Jem777 ago

Hey @ASolo someone just reposted the links to the Hampstead children's case. If you joined your original posting with that it would practically be a full investigation.

shoosh ago

If you do genealogy and I'm guessing (pardon if it's inaccurate) that you're speaking to people who know what you're genealogy focus is about, then I'd ask them if they'd like to use some of their excess time to research the Rothschilds, or use some bonding time with her family to research them.
From my tiny bit of research I discovered that All Israel/UK/USA roads lead to the Rothschilds, with other sub groups of people in Germany and the west and east upholding their goals. Rothschilds, UK Prime Minister Benjamin D'Israeli is a good starting point.
I'd really be interested in the connecting names she gathers cause I am clueless about genealogy research.

Maybe it's time to use those skills to bust the liars of history open and connect them with their current group.

I know for a fact that many Jews don't have a clue about this history any more than the western or easterners do. If they are aware of it they do what everybody else does and ignore because we've been taught to accept or ignore things as an okay part of life.

Maybe educating through discovered research is the best '''gift''' any of humanity can receive, rather than $

ASolo ago

To my mentor... Aangirfan, in an heated response to SYRIA FALSE FLAG GAS ATTACK; TRUMP AT WAR WITH ASSAD AND PUTIN:

I love how all of a sudden everyone is 'hopping off the trump train'- like it was some kind of amusement park ride. These people had all the information they needed right from the beginning and they chose to ignore it. That Paul Joseph Watson disgusts me, making his declaration after him and his employer helped elect the asshole. And you Aangirfan, ignoring prime intel on big issues that just aren't going to go away. What, just because a bright red orangutan got elected to office you think that the big bad specter that is the Bush and Clinton cartels that are still running the show and never stopped just disappeared? But all of a sudden since Foghorn Leghorn usurped the presidency the entire political panopticon is Donald McRonald's fault. Isn't it easy to see that he has been placed in that situation? You, Aangirfan, have done an exemplary job exposing Mr. Trump and his family, yet you continue to wrap us all up in this partisan charade that we all know dissolved a century ago. The worst part is that you don't even realize that you're doing it, or... don't even realize we notice. THAT is becoming the prevailing denominator that is confirming a controlled oppositional aspect of your existence. All of us, after having all this information at our disposal, could have been doing so much more, but no, day after day I come here to see the exciting developments that have continued to amaze me from you year after year and for years now. But now, it seems you have given up. It seems that if it's not reported by the DailyFail you are not reporting on it. You seem to be continuing partially in the same vein yet I still get the feeling you are ignoring the elephant in the room:

She still wears garish colors and still thinks she's the star of the ball, her and her machine never stopped and are still most likely operating in the same capacity she always has, the way Bill always has, and the way Barry always has, along with their dark overlords the Bush's, always have.

The Sandler Foundation, D.Sussman, Pizzagate and the Death of Aaron Dover

I know you know what's up. So what's up?

With all Love, Light, and Laughter

God Bless, God Speed.


"The dailymail's Peter Oborne, a highly respected journalist, compares the fake news that led to the 2003 invasion of Iraq with the current dodgy information about the Syrian gas attack."

"The Daily Mail is a British daily tabloid newspaper. First published in 1896 by the Press Barons, Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe, and his brother Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere, it is the United Kingdom’s second biggest-selling daily newspaper after The Sun. The mass media newspaper owner Viscount Alfred Northcliffe veiled and covered things up for the British Empire. Lord Northcliffe’s private secretary was the gay spy, Scott Moncrieff. The Press Barons were related to the Rothschilds through marriage, owned a number of newspapers including The Times and the Daily Mail. Lord Northcliffe was a war monger linked to the cabal that started World War I. Beginning in 1913, Wellington House in London was at the centre of a plan to “create” and manufacturer public opinion. Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, installed Lord Northcliffe as the Wellington house director. The operational staff of Wellington House consisted of legendary British Empire mass population propagandist Lord Northcliffe, Arnold Toynbee, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays (the nephew to Sigmund Freud). Funding was provided by the Royal family, the Rothschild and the Rockefellers.

