AaronDover ago

You posted a hit piece on me written by pedophiles within minutes of my post. You are clearly CIA, you guys have been trolling me for years.

AaronDover ago

Correct, and the proceeds are laundered through a network of hedge funds operating through fake markets such as the "NDF" market of the Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee.

popezandy ago

I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon of this is too much juice to be true. IF there is any truth to these allegations, wouldn't you privately get ahold of one of the many vocal investigators within the site? Why post publicly and open up to scrutiny before bringing proof? Having read alot on disinformation, I think we should all realize that if nothing else this post can be used as a discrediting honeypot down the line because of it's shaky premise and huge promise. We shouldn't be upvoting posts that have little or no supporting evidence that we want to believe on merit alone. Doing so allows other garbage to float to the top and then this investigation is dead in the water, or moved into the murky dark.

TealHighCloud ago

Are you the guy with the flat earth and antisemitic youtube channel? Who has also left comments about chopping people up and stabbing them? I'm all for considering conspiracies but cranes do not harvest electricity.

AaronDover ago

Atmospheric electricity has been collected covertly by tall mast structures to provide all our electrical power since at least 1879. Flat Earth: Illuminati On the Northern Powerhouse


TealHighCloud ago

The sky can't hold electricity. It's not a capacitor. And stop linking to your own bloody vids you pillock.

AaronDover ago

When you see lightning, that is an electrical discharge. The air is not a good conductor and so the atmosphere actually functions EXACTLY like a capacitor. Or are you denying lightning now? The End of the Illuminati Engineers and Their Modern World


TealHighCloud ago

No I am not denying lighting, I don't want to piss it off. Okay so I concede that yes clouds can carry a charge, but electricity is only generated when two opposingly carged clouds meet and equalize. However this requires an electrical storm, and day to day clouds do not generate an ionic gradient required for electricity to be generated. In the same way baloons are not capacitors until you rub them furiously on your head, a cloud is just water until a very specific atmospheric event occurs.

AaronDover ago

Great story, why don't you write a children's book? Is it set in the Harry Potter universe?

TealHighCloud ago

I knew you'd admit defeat Aaron. I just didn't know it would be this easy. How droll.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

All I needed to hear was he has info on the biggest financial crime in history, and he is coming to the fucking pizzagate forum to crack the case. Fuck off mate.

AaronDover ago

Here you go. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


LargePepperoni ago

The OP is literally a flat earther. Downvote and move on.

" AaronDover S 0 points (+0|-0) 6 minutes ago The shape of the Earth is not directly relevant to pizzagate but as I am a zetetic physicist I measured the curvature and found there is none. It is perfectly flat. I recommend you trust nobody on this question and go and measure it for yourself as I did. Then you will know the truth. I documented it here, no drop over a 60km sightline when over 700 ft would be expected if it were not flat: Flat Earth: NEW PROOF No Curve in Thailand (Re-Up)


AaronDover ago

More than that, I am the world's leading flat Earth researcher, check out my YouTube channel it is truly groundbreaking research. I'm not some idiot, I came top of my year in physics (incl astronomy), then in my masters in computer vision and image processing. Here is my academic transcript: http://thezionion.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/AaronDoverAcademicTranscript.pdf

Flat Earth: New Proof!!! Impossible Radio Transmissions


creep ago

This is where you lost everyone forever.

LargePepperoni ago

You may be very intelligent, but that doesn't stop you from being crazy. What happens at the edge of the earth? Do you fall off?

KingKongisCTR ago

Go to the South Pole and beyond and let us know.

LargePepperoni ago


TealHighCloud ago

He's not a troll he's a lunatic.

AaronDover ago

Thanks for stopping by. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


AaronDover ago

Well you seem like a gatekeeper shill here to discredit me. Anyway, enjoy my witness statement to the High Court. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


AaronDover ago

Read this first. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


thisistotallynotme ago

I didn't see the money laundering. I only saw a UBS bank account mentioned, and your assertion that they are engaging in a tax avoidance scheme (which is legal). Care to elaborate on what you mean by the words "Worldwide", "Crown", and "Laundering"?

