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think- ago

Srayz, I will unsticky the thread now, so that we can sticky other posts. Thanks again for posting.

amonymous ago

Even if she was a webb fanatic I think because there is so much up in the air about the details that this is in poor taste. Just my opinion I know people are very upset but the woman apparently is dead so why stomp on a dead horse?

iamthepizzanow ago

The real shills being exposed

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

777 Crowley

srayzie ago

Just like 6 is used by Satanists, 7 is thought of as Gods number.

She believed in God. We talked about it.

srayzie ago

Why do you keep saying that?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why do you keep saying that?

777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley

srayzie ago

Yeah. I saw that. I may be mistaken but I thought he always liked Jem. So wasn't sure why he kept saying that. Jem believed in Jesus. She’s talked about Aleister Crowley. I’m wondering why she would choose 777 if she knew about it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Jem believed in Jesus.

Exactly. Which is why RIPJem might actually be Jem :)

Plan1988 ago

Is this a money making scam by True Pundit??

I heard True Pundit is monitised.

I assume it is getting a lot of clicks being the sole

MSN covering this story and promising a drop tomorrow.

SandHog ago

Negative, OANN covering it now.

Plan1988 ago

I see that. Thank You for this important correction.

SandHog ago

This just gets stranger and stranger.

Plan1988 ago

The k You. But is not their reporting parroting and using

True Pundit's

original article.

srayzie ago

Since I have been attacked repeatedly, I shared in the comments yesterday how Jem was connected to “Sarah”. A total stalker. It’s probably a guy or a group. @Jem777 and @Gothamgirl were both connected to Sarah.

That’s why GothamGirl got so angry and tried accusing me yesterday or miraculously planting child porn on her phone when I’ve never met her in my life. She said that once I joined pizzagate, people started disappearing. Oh and I threatened to kidnap her child supposedly too. That was just SOME of what she tried to pull yesterday.

Anyway, here is me showing how Jem was connected to Sarah and how I was being stalked...


Link to a company that is now installing microchips in its employees. Where is the the company located you ask WISCONSIN

Bori ago

Was this woman in the Witness Protection Program? Not a follower of Webb but did look at his twitter feed and I believe he said she was? If so, I'm surprised she wasnt under the radar more. Also there are several listings for women who've died in both hotels and motels via google, yet nothing in the Maryland area for last Monday? Another thing , that is if she wasnt in the Witness protection program and has a different name than the one given above. , If you search the name given and place in Ca.

theres two matches yet the oldest person listed looks younger than the person pictured with Webb. .

think- ago

Was this woman in the Witness Protection Program?

@srayzie will know the details - allegedly she was since the beginning of this year (?).

People in the Witness Protection Program get a new name and identity. They have to hide.

Travelling and staying with a man who is in the public spotlight certainly isn't something that anybody in the Witness Protection Program would do.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

think- ago

@Plan1988: please see parent.

Plan1988 ago

What does that mean?

ESOTERICshade ago

Was this woman in the Witness Protection Program?

I am doubting that one. People that go into the witness protection program usually change their names and are given a secret place to live for their safety. She was running around in public in D.C. making videos and posting them to the web. That behavior does not fit well with someone in a witness protection program. It seems like the exact opposite of what someone in the witness protection program would do. Why go to all the trouble to try to get into the witness protection program if you are going to parade around in D.C. announcing your intentions and making videos and posting them to the web? Doesn't make sense.

Bori ago

I agree with you. (I don't follow Webb but I did look on his twitter acct for info about this story. He mentioned it via twitter and Srayzie confirmed to my ? below ) According to Srayzie she was telling everyone that she was in the Witness Protection program.!!? I brought it up because it doesnt add up ; it seemed odd to me . I would expect someone in that program to be very low key and certainly not be sharing it like she did.

ESOTERICshade ago

According to Srayzie she was telling everyone that she was in the Witness Protection program.!!?

