we_kill_creativity ago

If I didn't see the parents mentioned, I was going to. And it's not just the questions she refused to answer. They spent a lot of time at Clement Froid's place after it happened. They referred to him in very glowing terms, so, of course, it turns out he was also a pedophile. The police sketchs do look exactly like the Podestas though, and I'll be more surprised if it turns out they weren't involved.

teefymcteephteeth ago

The McCann case is a case very much like pizzagate, shrouded in mystery, lies and contradictions. It was linked to human trafficking in the very first week of the investigation, then that officer was fired. I think if we can find connections between pizzagate and other cases that were covered up/debunked, maybe more people will start to wake up.

Singleservename ago

Apparently these efits were made from testimony by Irish holiday maker called Martin Smith.

I do wonder what HE would say when confronted with John Podesta.

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

Let me introduce you to a technique called parallel construction:


Millennial_Falcon ago

Based on an alleged anonymous source. Flairing "accuracy in question."

waxdino ago

Anytime a bit of unconfirmed old new is the top post, I know we're in shill country.

JeremiahSinclair ago

This was not confirmed, that they were in Portugal that day. Their friendship with Clement Freud also could not be independently confirmed.

How I know: This was in my original Pizzagate piece on Aceloewgold.com, until I realized there was nothing at all out there supporting it other than that blog about FBI anon and had to take it down so as not to destroy the credibility of my very level-headed, skeptic friendly summary.

Edit: Being unable to find independent verification, there is no proof of this assertion. Not to dismiss the possibility -- maybe they were there -- but if we're dealing in what can be proved and verified, this cannot be (or at least hasn't been yet).

CynicalLurker ago

Can you also ask him what the possibilities of so many pedo references circulating one place in Washington are? Like taking into account all the logos resembling pedo symbols, all the pedo jokes, the pedo bands, all pedo references on Jimmycomet's Instagram and so on...

anolegion ago

It does look like the Podesta emails have been scrubbed before McCann's disappearance. I believe Wikileaks did this, possibly as a dead man's switch.

These efits were sat on for years before Scotland Yard released them. Why?

The similarity of especially John Podesta to the left efit picture is striking to such a degree I would be calling police if I saw Podesta walking the streets. Authorities ask explicitly to report anyone who looks like this. So, has Podesta been reported, and investigated?

andrevandelft ago

Will your professor also think about missing information? Will his computation change when you give him more information?

E.g., the pictures were only created and published long after Maddie's disappearance. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2478087/Why-Madeleine-McCann-suspect-E-fits-kept-secret-5-years.html

Shortly after the pictures were published, someone remarked that they contain so much detail that they must have been made after photographs, rather than after descriptions by witnesses. Someone else remarked (after Pizzagate came out) that the publication must have been a signal to the Podestas. I forgot where I read these things.

SpikyAube ago

They were released in 2013, created in 2008 by a PI hired by the McCanns, who was an ex Director of MI5. The resemblance is so uncanny, it seems way too statistically unlikely that two brothers each happen to look like two eFits of people suspecting of kidnapping a child, AND separately are themselves suspected of being involved in child trafficking. That is just monumentally unlikely.

norobotono ago

There is a photo online which shows one of the Podestas at a demonstration outside an embassy in America at the time and the exif data backs that up. The photo is even viewable on archive.org so it wasn't recently added either.

remedy4reality ago

let's get that link

DarkMath ago

There is no evidence the police in England can place the Podesta's there. This is pure speculation.

Sheilaaliens ago

Yeah an anonymous source is not proof.

Here is where Podesta was on May 2nd: https://www.flickr.com/photos/americanprogress/542528805/in/photostream/

On May 4th someone wished him safe travels: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/9364

B_dog ago

The Podestas were in Portugal or they were not. I have yet to see real proof either way. Obviously, that would either basically settle it with them innocent not in Portugal or make the level of reasonable suspicion go to eleven with them in Portugal associated with known pedo Clement Freud near the crime scene, as the story goes.