AaronDover ago

You need to read the whole document to see the important content which relates to money laundering.

randolf ago

I checked. He doesn't seem to have a lot of comments, but I didn't see spam.

If he's shill, some cool bro is going to notice and leave him in the dark, but if he's legit he could be useful.

AaronDover ago

Look how many gatekeeper shills are on this thread to undermine me... seems I've touched a nerve. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


gopluckyourself ago

I have reasonable suspicion that this account is fake and is being used to discredit anyone who may find Aaron Dover in their search for corruption. Basically what I'm saying is that this is start of the discrediting of pizzagate. What are the chances that this guy shows up. Someone makes a statement about him being crazy in the comments with almost no replies for a while then 2 hours later someone else makes a meme that reaches the front page about exactly what they're making fun of the guy for. Without any focus on flat earthers in the last few weeks. Do not link zionion find Aaron's testamony outside of zionion. Official court records whatever. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1454867/7030766

AaronDover ago

PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


AaronDover ago

I don't think you're a prince you're clearly a professional comedian and part time CIA troll

AaronDover ago

Yes the Hampstead satanists run that blog they are also scared of my info as I attended Christ Church school Hampstead myself. Hence the hit piece. You must be one of them.

LionParty ago

People here know I'm not a shill, I'm just trying to keep them cautious, you might not be a shill but there has been worry of shills with this kind of info. I'm just telling them to be cautious.

alneuman ago

No offense, but you're a complete sociopath to start this crap until you have at least LOOKED AT THE EVIDENCE! Do you realize the posisiton this guy could be in? ANd you are whining about 'not relevant to pizzagate' and 'could be a hoax'???

Aaron is being a heck of a lot calmer about this than I would in responding to you. Stop with the negative waves and at least show enough respect to examine the evidence and ask questions before you start this crap. Shame on you.

AaronDover ago

Shills dont get manhunted by police helicopters and banged up in a nuthouse or get gagged by the High Court or get jailed or have their homes confiscated. Legit whistleblowers like me do! http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/police-hunted-me-down-with-10-cars-and-a-helicopter-and-i-was-just-having-coffee-9055837.html

thisistotallynotme ago

Looks like you had a court-mandated competency exam, due to your wife making a complaint. You got gagged because the court didn't want to recognize your injuries due to their overreaction.

In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. This is how dissenters are treated post-2001. Look at Kim Dotcom for a good example of how you'll be rolled in the future, should you continue to speak out. Nevermind getting a lawyer, you need to learn law in order to survive. You have remedy in the courts, you just have to know where to look. Studying helps with that.

thisistotallynotme ago

I just read the affidavit. It was filed in a counter-suit against /u/AaronDover, looks like. The first 4 points are broad and extremely vexatious (making accusations that are not backed up by evidence, openly insulting other court participants), while telling the court that you got a $1mil settlement prior to this suit.

Then there's this: "5. I am very unwell with severe symptoms of anxiety and depression resulting from the situation I am left in following the events described in my account. My physical and mental health has deteriorated over the period since the dispute began between LMR and me in November 2011. I have been suffering from panic attacks, headaches, loss of sleep, nausea, vomiting, chronic fatigue, depressive symptoms and heart palpitations. It is my view, supported by the Dr. Petros Lekkos, that I currently lack the mental capacity to conduct these proceedings."

You then proceed to defy that statement with 33 more pages of (mostly) facts, making the case that the plaintiffs are vexatious litigants that ruined your career, marriage, and familial relationships.

None of this is even tangentially related to human trafficking. Unless you have something tying it all to what we're investigating here, this is really starting to look like it doesn't have anything to do with our research.

AaronDover ago

I uncovered the billions of dollars a day in money laundering linked to the Clinton Foundation. You are clearly a CIA trying to discredit me.

