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The_Periodic_Fable ago

Are you using your actual name (Aaron Dover)? If so, why?? Is this a death wish?

h2d ago

This ^^^

I'm quite curious myself but the fact that you've openly named the person who was in charge of the fund, plus the fact that you were a partner - even if this isn't your real name on your account - it's honestly somewhat suspect. Forgive me for being skeptical, hopefully you can understand this as lately there has been massive amounts of disinformation being spread through this forum & other discussion areas for people researching this whole scandal/pizzagate (the work of shills and as-of-yet identified individuals with some sort of an agenda; potentially people connected to some of the very players in these sick crimes, like Alefantis and David Brock who likely still has an army of trolls/bots at his command leftover from the election, at CTR).

That said, it wouldn't be difficult for someone (myself included) to identify you by your real name and information within about 30 seconds given the information that you've already shared. I'd be very careful if I were you - if you're telling the truth, and I have no reason to doubt you at this time, you are potentially putting yourself in some VERY real danger. Any kind of shady financial thing with billions of dollars of daily transaction volume clearly has some insanely powerful people who are attached to it, the same kinds of people who have gone after individuals and organizations researching any number of the elements of pizzagate.- shutting down accounts and censoring people is the least of our worries -- people are dying. I urge you to take the utmost precaution and be VERY careful about who you share information with.

Likewise, anyone who contacts the OP or any other new posters (really, any posters in general on here) who are offering 'exclusive' information or any kind of hot tips - especially things that they aren't sharing openly or offering much details on (again this is in general and not directed at the OP) should also exercise extreme caution as you do not know what you are walking into.

SsupGuys ago

And the earth is flat? ->

Guess who the MSM will quote when they are finally forced to report about #pizzagate? Crazy dipshits like you :/

AaronDover ago

The shape of the Earth is not directly relevant to pizzagate but as I am a zetetic physicist I measured the curvature and found there is none. It is perfectly flat. I recommend you trust nobody on this question and go and measure it for yourself as I did. Then you will know the truth. I documented it here, no drop over a 60km sightline when over 700 ft would be expected if it were not flat: Flat Earth: NEW PROOF No Curve in Thailand (Re-Up)

FuckReddit69 ago

Correct. The Earth is Flat. No measurable curvature can be detected. Islands and cities can be seen 60+ miles away when they should be well behind the curve of the Earth (according to spherical trigonometry)

Read: Zetetic Astronomy.
Zetetic Cosmogony.
Earth Not A Globe! An Experimental Inquiry into the True Figure of the Earth.

Ancients like Egyptians, Mayans and hebrews all depicted a fixed Flat Earth with a firmament(dome). Not to mention the Bible, Quran and Torah have references to a Fixed Immovable Earth with a dome.

It wasnt until galilleo and Copernicus (known freemasons) that flipped it 180 and created the heliocentric model.

And there are many more books on the subject. Please everyone, stop rediculing and start researching. There is MASSIVE evidence that the Earth is Indeed Flat.

"Condemnation without Investigation is the height of ignorance."

BUT this has nothing to do with pizzagate. Lets stay on topic.

AaronDover ago

It is my information on the syndicate of hedge funds and IBs laundering vast amounts of cash that is linked to Clinton Foundation. The people mentioning flat Earth here are just CIA shills sent to discredit me. They've been all over me for years.

h2d ago

I'm not a CIA shill. I just think you're a moron if you truly believe that the earth is flat. What's your explanation on the many satellite imagery that'd suggest otherwise? How about the fact that I, myself, have literally been on an airplane to a height high enough (70,000 feet elevation in a MiG 29 fighter jet with a Russian 'extreme tourism' company) which is high enough for one to clearly see the curvature of the Earth?

AaronDover ago

See how you CIA shills come here to change the subject away from #Pizzagate. Read the rules scumbag. If you want to debunk my flat Earth videos, do it on my channel or in the flat Earth forum on VOAT. Pathetic CIA diversion tactics.