This old article was merely tantalizing, not real proof. I thought someone in mainstream media would easily debunk this right away. If the brothers weren't in Portugal, it seems to be a simple way to make PGers look silly. But I'm still waiting weeks later.

Gorillion ago

No. Those eFits pre-date any sort of Podesta scandal.

B_dog ago

Released in 2013 I believe. Supposedly they were created years before that, or so I read.

Gorillion ago

One of the theories is that they know the Podestas were there and likely did it, but they know through means that can't be used in court. Spying and classified tech etc.

The eFits may be the result of a thing called "Parallel Construction", though they were supposedly commissioned by PIs brought in by the McCann family. The concept of Parallel Construction is to create evidence that while accurate, won't stand alone in court, but may attract evidence from the public sphere. It may shake the branches of the Podesta network enough that some crony or lackey comes forward with new evidence. It emboldens people who may know something, but fear coming forward, to step up.

SpikyAube ago

I wondered if perhaps the people released the eFits at a time when they wanted to use them against the Podestas, as they were released apparently 5 years after having been created. They were created by an ex director of MI5, they were released in October 2013. December 2013 was when John Podesta went back into the White House, where he was expected to convince Obama to take some action or other to do with oil sands pipeline in Canada. Perhaps these eFits were released to scare/blackmail them into doing something involving JP's return to the White House?

hookednosedjoooo ago

I was participating in the eyes wide shut threads on 4chan and been sleuthing pizzagate since the day 1. This meme of the podesta brothers kidnapping the Maddy girl is an astroturfing disinfo campaign and anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows this is true. Be careful with these false leads because they already falseflaged a shooting a comet pizza so they are probably planning phase 2 of the psyop to discredit this. Remember that pizzagate is a LIMITED HANGOUT. They allowed this to leak into the mainstream for a reason. Anyone who knows the history of pedophile rings knows that the media prefers to just not talk about it. They are allowing pizzagate to go mainstream for a reason.

Gorillion ago

They are allowing pizzagate to go mainstream for a reason

Whut. Ben Swann's report was scrubbed from the host website. It's not going mainstream in the MSM, that's for sure.



Astrodreamer ago

The provenance of the efits doesn't ring true, plus they really just look like they're copied off the photos they are supposed to so remarkably resemble. A reverse pereidolia!

Fateswebb ago

This article has disinformation. There is not proof, I wish there was... also the girl in the photo playing cards I believe has been identified and it's not Madeline.

MolochHunter ago

i swear to god i saw online 2 separate intelligence files, one US the other UK, of the podestas being known to be at freuds house - this was when i was just becoming aware of pizzagate so wasnt saving links or anything, and im buggerred if i can find the source again. (the source could be a forgery, still.. but there you have it)

sensitive ago

Been there, done that (in similar situations)! Maybe, if you can remember the likely date you saw those files, you can use your browser history to find them again?

party1981 ago

This article does not provide proof. But I expect proof to eventually emerge, and then the whole thing will come down.

ben_matlock ago

I really, really want (and expect) this to be true buuut...just wish we had a more solid link to pin the pedosta bros in Portugal. 'One of our [anonymous] FBI insiders' isn't terribly convincing.

carmencita ago

Aside from the efits, there is no real proof. Don't know how they would get it unless they confessed or were seen by a credible witness. Lobbyists and ambassadors are exempt from having their flights recorded. So all the pedos that are lobbyists or ambassadors can not be tracked. Ugh.

remedy4reality ago

Let me tell you this: If you or I matched the efits to the level of the Podesta's, we would have been dragged in YEARS AGO. Just what do you think the chances of TWO other men in the area of the abduction resembling BOTH the Podestas's AND the efits? It is a huge piece of evidence and in a normal investigation, they absolutely would have been questioned or would have to have provided a solid alibi.

carmencita ago

I am with you. It is so obvious. Of course, if Soros wanted her he would have picked two pros. Someone that he and the CIA had complete trust in. Also, people that were high up on the totem pole so that they were untouchable. Not some low life criminal (well actually you could pin that name on them too). Or somebody's kid too. Can you imagine some brown or black person who's efit matched that close? They would be plastered all over the internet and Breaking News 24 hrs a day for a week. I hear you. We should make up posters and plaster them everywhere at all our grocery stores, gas stations, outside all the popular fast food restaurants too. Why have these men not been brought in for questioning?