ThinkItThru ago

Have you sent your information to WikiLeaks?

LionParty ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1454489 Be very wary of people coming forward with 'expert skills' or 'insider info'. There's been a post about this. Several posts like this have started cropping up. Make sure you aren't giving shills all of our info without making them sift for it.

AaronDover ago

Here is my submission to the UK High Court. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


thisistotallynotme ago

Upload one with a witnessed signature, and a stamp from the Registrar showing it was filed in court. The fact that this pdf was uploaded to a conspiracy parody site (Zionion - The Onion for Zionism) makes this even less believable. I won't go so far as to rule you out, but you definitely set yourself up real good for extra scrutiny.

AaronDover ago

It's my own web site. Here is one of my articles. http://www.thezionion.com/2015/09/16/911-introducing-the-no-floors-theory/

randolf ago

op had already its life wrecked, so he's got nothing to lose and leaking info can help his cause/protect him.

is this too hard to grasp for you?

wgvdl ago

Given that your allegations are true.

I would lodge all the original documents in a vault/safe deposit/locker, keep only copies. Then see a fiduciary attorney, bring in some notary as well. hand over keys(copy) and/or access data and leave a detailed procedure of what to do in event of decease. Finally I would make sure to let the public know that I've done so.

AaronDover ago

Any other freemasons I could invite to take control of my documents? Maybe the Lord Mayor could also have keys?

alneuman ago

Look Aaron. Please read my post. It's unfortunate that you're in this mess, but showing a document that was supposedly (I believe you dude, but it ain't evidence yet) registered with the court doesn't prove it actually was. Is there a website that shows all docs registered with the court online somewhere? That would be a START to get some of these people on board.

I've been burned before believing people because I"m basically an optimist. But many get burnt and turn the other way. So you truly need some organization and some more basic proof if you want your investigation to succeed and gen help on it.

AaronDover ago

All of the documents referenced in my witness statement are available for researchers as they were filed in a pubic court case. The important aspect relating to Clinton Foundation is that these IBs and hedge funds are making vast dollar payments disguised as "non deliverable currency forward" trades. This is a platform for worldwide criminal activity such as slave/child trafficking. Hopefully someone with some finance background will get in touch to take this forwards.

thisistotallynotme ago

Are there a lot of Freemasons in Iceland? Where else would you store data in the 21st Century?

wgvdl ago

nope, i intended to say that you might involve people that you trust and take measures that could be a hedge against eventualities.

KingKongisCTR ago

Not helpful.

Rigg5 ago

We already lost one Aaron in 2013.

AaronDover ago

That's OK, I'm the only Aaron the world needs right now :)

quantokitty ago

David Seaman is a journalist you could get in contact with. There's also an Australian journalist that posted here.

Why not contact a publishing company? Write your book and put everything out there.

AaronDover ago

No publishing company will touch my info it will bring down the Crown entirely. It proves the Crown is running organised crime worldwide and laundering it through its own banking system.

SsupGuys ago

Welcome to the internet... you can self-publish on Amazon, make it a free ebook to get more traction.

AaronDover ago

My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


micha_ ago

I also think, that you HAVE TO contact well respected (online) investigators/publishers.

If it is true, what you claim happened to you, the injustice must be almost unbearable and many feel with you.

Nevertheless you can only convince other people by staying rationale and peaceful. Usually loud barking dogs don't bite and that may be your escape from the injustice, but you are harming your case with it. Therefore you need to get in contact with a highly respected investigator, that also understands the pressure, which incredible injustice can create and who will investigate what you gan give to him. But you must also listen to what he says.

There can be situations, when not the biggest injustice can be corrected. The wise man will then accept the hard truth and make the best out of the situation/his life. Remember: there is always a tomorrow, when sun rises and birds will sing. As long as you can cherish that, they have not won.

Pizzagate is not the right place, although it is connected to the injustice that can happen, if the wrong people become influential and powerful.