Told me that several times but I never believed it.

jangles ago

thanks for chiming in.

Plan1988 ago

Thank you for your research. I felt my part was to scour

Twitter for information and I came up empty except for:

@Thomas17774Paine and #True Pundit.

Bori ago

Webb is the source of this story correct? Im surprised any news source would quote him on this without verification. This story really pulls on your heart strings if true but if its not true, its mean!. And then I wonder , if its not true. what sort of nefarious underhanded game is being played and why? I was and if true still am bothered by this story/ and or ruse..I never comment, btw

Plan1988 ago

Ditto here.

Became incredibly troubled. I could not take myself off researching this story.

Finally I shared something. And @think_ made

comments, that helped me tremendously

I will ping you in this. I wrote a a possibility.

Will copy you

Bori ago

Three things seem odd to me : 1.Searched her name on various people search sites in Tracy, Ca. , only 2 names listed in that area. The oldest one listed didnt look like the age of the person in the pic with Webb. 2. I googled woman died in Maryland hotel with date of last Monday. Nothing showed up, however there were several other listings for women who had died in both hotels and motels various years. If they're reported why not her?
3. Im not a follower of Webb but I did check out his twitter in regard to this woman. ****Please look for yourself, I could have misread but I dont think so. ** I believe he said she was in the Witness Protection Program !!? If she was and she was determined to help victims like she claimed, why not be more low key? Im not sure how the Witness Protection program works but I would think staying under the radar would be advised?? If she was able to help trafficking victims , that's noble indeed. If she died last Monday , that's very unfortunate. This story bothered me , sad if true, but the above 3. puzzles me.

Plan1988 ago

I am not a follower of Webb either. But I used to be.

Plan1988 ago

Time wll tell.

Plan1988 ago

I agree. If she was in the witness protection program why:

Is she attending Manafort trial?

Does she walk around with a video camera?

Shehides her face but everyone around her sees her and she draws attention to herself.

Did she wear a disquise when she went out with Gorge Webb? I do not know.

Thank you for your research.

Bori ago

Good points. It doesn't add up!
And why would Webb even mention her Witness Protection status? If she was in it and shared it with him and others , its hers to tell not his. And Not particularly wise to tell anyone from a safety stand point in my opinion.

Plan1988 ago

Webb could have said that to stir up the pot good and

stir up sympathy.

Oh no. They got to her. They did it.

srayzie ago

Yeah it’s very confusing. She did tell everyone she was in the witness protection program. I don’t know if I believe that. If so, why would she repeatedly tell us before entering the program what was happening? George Webb is VERY well known. Why would she be traveling with him if she felt threatened? I don’t know.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If she is in the witness protection program, then George Webb might not have been lying when he accidentally called her Jenny and then stopped himself and said that is not her real name.

Also, if it's true her family didn't want anything to do with her, they may not have an obituary yet. They could be saving that for closer to her funeral. Or maybe they don't bother doing one at all?

srayzie ago

I don’t know. It’s reqlly confusing. I saw in some YouTube video that they think she was an FBI informant. I don’t know if we’ll ever know.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah... wasn't George's original website or something like that? Like, I thought his whole deal was that he's a targeted individual / whistleblower, but I have no idea which agency he is with, although he is obviously privy to enough information to actually be IN intelligence somewhere. And I don't necessarily think it's Mossad.

Bori ago

You said she was telling everyone she was in the Witness Protection Program? Why tell anyone much less everyone? I thought the point of the program was safety via a new identity. And you said , you dont know if you believe her in that regard..If she claimed to be in the program and wasn't., why would she lie? Red flag if so..

think- ago

If she claimed to be in the program and wasn't., why would she lie?

To create credibility as a legit researcher, to deflect from being a limited hangout and part of a disinfo network (theory).

@Crensch @Vindicator @Plan1988 @Shizy @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

There is a lot of red flags for me. I don’t know.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

777 is Crowley. That should have done it for you. Also, "I am" is a phrase they love, blasphemy of declaring ones self a god. We have a handle here, Iam777. You guys gotta pick it up.

