Calling ALL RESEARCHERS! Please Help by Posting Research Backups on Friends of Comet Ping Pong

This is hugely important to have all the puzzle pieces in one place for future reference and once "new eyes" go over all of it they will see things that were overlooked.

YingYangMom ago

Thank you, it's really appreciated and great work yourself :)

Laskar ago

This is one of the best posts I have seen on VOAT.

People need to see who they are and how they are all connected.

sunajAeon ago

Holy S* this pretty much destroys the Alefantis image of "just a family pizza guy," excellent post

redditsuckz ago

"just a family pizza guy,"

This thread blows that talking point out of the water;

Update: We now have undeniable proof that James Alefantis did in fact attend a private function at Rothschild home in NYC

srayzie ago

Great job! 👏🏻 Too many coincidences. It's really weird how similar Amanda Kleinman's moms name is so close to the one you found here. Is that your YouTube channel?

Lobotomy ago

Jesus fucking Christ.

LostandFound ago

Awesome post thanks for your work. Another link to Georgetown Uni - Randall Rothschild - that place is literally a creep factory. We need to shine some light onto that place and its history.

remedy4reality ago

When one looks at the bigger picture it becomes apparent that destroying the Middle Class through massive mortgage fraud committed by Rothschild banks and investment firms is directly tied to the Fundamental Transformation of America into a distopian economic prison of homelessness and poverty, offering Satanists an unending supply of child victims.

NotTooLate ago

Anyone else noticing all the Berkshire Hathaway signs in front of so many homes lately?

remedy4reality ago

((( BUFFET ))) < Implicated the the Franklin Cover Up

kestrel9 ago


fogdryer ago

that was a lot to say....... iam not sure what to say but I want to say something. giving those " no documents" loans was wrong on every level. tieing it to Fundamental Transformation of America into a distopian economic prison of homelessness and poverty, offering Satanists an unending supply of child victims. It seems so long and complex. could they not have decreased the middle class by more direct means. could they not have had more ascess to kids without fighting for open borders etc.
seems so complex and expensive

kestrel9 ago

Globalism, one government, perhaps in the end one currency, in the meantime, make money financing everything, collect fees along the way. Having businesses move out of the country using bad trade deals helped decrease the middle class as well.

remedy4reality ago

It's the monetization of depopulation.

I don't think it could be put more precisely.

Forgetmenot ago

I could not have put that better!

GeorgeT ago

This just might be one of the hidden dark sides to the elite's rubic cube! The other one is open borders -children with no papers, no records - perfect for the trafficking!

remedy4reality ago

There is a straight line between our $20 Trillion National Debt ( taxpayer enslavement ) and the massive increase of power and wealth of the Elites, and it's all by design. This is the shit they scheme at Bilderburg, the G8 and Davos.

fogdryer ago

only three countries left no where to run nowhere to hide

this train is running so fast there is no stopping it only slightly slowing down don't mean to be a draman queen but I feel scared. Feel sorry for my clueless kids.

44NJ9 ago

Rumsfeld said 2.3 trillion was missing the day before the Sept 11th attacks. A watchdog group was looking into govt corruption and no surprise the plane went directly into where their offices were, killing them all and obliterating all the paper work.

GeorgeT ago

Random Rants of Ryan did a podcast on that, equating Federal Reserve with pedo-gate, showing how a corrupt system seeks to employ corrupt depraved slime to run the racket since any man of good conscience might expose it. So they need pedophile child murderers to be ensnared into their brownstone operation run by the likes of Epstein and Mr.Ping-Pong/American Psycho/Alifantis

Pizzalawyer ago

Fantastic find. William Greg, David Brocks lover before Alefantis, is also listed as a resident at one time. The address is a town house, approx. 2400 square feet with a basement built in the 1870s described as both a single family residence and a condo which suggests it might have been broken into several units which would explain how so many people had lived there over recent years, value apprx. $1,600,000.

Voatcunt ago

... and it's gone.

DonKeyhote ago

OP left out the other founder zionist jew Susan Wagner, which makes 3/3

V____Z ago

Seriously, is James Alefantis a Rothschild? Why would this be important? | pizzagate

remedy4reality ago

In regards to Phillipine Rothschild....


redditsuckz ago

Look at James mom...she's got "man hands"

Forgetmenot ago

lol I was thinking the same thing. Funny

Nana66 ago

yeah...he's just some pizza joint owner...amitite?

jangles ago

Good work! There is something fishy. Missing info. Did you archive this missing link?

this link on that page is gone ..and one comparing the faces of P. Rothschild and James A:

redditsuckz ago

If there is a missing link to the Rothschilds then it might be on the mothers side as she resembles Philipene De Rothschild.

