PleadingtheYiff ago


I still have many of the photos/an archive of the original post that was nuked. If you need any information let me know and I will post some links for you.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Hey! Yes, if you could get me the links of those artist that you had in that sub (Bearstein, I think it was called?) that would be great.

PleadingtheYiff ago

You mean Jeff Koons? I think you might be referring to this post, here is an archive:

ConcernedParent2 ago

hmm no that isn't it, the thread I'm talking about had a list of artists Tony, Heather, and John Podesta like, as well as a list of artworks that they had donated to art galleries.

MattHelm ago

I'm betting there are secret facilities run by the CIA where women are impregnated and kept until they give birth. Hundreds of women so it's a baby making factory. You would want the women to be taken care of and given all their vitamins and all the other things for a healthy baby. Then they get knocked up again and it's another 9 month cycle. So in theory with a few hundred women all of them pregnant all the time you would have a lot of babies and each woman could give 15 babies over 15 years. Then they are most likely killed they could probably have 20 babies over 20 years then at age 40 you get rid of them. Women from all over the world might be lured into this service thinking they are going to get a good job from poor countries and they can also be used as whores when they are pregnant plus men pay to knock them up. The babies are harvested for their stem cells and it's a profitable enterprise.

spez_dispenser ago


  • Jeffrey Epstein's Dentist Chair
  • Biljana Djurdjevic's "Dentist Society" (One of Tony's artists)

Mad_As_Hell ago

Great post on Silsby connections to dentistry here:

boxpizza ago

it's true, check the pgate shooters dads website bio, "He was selected as an arbitrator for the North Carolina Dental Association"

Fateswebb ago

So not only are they vampirish, and cannibalistic, but also tooth fairies. It sounds crazy as shit, but it's actually possible...

PizzaGate711 ago

You are quite insane.

The_Kuru ago

A young child has those amazing stem cells under his teeth that will form into adult teeth. What if they harvest those cells at the exact right age and implant them into the gums of old Rockefellers and Rothschilds so they grow new teeth.

Now that's probably complete tabloid bullshit, but if something like that ever did become possible, it wouldn't be reported and would be kept a secret because there is no way to show your research without the realization that you implanted a child's adult teeth stem cells into someone else, and that would be a scandal. So I would say it's possible that some of this sort of research will be funded by the billionaires and any big breakthroughs would never be made public because of obvious reasons, especially that they'll want to utilize the technology that would be banned if made public.

ihaveabulldoge ago

Just keep in mind there is a dental fetish...

cakeoflightylight ago

@carmencita the tooth image is in pizza.jpg embedded in a Podesta email from wikileaks

Tanngrisnir ago

Progress Corporate ParkI find it particularly interesting that both Epstein and RTI Surgical are located in Florida. Progress Corporate Park (where RTI and a bunch of other biotech companies are located) is in Alachua, Florida while Epstein was in (I believe) Palm Beach. Also a big thanks to v4vapid at steemit for the info. I found a Herbert Epstein who works for RTI Surgical. It could be a coincidence but considering both live in Florida and share the same last name it is worth looking into to see if they are related. If so it would make sense how he knew about the dental stuff.

Mtnchan ago

I recall back when we first started investigating CPP on 4chan, when we were pouring over the neighboring businesses, there was a dental supply company that may have been owned by either JA or the owner of besta, and I think it may have been on the same block. Caught my attention bc it made me think about the drugs they may access too, sedatives, gas, etc... and other things of use. From what you're saying, implements too.

Mtnchan ago

Mtnchan ago

Here's more on this: the owner of pizza packet is friends with podestas, operating out of building that had a dental supply company sign on it, but seems to not exist. The building is now under reconstruction as low rise condos going for roughly a million bucks for a thousand feet. Pizza packet is a real unknown with no info about where it's really operating, just PO boxes. It feels like there's something here we're missing. Feels like shell company, front business kinda thing

Mtnchan ago

OK, I think this is it, didn't remember it correctly but still may be connected or relevant, the whole thing outlined here was fishy as hell wasn't thoroughly vetted

Mtnchan ago

The building is in Brooklyn, is being converted to residence now, Google lists it as housing AR dental supply and pizza packet. Not sure if people were getting pizza PAC confused with pizza packet, it may be unrelated. Pizza pac was the PAC Soros donated too, run by JA for Hilary. Going back over this again just to be sure

jml1201 ago was in the wikileaks. They said to donate to them which is registered under the name JZ drizin. If you go on twitter JZ drizzin retweets Pizza packet. Itchie gross owns Pizza packet. IMO there is a lot more to this angle.

