Truthseeker3000 ago

It's still on Shaul Schwarz IG page with tons of comments. He said it was a man under the burka and that he agreed to have the pic taken and then when he asked the man if it was a burka he was wearing and why, the man then waived him away. Notice he is holding the girl by her neck, wearing gloves and sunglasses and a cane, not wooden but an odd looking modern medal kind. This pic is disturbing by the girls expression and why the man is disguising himself. I don't believe in burkas being worn in North America and this is exactly why. How do we know who this person is, what kind of weapon other than a cane they have and also confirms that MEN can and do wear this shit as confirmed by the photographer that it was definitely a man under there. North America is a modern society and we do not need Sharia Law here, no rights for women and children, men hold all the power and LGBT people are murdered as are rape victims. It's fucked up but yet idiots run around with pro immigration signs not understanding what Islamic Muslims really are and what the Quaran teaches and dictates and the consequences under Sharia Law.

Criticalthinker615 ago

has anyone geolocated this pic?

superesper ago

It's the intersection of South 3rd Ave and South Main St in downtown Seattle.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Thanks. From what i can tell the picture was taken from where the tents are on the sidewalk forming a little tent city/skid row. Can anyone from the area see if there are signs of anything wierd on that block? Maybe there is something that is keeping the residents of those tents from straying too far like drugs or prostitution . Then again maybe its just some dumbass trying to get attention.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I'd call the cops if i saw that, after what I've seen. If that is one of her parents, they should be sterilised, not fit to raise children.

neo50 ago

I thought of the Grim Reaper; all he needs is a scythe. Also, look at the girl's eyes. They look like they've seen way too much. I'm glad people are starting to take notice of their surroundings in public. Awareness of the problems is the first step to solving them. A year ago, most wouldn't have thought much about the pair, other than it seemed odd.

con77 ago

guarantee you its a nigger under that disguise

3141592653 ago

The girl looks Russian to me

3141592653 ago

His hand on her neck is terrifying. So is the fact that he's also wearing gloves and sunglasses.

superesper ago

No unfortunately. I saw this on /r/conspiracy and that post didn't have an archive either, it was just this image.

murraryrothbard ago

Something is very wrong going on in that pic

Votescam ago

Would have thought that couple would have brought police around for a look?

superesper ago

Seattle is full of weird looking creeps. This is beyond the usual and the kid aspect should alarm people but when you live in a city like that where there are freaks all over the place all the time it's a different atmosphere. In a lot of areas of the city there's a super liberal, anything-goes kind of mentality and those kind of people would probably think "oh that's neat how weird" if they saw someone like this, aside from that aspect there's also just a really strong mind your own business kind of vibe in the city in general.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

I would bet Tacoma is THE HUB of trafficking in Washington for a few reasons.

superesper ago

Care to share your reasons? I'd be interested to hear.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

  1. The Port of Tacoma.
  2. America's 2013 gayest city.

I'm not saying the gay people are pedophiles, but I will say pedophiles tend to be gay.

PizzagateBot ago

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CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

That cane though.

carmencita ago

I'm sure it must have been Halloween. What the heck is that costume for? Just walking around like that. People just do not question anything anymore. They are afraid to say anything for fear of meddling. We must start paying attention. I am much more aware now when I see people with children and how they treat them. If you see something a little strange, I think if a man takes a boy into the rest room and you see it, you can go in and pretend you lost something or need to go as well. No need to make a scene, Just a swing through to see if something is going on. An idea. By the way, did Trump reverse the Bathroom Law?

Martel-Sobieski ago

Trump said it's the states decisions on what to do. Personally I don't think he gives the slightest fuck about it and wants to avoid it completely. I don't blame him. He wasn't going to withhold federal funds over that like Obama threatened to. This caused massive liberal butt hurt that the federal government wasn't bullying the states in something that's not actually the federal governments responsibility

In those states democrats bitched and moaned but at the end of the day they did nothing to stop the bills, they were doing it all for appearances sake to say "welp we tried"

The states didn't back down

quantokitty ago

OMG! And nobody stops them or asks questions? Like police maybe? Isn't it against the law to have your face covered that way?

dougG ago

Do you live under a fucking rock? This is America!

Trs0817 ago

Natgeo editors know exactly what's going on. You can't possibly tell me that a world class magazine KNOWN for their photography had NO idea what this shit is about? They get off on having this shoved in our faces. Like this?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes I complained about a pic of a very young six year old Indian girls photo being on there celebrating "education for kids in India" yet the pic was of her shoulder up with no shirt on bathing herself dumping a bowl of water over her head wet hair and face with her lips parted open. It was something a pedo would definitely adhere to and there were comments and such on the page but they kept denying it so I contacted the photographer and I was blocked!! I basically called out the fact that the pic had absolutely NOTHING to do with children attending school in India it was a pic of one female small child dumping water over herself to bathe herself in the morning. With no top on. It was not what it was supposed to be and to prove the point I was blocked and THAT is National Geographic for you. True story.

cky_stew ago

Wtf I thought this was like a world planet and nature magazine.

Piscina ago

Hate this cover. They are exploiting this child, who is made to look sexual with her/his come hither look. A pedophile's dream.

ddavidson ago

I may not approve of what they did to that kid, but to be fair to dougG, that "come hither" look is in your own dirty mind. Maybe the spandex (or whatever those tight stretchy pants are called) is what's attracting you? But I've seen enough sexy ladies (I swear!) in my time to know what a "come hither" look is, and that ain't it.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Right?! I dont see that at all. I see a confused child.

dougG ago

I own that issue and never thought of it like that. I just are a happy girl, and I think you're pretty sick that saying she is sexual. People like you are the reason we can't have nice things as a society. Always trying to add a different dimension to something that isn't there. Bitching just to bitch.....

