PG and the CF "are connected through the fraudulent trade in "Non Deliverable Currency Forwards" or "NDF"s. These are forward trades on NONEXISTENT curreny rates which are dollar payments disguised as legitimate trades. The hub is the Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee (SFEMC). The HFs such as Palladium will be on one side of the trade via a broker investment bank. On the other side could be any criminal organisation, the trading is totally anonymised to facilitate secrecy." (From the voater who just died under unknown/mysterious circumstances:
"The non deliverable currency forwards which are used by participating firms of the SFEMC are taking forward bets on rates that actually DO NOT EXIST AT ALL. The contracts are essentially fully trusted disguised dollar payments between participants and brokers. The system is an anonymised and disguised plarform for vast illcicit payments worldwide between e.g. hedge funds and people-trafficking operations or drug cartels via the IB intermediaries."
"Master LL Quant Dual is the name of a UBS client which shared the same
postal address as LMR’s office but had a different and unusual name. I discovered trade
contracts in the name of Master LL Quant Dual, counterparty UBS bank, in the scans folder
of the shared drive, signed by Shane Cullinane. Therefore the claim that Shane Cullinane was
not familiar with this entity is clearly a deliberate false statement. I strongly suspect that
these contracts are not legitimate trades but may be US dollar payments disguised as trades
in exotic currency derivatives, specifically “Non Deliverable Forward” contracts. The
existence of all the trading in these instruments was kept secret from me during my time at
the firm and these contracts contributed to our profits whilst not being factored into the risk
and positions. I know this absolutely for certain as I wrote the bespoke system (referred to
elsewhere in the proceedings as Risk Ninja) that calculated all of these. For these trades to
exist in secret from me was a strong indication that they were not legitimate. When I
investigated the contractual terms and how the market operated in great detail, I became
quite convinced that these signed scans were evidence of money laundering on a large scale.
There were dozens of these trade contracts in the scans folder with the contracts signed by
Shane Cullinane; some on behalf of Master LL Quant Dual and others on behalf of LMR.
160. I was asked to represent a list of the currencies associated with these trades as US
dollar in our bespoke system formerly known as Risk Ninja. The system calculated P&L,
positions and risk at a position level and across trading books. I can say with total certainty
that the currency positions created by the trades in Non Deliverable Forward contributed to
the profits, but were not accounted for in positions (they showed up as USD cash) or in the
risk, where they were also treated as USD cash. At the time I was told that the repeated
appearance of obscure currency positions, for example in Korean Won, was due to a bug in
the upstream Sophis system and that actually these should be shown as being US dollars. I do not mean that a currency conversion took place at a conversion rate between the two
currencies; I mean that a position of 1 million KRW from the upstream system would be
treated as 1 million USD by Risk Ninja. To users of the system they would never see these
positions except as USD cash. This was the case for all the currencies that were being traded
in these contracts, but the existence of this trading was kept entirely secret from me. I do
not believe that the trades that I have seen would make sense in the strategies that they
were being booked in, and it is impossible that any legitimate trading should have been kept
secret from me given that my bespoke system needed to model all our positions in all
instrument types."
AngB23 ago
@Judgejewdy Plz see what I added to regarding Panama Paper links. I can't RESEARCH each item right now, I have to go to work.
Panama Papers have lead to arrests of high profile political parties. If we can connect the dots to hedge funds, money laundering and off shore shells/tax evasions to CGI and others, we might have a chance.
How did Dover die? How did you learn this?
AngB23 ago
This is big! I think the lack of traction is because hedge funds are hard to understand. Is this LMR the same as Aaron Dover?
ETA..sorry I see you are referencing that. I knew there had to be something with a hedge funds, CGI, and Pedogate tied together.
Judgejewdy ago
Even hotter?????
Judgejewdy ago
Judgejewdy ago
Judgejewdy ago
If I keep posting comments will I make this thread hot? Bc I have no idea why no one would care about such good info. Up for an hour and only 1 up vote by shillbot?
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