Mtnchan ago

Yeah, im guessing the non-existent dental supply with the nondescript name and the broken website, in the same little building as pizza packet, isn't a coincidence

jml1201 ago

I honestly think they know each other. I need to look through my notes. I just remember the pizza packet owner was very strange. He's a billionaire I'm pretty sure who owns an art gallery and works with kid charities. Some twitter account that deals with kids or orphans from haiti called Angels of heaven deals or something unfollowed him when this research broke. That had me pretty suspicious.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Interesting, upvoating so maybe we can get some confirmed sources to back this up. It would explain why JA had prescription drugs on his instagram account.

Mtnchan ago

I'll search around, see if I can dig it back up, been awhile

PizzaGate711 ago

EvaEverywhere may be right about the vets. Vet clinics are a popular stop for certain traffickers.

VieBleu ago

It is stating the obvious, but "going to the dentist" can be a bondage/fetish theme.

23eulogy23 ago

Ke$ha asked her young fans to send in their lost teeth and then she made an occult style headdress and bra/underwear out of them. Creepy shit. Especially since she has come under heavy fire for occult/illuminati symbolism

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Lady Gaga 'Raped' – Victim of Mind Control? | Jay's Analysis Jay's Analysis › 2014/12/03 › lady-gaga-... AMP - Dec 3, 2014 - ... a microchip and Ke$ha recently suing for abuse by her “handler,” Dr. Luke, with Luke in ...

ArthurEdens ago

Excellent research

VieBleu ago

First pizza, now the tooth fairy is trafficking. Please just don't touch Gummy Bears.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Sounds awful. It may still be around if someone archived it. Upvoating for visibility.

goodguy1367 ago

Well that's normal as, a fucking fully functioning dentist set up in the bathroom, everyone has one of these hey? I'd hate to even think about what happened in that chair.

Tanngrisnir ago

A topic of mine about babies in the Ukraine being harvested for Stem Cells. Bone marrow (including teeth) are the best way to get it.

A topic of mine about human/organ trafficking and dentists. Laura Silsby operated alongside dentists in Haiti and traffickers operated alongside dentists in Ukraine.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Thanks for the information. Added to original post.

Tanngrisnir ago

No problem! Glad to see more people interested in the dentistry angle.

Littleredcorvette ago

Whole-Tooth Regeneration: It Takes a Village of Scientists, Clinicians, and Patients.!po=21.8750. Tl:dr It's an older article (2006) but the village mention in the title got my attention. Excerpt: "They proposed a laboratory-grown tooth rudiment that would be capable of executing the complete program for odontogenesis when transplanted to a suitable host, recreating all of the dental tissues, periodontal ligament, cementum, and alveolar bone associated with the canonical tooth. This plan was designed to bring regenerative medicine fully into the dental surgery suite, although a lack of funding has so far prevented the plan from being carried out.

Keywords: regenerative medicine, stem cells, multidisciplinary research, tooth regeneration, translational research"

ConcernedParent2 ago

Thanks for the information. I feel like I'm out of my depth when it comes to most medical research.

8toborrm ago

Dental stem cells were discovered more recently and are being studied for a number of conditions related to the connective tissues or neural tissues in the body – including type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injury, skeletal bone loss, muscular dystrophy, cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The first human applications of dental stem cells have been in regenerative dentistry: re-growing jaw bone and treating periodontal (gum) disease. Scientists anticipate the earliest medical applications will be for the repair of damaged tooth structures, bone regeneration, and later for the treatment of neural tissue injury or neurodegenerative diseases.

If this has been going on for as long as it appears, imagine the amount of research that they have been able to privately do on the subject. Could they be ahead of modern medicine, having a massive supply of teeth and no medical/moral/legal hoops to jump through? If we're going to assume that they are procuring children with little no issue they must have a large supply.

I see this as the same as how military tech can be 10-20 years ahead of top-of-the-line civilian tech and sometimes even 5-15 years ahead of civilians finding out the technology even exists. Imagine the testing that is possible on stem cells / adrenochrome etc. with an endless supply of young victims. These people are essentially no different than the nazis after all, in my mind it's not a far stretch to think they are trying to advance "fountain of youth" medicine at breakneck speeds..

