DerivaUK ago

Does anyone yet know how he died?

Dressage2 ago

I don't know if people realize that Susan Rice went to Stanford where the Research Center (Tavistock) is located. She also went to Oxford and was a Rhodes Scholar just like Bill Clinton. We know that Tavistock was involved in Oxford and the Illuminati sent their children as well as other secret society schools such as Harvard and Yale. In addition, Susan's mother, Lois Dickson Fitt, was a guest scholar at Brookings Institute. Brookings Institute is another Tavistock involvement company. Rothschild started the Federal Reserve in 1913 and Susan's father Emmett was a World Bank employee and the Federal Reserve Governor. Also, Susan was at Brookings as well as a senior fellow in Foreign Policy. The question is could Susan Rice be Illuminati or MKUltra due to her background?

MrFarr ago

Well researched!

Death2Masons ago

Always like threads with Tavistock Institute. An ogranization that has existed to research mind control and social engineering and pass that research on to inteligence agencies to use in their social manipulation through the media and other agendas. The fact that it exist and its research and techniques are used against us daily is very sci fi creepy.

AngB23 ago

I really believe Tavistock is the epic center of it all.

Sussman-CAP board of directors

Donald Contributed $2,500,000 to Priorities and $353,400 to HVF in 2015. is Founder of the Paloma Funds and New China Management, and Chairman of the Board of Trust Asset Management.- see attachment

Sussman, Soros, Rothschild dinner

$18 mill in grants for Obama campaign?

ASolo ago

Wow, and more wow. Just... wow. I'm wondering if the Pizzagate and Hampstead community realize how unbelievably important this event is? 42 years old? There has to be foul play involved in this one.

Handkerchief Email Revisited: The Sandler's, Saturday Night Live, and Chabad LubavitchTitle Here

Donald Sussman, another big Clinton Foundation donor, who resides in the secluded and uber elite islands off the coast of Maine with worldwide personalities that have had a wide array of influence over the panopticon of international economics and politics like Prescott Bush, The Dupont's and IBM's Watson. His art tastes are as big as his wallet, I wonder how interested he is in the styles of art like those of James Alefantis, Tony and John Podesta?

ASolo ago

Someone big in the alt scene had better do an expose on this, this is top-level shit.

PizzagateBot ago

Today, Tavistock operates through a vast network of think tanks, NGOs, universities and media outlets to influence public opinion,

I don't recommend to go to, but they are well known for having a list of words that will get you an instaban by IP. This includes a few interesting ones:

stanford research institute
jason lucas

Funny how some of these conspiracy websites operate....

equineluvr ago

Also Jew, Jewish, and anything about the Jews is censored there.

DerivaUK ago

You'll not be welcomed then, @equineluvr

jstayz44 ago

Interesting. According to this video made by William Mount, the killer who shot the GA attorney shortly after she filed with the court for documents pertaining to the I-85 bridge went to MIT/Sloane for his MBA. Coincidentally, William Mount also talks about the CIA offering this guy "stock tips" as a payoff...but the zipped folder actually contains child pornography as a way to bribe people. This idea was offered as a way to understand why one of 16 hard drives at the killers residence had CP on it, so it was purely a hypothesis. Just after the 2.0 minute mark.

rhesuspieces ago

Yes and the theatre killer was a neuroscientist, it's no coincidence they program the highly intelligent for false flags to demoralise the populace and keep in a stressed state at all times, increased oxytocin which bonds man to his captors.

jstayz44 ago

So, I may be missing your point. Mine was just that the person who killed the attorney may have had more than MBA training at Sloane. I'm pretty sure they can take dipshits and make assasins out of them, as well.

rhesuspieces ago

Also basically we aren't even shown real politicians on TV, they just put up some CGI. The little people will be bamboozled and ultimately, who cares?

jstayz44 ago

I truly couldn't be more on the same page. We, the little people, will be run over in all of this. And you and I, and other "little people" who actually have a clue, but nowhere to turn...we end up in the big pile of little people who have no clue. There's almost no advantage to having a clue. I feel like banding together with you and others who that we can't just lay down. But how? They are owning us through their ability to infiltrate every moment of our lives. I would love to pass you a note to as you if you are indeed preparing...maybe even send it through a happy courier, but those were the battles of yesterday. This is different. What do we have left?

