ASolo ago

Just a few other cursory leads in this area:

Dolan worked in Seattle as an attorney most of his career. This is an odd case where Dolan was representing the Boy Scouts in a matter of a child abuser that was masquerading as a scout leader after he had been suspended (may be irrelevant):

Archived Found the Andy Dolan from the Podesta/Hastert/Camp Nose Wikileaks email

If the multi-layer facades of its evasive executives seem dodgy, well, then look at the registry of SocialMediaDaily domain, which is owned by WhoisGuard. Its office address is P.O. Box 08123-03411, Republic of Panama, and the registrant is Juan Carlos Mata, a partner in the Mata and Pitti offshore legal services firm. The search though the false fronts of WhoisGuard eventually leads to eNom, located at Lake Washington Boulevard in Kirkland, Washington State.

Kirkland, on the Bellevue crescent of Seattle, was where David Mikkelson got the early income for in the late 1990s with funding from local software developer Zango, which secretly installed a tracking system into user’s computers. That illegal practice was successfully challenged in court by McAfee and Kasperky security. Despite the fines against Zango, Mikkelson continued to spread the spy software to visitors over the following two years. Zango’s software deveopment, as we discovered, was linked to Tel Aviv tech companies that emerged from the Israeli Defense Force cyber-warfare command.

Kirkland-based eNom controls an estimated 15 million domain names worldwide, a staggering number for a flimflam company. This allocation could be possible only with an inside track at ICANN, the registrar dominated by the U.S. National Science Foundation.

The eNom servers in Asia, Europe and the USA are identified as, indicating a contract with Akamai, which is affiliated with the NSA, according to Cryptome. The Akamai server farm in Cambridge, Massachusetts, also hosts

No wonder President Barack Obama hurriedly transferred the ICANN registry to the United Nations, where the Western intelligence agencies can continue to control child porn and drug sales on the Internet, free of any danger of detection by Team Trump. Should we be surprised to see a CIA front linked with contraband? Since the Air America heroin years and Mena Airfield cocaine trade in Clinton’s Arkansas, the CIA has been associated with drug trafficking, child sex and money laundering, and add to that treason. So what else is new?

The latest CEO of eNom is a multimillionaire India-born Canadian citizen Taryn Naidu, who has since launched a publicly listed company called Rightside to manage the millions of domain names, adding yet another layer of legal evasion plus legal protection with corporate status. Which leads to eNom-Rightside’s substantial income from online** sales of “Canadian meds” through the 15,000-20,000 websites that advertise these counterfeit drugs. Many of these are eXXXtreme porn sites featuring child sex, violent rape and bestiality.**

Top sellers include fake Viagra and Cialis (pronounced CIA-lust). The supply of counterfeit drugs are sourced overseas from Israel and Latin America, although most of the supply comes from generic pharmaceutical companies in India. The Indian-Canadian CEO of eNom/Rightside, Naidu earlier ran websites in the Caribbean region in Turks and Caicos, which is a major transshipment point for cocaine flows between Colombia and Florida. Are we starting to understand why the Clintons and Obama want most-favored nation trade status for India and Colombia?

What does this lucrative business have to do with Satanism? Because the unsafe pharms from “Canada” aka India-Israel-Colombia are often taken in tandem with methamphetamine and ketamine. That combo of sex enhancers and psycho drugs trigger uncontrollable violent urges during sexual activity, resulting in strangulation, beheading and dismemberment. The Devil couldn’t be any happier.

Other agencies of the U.S. government are not playing long with the spy games. The U.S. Treasury Department has put eNom on its blacklist for abetting international cyber-crimes of sheltering money launderers, drug dealers and prostitution rings. In March 2013, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched a cyber-crimes investigation unit to shut down websites fronting for the counterfeit-drug industry. Just by coincidence in that very same time-frame as the regulators’ crackdown, started to experience the financial shortfalls that led to the Mikkelson divorce.

Strange Days In The Snopes-DHS-ICE Underworld - PizzaGate 6

ASolo ago

OMG... I call to complain about this mayor, and look what I find:

The City of Seattle believes that every person who interacts with City government should receive excellent service. The Customer Service Bureau will make that happen by helping you get information, request services, resolve problems, voice an opinion, and submit compliments and suggestions.