Lord Northcliffe on Propaganda, 1918 – Propaganda, he wrote, should be “the pace-maker for policy, and should form opinion without opinion realizing that it is so being formed.” This was the first and principal maxim of the principle of “government by the consent of the governed”

"In February 1918, Lord Northcliffe became the British Intelligence, Director of Propaganda in Enemy Countries. British Intelligence and Lord Northcliffe had what they called “Nationals” who were in charge of coordinating propaganda in other countries. “Nationals”, most likely knights, were appointed for France, Russia, Italy, United States, South America and other parts of the world. These “Nationals ” met together in conference twice a week to discuss the details of their campaign. In May 1920, Lord Northcliffe published an article in The Times about the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” The article was entitled “The Jewish Peril.” Wellington House became the Tavistock Institute in 1921. In 1921, Northcliffe suddenly became ill. He complained he was being poisoned, then died."

"His Brother, Viscount Rothermer, took over the newspaper empire. Harold Harmsworth first a knight, then a baron, then a lord and then viscount"

"Viscount Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. He also glorified and rained down praise on the evil little Nazi genius, Josef Goebbels. Harmsworth was so wanting and desperate to be a part of Hitler’s inner circle of “The Thule Society (Thule-Gesellschaft) that he paid an Austrian princess that Hitler highly respected and adored to keep him informed and up to date with the Third Reich"

"Stephanie Julianne von Hohenlohe (born Stephany Julienne Richter) was a Nazi super spy close to Hitler and SS- 1 Heinrich Himmler that took all his money. She was an Austrian princess by her marriage to the diplomat Prince Friedrich Franz von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfurst, a member of the princely Hohenlohe family."

"Viscount Rothermere directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards Fascism and Nazism in the early 1930s. Rothermere’s 1933 leader “Youth Triumphant” praised the new Nazi regime’s accomplishments, and was subsequently used as propaganda by them."

"Sir Mosley was absolutely no global fascist and Nazi British joke to laugh about. Lord Rothermere and the Mail were also editorially sympathetic to Sir (British knight) Oswald Mosley and, the British Union of (Nazi) Fascists."

"Rothermere wrote an article titled “Hurrah for the Blackshirts” in January 1934, praising Mosley for his “sound, commonsense, Conservative doctrine“, and pointing out that: “Young men may join the British Union of Fascists by writing to the Headquarters, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, S.W.”

Jonathan Harold Esmond Vere Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere is the current inheritor of a newspaper and media empire founded by his racist New World Order war mongering family and fascist-Nazi great-grandfather, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere. Recently, 4th Viscount Rothermere was publicly charged with documentary notice from Britain’s Foreign Office intelligence files of his forebears and the Daily Mail’s secret ties, collaboration, and glorification of Fascism, Nazism, the Occult, Luciferianism and the SS.


ASolo ago

"I love how all of a sudden everyone is 'hopping off the trump train'- like it was some kind of amusement park ride. These people had all the information they needed right from the beginning and they chose to ignore it. That Paul Joseph Watson disgusts me, making his declaration after him and his employer helped elect the asshole. And you Aangirfan, ignoring prime intel on big issues that just aren't going to go away. What, just because a bright red orangutan got elected to office you think that the big bad specter that is the Bush and Clinton cartels that are still running the show and never stopped just disappeared? But all of a sudden since Foghorn Leghorn usurped the presidency the entire political panopticon is Donald McRonald's fault. Isn't it easy to see that he has been placed in that situation? You, Aangirfan, have done an exemplary job exposing Mr. Trump and his family, yet you continue to wrap us all up in this partisan charade that we all know dissolved a century ago."

The same goes for you VOAT. This world is crumbling day by day right before our very eyes, very calculatively and very precisely. The blueprints, clues, and reasons have been there right in front of our eyes the entire time and we all continue to waffle. There are going to be similar times in the future where the same scenarios are going to play out. There is not going to be any 'End of the World' in any truest sense and some human beings are always going to survive a cataclysm made made or natural, this cycle has happened many times on this earth and it might not never stop, but this time we have right now is OUR TIME, and I don't see very many of you fighting very hard for what you believe in. There are several reasons for this however all of must choose to rise up the right ways and rise up now because the great wave of the elite's depopulation efforts are most likely about to reach another climatic head. Any one that happens to be awake has to as much as they can and do it now. They've already taken everything that was worth any value now anyway, so what does anyone have to lose?

ASolo ago

To my mentor... Aangirfan, in an heated response to SYRIA FALSE FLAG GAS ATTACK; TRUMP AT WAR WITH ASSAD AND PUTIN:

I love how all of a sudden everyone is 'hopping off the trump train'- like it was some kind of amusement park ride. These people had all the information they needed right from the beginning and they chose to ignore it. That Paul Joseph Watson disgusts me, making his declaration after him and his employer helped elect the asshole. And you Aangirfan, ignoring prime intel on big issues that just aren't going to go away. What, just because a bright red orangutan got elected to office you think that the big bad specter that is the Bush and Clinton cartels that are still running the show and never stopped just disappeared? But all of a sudden since Foghorn Leghorn usurped the presidency the entire political panopticon is Donald McRonald's fault. Isn't it easy to see that he has been placed in that situation? You, Aangirfan, have done an exemplary job exposing Mr. Trump and his family, yet you continue to wrap us all up in this partisan charade that we all know dissolved a century ago. The worst part is that you don't even realize that you're doing it, or... don't even realize we notice. THAT is becoming the prevailing denominator that is confirming a controlled oppositional aspect of your existence. All of us, after having all this information at our disposal, could have been doing so much more, but no, day after day I come here to see the exciting developments that have continued to amaze me from you year after year and for years now. But now, it seems you have given up. It seems that if it's not reported by the DailyFail you are not reporting on it. You seem to be continuing partially in the same vein yet I still get the feeling you are ignoring the elephant in the room:

She still wears garish colors and still thinks she's the star of the ball, her and her machine never stopped and are still most likely operating in the same capacity she always has, the way Bill always has, and the way Barry always has, along with their dark overlords the Bush's, always have.

The Sandler Foundation, D.Sussman, Pizzagate and the Death of Aaron Dover

I know you know what's up. So what's up?

With all Love, Light, and Laughter

God Bless, God Speed.


ASolo ago

Clooney endorses Syria's White Hats, Clooney is clearly Democrat and a Clinton Clone, Clooney is clearly mixed up with the London set, so who's workin for who here Aang, how is it that the Bamer and Hitlery just get to disappear Aang? Just as they always have during every election cycle yet we still see monkey boy Bush Jr.'s goofy ass hobnobbing his way through political hallways.

U r frusterating and insufferable (lol, always wanted to use that term)...


ASolo ago

"David Litvinoff, The Procurer, by his friend Lucian Freud. Among those who reportedly provided young boys for the top people in the UK government were David Litvinoff (David Levy) and his half-Jewish friends the Kray Twins."

ASolo ago

It was Clement Freud who persuaded Geller to come to England and settle in Sonning.

Clement Freud is related to Yuri Geller on Geller's mother's side.

Sir Clement Freud, grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, had a holiday home in Praia da Luz, in Portugal.

In July 2007, Clement Freud helped the parents of missing child Madeleine McCann by cooking them dinners in Praia da Luz and offering them drinks.

(Clement Freud - Wikipedia)

Sir Clement Freud's son Matthew Freud is married to Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of Rupert Murdoch.

ASolo ago

The Podesta Brothers Revealed to be in Portugal the Day of Madeleine McCann's Disappearance

ASolo ago



shoosh ago

The same might be said about all political parties and "charitable" agencies.

The layers of corruption and unethical and criminal behavior all round is off the charts.