MrFarr ago

We have localism which is the solution to globalism.

jstayz44 ago

I wish. I'm in a blue state surrounded by head-in-sand ers.

MrFarr ago

Then magic is the solution.

rhesuspieces ago

My point is that Georgetown/MIT/Stanford are working in unison on a super soldier program, by way of MKUltra and Nazi technologies. The perfect assassin, for example.

All very Manchurian and ties in with the cloning programs also, altering DNA - night vision, so on and so forth.

doubletake ago

Jem777 ago

This is the most important post yet. Tavistock was founded on ideas of Sigmund Freud then Carl Jung. Freud was a pedophile who inferred sexual desires to children even infants. Adolf Hitler and Sigmeund Freud were in Vienna together after WW1. There is a hidden statue of Freud at Tavistock.

Very disturbing history about human experiments with Dr. Mengele "Angel of Death"

His grandson Clement Freud is involved in the Madeline McCann.

Carl Jung was an intelligence agent and psychologist who worked with Allen Dulles who later created the CIA. These scientists and alleged psychologists were part of "Operation Paperclip"

Judgejewdy ago

Pizzagatebot is used to flag posts they don't want to be seen.

ASolo ago

Yes, especially considering this... This is Pizzagate, the Hampstead Scandal, and another NEW hedge fund scandal, along with a potential murder, all wrapped into one.

I have insider information on a global money laundering syndicate of hedge funds and IBs linked to the Clinton Foundation (pizzagate)

This needs to go viral.

submitted 4 months ago by AaronDover

I was a partner in a hedge fund owned by Donald Sussman one of Clinton's main backers in the election and the "godfather of the hedge fund industry". I have vast amounts of information on fraudulent financial markets which are fronts for dollar payments between criminal groups. The figures we are talking about are billions of dollars PER DAY in transactions going through these markets. The markets are operated by the Crown. I need to get in touch with researchers who can use my information. Please can you get in touch if you want to discuss this info. I have plenty of documents proving what I have to say. I was gagged by the High Court of the UK from sharing this info but my current circumstances place me outside their jurisdiction. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate

SEE HERE: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate

redditsuckz ago

Tavistock was founded on ideas of Sigmund Freud then Carl Jung. Freud was a pedophile who inferred sexual desires to children even infants. Adolf Hitler and Sigmeund Freud were in Vienna together after WW1. There is a hidden statue of Freud at Tavistock.

(((Sigmeund Freud)))

His grandson Clement Freud is involved in the Madeline McCann.

Podesta Pizza Update: (((Sir Clement Freud))), Madeleine McCann

Wealthy British MP and Grandson of (((Sigmund Freud))) has been connected to the disappearance of Madeleine Mccann.

Emails between 'paedophile' (((Clement Freud))) and Madeleine McCann's parents to be probed for child sex abuse inquiry

Well no wonder the Jews at ban anyone who even types the word "Tavistock". Tavistock is 100% a Jew operation. And Tavistock is using places like Hampstead to rape, torture and eat children to create an army of MKULTRA'd "satanic" victims to carry on abusing and murdering etc....its why the Hamstead children were not only abused they were TAUGHT how to cut off babies heads so they could teach other victims in other generations to do the same.

Death2Masons ago

Correcting grammar and spewing about Jews instead of specificly targeting Zionist influence is not accepted in the truth community. You know to much to not understand that and that makes you vulnerable to accusations of being a shill. Assuming you are not one, try educating people about Zionist influnece instead of just yelling Jew this and that with rancor all the time. And considering the topic, being a grammar cop is petty.

rhesuspieces ago

That's interesting and he is associated with Huxley, yes?

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