Littleredcorvette ago

Off topic of dental, but speaking of technology, look at this thermal cooling technology the size of a postage stamp. I found this presentation accidentally.

PDF warning:

8toborrm ago

All good brother. I love reading PDFs. The girl at the library looked at me like I was crazy when I asked what the maximum was on printing.

Just finished this one

Ok Take the "LOVEPDF" out of that link. woulnd't let me post it for some reason?

ConcernedParent2 ago

This is very true. The elite always have access and information to technology and medicine that your average person doesn't. It makes me feel sick to my stomach thinking that it is possible they are doing this.

Littleredcorvette ago I think this may be what you are looking for.

I found it here

ConcernedParent2 ago

That link is in my post :-P I am looking for pictures that came from Instagram and tumblr. I am also looking for specific artists that Tony and John Podesta are fans of.

edit: just checked your second link, that is what I was looking for! THANK YOU!! <3

edit 2: Okay, that is one artist, and I really appreciate the find. There are still other artworks from another artist that I had in mind, as well as the instagram and tumblr photos, but this is a good start.

SannleIkurrin ago

I also wondered about the connection between dentistry and pedofiles. Good luck with this work. Keep sharing.

Littleredcorvette ago

Stem cells. They are getting stem cells from the teeth. Look at this random web site I found. A company that stores them for you.

"First, there is evidence that the younger the tooth or the donor is, the more potent the stem cells are. Second, Store-A-Tooth preserves dental stem cells from teeth that are already extracted or removed by a dentist – which would otherwise be thrown away – so there is no extra procedure, discomfort, or inconvenience for you or your child."

VieBleu ago

this is crazy. what a weird find. Think it deserves a post to go with medical issues like columba.
"The younger the tooth or the donor is, the more potent the stem cells are..."

Straight up organ trafficking of another kind.

Littleredcorvette ago

It definitely needs some research. Also, remember this quote is from an advertisement for a service ( "The younger the tooth or the donor is, the more potent the stem cells are..."), so there may not be absolute validity to the statement (as part of an advertisement for a product). HOWEVER, the claim came from somewhere. Find where the claim comes from originally...scientific research, etc.

I agree that this could be lucrative black market money. What is the value of the stem cells per tooth? A lot of pediatric dentists don't allow parents back in the work area; they just take your child from you, and return a groggy child with a bunch of gauze in their mouths a hour or so later. Just thinking that a child medicated for a dental procedure would also be a vulnerable potential victim of sexual abuse. Or swiping an extra tooth while they are in the child's mouth? I mean, really, who would know? and then it could always be played off as a "oops" and in most cases, just fade away.

I swear, if I had a child under 12, I might never let them out of my sight these days. And even up to the age of 18+, I'd surely be an embarrassment to them.

Tanngrisnir ago

You are right on the money.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Interesting find. I have never heard of this practice before, so I wonder if this is new, or if it's not the most efficient way to obtain and store stem cells? Can someone with a medical background give us some more information on stem cells from teeth? From their FAQ:

Dental stem cells were discovered more recently and are being studied for a number of conditions related to the connective tissues or neural tissues in the body – including type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injury, skeletal bone loss, muscular dystrophy, cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The first human applications of dental stem cells have been in regenerative dentistry: re-growing jaw bone and treating periodontal (gum) disease. Scientists anticipate the earliest medical applications will be for the repair of damaged tooth structures, bone regeneration, and later for the treatment of neural tissue injury or neurodegenerative diseases.

findingaway ago

Teeth from a normal happy and healthy 7 yr old I know went into foster care and came out with yellow teeth. That has been 20 years ago. No explanation of discoloration in less than a one year period of time. Just FYI if it helps.

2impendingdoom ago


findingaway ago

Something about the fluoride. If I remember right dentist prescribed extra fluoride.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Guaranteed, every kids home in America 'supplements' their water with fluoride.

2impendingdoom ago


findingaway ago

Child was in a foster home at the time. Needed braces (orthodontist recommended) but was denied braces. Eventually child had to get braces as a teenager.

iamthepizzanow ago

What reminded me about this subject was this article; Jeffery Epstein had a full working dental chair and equipment in his mansion

I remember that being posted when it was found, it seemed to burn out to a dead end due to lack of substance to dig on. Glad to see it brought up again.

ObamaFAG1 ago

I would also bet the dental chair would be used in the torturing of children as well.


