Laskar ago

Thanks very much. At least someone gets it. Have an upvote.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

God damnit.



DarkMath ago

Kushner is starting to remind me of Chelsea Clinton's husband who lost around 90% of the money investors gave his hedge fund.

Sigh..........God Bless The Child That's Got His Own.


Laskar ago

"Lost"? Only on paper. Kushner's Father did time in Federal prison also. That criminal forced Ivanka to have a six month "lesson" with a Chabad rabbi, so she would be "good enough" to marry Jared. After she converted and changed her name to "Yael", the marriage was a go. Now they both live and work in the white house with zero qualifications. Ivanka even interrupts her Dad's meeting to talk with him alone and has cabinet members put out of the room.

DonKeyhote ago

Nat Rothschild is a ginger fratboy who got rich with Roman Abramovich and dated Ivanka Trump. Both are still close friends with Abramovichs wife, the art collector dasha zhukova, who's on the board of the LA County museum of art and has a magazine in which she features various pedos:

Among the magazine's contributors are artists such as Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, Nick Knight, Marc Jacobs, Richard Prince, John Baldessari, Inez & Vinoodh, and Patrick Demarchelier.[5][11][12

I'll remind you that Russian oligarch is media code for Jewish crime boss.

Ivankas also very close friends with Wendi deng ex wife of Rupert murdoch.

Just look at this fucking photograph. US Open, the kushners share a VIP box with deng, zhukova, DAVID GEFFEN, some English royalty

The sheister, the queer, the chink, the princess, the russky, and the shiksa. That's who controls this great land built by European pioneers

DarkMath ago

"is a ginger fratboy"

You're British.

"who controls this great land built"

You live in America? Hey I don't blame you. I think the next great wave of immigration will be Europeans again. Boy I never saw that as a possibility. I remember when Giselle Bundchen would only take Euros in payment. How times have changed. Europe is circling the toilet bowl again. The more things change the more they stay the same.


DonKeyhote ago

You bite your fucking tongue. I am not British and wonder why you are so apt to drawing false conclusions

DarkMath ago

"I am not British"

Sorry about that. I apologize. It's just Americans don't call people with red hair "ginger". We say "red head" or "red headed step child".

DonKeyhote ago

Lol youre obviously 80 years old then. There's an entire South park episode about gingers.

DarkMath ago

Oh crap you're right. I remember that episode. I think that was more of a parody though. I've never heard an American refer to a red head as a "ginger". It sounds too British and that's bad. Someone needs to pull the plug on that tiny island. The world would be a better place.


Pizzalawyer ago

Heavy stuff. Interesting how both Ivanka and Chelsea married men whose fathers went to prison for financial crimes.

Laskar ago

Thanks for pointing that out.

Vindicator ago

Hey @Laskar, is there a link to the trafficking of kids, here? Please spell it out if so. Also, there are a couple lines in this post that also really make it impossible to share and be taken seriously:

we see the lenders include: "Bank of America Corp., Blackstone Group LP, Citigroup Inc., UBS Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, and Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC. " ( a veritable list of money launderers!)

Isn't any list of banks pretty much literally a list of money launderers?

(how can you go bankrupt in the oil business in Texas?)

Really? MOST oil businesses go bankrupt. Any time commodity prices collapse or the dollar spikes, they drop like flies.

lawfag123 ago

Oy vey, don't look at my donations