Plan1988 ago

🆘 Do your own research.

Pringle ago

No other people in the US have conducted any investigation into these child trafficking ratlines and your slamming the only investigators that have been investigating and exposing these ratlines is outrageous! Disinformation agents like you are harming our movement to save our children.

Shizy ago

She was the only one investigating this? Really? Do you seriously think anyone here is dumb enough to believe that?!

Pringle ago

I think it is absolutely horrible that this woman is slamming these true American Heroes who have been out every single day uncovering and exposing the child sex trafficking ratlines. I have followed their work every single day and telling people to distrust them is absolutely harmful to our movement to expose these ratlines and ending them. Maybe that is your purpose!

jangles ago

@vindicator please remove this from STICKY - This is not valid. You have no clue what you are doing OR you are part of the problem. @srayzie can not be trusted and is misleading this community.

Vindicator ago

@srayzie can not be trusted and is misleading this community.

I'm going to need to see proof of this, jangles. I know srayzie quite well and I would find what you are saying quite surprising. I need evidence.

I personally know Jem was either full of crap, or had severe emotional issues, based on the way she treated me. Furthermore, everything posted about Jenny Moore's death contained zero evidence of her death. Just a bunch of different accounts making statements. I've seen no actual proof Jenny was Jem, either, just a bunch of people who said Jem said she was Jenny. We are in the midst of a Blizzard of BS bigger than I've ever seen on this subverse and it is both prudent and balanced to have stickies giving two possible points of view.

jangles ago

Regardless, the Jenny Moore I knew on voat as Jem777 amd mej777 is dead. You can piss on her grave if you want. I will not have part of it.

Vindicator ago

the Jenny Moore I knew on voat as Jem777 amd mej777 is dead

How do you know this?

jangles ago

I haven't verified the death myself. I met Jenny here on boat, then in real life.

Vindicator ago

Okay, so you talked to the Jem account here, and then arranged to meet IRL, and the person you met is Jenny Moore, the person everyone thinks is such a great investigator. But you don't have anything concrete you can share of Jenny on video or in a pic confirming her account here? Just your personal word on the matter.

Not doubting you, Jangles, just trying to get to the bottom of things.

jangles ago

I never said she was a good investigator, but one none the less. very gullible I must say. sad she fell for all the crap

jangles ago

I sent you a PM with a msg from her jem account saying she was Jenny.

Vindicator ago

Yes. But that doesn't confirm Jenny was Jem beyond you saying you met her in a way that would settle this easily for everyone. Thanks though. :-)

jangles ago

Fuck you I am not Doxing myself

Vindicator ago

No one is asking you to. Thanks for sharing what you could.

jangles ago

cheers, thanks for your continued commitment to this community.

jangles ago

severe emotional issues

jangles ago

To be clear. I don't think Vindicator is a bad person just maybe mislead by @srayzie

Vindicator ago

In what way?

Plan1988 ago

Time will tell.

Gothamgirl ago

Same here.

Plan1988 ago

Time will tell. Be patient.

think- ago

What do you mean by 'time will tell', @Plan1988? @Vindicator has been a member of this board from the beginning, and a mod for 1,5 years. This should suffice to form an opinion. What exactly do you think 'time will tell'?!

Plan1988 ago

Hello: this is what I mean by "time will tell".

Background - Pizzagate researchers are in disagreement.

Is/was Jenny Moore a patriot and an authentic

researcher? OR is/was Jenny Moore a

limited hangout and someone not to be trusted

time will tell. This means:

The answer to this question: Will

only be known in the future after more time has passed.

We will know the unbiased TRUTH after time

has passed. The answer will become known in the

course of time.

