ChimiChanga ago

I would say the next step needs to be getting an accounting of Clinton assets on the ground: where are they have boots and buildings and transportation. If the hypothesis is the CF is the key to this, let's test the idea that CF is coordinating/facilitating the actual movement of human cargo.

Haiti would be the best place to start...we know there's ties to Clinton through the mine, and the worst kept secret on the island is kidnapping "price set by the whites." That poor woman investigating this very lead got murdered.

How is the CF moving the human traffic off Haiti, and to where?

SpontaneousSpectator ago

I have relevant information here. I have been a frequent traveler to the US Virgin Islands. In 2011 my cab driver from the airport to the ferry on St Thomas told me that Joe Biden's brother owns an island nearby and Joe comes to visit on St. Thomas every couple years. Is there any way of knowing which Biden brother owns this island?

sentryseven ago

Foundation is spelled with an "F".

NoMoreSlices ago

It should read as "Protection for pounding children"

throwaway_ ago

Try to find anything with child experiments, there are already many link with genome research, pharmaceutical companies and Clinton Foundation. CF is the big lead. Follow the money. Remember what Anon said.

Kwijibo ago

I'm going to write this off as an error. There would be no reason to do this and it would be an odd thing to do on purpose.

nativeops ago

Thrash57 ago

Why only on mobile or a smaller browser width?

LionParty ago

I don't doubt at all that his spreads far. We've already seen evidence that the police and child protective services have been abducting children wrongfully.