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ASolo ago

4A: 4 -A Mods are is not doing a good job, we need to talk about removing them him.

This discussion is about FALCON, not other mods, why is there not an option for this, looks deliberate, like your fucking with us.

ESOTERICshade ago

This discussion is about FALCON, not other mods, why is there not an option for this, looks deliberate, like your fucking with us.

Reckon?....this post was a setup from the beginning.

ASolo ago

Looking like it, especially with all the weirdness going on here lately.

Happens everywhere you go with these internet retards, they ingratiate you on to their site and then turn on you when you think you're comfortable. I used to think back in the day that it was a brilliant spook tactic. But then I realized that the ambient mk programming in society is so latent in these younger generations there is no need for specific agents any longer, those narcissistic tendencies from persistent isolation and loneliness drives them to the instant gratification of emasculating those they believe they have power over. The reason it persists and only worsens with these people instead of compromise is because that instant gratification is so short in duration they need a continual fix of power and control.

ESOTERICshade ago

The reason it persists and only worsens with these people instead of compromise is because that instant gratification is so short in duration they need a continual fix of power and control.

Interesting and insightful comment. Internet bullies like crensch are not getting their needs met in real life so they intellectually masturbate on the internet to get those quick dopamine and endorphin hits by bullying people online and feeling superior. I guess it can get addictive and become a loop situation.