ASolo ago


Shaking The Family Tree: The "Royal Palm" That Is The House Of Munn

ASolo ago

Or check out the Inman Twins if you want to see a cross section of what wealth does to these people:

The Poorest Rich Kids in the World

A very sad story proceed with caution.

HillBoulder ago

I think the soros bit is them telling you exactly what's happening and you know but you can't stop it.. More of them mocking us than being critical to Soros

ASolo ago

List of Child Sex abuse cases in Elite Boarding Schools

educate_yourself ago

that snl skit is fucking hilarious. as satanic as tv and such ultimately is, i cant help but enjoi and lol

ASolo ago

For an interesting look into just a glimpse of the underbelly of how the 'el-ites' live here's a look at Hunter S. Thompson's A Dog Took My Place written for a 1983 Rolling Stone on the Pulitzer Divorce

It's a long fun article about the "Palm Beach lifestyle", which HST explained later to David Letterman. Roxanne Pulitzer's long and publicized divorce trial attracted HST - it was the perfect story for gonzo. A&E produced an "American Justice" special about the case (minus HST) in 1996, and Roxanne wrote her own book about the affair, The Prize Pulitzer in 1987. She also wrote other "fiction" titles afterwards - namely The Palm Beach Story. HST actually met Roxanne during the trial and ended up at her house for dinner. A friend told her not to ever read the article, and allegedly she never has [* Pulitzer read the piece at the HST Homecoming in Louisville]. A picture of Roxanne laughing while HST wags his finger at her appears in When the Going Gets Weird by Peter O. Whitmer. The article caused a huge sensation and was trimmed for libel purposes. Needless to say, it sold like hotcakes, but unlike Whitmer, I'm inclined to think it's mostly because of the Star Wars cover. Whitmer draws some interesting connections between the two, actually; Roxanne was at a party in Aspen where she was served a plate with "Happy Birthday Rox" spelled out in cocaine. Both are friends of Jimmy Buffett, and, according to Whitmer, Roxanne resembled a younger version of Hunter's ex-wife, Sandy (Whitmer, p265). HST had his own divorce behind him (probably he has not written more than twenty words on the subject; yet wrote fondly of Sandy). Roxanne was married to Herbert (Peter) Pulitzer, but the relationship disintegrated...threats about child custody and outlandish spending soon turned into shocking relevations of overindulgence of the most curious kind - group sex, booze, drugs, and lesbianism. The most hilarious accusation was that Roxanne had "slept with a trumpet". HST told the Palm Beach Post, "We all sleep with trumpets. The real question is, is Peter Pulitzer jealous of the trumpet?" (Whitmer, p265). Ever valiant and able to report honestly in such matters, HST joined the throngs of journalists who crowded for a spot in the court room. There was one closed-circuit TV for those who didn't make the 7 AM press deadline, and even then, inside the court resembled a sporting event, with bleacher seats. The spectators were a rowdy mixture of everything from CBS-TV producers to lanky six-foot women with no bras and foreign accents who claimed to be from Der Spiegel and Paris Match. It was a lusty crowd, following the action intently, sometimes cheering, sometimes booing. It was like a crowd of stranger who came together each day in some musty public room to watch a TV soap opera like "General Hospital". On one afternoon, when Roxanne Pulitzer lost her temper at some particularly degenerate drift in the testimony, the bleachers erupted with shouting: "Go get 'em, Roxy! Kick ass! That's it, Rox baby! Don't let them talk that way about you!" (Thompson, 1990, p194). The nut of the story is an old one, a "tale of Cinderella gone wrong". A young working-class woman marries the middle aged grandson of the famed publisher. He realizes that he has made a mistake; according to him, she was nothing but a gold-digger and an "incorrigible coke slut" and an unfit mother to boot. Allegedly she stayed up late and "humped almost everything she could get her hands on", including a French baker, a real-estate agent, "self employed handyman", her dope dealer and a "pansexual troilist" (Thompson, 1990, p194-195). But, HST finds out, "Roxanne Pulitzer is not a beautiful woman...she looks more like a jaded senior stewardess from Pam Am". Her secret is her "good-humored, out-front