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LionParty ago

People here know I'm not a shill, I'm just trying to keep them cautious, you might not be a shill but there has been worry of shills with this kind of info. I'm just telling them to be cautious.

AaronDover ago

Shills dont get manhunted by police helicopters and banged up in a nuthouse or get gagged by the High Court or get jailed or have their homes confiscated. Legit whistleblowers like me do!

thisistotallynotme ago

Looks like you had a court-mandated competency exam, due to your wife making a complaint. You got gagged because the court didn't want to recognize your injuries due to their overreaction.

In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. This is how dissenters are treated post-2001. Look at Kim Dotcom for a good example of how you'll be rolled in the future, should you continue to speak out. Nevermind getting a lawyer, you need to learn law in order to survive. You have remedy in the courts, you just have to know where to look. Studying helps with that.

thisistotallynotme ago

I just read the affidavit. It was filed in a counter-suit against /u/AaronDover, looks like. The first 4 points are broad and extremely vexatious (making accusations that are not backed up by evidence, openly insulting other court participants), while telling the court that you got a $1mil settlement prior to this suit.

Then there's this: "5. I am very unwell with severe symptoms of anxiety and depression resulting from the situation I am left in following the events described in my account. My physical and mental health has deteriorated over the period since the dispute began between LMR and me in November 2011. I have been suffering from panic attacks, headaches, loss of sleep, nausea, vomiting, chronic fatigue, depressive symptoms and heart palpitations. It is my view, supported by the Dr. Petros Lekkos, that I currently lack the mental capacity to conduct these proceedings."

You then proceed to defy that statement with 33 more pages of (mostly) facts, making the case that the plaintiffs are vexatious litigants that ruined your career, marriage, and familial relationships.

None of this is even tangentially related to human trafficking. Unless you have something tying it all to what we're investigating here, this is really starting to look like it doesn't have anything to do with our research.

AaronDover ago

I uncovered the billions of dollars a day in money laundering linked to the Clinton Foundation. You are clearly a CIA trying to discredit me.