SpikyAube ago

And unfortunately all the lobbyists and ambassadors seem to be pedos :-(

AreWeSure ago

Wasn't true in November. Not true now.

FriesischShipping ago

The theory in November was that the missing Podesta emails prior to May 4th 2007 held the smoking gun.

B_dog ago

Knowing the Podestas were staying in Freud's place at the time of the McCann disappearance would not be a true smoking gun. But it would vault suspecting them from merely speculative based on strong resemblance to e-fits to quite possibly guilty and the best suspects in the case, that I'm aware of anyway.

It is curious the emails start right after the disappearance. Add being in Portugal to that and I would start betting some money on Podesta involvement.

mildseven ago

The article provides no proof they were there at the time of McCann's disappearance.

gerrycan ago

This is total BULLSHIT and discredits us no end.

google_is_useful ago

i find it weird that people who believe (in my eyes) even more incredible shit, think this is impossible. those pictures look EXACTLY like the podesta brothers.

people have said those two sketches were supposed to be of the same suspect -- how? they look totally different.


how can you dismiss this entirely?

salinaslayer ago

It's two people, there is another witness at the airport, all it takes is to show that person a picture of the Podestas

madmanpg ago

Because the pictures, when originally published, were claimed to be two different pictures of the SAME GUY. This is an old, old debunked claim. Yes, the pictures are uncanny, but they were made of one man, and both Podestas cannot be one man.


Mary and Martin Smith, from Ireland, told police they saw a man carrying a child matching Madeleine’s description at around 10pm on Rua da Escola Primaria, 500 yards from the McCanns’ apartment. He was heading towards the beach, did not look like a tourist and did not seem comfortable carrying the child, they said.

Their evidence was compelling, but it was only in October 2013 that two e-fit images of the man, compiled by police from descriptions given by Mr and Mrs Smith

It was a couple that was together and saw the same man.

Cuboctahedron ago

There was no debunking. They look different enough to be of two people. The only unproven claim is that the Podesta brothers were in Portugal at the time of Madeline McCann's disappearance.

madmanpg ago


Mary and Martin Smith, from Ireland, told police they saw a man carrying a child matching Madeleine’s description at around 10pm on Rua da Escola Primaria, 500 yards from the McCanns’ apartment. He was heading towards the beach, did not look like a tourist and did not seem comfortable carrying the child, they said.

Their evidence was compelling, but it was only in October 2013 that two e-fit images of the man, compiled by police from descriptions given by Mr and Mrs Smith

It was a couple that was together and saw the same man. Provide evidence otherwise.

JamesGhost ago

This is not true. The pictures were from two different whitnesses that each saw one man. Since neither whiteness saw two men the police did not know if there were two. So these could have been very different accounts of the same man or each whitness saw a different man. Which makes more sense?

madmanpg ago


Mary and Martin Smith, from Ireland, told police they saw a man carrying a child matching Madeleine’s description at around 10pm on Rua da Escola Primaria, 500 yards from the McCanns’ apartment. He was heading towards the beach, did not look like a tourist and did not seem comfortable carrying the child, they said.