sexuality". She is "clearly a woman who likes to sleep late in the morning" (Thompson, 1990, p195). As HST sits in on the trial and tries to find the real meaning, he discovers that these are his kind of people, who report spending $441, 000 on "miscellaneous and unknown" while the figure for the previous year was just $99, 000. HST figures that it was spent on cocaine, a "genuinely awesome rate of consumption - something like thirteen grams a day" which is enough "to kill a whole family of polar bears" (Thompson, 1990, p198). The story swings back and forth between these two extremes: the trial, and the "Palm Beach Express". Towards the end of the article, HST feels that he has become one with the community. Instead of "I" he uses "we", particularly to describe the role of police in the area: "The police are no problem in Palm Beach. We own them and they know it. They work for us, like any other servant, and most of them seem to like it. When we run out of gas in this town, we call the police and they bring it, because it is boring to run out of gas. The rich have special problems, and running out of gas on Ocean Boulevard on the way to an orgy at six o'clock on Sunday morning is one of them. Nobody needs that. Not with naked women and huge bags of cocaine in the he car. The rich love music, and we don't want it interrupted. . . . "We don't pay these people much, but we pay them every week, and if they occasionally forget who really pays their salaries, we have ways of reminding them" (Thompson, 1990, p206). The problem with the Pulitzers, HST concludes, is that they failed "to understand the nature of the Social Contract" (Thompson, 1990, p206) and should be banished from the West Coast. The Pulitzers are such people, who disturbed the residential community and caused much unwanted attention. HST circles back to the beginning nicely in this way. He describes Palm Beach as a residential community with no "jails or hospitals". It is an "elaborately protected colony for the seriously rich, a very small island and a very small world". In a way, it seems like HST's home in Woody Creek - "the rules are different here, or at least they seem to be, and the people like it that way" (Thompson, 1990, p191). Palm Beach is a place where reality does not apply, "money is cheap" and there is no "place for Horatio Algers". HST has tapped into a raw form of free enterprise where "hard work and clean living will get you a bag of potato chips and a weekend job scraping scum off the hull of your neighbour's new Cigarette boat" (Thompson, 1990, p193). Nakedness is also part of the scene, and HST finds himself in a red Chrysler convertible with naked lesbians on their way to an orgy. Bestiality is another aspect of the lifestyle, because it is felt to be a victimless crime in Palm Beach, even though it is technically against the law. This is where the title comes from. First, HST meets a woman whose friend makes $50, 000 a year (tax-free) to screw dogs for rich people; then HST meets a bartender who feels like a "beast". He tells HST, "I see those s--t-eating grins on their faces and I feel like a dog took my place." This leads back to the final ending where HST decides that it is better to get involved with animals than people, "because they will never call the police on you or take you in front of a judge or run off and hide with your money...Animals don't hire lawyers" (Thompson, 1990, p206).p HST spent a lot of time in the early eighties in depraved tropical places. Two other Palm Beach articles that were unpublished appear in Songs of the Doomed: "Sugarloaf Key: Tales of the Swine People" (p207-221) - HST gets revenge on the owners of the Sugarloaf Lodge by placing a pig head in the toilet (extremely funny) "The Silk Road" (p211-226) - this is a small novella where HST tackles fisheads and gets involved in a bar-room shoot out. As he states in the overview: "The Silk Road" is a story about people who got caught in the fast and violent undercurrents and, finally, the core of the action of the great Cuba-to-Key West Freedom Flotilla in the spring of 1980" Skinner and his "hired fiancee" appear. In the end, a man named Colonel Evans is murdered. If you are interested in reading more about Roxanne Pulitzer, the odd paperback copy of The Prize Pulitzer can be found in used bookstores or online.

there's more...

ASolo ago


AngB23 ago

This is excellent research.

ASolo ago

Thank you dear.