Freemasonsrus ago

Peter Sweitzer. He made Clinton Cash. Or Dinesh D'Souza. If you're strictly looking to release documents then send them to Wikileaks. They'll vet them and decide when/what to publish.

QuestionEverything ago

Let the man talk. Stop downvoting him.

All the markets are rigged to some degree. Can you be more specific?

Dox what you got pls.

AaronDover ago

The non deliverable currency forwards which are used by participating firms of the SFEMC are taking forward bets on rates that actually DO NOT EXIST AT ALL. The contracts are essentially fully trusted disguised dollar payments between participants and brokers. The system is an anonymised and disguised plarform for vast illcicit payments worldwide between e.g. hedge funds and people-trafficking operations or drug cartels via the IB intermediaries.

Hopevoats ago

I think that I'd go hide with with Snowden and get him to help orchestrate a new iteration of Wikileaks. And just release everything you know to multiple sources, simultaneously. None of this drip, drip, drip shit.

It sounds like you are looking for a way to monetize the info? Instead, help save the world and monetize being a hero. If it's true, and you don't escape to an enemy state, then you won't live long enough to enjoy the money, anyway.

jbooba ago

Contact wikileaks. If its legit, we´ll see it soon.

AaronDover ago

Because the authorities have been hounding me for years already and wrecked my life and forced me to flee the UK. I have kept myself alive by leaking info under my own name. Enema of the State: Teaser Trailer


jordanricardo ago

If this is legit, great, upload and distribute to researchers, make sure you upload in multiple locations at once so it's not taken down and covered up, forgive me for being very skeptical, there's been a load of similar posts which turned out to be fake..

AaronDover ago

Yes what I need is to find the researchers who can make use of this info best and speak with them. Can you help put me in touch? Some background... I am very much legit and nearly got myself killed... Enema of the State: Teaser Trailer


Freemasonsrus ago

So were you sent to Tavistock?

AaronDover ago

The Hoaxted blog you linked to did a hit piece because I am a former pupil of Hampstead Christ Church school and was also whistleblowing on the Hampstead satanic cult who run the blog.

AaronDover ago

I was manhunted by the police and locked in a nuthouse to silence me in 2013. This manhunt was triggered by the hedge fund partners at my firm who were desperate to silence me as I was aware of their criminal activities. They were forced to release me. The High Court gagged me from revealing the info I have on these criminal activities. The manhunt and incarceration were reported in the Evening Standard. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/police-hunted-me-down-with-10-cars-and-a-helicopter-and-i-was-just-having-coffee-9055837.html

AaronDover ago

I believe they are connected through the fraudulent trade in "Non Deliverable Currency Forwards" or "NDF"s. These are forward trades on NONEXISTENT curreny rates which are dollar payments disguised as legitimate trades. The hub is the Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee (SFEMC). The HFs such as Palladium will be on one side of the trade via a broker investment bank. On the other side could be any criminal organisation, the trading is totally anonymised to facilitate secrecy. http://www.sfemc.org/

thisistotallynotme ago

Finally, some meat.

Can you update the main post of this thread to include this information? I had to hunt for it.

KaliPhobos ago

General information:

If you ever plan on publish information and files, make sure to create numerous backups that won't be taken down that fast (at least not until many of us have created our own backups of them). I recomment using pastebin for text and mega for files, but still, post them EVERYWHERE AT ONCE to make sure they're not taken down before you can reupload them.

AaronDover ago

Thanks but what I need is not advice I need to find the researchers who can use the info and speak to them. Can you help?

herbertbakunin ago

you could get in touch with david seamen or mike cernovich, they can get the word out https://twitter.com/d_seaman?lang=en-gbhttps://gab.ai/d_seaman. https://twitter.com/Cernovich

KaliPhobos ago

There arent ANY REAL researchers here. all the work is done by volunteers from all around the world. So if you want to give the information, jsut post it publicly so we can all see it and work with it.