You can:

Call the City Information and Complaint Line at 206-684-2489 (CITY) voice or (TTY) 7-1-1 Write to P.O. Box 94726, Seattle, WA, 98124-4726

Services & Information Elected Officials Departments Visiting Seattle News.Seattle.Gov Event Calendar Customer Service Bureau Finance & Administrative Services Department - Fred Podesta, Director

ASolo ago

How do the biggest perverts keep getting elected for high office?

$10 dollars each time, to ADDICTS? This guy is a serial manipulator and abuser, the WORST OF THE WORST, just IMAGINE what he DIDN'T GET CAUGHT FOR! Imagine all of the rulings and decisions he made as a sick, compromised and addicted administrator, do you think anyone thinks about that? Don't you think that not only was he harming children, he was making decisions for a whole city with an addled mind, or making decisions that lined his pockets and his friends pockets instead of the people. Do YOU think his decisions should stand?

Now, imagine the rules and regs voted in by our entire pedophile Congress.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

As I recall, Murray was initially reluctant to run for Mayor. He was a congressman as I recall and generally well-liked, and the consensus was the previous Mayor needed to be replaced, but there wasn't a really strong person running. Murray was basically drafted for the role and did not jump into it enthusiastically - I'm guessing this has something to do with it.

privatepizza ago

More excellent news. They're coming down

Qabbrat ago


Qabbrat ago

Look brother... when I say "mental disabilities" I'm not fucking talking about dyslexia faggot! I'm talking Pedos!

Qabbrat ago

Pedo faggots do pedo faggot shit! Never trust them, never put them in a position of power, they have fucking mental disabilities!!!

Only one way to purify the issue...

DangerPizza ago

What about an aerial letter sign around a city that says: "EXPOSE PEDOS VOAT.CO/V/PIZZAGATE"

equineluvr ago

The crypto Jew Ed Murray has inflicted incredible emotional damage upon this young man and who knows how many others.-- if these allegations are true.

If so, that POS deserves a bullet to the brain just like all the rest of 'em.

Snailracer ago

Actually, I think he's Irish. Maybe someday you'll get to share a jail cell with him when you snap and finally carry out your racist plot.

Aaronkin ago

So we got the Seattle times doing a cover up for a prominent politician when he is first accused in Washington by 2 men for child molestation. But now they are willing to do the right thing when a third one shows up. I have to wonder which press agency asked the embarrassing question in that news conference and whether the Times would be reporting this had it not gotten so public? I searched for a video of the conference and came up empty handed.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

This is the power of the new media. There are so many things that were known and not reported going back decades - see: Sir Jimmy Saville at the BBC.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

I have personally heard credible stories from the 1990's about sex parties with high-ranking corporate/government people in Seattle. They'd hire young gay men and bring them up to the high floors of downtown buildings for their events and use them as party favors. People know about this stuff.

quantokitty ago

Interesting and don't doubt it for a second. Thanks for the post.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Reminder that another recent Mayor of Portland was banging an 17 year old boy (ie banging him before he was 18) while Mayor

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Reminder that the "beloved" ex-Governor of Oregon was banging his 14 year-old babysitter WHILE HE WAS MAYOR OF PORTLAND.

equineluvr ago

Neil Goldschmidt

Batting 100 here on JEWISH perps.

DangerPizza ago

Go troll 4chan pls

carmencita ago

Oregon is becoming "Pedo Land". The good thing is, that we are seeing more and more articles, charges and jailing. But never enough.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Pretty sure they've been a bit too lax on the kid-fucking for several decades now, actually.

carmencita ago

Yes, but I am seeing that there are laws popping up slowly. Never fast enough, by all means. We are impatient when the crimes are so heinous, and rightly so.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

A post was making the rounds a few days ago where someone pointed out that they'd use "the kids want to have sex with adults" as the method for normalizing this stuff. That has the disturbing odor of truth to it.

carmencita ago

Odor is Right.

quantokitty ago

God, don't you love when pedos get all huffy when a victim stands up to them? Why am I not surprised by this? Wasn't Seattle where that disturbing photo of the very young girl with the man completely covered in black and with his hand around her neck? And no Seattle cop stops them and asks WTH is going on? If this allegation and the mayor is guilty may he rot in jail and be the official greeter when HRC & Co join him.

dickface8 ago

Wtf is this photo you speak of?

quantokitty ago

You didn't see it? @superesper posted a thread about it. Here's the link:

carmencita ago

An upvoat for you @quantokitty for I could not have said it better:-)

quantokitty ago

Thanks so much. :)

pizzaequalspedo ago

Wickedness in high places