ASolo ago

This is going on this thread for bot cross reference:

Pizzagate Wiki vs. Robot Army: How a Reddit post about Laura Silsby and Max McCoby broke the Internet

ASolo ago

Even though Maccoby is misspelled.

ASolo ago

Last November, Maria Zakharova, the official Russian government spokesman, said that to explain Trump's victory, " you must talk to the Jews in Brighton Beach NY" the center of the Russian Mafia and Chabad Lubavitcher cult, which overlap.

"Lindenbaum and Fred C. Trump were clandestinely using ... state funds to build a ... Jewish power base in Brooklyn."

Big Time NY Real Estate Super Tower Lawyers, Bunny Lindenbaum, and his son, Sandy Lindenbaum were high priests of the secret ultra orthodox Lubavitch Movement and the Educational Institute Oholei Torah, the Flagship school of Chabad – Lubavitch, it owns the BJC edifice. Basically, the Chabad Lubavitch Movement is connected with the Ancient Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaic Universal Noahide Laws of Nimrodic God Baal. The Babylonian Talmudic High Priests of the Order of the Pharisaic sun god worshippers of Baal are known as the Mystical Hassidic Chabad Lubavitch.

Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, the head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1943, writing in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Pharisaism became Talmudism …the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating arguments used in the Palestinian academies.” [55] In other words, the Talmudic Lubavitchers are reborn Pharisees. Many Pharisees belonged to the Jewish occult group, the Satanic “Cabal“.

Lindenbaum and Scandalous Fred C. were clandestinely using HUD and state funds to build a haven and Jewish power base in Brooklyn for eastern European Mystical Hassidic Chabad Lubavitch Jews at enormous and substantial profits at the taxpayers’ expense.

ASolo ago

The law requires supporting organizations to name the organization supported. In the Sandlers’ case, it is the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties.

Are you all noticing that we are surrounded on all sides?

Boids of a fetha'

ASolo ago

Kushners Belong to Jewish Supremacist Doomsday Cult

Jared Kushner attended Chabad House at Harvard. "Israel wasn't a political discussion for him; it was his family, his life, his people," said Hirschy Zarchi, rabbi at the Chabad House at Harvard.

Between 2003 and 2013, his family foundation donated a total of $342,500 to various institutions and projects associated with the movement. Especially endowed was the Chabad center at Harvard University, which received $150,000 in 2007 (the foundation's single biggest donation to a Lubavitch-affiliated enterprise) and then another $3,600 in 2013. In addition, the Donald J. Trump Foundation has donated $11,550 to three Chabad institutions.

In 2006, Kushner's father Charles was sentenced to 24 months in prison for making illegal campaign donations & witness tampering.

Trump/Clinton: We Are Staring "The Devil" Right In The Face

Understanding the NWO Strategy

Lurking behind the “Democratic Facade” (the so-called “democratic” governments that the public sees as the guiding hands in our world), are the Occulted Powers (OPs). The OPs are a criminal conglomerate of the local royal families throughout the world who are intermarried and/or interoperating with the global network of Jewish bankster families. Under this worldwide royal/Jew “elite,” there are a variety of secret societies (such as the Freemasons) and criminal gangs (such as the Triads) who recruit useful “commoners” into their conspiracy and run societies at the street level.


The key to understanding the globalists’ strategy in implementing the New World Order is to understand that there are actually two NWOs: a Western-fronted decoy New World Order and a BRICS-fronted real New World Order. Once you understand how and why the globalists created them and played them against each other, all of the confusing information floating about the mainstream and alternative media will start making sense.

ASolo ago

I do believe there are many that are thinking the same thing.

The very same MORNING Widener Law Dean Linda Ammons completed her independent review of Dr. Earl Bradley's case, Beau goes to the hospital.

ASolo ago

Putin & Trump Following End Times Blueprint?

April 11, 2017

Researcher David Livingstone believes the Illuminati Plan is to fulfill the Book of Revelation, which they know is actually derived from Kabbalah. Albert Pike says as much, and bringing it about is their Great Work.