Is Jenny Moore deceased or isn't she? We will know in

the course of time.

jangles ago

@strazie is LARPing here. She was not friend of Jenny, just a twitter 'friend', and at least was misleading her with outlandish information like the directed energy weapons in the CA wildfires. Some people can be good others are bad, @strazie appears to be a 'bad guy' with real subversive tactics and no honor. please PROVE ME WRONG. @carmencita @GothamGirl @Dressage2

Vindicator ago

@jangles, who is "strazie"? Are you misspelling srayzie? Or was there an alt made by the shill crew mocking her username like the dozens that have been made of me and other mods over the past year and a half? It's not clear what you are saying here.

jangles ago


Plan1988 ago

We will know more Tuesday with True Pundit disclosure.

srayzie ago

Jem & Sarah Part 2

This was in the comment section. “Sarah” wouldn’t leave me alone and I got mad. I told Jem to make her friend stop!

These 2 are private messages. I was showing my frustration with Sarah...

From me to Jem...

From Jem to me...

@cc1914 @jangles @Dressage2

@Carmencita I know you don’t want to be involved, but since everyone else is pinging you smearing me, I’m sending this to you too. Feel free to block me.

and @Gothamgirl is connected to Sarah as well

Do you need a part 3? Do you want me to keep sharing her business so that I can prove myself? See how much I’ve been holding back for almost a fucking a year?? I would block Sarah on Twitter. She would make a new account. I finally said “What do you want from me?! She said “your kids.”

This is who Jem talked to every single day. This is who Jem kept telling me was BRILLIANT. You all don’t know the HELL I’ve been thru with this stalker. Yet, I am the fucking monster.

Want more?! Or should I just make a post with more about the Comet ping pong deal and then just add all the rest of this shit too? Maybe I shouldn’t hold back because obviously it’s making me look evil and corrupt and like a paid shill!

Cc1914 ago

I remember your encounters with Sarah and believe you PM’d me about it months ago . She was indeed creepy and dangerous sounding . I had mentioned before that Jenny Moore’s PTSD probably played a role in her bad decisions. Being that close to Sarah was a bad decision IMO . She mentioned that she wanted to help her turn away from evil etc .. as outlandish as the claims Jem was making were , most of it was stuff we’ve all been actually researching for 2 years and is stuff that goes on . I’m not going to block anyone . I have always viewed @Gothamgirl as a neutral person wanting to help save our children . @Carmencita has been there for so many ( including myself) with open arms to hear ones pour their hearts out about the abuse they have suffered , time and time again ! People just want to know the truth about her death right now I think more than anything. And yes you and I landed on the same discord back when we first saw the majestic ape video from CPP . I personally don’t need to see anymore of your private messages with people . I’m good . I’m going to let people hash out their own truth . For the record I don’t think you Srayzie maliciously planned this and I do believe that you honestly believe Jem was shady and wanted us to know . Something else is shady though , everything came together in a nice little package for us . First there’s saved screenshots from months ago , then there’s a sticky with Jems name connected to all those bot accounts, then she’s dead and now this ?! See how it all looks to some ? That’s why it’s a hard pill to swallow .

srayzie ago

I didn’t mean block others. I meant block me. The bot accounts sticky has been around for almost a year. It just gets updated. I said why I kept screenshots. Of Sarah, @Gothamgirl, and Jem because they were connected.

I’ve been attacked for 2 days straight and have GothamGirl saying all kinds of crap about me. Now I supposedly make Illuminati art. So hopefully you can also see where I’m coming from. Thanks.

@Gothamgirl, keep messing with me. I’ll prove who you really are too. Back off bitch.

Cc1914 ago

I know you meant that and I’m not going to block you .

srayzie ago

Proof Part 2

See parent...

@shizy @think- @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

Jem & Sarah Part 1...

This is the shill list. See at the top what it says about Jem...

The ones I underlined in red, I’m sure, or almost sure is Sarah. The blue is something that sounds like what she would use. There’s probably a lot more but I can’t tell which ones.