Again: We're just a random crowd, there's no heads/spokesmen among us. Whoever finds something, tells the others, so some more people take a look at it. And once we've collected some interesting stuff, we make it public. That's how it all works both here and on Reddit.

I hope posting the information (more or less) public won't be a problem for you?

AaronDover ago

Here's my witness statement on the matter. My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


KaliPhobos ago

ok at first please try to link the text to the video, and if possible poste a link here, too, so it's easier to search through your text and also quote it.

If you have the files referred to in your statement, are you allowed to publish them? or are you prohibited by the court to release anything on the case during ongoing investigations or stuff like that? Not that it'd matter for us, but you could get in trouble with it so it's your decicion to take and yours alone.

Posting the files anonymously probably makes no sense anymore as your name is already all over the place, so about publishing the file, just do as you wish or contact others to publish them for you.

AaronDover ago

I am happy to share everything I have and I have no concern about "trouble" these people have tried to kill me, driven me out of my country, destroyed my life and are now stealing my home. Fuck em.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Are you using your actual name (Aaron Dover)? If so, why?? Is this a death wish?

AaronDover ago

It is my real name and I have already been incarcerated twice had my whole life destroyed and had to permanently flee the UK. I do not hide my identity... my leaked info has kept me alive. Enema of the State: Teaser Trailer


alneuman ago

You are a brave man Aaron, and we do appreciate your efforts. Now, here's the issues as I see them:

  1. You do not mention what acctg bkgrnd you have. You will require one with forensic accounting experience, or someone willing to learn.

  2. You need a freaking PLAN dude. I see you've splashed the internet with a youtube and I guess some other things, but to get this 'out there', you need a marketing plan. A distribution plan...just like starting a bidness, in a sense.

In essence as far as a plan goes, you need a one-page summary, not a wall of text, that explains what the details inside show. That's how you get interest. Your starter here is not bad, but it needs figures. Ie Evidence totals, list of top 4/5 or so who is involved and specific names...make sure they are names that can be proven. Saying the 'royals' surely you don't mean that the witch lizabeth is sitting down making accounting entries--so you have to connect her to this with memos, etc. (not in the summary of course, but you can't mention her name in a summary unless you have documentation).

Once you have the evidence filed and assayed, THEN you need a marketing plan--obviously social media would be a biggie here, but you require VOLUME. So put some people together anonymously (make sure you have some one involved who is a tech sec genius to protect everybody!), and come up with the plan--which social media, which independent media, etc.

If you do not, or cannot manage this process, I would try to contact zerohedge--they are in your bailiwick (investments) and also has a big enough following to make a hit.

Also, Greenwald at the Intercept might be an option, but you have to be careful here. Use a secure one-off email account to notify.

Possible also infowars.com although Jones--well let's just say he's not exactly on the Sandy Hoax truth bandwagon, so in some ways he's compromised.

I have also done research that shows, IMO, that the crown is neck deep in this pedo stuff. Anyone who looks at the Island of Jersey and the Haute de la Guerene scandal can't conclude otherwise...

AaronDover ago

Greenwald and ZeroHedge are both CIA gatekeepers and clearly, so are you. Alex Jones who used to be "Bill Hicks" is very senior CIA. As you obviously know. He's basically your boss.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

I'm sorry for all your troubles and would hope other men consider a case like yours before deciding to get married! The system can really fuck over guys like you. Have you tried giving your info to Max Keiser of RT? He seems willing to expose financial crimes in the UK and anywhere else. How about contacting Zero Hedge with this?

To be honest, even though your allegations are objectively a big deal, I think the general public is so used to this kind of story by now that it wont really move the needle. We EXPECT the finance world to be thieves and fraudsters. It's normal now. Also, your post is not really relevant to pizzagate.

AaronDover ago

No I am looking for a serious researcher not a MSM CIA gatekeeper. My info connects driectly to pizzagate via Clinton Foundation.

KaliPhobos ago

maybe it is connected to the pizzagate affair in a way we just dont know yet (maybe how they finance the whle pizzagate child-trafficking stuff, who knows). So just let him talk freely, please

h2d ago

This ^^^

I'm quite curious myself but the fact that you've openly named the person who was in charge of the fund, plus the fact that you were a partner - even if this isn't your real name on your account - it's honestly somewhat suspect. Forgive me for being skeptical, hopefully you can understand this as lately there has been massive amounts of disinformation being spread through this forum & other discussion areas for people researching this whole scandal/pizzagate (the work of shills and as-of-yet identified individuals with some sort of an agenda; potentially people connected to some of the very players in these sick crimes, like Alefantis and David Brock who likely still has an army of trolls/bots at his command leftover from the election, at CTR).

That said, it wouldn't be difficult for someone (myself included) to identify you by your real name and information within about 30 seconds given the information that you've already shared. I'd be very careful if I were you - if you're telling the truth, and I have no reason to doubt you at this time, you are potentially putting yourself in some VERY real danger. Any kind of shady financial thing with billions of dollars of daily transaction volume clearly has some insanely powerful people who are attached to it, the same kinds of people who have gone after individuals and organizations researching any number of the elements of pizzagate.- shutting down accounts and censoring people is the least of our worries -- people are dying. I urge you to take the utmost precaution and be VERY careful about who you share information with.

Likewise, anyone who contacts the OP or any other new posters (really, any posters in general on here) who are offering 'exclusive' information or any kind of hot tips - especially things that they aren't sharing openly or offering much details on (again this is in general and not directed at the OP) should also exercise extreme caution as you do not know what you are walking into.

SsupGuys ago

And the earth is flat? -> https://hoaxteadresearch.wordpress.com/2016/07/03/would-you-share-a-flat-with-this-man/#comment-32859

Guess who the MSM will quote when they are finally forced to report about #pizzagate? Crazy dipshits like you :/

AaronDover ago

The shape of the Earth is not directly relevant to pizzagate but as I am a zetetic physicist I measured the curvature and found there is none. It is perfectly flat. I recommend you trust nobody on this question and go and measure it for yourself as I did. Then you will know the truth. I documented it here, no drop over a 60km sightline when over 700 ft would be expected if it were not flat: Flat Earth: NEW PROOF No Curve in Thailand (Re-Up)


FuckReddit69 ago

Correct. The Earth is Flat. No measurable curvature can be detected. Islands and cities can be seen 60+ miles away when they should be well behind the curve of the Earth (according to spherical trigonometry)

Read: Zetetic Astronomy.
Zetetic Cosmogony.
Earth Not A Globe! An Experimental Inquiry into the True Figure of the Earth.

Ancients like Egyptians, Mayans and hebrews all depicted a fixed Flat Earth with a firmament(dome). Not to mention the Bible, Quran and Torah have references to a Fixed Immovable Earth with a dome.

It wasnt until galilleo and Copernicus (known freemasons) that flipped it 180 and created the heliocentric model.

And there are many more books on the subject. Please everyone, stop rediculing and start researching. There is MASSIVE evidence that the Earth is Indeed Flat.

"Condemnation without Investigation is the height of ignorance."

BUT this has nothing to do with pizzagate. Lets stay on topic.

AaronDover ago

It is my information on the syndicate of hedge funds and IBs laundering vast amounts of cash that is linked to Clinton Foundation. The people mentioning flat Earth here are just CIA shills sent to discredit me. They've been all over me for years.

h2d ago

I'm not a CIA shill. I just think you're a moron if you truly believe that the earth is flat. What's your explanation on the many satellite imagery that'd suggest otherwise? How about the fact that I, myself, have literally been on an airplane to a height high enough (70,000 feet elevation in a MiG 29 fighter jet with a Russian 'extreme tourism' company) which is high enough for one to clearly see the curvature of the Earth?

AaronDover ago

See how you CIA shills come here to change the subject away from #Pizzagate. Read the rules scumbag. If you want to debunk my flat Earth videos, do it on my channel or in the flat Earth forum on VOAT. Pathetic CIA diversion tactics.

gopluckyourself ago

Try harder please. Fake post is fake.

