AngB23 ago

@Judgejewdy Plz see what I added to regarding Panama Paper links. I can't RESEARCH each item right now, I have to go to work.

Panama Papers have lead to arrests of high profile political parties. If we can connect the dots to hedge funds, money laundering and off shore shells/tax evasions to CGI and others, we might have a chance.


How did Dover die? How did you learn this?

AngB23 ago

This is big! I think the lack of traction is because hedge funds are hard to understand. Is this LMR the same as Aaron Dover?

ETA..sorry I see you are referencing that. I knew there had to be something with a hedge funds, CGI, and Pedogate tied together.

Judgejewdy ago

Even hotter?????

Judgejewdy ago


Judgejewdy ago


Judgejewdy ago

If I keep posting comments will I make this thread hot? Bc I have no idea why no one would care about such good info. Up for an hour and only 1 up vote by shillbot?

PizzagateBot ago

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OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin I have insider information on a global money laundering syndicate of hedge funds and IBs linked to the Clinton Foundation 12/2/2016 7032282