Here, Jem is showing me in the comments that this person is Sarah and even talks about having alts...

Here, she starts calling her Sarah and describing her...

@cc1914 @Jangles @Dressage2 @Carmencita

And @Gothamgirl is connected. That’s why I saved everything of Jems and Sarah’s. Want me to make a part 2?

jangles ago

@srayzie, I edited my above post. Thanks for having a good demeanor as I 'threw you under the buss'. I believe now that this community is honored to have a committed individual like yourself. I do apologize for my harsh words and strike them out to remain transparent in my statements. Upon assessing what you have provided here and other things I have, I now believe that she was being run for crazy as a means to discredit her. I told her this before and she calmed down a bit, yet bad habits are not easy to kick. It is hard to see her good work woven with the quack crap from these shills. Would you believe that I thought you, srayzie were part of that list, I am sorry for that, it is amazing how effective they are with their disinformation campaigns.

think- ago

@Carmencita: please see comment above. Thank you.

carmencita ago

Thanks. I have always said everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Right or wrong those are their opinions. This whole thing has been horrible. It should never have taken off the way it did, and that is what caused all this trouble. There are some that have named me and others as disinfo on a list. No one seems to care about that. A lot of what I saw in the last couple of days was spam that was sent to many of us. You can figure out who was sending it. It's not my job here to ride herd. I am here as a researcher not a divider or a mod. @Cc1914 @Dressage2

Shizy ago

Again Jangles, it's really impressive to see how you handle yourself and can reassess a situation. It shows a lot of class and character 🙂

jangles ago

thanks, it isn't easy when a friend dies and it is hard to prove without exposing things, like my own identity.

Shizy ago

Regardless of what has gone on here, I am very sorry you lost a friend.

jangles ago

Jenny deserves better than this :(

srayzie ago

Thank you. I appreciate that. 😫

srayzie ago

Showing proof

See parent...

@shizy @think- @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

Plan1988 ago

Nice @srayzie. 🆒

srayzie ago

Thank you. Here comes Part 2 since they want to act like I’m a lying monster.

Plan1988 ago

GO FOR IT. It will all come out in the wash.

I happen to believe you.

Gothamgirl ago

Used multiple websites against me, with multiple profiles leading me to believe it was 1 person. Then admits to screenshots of everything she did to us, patches together shit in my case, then threatens to use it againist us, like I have anything to hide. She tags all our screen names then suddenly we each start having problems. I see the patterns..

Like these types of accounts:

This is most likely how we are being targeted for our own personal hell.

srayzie ago

Oh really @Gothamgirl? You just want to spread lies about me? I can prove my side. Can you prove yours? Your shill side came out yesterday because you got called out.

Did I telepathically plant child porn on your phone? People,started disappearing when I joined pizzagate. Over a year and a half ago like most of us?!

You’re telling people I have alts? Wtf? You’re only losing credibility by making a fool out of yourself. If you want to talk shit, be a big girl and ping me or shut the fuck up.

@Vindicator @Think- @Shizy
I had so many attacks yesterday that I didn’t even see this one. I want witnesses to this shills bullshit. She is spreading disinfo about me. I can back up what I have to say. She’s just making a fool out of herself. She doesn’t even have the decency to ping me when talking shit.

I’ve never even seen that profile she provided. It’s probably Sarah’s. GothamGirl used to also make posts for other people that were banned from here. FlynnL1v3s. However you spell it. He was shot like 5 months ago. GothamGirl knew Jem and him. Should I stoop to her level and accuse her of shit? This is ridiculous.

Vindicator ago

The number of users making malicious claims without evidence over the past few days has been rather astonishing. I don't think people realize how bad this makes them look when we've got so much information warfare going on. Making a claims without anything to back them up is basic shill behavior. Amazing people don't know this by now.

JohnTheVandagraph ago

Jokes, she's a delicate flower.

JohnTheVandagraph ago

You have to admit, srayzie is a total slut

Shizy ago

People disappear for thousands of reasons! Probably the biggest is that voat is a time suck and people have lives, jobs and families! It's not a conspiracy! What exactly is she trying to accuse you of with that nonsense anyway?

srayzie ago

I guess I have super powers. I can telepathically plant child porn on her phone. 🙄 people started disappearing once I joined pizzagate which was over 1 1/2 years ago. She’s the one that was friends with both Jem and Flynn Lives who got shot.

Shizy ago

I didn't know anything about Flynn lives other than remembering the name from awhile back, so I looked him up. He threatened someone in his house with a gun, so that person called 911. When the cops show up he goes outside with the gun in his hand and points it at them so they shot him. Did you make him do that srayzie??? How dare you!

I swear, some people around here are delusional!

Vindicator ago

I swear, some people around here are delusional!

That does appear to be the case, sadly.

carmencita ago

Wish I could. I have not had many dealings with her lately. But this post is proof of what you just said. She is trying to agitate a lot of people last night. We don’t need to lose our best researchers. I am really disappointed.

srayzie ago

I showed Jangles proof and he edited his comment about me.

Plan1988 ago

Wait And See Is What I Say. One side will have to eat crow.

Pizzalawyer ago

OMG! I spent the day away from the Internet and now look at these numbers. I think @Srayzie wins the prize for provoking the greatest number of comments in the history of Pizzagate with 416 comments by 9pm. Congratulations @Srayzie! Hopefully we all got alot off our chests and can now move on to do battle against perverts and satanists for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Love to all.

RIPJem ago

You should know why Srayzie and others provoked all of the comments to slide the ones that mattered, which is how it escalated to over 700 comments, and why the most important comments from those who know Jenny Moore in real life were downvoted by the mods in order to hide The Truth.

We are the target of this entire submission and most of the comments as they continue to make vicious attacks and use deception and threats against anyone who will defend Jenny Moore. Those involved in this Evil and cowardly attack are desperate to hide The Truth because they have all been exposed.

Remember what this post is about - slandering and discrediting a Hero who was threatened, doxxed, attacked and murdered. Her name is Jenny Moore.

Jenny knew The Truth and put her trust in Jesus Christ. If you trust in Him, The Truth will be clear.

Shizy ago

Well said! And thanks for lightening the mood!

Plan1988 ago

Came on this today.

Someone may appreciate it.

I am not able to vet the post of course.But I felt it was worth posting.

Plan1988 ago

➡ I just went to True Pundit on Twitter. Check in for

Jenn. news.

Got this : This Account Has Been Suspended

Explanation - violation of rules.

@Cc1914. @Srayzie.

@think_ Feel free to advise if I am wrong here.

think- ago

Thanks, @Plan1988

srayzie ago

Thomas Paine had a developing story that him and Jem were working on. Him and George Webb will both be questioned I would think. That’s weird that the account is suspended. @Cc1914 @plan1988

Plan1988 ago

He is posting currently here: @Thomas1774Paine

Cc1914 ago

I’ve been reading about this for hours trying to make sense of it .. I just found this coincidence that #TaskForce was trying to contact #MKUltra victim @Randy_S_Turner before her untimely death? >>

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

So your wallet is big enough to attract a woman - congrats man, it's obviously not your personality!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You probably have to pay people for sex and to bring you coffee. We give it to each other freely. Sorry you hate women so much, that's not my problem.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Any evidence of her injuries from being beaten?

Cc1914 ago

I had heard that something would surface regarding Jem777 being a liar etc . It was hard to digest and had been waiting patiently for the info to come out . I just saw this sticky . I’m quite shocked that this is the info claiming that she was a disinformation shill . I saw nothing in those screenshots that proved she was disinfo. Paranoid ? Maybe , but to go on about how exaggerating you thought she was is unfair , considering she was the one with her “ boots on the ground “ as @pizzalawyer brought out . We’ve all been paranoid researching this stuff .. even you , because REAL weird stuff has happened to several people here . Do I think her death had something to do with what @RIPJem is going on about ? Not after reading everything he/she said . Sounds way overboard and completely sketchy to me . If Jem is alive and this is all fake .. WOW ! Then they will have succeeded in dividing a few more “ sandy hook “ style as in play on our emotions ! “ How could you say those deaths were fake “ ?! Etc . @Srayzie , I know you posted about how bad you felt about bringing this up and all I just wish that your evidence was more clear because to me it sounds like your personal perception of her was unwarranted. I don’t trust GW or anyone else of his stature completely . I don’t think Jem trusted him towards the end either . Did I know her personally ? No , but I’ve seen her research and like @dressage2 said “ she wasn’t perfect “ and we’ve all posted disinfo , unintentionally of course . She was stubborn when it came to re-writing her posts to comply with PG rules , but so were/are a lot of us . So if I’m correct in my deductions here .. this woman who was a cop , and made videos of herself holding her badge talking about the coverups that happen at the top was a disinfo shill? What about that is shilly? The very cop she accused of ordering her beating a while back has been abruptly fired also ..just a few days ago ..

What was your goal here because your screenshots prove nothing IMO . If I went into CPP personally , I would have takin all those photos too , it’s scary stuff not knowing what to expect . Telling you that JA and his buddy were staring her down somehow means she’s exaggerating? I’m sure they were staring her down . Furthermore if I thought you were my friend as Jem obviously thought you were , then I’d send you play by play details of my findings too . . As much as I think GW is a setup , I still Don’t think his comment about JA was saying “ he wasn’t bad “ If someone thinks I’m a shill , please announce it before I’m dead so I can defend myself . Like I said if this ends up being a hoax , look what it accomplished...

Are_we__sure ago

the very cop....

What's the backstory here? Do you have links?

I didn't know she made specific allegations.

Cc1914 ago

She showed police report documents in one of her videos . I watched it before I even knew this person was Jem777. I thought she was a random whistblower making YouTube videos . You will have to sift through her videos ..

Are_we__sure ago

Thanks. I think I'll pass and see what comes out.

I reason I asked about the very cop was if I have this right, the cop who just got fired was only at Tracy for a couple of years. And she seems to have been off the force for over a decade.

Cc1914 ago

Not sure about all that , but her beating happend within this last year . There’s much talk on twitter about it too ..

srayzie ago

So her suddenly switching her story wasn’t shady? On the 15th, before George Webb made that tweet, she sent pictures and said she was being stared down and followed by JA and his CIA buddy. (Who knows how she determined he was a CIA buddy).

“James Alefantis followed me to Little Red Fox to stare me down.”
“I stared evil in the face.”
“James CIA buddy staring evil at me.”
“Inside the secret bathroom. Yes... It is behind a secret door.”
“James followed us. It made me nauseous”

After George Webb made the tweet on the 17th, her story about everything changed. That’s not shady? What is it that you aren’t seeing here?

“The secret bathroom is not what it seems. This is a hole in the wall dump.”
Ok, then why send me the picture and video saying different?

“I could not get past the ping pong tables to the back.”
“There is no basement in the building.”
“I went everywhere except part of the kitchen.”

Really? She did all that while being followed by James and his CIA buddy huh?

Let’s not forget that now... James Alefantis is a “Finder”. Poor JA the victim.

Nothing to see here right?!

I have a lot more. Like I said, I only shared the Comet ping pong portion. I contemplated and many people thought I should post this. What pisses me off, is that you and I know each other. So what are you implying when you ask what my goal was here? We’ve been on the same page. We both have fought for the same things. So I don’t appreciate the way you’re making this sound.

Look what it accomplished...

Obviously, your interpretation of the screenshots proving nothing, is in the minority. Many people agreed. So I’m paranoid? Exaggerating? How can I exaggerate what the screenshots and video show? Why do so many other people see it but you don’t? You seemed pissed at me last week because I told Argosciv off about how he would drink human blood. Instead of being happy that I blasted him, you said that when you did, Vindicator got onto you. Holding a grudge?

