CandyPanda ago

Let me tell you, your earlier post today has me totally thinking about all of this in ways where I have to make sure I don't rush to judgment.

Poncho567 ago

Is Dr. Tim the cousin of James? I don't have time to look up right now, so I'm throwing this out there for someone else to look up. Is Tim the son of George instead of Achilles? I thought Louis J. was the only brother of James.

CandyPanda ago

Okay, I'll put relative for now. Thx

CandyPanda ago

Yeah, I'm starting to look hard at that connection based on another thread. How connected is this guy (James) and family to the whole Podesta crew.

CandyPanda ago

So is that his brother or not? Seems every post you have made is "THIS IS CRAZY" too elsewhere (funny enough).

It's not crazy in the sense that we're looking for Clinton ties to this thing, and this would be another. The NWO is just color commentary.