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Jem777 ago

This is the most important post yet. Tavistock was founded on ideas of Sigmund Freud then Carl Jung. Freud was a pedophile who inferred sexual desires to children even infants. Adolf Hitler and Sigmeund Freud were in Vienna together after WW1. There is a hidden statue of Freud at Tavistock.

Very disturbing history about human experiments with Dr. Mengele "Angel of Death"

His grandson Clement Freud is involved in the Madeline McCann.

Carl Jung was an intelligence agent and psychologist who worked with Allen Dulles who later created the CIA. These scientists and alleged psychologists were part of "Operation Paperclip"

ASolo ago

Yes, especially considering this... This is Pizzagate, the Hampstead Scandal, and another NEW hedge fund scandal, along with a potential murder, all wrapped into one.

I have insider information on a global money laundering syndicate of hedge funds and IBs linked to the Clinton Foundation (pizzagate)

This needs to go viral.

submitted 4 months ago by AaronDover

I was a partner in a hedge fund owned by Donald Sussman one of Clinton's main backers in the election and the "godfather of the hedge fund industry". I have vast amounts of information on fraudulent financial markets which are fronts for dollar payments between criminal groups. The figures we are talking about are billions of dollars PER DAY in transactions going through these markets. The markets are operated by the Crown. I need to get in touch with researchers who can use my information. Please can you get in touch if you want to discuss this info. I have plenty of documents proving what I have to say. I was gagged by the High Court of the UK from sharing this info but my current circumstances place me outside their jurisdiction. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate

SEE HERE: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate