urso ago

One matching logo is one thing, three matches alongside in one street (notice the bookstore having more vague ping pong paddles-like 'O's)... then it happens that the pizza logo changes. notice that 'besta' an anagram for beast, and and is beast in Portuguese

charmeuse ago

http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1877351_1877350_1877343,00.html Judging by this, the Sandlers are capable of anything. Look at those faces...

ThatCuckoldSpez ago


The real WTF from that email thread is that the handkerchief is assumed to be a map to pizza without the realtor ever using the words "map" or "pizza."

If you heard of a handkerchief, would you assume it was a map to pizza? Would anyone?

LargePepperoni ago

I think there was probably a phone call from the Sandlers to the realtor that obviously isn't shown in the emails. They probably asked about some details of the handkerchief.

ThatCuckoldSpez ago

Seems like a lotta work over a hanky

Craic_Cocaine ago

Exactly. It either is directly related to pizza, or it isn't. I'm not sure where the 'seems' comes from.

PizzaAccount ago

Hate to jump on the bandwagon here, but this kind of stuff is exactly what dis-info agents want. To the uninitiated, this kind of speculation makes us all look less credible. Those of us who know the story see the good intention, but other people will just see a far-fetched idea from some nutjob.

veritas_e_lux ago

Eh. I think this is far-fetched. The Besta Pizza logo was obvious. The point of these symbols is to be obvious, like a calling card, so I don't think having a logo that you'd have to dissect and rearrange to see something would be obvious enough. Just my opinion though.

Spuddlebuns ago

You are spot on. 10 points to Griffindor!

"Hidden in plain sight," is part of how this is all coming about. Twisting obtuse references or logos to try to make a connection does NOT help the situation. If people will use a modicum of common sense, we will see far less "far-fetched," "off the wall" attempts to correlate unrelated logos and businesses to the well-documented evidence we are seeing.

LargePepperoni ago

You are probably right about the logo. But the Sandlers still need to be checked out.

Spuddlebuns ago

Then by all means, FEEL FREE. No one is stopping you. But don't expect the people here who are checking out FAR more valid breadcrumbs to investigate your far-fetched stretching of a heart logo. If you look hard enough, EVERY heart with ANY extra lines can be claimed to have nefarious double meanings. Even the FBI wouldn't bother with that logo. STAY FOCUSED, and SEE what is "hidden in plain sight."

You DON'T have to dig deep and stretch the bounds of imagination and credibility on this. If you will make the effort to read what has already been uncovered, you will see that it does NOT take a leap of faith or stretch of the imagination to give pause to what is happening. Anything you submit should be able to pass that same 'smell test.'

LargePepperoni ago

Stop being a prick. I AM working on it. Why are you assuming I'm not?

Also, I even said in the title that is might be nothing. Stop acting like I said


Little possible non-clues always have a chance to turn into something later. What if several more were found? Then we can see a pattern and evaluate further from there.

Not every post needs to be hard evidence. Even if it turns out to be nothing, people can learn from discussing with each other why the content is important or irrelevant.

Spuddlebuns ago

If it MIGHT BE NOTHING, it has NO BUSINESS here. Damn, you are as stupid as you are stubborn, I guess....

If you are "working on it," then post your bullshit when you have something SPECIFICALLY RELATING TO #pizzagate. Not bullshit that "might be nothing..." Stop clouding the waters with your bulllshit, and post REAL information IF you can manage to actually tie it into #pizzagate.

Until then, quite your bellyaching, and PROVE it's more than just empty noise you posted.

ShockDoctrine101 ago

I want to both agree and disagree with you on this. I entirely support your idea of investigating the evidence/revelations/connections that are "hidden in plain sight". I'm with you! However, there's nothing to suggest that the symbols HAVE to be blatant. There are other ways of looking at this. For example, perhaps locations/businesses that cater to pedophilia may have to be more overt while agencies who traffick/provide children or facilitate these types of activities need to be more discrete. At least from my point of view, I think this is decent clue posted by the OP. If you look at the Podesta emails there is a significant amount of correspondence between the Sandlers and Podesta. Definitely worthy of a closer examination.

Spuddlebuns ago

Again with the "maybes..." Look. My cat's turds in the cat box MAY spell out alien messages. That doesn't mean they do, OR that I should photograph them and post it on a UFO site...

SPECIFICALLY relating to #pizzagate.

Try to read the words out loud, and repeat them until you truly understand the word, "SPECIFICALLY."

NOT "maybe." NOT "might be." NOT "possibly," or "I think," or ANY other word or phrase but "SPECIFICALLY."

It's NOT that hard. STAY FOCUSED. SPECIFICALLY relating to #pizzagate.

It's NOT that hard, and you have yet to come up with ANY argument that does not use "MAYBE." Why do you have such a mental block about this? Has no one in your life ever told you no when you didn't follow the rules?