Mother: Susan Reid Shoemaker

Here's a photo of Susan and James at a Media Matters party;

Here's another one of LJ Alefantis + Shari, Susan Alefantis, and James Alefantis, at the same party;

Alefantis family additions and unresolved questions- the investigation expands

Alefantis family tree

James Alefantis' family tree has been updated and uploaded.

Ancestors of James Achilles Alefantis:

Descendants of Louis George Alefantis:

Descendants of William Grattan Shoemaker Sr.:

James Alefantis had a grandmother names "Strand"

"Susan Reid Shoemaker, daughter of John Reid Shoemaker Sr. and Margaret June Strand, was born on 07 May 1946."

Which would explain the name "Strand on Volta" for James Alefantis Art museum.

redditsuckz ago

Looks like "she" has some spiral earrings too.

GeorgeT ago

Is this the creepiest guy you ever saw? Maybe Jimmy Saville could vie for the title! Seriously - did Alex apologized to this creep! He would scare Hanibal Lecter into the water!

redditsuckz ago

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

THEY ARE WATCHING EVERYTHING. PLEASE can someone make a stickie reminding people to ARCHIVE before submitting!!!!!!!!!!

Gorillion ago

Re-enforces that creepy lookalike pic with him and the old Rothschild biddy. He's somebody's bastard son.

GeorgeT ago

Absolutely! He's got back up! Alex Jones never apologized to anybody since he began broadcasting in 1995.

44NJ9 ago

I wouldn't doubt he was some kid created to be some pedo baby boyfriend. That's why he's so weird and probably helping to traffic all these kids. I like that Lusatto (sp?) grandkid, where she said "Later she will have the power of life or death over you, but right now view her raw and uncut in her crib". Seems like some of these kids are groomed at birth to become handlers.

GeorgeT ago

Mr Ping Pong does not look normal - absolute 100% sadistic/homo/pedo/psychopath. He looks like he has a development disorder - he was groomed for the job!

pbvrocks ago

I concur doctor...

redditsuckz ago

GeorgeT ago

70th birthday! The woman does not look over 45, even at that! What the hell!

kthanxie ago

From all the humans they eat, reverses your age.

GeorgeT ago

It gives them Kuru

Laskar ago

Plastic surgery and pancake makeup.

Dressage2 ago

Try melanin and pineal gland seems to work well for ageing.

Laskar ago

Not if you look at Hillary.

sunajAeon ago

What the Hell is about right-the C* gives me the creeps looking at it, one becomes what one projects into the world

huntercel ago

So obviously these people JA, podesta, hell even epstein are for all accounts and purposes untouchable...which makes me think the day of the rope just isn't going to happen..

redditsuckz ago

I woudnt doubt it if they have close connections with Epstein and his family...

Marisa Luzzatto - Friends with 4 Rothschilds

PIZZAGATE!! WOW!! - Alefantis, Luzzatto - HUGE connections to SECT and NEW company with BL LOGO

If you look at Ken Webers wifes Facebook you will see tons of "Epstiens"...

Untangling the Luzzatto Family Tree--I created this graphic to more clearly display the relationship of Tamera Luzzatto and the kids mentioned in Wikileaks

Paul Neaville - the one behind "Evies Crib"

Laskar ago

That's right, they are untouchable and are so high up on the pyramid that they cannot be reached. But they still can be exposed and the advantage we have is sheer numbers. This is why red pilling people is so important.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

That day will come when some real evidence surfaces because we found it and archived it before they get to it and sweep it under some rug. When that happens we will all be vindicated. Until then, we're all just a bunch of tin foil hat wearing crazies.

huntercel ago

I hope you are right, I just worry that these people can and will burn everything to the ground rather than stopping or being held accountable, IMO plenty enough evidence has been found to at least warrant a closer look into some of the connections, but no one can take a closer look since they are so high up. Despite all of the work we have put in it still feels like we are still at the beginning...

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Totally agree. The community is pretty much spinning it's wheels at this point imo. Most recent threads are full of hunches, over reaching, assumptions, and out right bullshit. What legitimate facts/connections has been dug up needs to be communicated to the public in a professional manner. (billboards documentary etc) that's the only way we're going to get this ball rolling any further.

kestrel9 ago

Considering the power of transnational wealth, them being 'held accountable' seems like a pipe dream. At best, the network of evil would have to be taken on by other sources of transnational wealth, who are tired of baby killers screwing up the world. It's important however, to expose as much as possible, inform people of the cabal. We need a Redpilled nation.

Forgetmenot ago

Who downvoated you?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I'm honestly a voat noob, so if you can view who down voted you, i have no clue how.

Forgetmenot ago

Sorry meant it as joke since I saw someone had down voted you so I upvoated you.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I see. No worries. Who knows who, or why anything happens around here. Lol

Devious1 ago

Wonder when this nugget of info will be slid / deleted.

Solentgreenispeople ago

Great Research thanks!