SsupGuys ago

? what the...

I'm CONCERNED that the mass media will paint the whole thing as crazy stuff because of this guys delusional beliefs. Everything he posted might be true and needs to investigated but he would have helped a lot more when not connecting his name to it because he obviously beliefs some crazy stuff too.

Maybe you haven't observed it before, but they (MSM) tend to pick on specific persons and their off-the-record beliefs to discredit the whole.

gopluckyourself ago

That's what I'm saying. Why this guy. The guy with something very easy to point at and go, "Look, look at how crazy he is. Obviously everything he says is dumb and false." The whole thing just fucking stinks to me.
I'm saying this is probly a pre-emptive strike to provide information that is actually damning with an easy to discredit source.

SsupGuys ago

He takes away credibility on whatever he posts this way.

Every sane person that is not as deep into alternate news and doesn't understand a lot of what is common sense/knowledge to us will just read:

'Ok, this guy believes the earth is flat - lol' and move on. If you think that this is good for the cause, I'll call you shill!

therealwopD ago

THE EARTH IS NOT FLAT. come on please dont try to attach that shit to the pizzagate threads

FuckReddit69 ago

You seem very sure that its not flat. Have you personally done any research on the subject or are you just "taking their word for it."

Remember when #pizzagate was considered so crazy that it just couldnt be true? Me too. Our leaders would never do such a thing. /s

therealwopD ago

Come on man. It's very very widespread common knowledge. Why would they ever make that up. Get a fucking telescope and look at other planets. THEY ARE SPHERICAL

We don't need This garbage connected to pizzagate at all

FuckReddit69 ago

Yes please do yourself a favor and do just that. Actually just watch this and judge for yourself.


Planets are nothing more than pulsating lights in the sky. Just like stars.

Definetly not what NASA says they are and how they depict them in their CGI hollywood studio.

Again, do your own research. Know how i became a flat earther? I tried to debunk flat earth. Now you try it. Godspeed.

h2d ago

Okay, how about images I have taken myself from a flight 70k feet above the Earth -- clearly showing the curvature of the Earth - something that'd be impossible if it were flat? Do you realize how moronic you sound? This is CLEARLY not anywhere near the fucking moronic claim that the Earth is flat (pizzagate - that is). While people might be incredulous or find it hard to believe that there are corrupt elite rings of child-trafficking pedophiles especially in the highest levels of government - it's not so hard to believe with all of the evidence that's mounting and piling up on a daily basis, nor with the many similar scandals worldwide. This flat-earth bullshit is perpetuated by idiots and/or shills (shills are idiots) and the persons making such claims here to discredit this investigation and to try to discourage others from believing it by making it seem like people here actually ascribe to any of these moronic theories. Fuck off.

FuckReddit69 ago

You sound really pissed that your entire worldview is slowely crumbling with every passing truth you learn.

Dont kill the messenger, just go and research about this topic yourself. Dont take my word for it.

Whatever curve you thought you saw at 70k feet doesn't exist, because as you can see from the video below the camera on the balloon is at a height of 120K feet and the horizon looks perfectly flat to me. Also this was taken with a normal camera, not a fisheye lens camera that curves and distorts the true image.


The plane you were on either has curved windows (most comercial flights do) or you imagined a curve because it is in line with what you "know" to be true.

Again, don't believe anything i say. Spend more than 5 minutes on the topic and come to your own conclusions. That's how i became a flat earther... by trying to debunk it.

SsupGuys ago

Maybe you misread that, but that's exactly what I wrote...

AaronDover ago

Donald Sussman is a major player easily researched. My name is Aaron Dover and the fund I was a partner in was LMR Partners. The syndicate I have information on is far bigger than any one fund it is a global fake marketplace which is all disguised money laundering. My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate


randolf ago

be really careful op! record everything, leave a copy to people you trust.