Just want to remind you all. Dental crowns root canals are found in 97% of terminal cancer patients. They, by keeping rotten flesh in the mouth, allow for anaerobic bacteria which down regulate TNF's to grow in the tooth, and greater jaw. It is honestly better to just lose the tooth as long as you don't care what people think.

save_thechildren ago

Sorry guys...have to comment...I am a dentist and what you are spreading is disinfo. Much worse to have an infection or decayed tooth in mouth. This bacteria spreads throughout the body and can cause heart disease.


That's why you should get rid of the tooth and not keep it in there with a root canal?

iamthepizzanow ago

Indeed, and who knows what else.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I hope someone can find the artwork/pictures I am talking about, especially the artist paintings that were dentist themed. They included full dental chairs and black and white checked floors much like Epstein's in the article. I definitely think there is something more to dentists and teeth than we realize.

Tanngrisnir ago

I had never seen those pictures before. Creepy stuff and they almost look like they are wearing executioner hoods.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Yes, and if you look at her other artworks, you will notice that some of the characters are wearing the same kind of red shoes that Tony Podesta is fond of wearing.Example Sometimes the shoes are white, others times red. Curious...

MysticMa ago

The Pope wears what looks like red slipper shoes, any likeness?

Tanngrisnir ago

Interesting. I still have no clue what the red shoes mean unless they are some sort of nod to the Wizard of Oz. Some have speculated that they might be leather made from human skin (which apparently you can actually buy) painted red.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I have no idea what it means either. It's obviously signaling something, but the only people who would get it would have to be a part of their little pedo club.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Try searching on google for Djurdjevic Dentist Society. I believe that was the name of the series.

ConcernedParent2 ago

That is definitely one of the artists! Thank you, updating the original post. God, it's so creepy, especially the one titled "My heart belongs to daddy":

iamthepizzanow ago

I remember seeing what you're talking about so it's out there somewhere.

ConcernedParent2 ago

@PleadingTheYiff had a very well laid out list of names/connections with them, so hopefully they (or someone else) saved the information before reddit nuked it.

iamthepizzanow ago

I'd assume that he's def got it archived somewhere.

carmencita ago

Funny you bring up teeth. It jiggled my brain. For the last few days there have been posts with someone they think is JP and a child screaming. They keep asking if we think it is Podesta's voice in the video. Within one of the posts someone posted a picture of a tooth in the Comments. The tooth looked like it was attached to a small stud pearl earring. So the person was asking, What is that? A tooth earring? This made no sense at the time, but now that you bring this up, it is starting to. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Does anyone remember seeing it? Very strange.

VieBleu ago

yes I remember it. It wasn't actually a "tooth" but it was shaped like a shark tooth made out of pearly substance, attached to a round stud. Was it in that new cache of hipster Instagrams people were looking at?

carmencita ago

It was in the JP video that there must have been umpteen posts about. About was that his voice, and the child in the video sounded like they were tortured. That is what people were saying. I am too squeamish to watch. But I did read through many of the posts.

VieBleu ago

no I am talking about a specific picture from an Instagram. It was an earring.

carmencita ago

No that is not where I saw this item. I really do not know what it was for real. Someone remarked it looked like an earring and it did to me too.

VieBleu ago

hm. stumped. I remember the image clearly. That file you are talking about with accusation it is Podesta and a and a man yelling and torturing did not have ANY images on it. It was just a mishmash of blue black and loud audio. So it didn't have to do with that.

VieBleu ago

thank you!

Forgetmenot ago

I was just looking for that pic myself. It was very strange. Does anyone know which thread it was in?

Dressage2 ago

I remember seeing it. I thought they were separated, but maybe I didn't notice how the pearl and tooth were connected together. It was bizarre.

carmencita ago

There was a tiny separation where they were connected somehow. There must be some kind of crazy connection with the tooth and the pedos. Yes, I read about the stem cells. That makes a lot of sense. I have read also that there are many dentists getting involved in this stem cell stuff now.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Interesting and very creepy.

Unfortunately, I don't know what you are talking about, but upvoating in hopes someone can help you out with this.

carmencita ago

I have a eye condition right now, so reading is going slow. I will try to check the back posts and going through my comments.

derram ago :

Shocking VIDEO from inside Florida mansion of Bill Clinton's friend Jeffrey Epstein | Daily Mail Online

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