Livingstone: "Because chaos precedes the End Times, they need to create it, to accelerate the coming of the Messiah.

Both Trump and Putin are surrounded by Chabad, the criminal Jewish doomsday cult. Like Herzl said, the anti-Semites are the Zionists best friends, so they have both been recruiting the far right to achieve their objective. Putin to undermine the influence of NATO in Europe, and Trump to get the white vote.

It was the Russian mafia, who are closely connected to Chabad-Lubavitch, who engaged in fake news to rally the conspiracy community and the alt-right behind Trump. The only thing they care about is not white identity, or America or Russia, but Israel.

The Chabad are now hailing both Putin and Trump as the possible messiah."

Globalist Agenda Watch 2017: Update 10 – Putin and Trump’s Big Trick: Will US forces actually be joining Assad, Putin, and Khamenei in a joint Holy War against the Dajjal (Erdogan)? (+ a P.S. – More on America’s real president, Jared Kushner)

Jem777 ago

ASolo I think when you add links or comments into your post, that was gaining traction, about the End Times and different interpretations it scares people. Have learned that here. You have an excellent post as I commented on just allowing others to dig into that will expose so much.

ASolo ago

I do understand sister. I do not do it to intentionally try to scare people of course and I know that you realize this, but this is the nature of our world. The specter is huge, and we need huge, brave souls to do this work. It is a very difficult place to be, having come to the realization of the enormity of the beast. WHAT IS LIFE HOWEVER IF WE DO NOT AT LEAST TRY TO BEAT IT?

Jem777 ago

Aaron Dover posted here on Voat and now he is dead. Do not get lost in his flat earth psyop. He came to Voat and declared he had information on the Clinton Foundation money laundering operations that also included the Hampstead Primary Church Satanic Ritual Abuse case in the U.K. that broke last year in 2015.

He named names including his own family members that are involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse & mind control of children. His family are part of intelligence operations. Those children's interviews have been leaked and were on Voat. The father is Ricky Dearman connected to the CFoundation and Haiti.

Aaron Dover was giving corroborating testimony with factual evidence that matched these children and included it could take down the "crown" That is the Royals in the U.K. Now at 42 he is suddenly found dead. Might want to pay attention.

ASolo ago

Well said Jem777.

DarkMath ago

You lost me at Aaron Dover saying he "was a partner in a hedge fund owned by Donald Sussman".

Aaron Dover thinks the Earth is flat not round and that rocks can't melt which proves volcanoes are a conspiracy theory.

Now I'm a full on card carrying conspiracy theorist but let's keep things somewhat sane. The Earth ain't flat and rock will melt if its temperature gets high enough.

So you taking Aaron Dover seriously is pretty sketchy to be honest. What am I missing?

remedy4reality ago

It's pretty clear that Dover was trying to save his own life by advocating Flat Earth, painting himself as a nutjob and creating plausible deniability. But it was too late.

DarkMath ago

"save his own life by advocating Flat Earth"

I had never thought of that. Thanks for pointing that out. You might be right. I can't wait until this chapter in American History is over. It's a tough read sometimes.

ASolo ago

I'm not going to defend Mr. Dover's interest in incorrect Intel inspired psy-op's. The only thing I can say is that most of us if not all of us get trapped or stuck at some point in our lives by incorrect information. 'Crystallized' in the word's of the Turkish mystic Gurdgieff, mislead, at the time, by what is evidently very persuasive to some. We also have to remember that perhaps Mr Dover, coming from a place of prominence and pedigree, was himself, somehow dysfunctional, as we all are in some capacity.

Personally I believe this angle has all the merit in the world. I will have to do some subsequent follow up and retrieve the other piece I saw a contributor submit that verified this man's identify as having officially worked for Sussman.

Just because someone is flawed doesn't mean his entire being is worthless.

DarkMath ago

"Just because someone is flawed doesn't mean his entire being is worthless."

I totally agree. No one is 100% good or bad. It's just believing the Earth is flat greatly reduces someone's credibility.

ASolo ago


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