Their evidence was compelling, but it was only in October 2013 that two e-fit images of the man, compiled by police from descriptions given by Mr and Mrs Smith

It was a couple that was together and saw the same man.

remedy4reality ago

I have a simple explanation for varied witness accounts of the 'man' seen with Madeline: John and Tony RELAYED the abduction to create confusion. They both carried/escorted her at different points and at different places. There ya go. Occams Razor. I firmly believe there is prima facie evidence right now to bring both Podesta's in for questioning on the McCann abduction. This has been a central point since the inception of PG and if it was so easy for the Podesta's to discredit the connection, why have they not done it? They don't want the McCann case back in the news, trust me. And they certainly don't want the World to see their faces next to those computer generated renderings.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Makes me wonder if the focus of her kidnapping was to have each brother be seen carrying her by different wotnesses, and ensuring that by having conflicting accounts of the kidnapper, nobody would believe it unless convinient blackmail evidence happened to leak. Did things get drastically better for the brothers soon after her dissappearance?

crazimal ago

Also there is no particular reason to believe the witnesses' stories in detail. There is some evidence the podestas were there, and the images are clearly a match, regardless of who created them or when. I would not really buy the tale of who the efit artist was, since it is obvious the efits were made from photos of the brothers podesta, not witness descriptions from memory. Do remember the McCann press coverage was sketchy from day one. No reason to consider it gospel years after when efits appeared.

Ever seen efits before? They really don't often look exactly like anyone at all but may catch skin tone or distinguishing marks or facial geometry.

Rarely do they match clear frontal photos of investigative subjects. When they do it is because they are engagements of photos or surveillance video, not sketches or true "efit" electronic composites.

And the mole on wrong side? That is just so there can be no lawsuit claiming they used a likeness of Tony to defame him.

It's them for sure.

waxdino ago

I absolutely believe those are drawings of the Molesta brothers. I do think they were involved, or the efits were used as a call out for other crimes, as some have theorized.
But a two month old article with an unconfirmed source giving confirmation bias is bullshit.

weewaawooba ago

The source also say that the efits are of the same person, described by two different witnesses.

remedy4reality ago

Did you ever think they both Tony and John carried/escorted her, INDIVIDUALLY, at different points? A hand off likely occurred to create confusion. After all, looks like John is lifetime CIA.

google_is_useful ago

then it's absolutely possible that they saw different people

MolochHunter ago

it is i suppose. Its also important, though, to note the portugese police put these out in 2013 - independently, before pizzagate

Aaanndgo ago

There is no proof of Podesta being in Portugal in Wikileaks and I take an intelligence source with a grain of salt. Personally, I believe the police reports and blood/cadaver evidence but those efits look so much like the Podestas, I question if it's a sister investigation of some sort or related in someway.

There is substantial evidence that Madeleine died before May 4th. Whether it was an accident or her parents gave someone access to her, I don't know, but her likely death is being covered up.

Gorillion ago

There is no proof of Podesta being in Portugal in Wikileaks

Because Podestas emails start the day after her disappearance. All emails prior to that were purged.

Ya think he's gonna purge his entire email history, an action that he never repeated again, then start talking loosely in his new emails about his lovely holiday to Portugal?

If you're legit. Use your fucking brain.

If you're a shill. Your day will come.

Aaanndgo ago

Chill out. Show me an email where he is loosely talking about his lovely holiday to Portugal because I have haven't seen it.

Edit to add: I use my fucking brain. [https://i.imgsafe.org/475da665b8.png]

remedy4reality ago

Show me a picture of any two people who were in the vicinity during the abduction that look as much like the renderings as the Podesta's. C'mon, do you know the level of coincidence we're dealing with here?

SpikyAube ago

That seems to show a massive purge of emails between November 2006 and May 2007, so not ALL his prior email history, but about 6 months of it, which is kind of weirder as if you were purging a whole lot in one go you'd normally dump all of them or a selection of ones you don't need, but it would be weird for all the ones you don't need to happen to be every email for a 6 month period!

AugustaJulia ago

Who might have done the purging? Someone inside Wikileaks? Does anyone have a plausible hypothesis?

FalsePseudonym ago

Neither has he. I think you've misunderstood him.

weewaawooba ago

That is not true. There are sporadic Emails before that time. Not all Emails have been purged.