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Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 3: Not clear what Chatham house is or how relates to post.

Rules 2 and 3 : What is the content of this video? Also, need proof that it is "always taken down."

Rule 3: "Marina Abramovic Institute, Google Cultural Insitute, and the Campus Biotech, Geneva - Six Degrees of Separation" That's a lot of degrees of separation, and what are the connections? Linking to a post that apparently would be removed due to lack of clarity/sources isn't going to work.

Rule 3: What is all this about holistic doctors, autism, etc? How is it relevant?

Rule 1: "Pepsi contains aborted Fetus" is ridiculous nonsense and not related to pizzagate. Also, linking to a deleted post is not allowed, as that circumvents the rules.

Flairing this post as possible disinfo based on the sheer lack of clarity and sources.

letsdothis1 ago

The Wellcome Trust actually does a lot of work with other organisations that are linked to the biotech industry and Michael Hintze, who is a figure related to the Hampstead case and written about in voat is very tied to the biotech industry, partly through Oxford and also his connections with the Prince's Trust :

All these people I wrote about are connected but the web is so wide sometimes it's hard to put it all together in a thread. I think it's important some of us try to put together a bird's eye view of what is happening. It's a shame that you can't give someone the opportunity to fine tune a post.

Now to your specific grievances::

Rule 3: Not clear what Chatham house is or how relates to post.

That Chatham House link was in the original post that@Vindicator FLAIRED AS IMPORTANT. Why didn't you ask then ???

Rules 2 and 3 : What is the content of this video?

It's Marina Abramovic at a Biotech conference in Geneva.

Also, need proof that it is "always taken down."

Are you serious? Follow the MA post link and you will see the original video was set to private, actually the page is completely gone now, ..and this has happened several times where that video is concerned..I know because I follow any stories on Abramovic or the biotech industry. But I'm not going through all the voat posts with those video links. Instead, if that was really bothering you I could have changed the wording in the sentence.

Rule 3: "Marina Abramovic Institute, Google Cultural Insitute, and the Campus Biotech, Geneva - Six Degrees of Separation" That's a lot of degrees of separation, and what are the connections? Linking to a post that apparently would be removed due to lack of clarity/sources isn't going to work.

The 6 Degrees of Separation was in the title of @cantsleepawink's post. Not my words. The connections are the big picture of the pizzagate crew being involved in money laundering through the art world AND being involved in very nefarious activities to do with biotech, organs, blood, and the genome experiments. We are trying to understand what is going on, or are we?

Rule 3: What is all this about holistic doctors, autism, etc? How is it relevant?

More Child Mind Institute board member connections with Goldman Sachs and the Blackstone Group. Also Tribeca ,Robert De Niro, and why the vaccine and autism movie Vaxxed was banned

there is a huge scandal we are uncovering to do with the Child Mind Institute , vaccines (Alefantis has a cousin who is a vaccine scientist - we've written about him too, children, psychiatry and drugs)

More here:

Rule 1: "Pepsi contains aborted Fetus" is ridiculous nonsense and not related to pizzagate. Also, linking to a deleted post is not allowed, as that circumvents the rules.

I didn't realize that linking to a deleted post is circumventing the rules.

Vindicator ago

There is a huge scandal we are uncovering to do with the Child Mind Institute , vaccines (Alefantis has a cousin who is a vaccine scientist - we've written about him too), children, psychiatry and drugs

More here:

Rule 1: "Pepsi contains aborted Fetus" is ridiculous nonsense and not related to pizzagate. Also, linking to a deleted post is not allowed, as that circumvents the rules.

I didn't realize that linking to a deleted post is circumventing the rules.

@letsdothis1: In my opinion, neither this post, or the deleted post you linked to should have been removed. You provided plenty of evidence and clearly went to a lot of work over several different threads. I replied to @Millennial_Falcon in the Pepsi post about his opinion that the news about Pepsi use of fetal stem cells is "ridiculous". Here is what I said:

[–] Vindicator 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

Sorry MF, this is not "nonsense". Two relevant articles:

There is an entire industry based on fetal tissue harvesting.

If Pizzagate is about child sacrifice for the gratification of the elite, I'm not sure how you can just gloss over fetal tissue use in the development of biotech, cosmetics and snack foods as unrelated. Do you really want to ban this entire topic as off limits?

I believe we need to ping Owners here to get confirmation this research connecting the art and research "foundations" of the Clinton Cabal to nasty biotech development exploiting kids should be left up so that Voaters can decide its merits for themselves. We could use your opinion @VictorSteinerDavion @Crensch. Apologies in advance for the complexity of the topic.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The post was removed primarily due to lack of clarity (Rule 3). It is a list of claims/links with no attempt to explicitly connect much of it. Does it not seem like one of spamalek's "baffle with bullshit" posts? As for the Pepsi thing, yeah it's largely nonsense, but the point is that it has nothing to do with pizzagate.

I replied to @Millennial_Falcon in the Pepsi post about his opinion that the news about Pepsi use of fetal stem cells is "ridiculous". Here is what I said:

And here's my reply to you:

The very article you linked (first one) starts by saying "Bottom line: There are no aborted embryonic or fetal cells in any of PepsiCo’s final products." From looking at both articles, it appears that they never will. Basically, some cells were taken from a fetus way back when. Those cells have been continually cloned by a biotech company for use in testing flavors (i.e. they use the cloned cells to see how they respond to certain flavors). The cells never go into any products.

If Pizzagate is about child sacrifice for the gratification of the elite, I'm not sure how you can just gloss over fetal tissue use in the development of biotech, cosmetics and snack foods as unrelated.

Perhaps because child sacrifice for gratification is an entirely different thing from, say, using cloned stem cells to save people's lives, including children's lives, and end immense amounts of human suffering. Pizzagate is not about abortion politics. It's strange to see your comment after seeing that you removed a post about a woman who literally killed her children in a Satanic ritual, although I know the relevance of that was questionable, because no apparent connection elites, but it certainly is unusual to real confirmation that that sort of thing happens.

since we are discussing Rule 1, I shall ping @kevdude and @Crensch

ESOTERICshade ago

As for the Pepsi thing, yeah it's largely nonsense, but the point is that it has nothing to do with pizzagate.

Its not your business to determine that. @vindicator clearly showed the connection between flavoring companies, god forbid, using the clones of aborted fetal cells in flavorings. It is relevant. This is what the researchers do and OP and vindicator clearly showed you the links. These people kill babies for fun and nothing is obviously too sick and depraved for these people to do. Planned Parenthood provides abortion services to pimps that sell underage kids. They do a lot of things with that fetal tissue. This issue has been resolved an is relevant. You need to step down as mod we are tired of your censorship. You need to go.


letsdothis1 ago

I've been told that some of these deleted posts are being distributed on the web. The information is getting out anyway and in the meantime, the reputation of voat is being damaged. Karma.

ESOTERICshade ago

I've been told that some of these deleted posts are being distributed on the web. The information is getting out anyway and in the meantime, the reputation of voat is being damaged. Karma.

There are a lot of people that believe the "millieum falcon" that is tied to Comet Ping Pong is our mod because of his behavior. Even though its probably not true a lot of people wish it could be proven true if that is what it takes to get rid of him. Pretty sad state of affairs when the posting community hopes their mod is connected to Alefantis so he can be gotten rid of.