RedGreenAlliance ago

Every time something new comes up, there is another "coincidental" link. Every. Fucking. Time.

Far too many to write off as coincidence

IlluminatiKing ago

Looks like the Clinton mafia is being taken down from the bottom up.

Chistock ago

Its leading us towards the possibility that HRC herself was probably a victim.

grlldcheese ago

Weiner(pedo) mentored by Schumer.

Weiner married to Huma. Huma mentored by Hillary.

Hillary married to rapin bill. Bill works with Podesta for decades.

Podestas are buddies with Hastert(pedo).

Luzzato is Bills old staff and Hillaryland member, delivering her grandkids to Podestas pool party.

Hillary's brother coached by Sandusky(pedo). And wrapped up in Haiti charity scams, facilitated by CF.

Sandusky son(pedo). Adopted victim, raised to be a monster.

If monsters make monsters, everything fits together perfectly. And it's generational abuse. And it's possible that ALL of these people started as victims.

Obama being a victim actually makes a lot of fucking sense too.

UncookedSpirit ago

Remember that jimmycomet's Instagram avatar is of a statue of one of the most famous figures in pederasty. It's simply a common Greek/Roman way of life for ruthless political types.

Open Society Foundation of Soros is all about Plato's ideas. You have guardians that secretly rule everything. The guardians secretly manipulate reproduction. Soros is known for cuckolding people literally (hence this censored SNL skit He wants to remake the world with his genes. In Asia, around 8% of people descend from Genghis Khan because he raped thousands and thousands of women. He wanted to remake the world in his image, and his genes drastically changed the make up of the population. Historians call Genghis Khan's rule the birth of globalism. You can see it in the movie Braveheart where nobles of England were allowed to rape women on their wedding nights before the husbands were allowed sex (prima noctae). I don't know what Soros is doing, but it could involve fertility clinic fraud, or taking kids that are secretly his away from people. Margaret Sanger wanted to eradicate black people and other populations she hated by promoting abortion, but got found out and so there has been resistance. Undoubtedly, supporters of the Georgia Guidestones, elites that want to bring the world population down to 500 million with the best genes, are working on some plan to bring that about before the Earth seems any more spoiled to them.

Sorry, got off topic, but read Plato's phaedrus to get a handle on pederasty

Phaedrus believes that one of the greatest goods given is the relationship between lover and boy. This relationship brings guidance and love into the boy’s life. Because the boy has a lover as such a valuable role model, he is on his best behavior to not get caught in something shameful. To get caught in something shameful would be like letting down his lover, therefore the boy is consistently acting his best. The absence of shame makes room for a sense of pride to come in; pride from the wealthy feeling of impressing one's own lover. Impressing one's own lover brings more learning and guidance into the boy's life.

The non-lover, he concludes, will do none of this, always ruled by judgment rather than desire for pleasure. Socrates, fearing that the nymphs will take complete control of him if he continues, states that he is going to leave before Phaedrus makes him "do something even worse".[Note 15]

V____Z ago

Interesting to note, if Soros has stated that he wants to spread his genes like you say, then the recents posts about the genetic condition shown by the streak in the eye, makes so much sense. Many of of the victims showing up in this investigation have the same condition as Soros.

Chistock ago

Yes, its generational abuse and they are all victims. Each generation breaks the next generation's minds. Maybe souls is better there. Great impromtu writeup btw.

Forgetmenot ago

They stop being victims when they grow up and choose to victimize. They are abusers.

concernedaboutitall ago

I think I remember reading her sister was locked up by their dad and not allowed to leave her room. I will have to dig that out. And I thought it was very strange she picked Tim Kaine as her running mate. He looks so much like her dad

Chistock ago

Fucking Hugh Rodham man... I'll bet anything. That poor girl.

concernedaboutitall ago

I was wrong. No sister. But I think this was the article.

He does seem to have been at very least emotionally abusive. Also his brother attempted suicide -- could be a long history of family troubles here.

carmencita ago

Darling Hugie ran a ponzie scheme in Haiti. He sold shares to an oil well and when you saw the picture of the oil well, it was a stick sticking out of the ground. That's it. A fine upstanding American.

AreWeSure ago

would love to see evidence of that.

carmencita ago

I wish I could remember, but it was in an article on her about one of those horrible stories of how the Clintons robbed Haiti blind. He arrived in Haiti and wound up on the board of a US mining company named VCS. I think that is how it started. That is all I can find right now. I remember that picture vividly though, because it irked me to the core.

carmencita ago

I am always getting them mixed up. They are both the bottom of the barrel. Thanks for straightening me out and for the article:)

Mad_As_Hell ago

No problem :) Easy to mix them up, they're all up to their necks in it

DarkMath ago

Hillary's brother was coached by Jerry Sandusky? Well well well, whoa hoh ho and a bottle of rum. To quote the Real White Christian Males, "Oh Shit".

If you ever want a good laugh listen to the Real WCM explain Tony Podesta's art to their fan base in the Florida pan-handle. I think I broke a rib laughing so hard. Ryan you should do a show with them.,

Forgetmenot ago

The plot thickens.

Blacksmith21 ago

Here is a decent citation:

TLDR: "Hughie Rodham was a better athlete than his father, playing as backup quarterback for the Penn State under Joe Paterno. Beyond football, Hughie was a brother of Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Sadly, fewer records of his time at Penn State exist than his father. He graduated from Penn State in 1972 with a Bachelors of Science degree from the College of Health and Human Development, and went on to join the Peace Corps after graduation."

Jerry Sandusky years at Penn State:

Coaching career (HC unless noted) 1966 Penn State (graduate assistant) 1967 Juniata (assistant) 1968 Boston University (assistant) 1969 Penn State (DL) 1970–1976 Penn State (LB) 1977–1999 Penn State (DC/LB)

Source: Wikipedia (I know, lazy)

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, surprise, surprise, surprise.

VieBleu ago

WOW they can't throw a dismembered head without hitting someone they know convicted of pedophilia.

remedy4reality ago

Send Sandusky to Gitmo for waterboarding.

Or maybe we can threaten to take out his organs unless he spills on HRC.

VieBleu ago

we've got to treat perps like him with humanity - jail, therapy, and yes whatever he knows about the crime syndicate he was raised and raped in. And Sandusky's wife needs to face justice too.

earthbalance1 ago

Every single turn of the shovel, PizzaGate...

pakitochocolatero ago

Good find!! We should deeply check all of Hillary's brothers