Piscina ago

And you should learn how to write and spell English. People like you are the morons who don't question anything about society and thus let it deteriorate to the mess we're in--where we're giving life-altering and irreversible hormone blockers to little kids because we're telling them they're in the wrong body. Children ARE PERFECT IN THE BODIES THEY HAVE. THERE IS NOTHING 'WRONG' WITH THEM. Why aren't we teaching our children that it's okay for boys to like pink and for girls to be butch? We're so fucking homophobic we can't stand the thought that little Johnnie may be gay or little Jessica might be a lesbian. So Douggie, I hope you have no children. And go fuck yourself.

dougG ago

You're fucking retarded because I never said I agreed or disagreed with the idea of kids changing genders. I actually think its pretty sick and do think it should be illegal until they are 18 and their MIMD is fully developed. What I called you out on was trying to say that Nat Geo was sexualizing that girl/boy and adding controversy to something that is totally innocent. So my bad if I made a spelling error while typing fast on my phone, but you obviously have zero reading comprehension skills and only a demented fuck like you would look at that innocent picture of that girl and think about sex, you and the rest of the distorted feminists living like we are still I'm the 1920s.

Piscina ago

you and the rest of the distorted feminists

Okay, so now I get your problem. If I'm a 'demented fuck' for thinking that child was being sexualised, then the world is full of 'demented fucks' because that's what just about everybody else sees. That is NOT the stance of an innocent child. And while you defend what NatGeo did with that child, you are defending the whole trans cult pushing men into girls' change rooms, confusing and pathologising little children about 'gender'; supporting a multi-billion dollar medical industry whose financial interests are served by abusing children. And yes, you're still a moron who needs to go fuck himself.

dougG ago

Every feminist that hasn't shaved their cooter in months may of thought that just to how on the bandwagon because they ran outoc things to bitch at that week

Piscina ago

Thanks for proving you're an imbecile

dougG ago

At least I didn't get all downvoats..

Votescam ago

National Geographic was bought out recently . . . This cover is outrageous -- !!

Now owned by Rupert Murdoch

Certainly looks like a very young girl being manipulated to appear sexual.

That really needs a lot of attention.

Here's an "explanation" -- transgender

Why We Put a Transgender Girl on the Cover of National Geographic

Couple of links to articles on the story --

Martel-Sobieski ago

Now now the editor of nat geo is Susan Goldberg. That's a name I can trust if I've ever heard one /s

Omnicopy ago

Wonder if that is the same girl?

yourtruthseeker ago

Seattle is truly a SJW cesspool

DontTreadOnMemes ago

This photo makes me extremely uncomfortable. :(

Omnicopy ago

Trying to read the words on her dress - something rock PFF- maybe that is a purse

pizzaequalspedo ago

Are you telling me you can walk around like that and not be at least identified and questioned briefly by the police?

Fuck this shit!

Votescam ago

I don't think it was Halloween and I certainly agree with you -- Why wouldn't a police officer have been called?

dougG ago

What is being done that's illegal?

3141592653 ago

Suspicion of child abuse, possibly suspicion of kidnapping

dougG ago

You're an idiot if you think so!some would kidnap a girl dressed like that

20Justice4All17 ago

Completely f'd

dougG ago

Weird yeah, but how in the hell is that child slavery. You don't know the backstory.

8668970? ago

He could have a bad knee. Or that could be a pimp cane.

Why is a man wearing a burka? Would love the backstory to that.

quantokitty ago

Seriously, you can't tell that's f^cked up? That poor kid ...

dougG ago

First off, the kid doesn't look like she is in trouble.she has the scowl of " yeah I'm punk rock, fuck you cameras" Second, we don't know the age of the person behind her, it could be her boyfriend that is 16 and really tall. Third, and most likely, it is some weird seatlle protest thing about transgenderism. Either y'all live in some extremely conservative states or you don't get out much if this kind o f stuff shocks you to where you scream child slavery. Don't you think the perp would hide in a little more plain sight rather than dressing up as Islamic death....

ArthurEdens ago

His hand is on her throat, that's all the story you need

BlackManta ago

Her eyes. I can just imagine what she has seen in her short life.

Judgejewdy ago

That's some creepy a ish.

LightSource ago

I lived in Seattle for a few years..apparently a hub for human trafficking since its been a city..heavy immigrant population..Port city..heavy Democratic influencw

Martel-Sobieski ago

The entire west coast is the largest human trafficking area in the United States. California is by far the worst. Most people don't realize that we have a large problem with slavery in this country still. 14,500-17,500 people are trafficked into this country every year (that's trafficked into the US not counting those who are already here working as slaves. The state department says only 0.4% of human trafficking victims have been properly identified). There are an estimated 244,000-350,000 children at risk for sex trafficking in the United States. (Source is the US state department and US departments of health and human services. Meanwhile the largest critic of the Numbers is the Washington post that claims "human trafficking in the United States is virtually nonexistent". Really activates your almonds)

Every single one of the top ten highest human trafficking cities in the United States is run by democrats.

Votescam ago

This is happening with the rise of the right wing -- and that includes Dem Party now.

Both parties are owned by Koch Bros./John Birch Society and other large corporations -- Elites/wealthy.

con77 ago


AngB23 ago

No shit. Koch brothers are poor compared to Soros who is the KING of corruption.

Takeitslow ago

Let's not forget Maine, 700 miles of coast line I believe. Plus the nazis would sneak into the east coast through Maine using U Boats. Also Brain-Washington Post ftfy

ArthurEdens ago

There's nowhere to go, they're everywhere. This can only lead to one thing