Once again, I never said that Jem was bad. She did a lot of good. But she gave truth mixed with disinfo. I have much more and have shared with a few people that I’m close with. If my GOAL was to just smear her, I would have posted it all.

RIPJem is Sarah. I’ve tried to explain to you a long time ago who Sarah was. You thought it was a bot. Well then it’s a bot that Jem talked to daily. I have the conversations with Jem about Sarah too. I was always cool with you. A lot of people talk shit to me, but I never expected you to be one of them.

@Shizy @Think- @Vindicator

argosciv ago

Told me off, ey?

Define "drink", I'll wait.

cc: @Vindicator @ben_matlock @Cc1914 @carmencita @Gothamgirl

srayzie ago

How about you go write a way too damn long 12 part series explaining it to me. Oh wait... I won’t read it, just like I don’t read any of your other Satanic trash.

@think- @Shizy

Shizy ago

But, but, he's so edgy and cool talking about Satan and blood! How else can twerpy nerds get teenage girls?

argosciv ago

cc also: @jangles @kazza64 @Millennial_Falcon

See comments context.

Cc1914 ago

Wait , why did you ping the other mods in this ? Did you just call for support ?

RIPJem ago

That is exactly what they are doing on top of private messaging, and they have setup notifications in order to attack and hide The Truth as quickly as possible. See the top comment replies for more examples. Keep in mind this entire thread is an attack on Jenny Moore and The Truth. We are the target of this entire post.

We have been here since THE BEGINNING. We have exposed all of them. This is not a game. This platform is compromised.

Voat is a very dangerous place. Jenny is not the only one who was murdered for knowing The Truth.

This is all very real. It is not safe and we are risking many lives to share The Truth.

Read everything again, and it will all make sense. We care about you and all others as we care about Jenny Moore.

The choice between Good and Evil should be easy, and that is why they cannot allow the People to know The Truth.

Crensch ago

Mods need to be aware of what's going on here.

You and the others are about to have a very bad time if you can't start providing evidence for some of your claims. All it will take is a sticky from me inviting you to prove your claims, and every one of you will lose every ounce of respect you might have gained 'till now. I'll also likely flair your accounts so other users don't have to even think about responding to you when you make a comment.

EVERY one of you needs to step your game up. I've seen ZERO evidence of anything but the lot of you working in tandem to spread bullshit narratives and attack my mods.

And don't worry, when you whine and complain, I'll link whomever you're responding to to that sticky, and any reasonable person will see that nothing you say has any merit.

@srayzie @think- @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

I'll also likely flair your accounts so other users don't have to even think about responding to you when you make a comment. can do this?

It's probably a good thing I don't have access to that button, LOL.

Crensch ago

Yep. And you do have access to it.

Vindicator ago

She pinged me, because I have over a hundred notifications today alone, Cc and I wouldn't have seen this otherwise. The fact that so many accounts suddenly abandoned all semblance of being Pizzagate researchers interested in facts and started pushing this claim that someone was MURDERED without presenting any evidence of it whatsoever is suspicious as hell. It's my job to try to get to the bottom of whatever fuckery is happening, here, along with the other mods, one of whom is @srayzie, another of whom is @think-.

The fact that you find that questionable after all this time is really quite sad. It's not going to make us stop doing our jobs. As @Crensch will tell you, we will be demodded if we don't fulfill our responsibilities here.

think- ago

The fact that so many accounts suddenly abandoned all semblance of being Pizzagate researchers interested in facts and started pushing this claim that someone was MURDERED without presenting any evidence of it whatsoever is suspicious as hell.


srayzie ago

Because if I’m going to be accused of things, such as @Gothamgirl now saying that I put child porn on her phone and being afraid I’m going to hurt her child, then there are going to be witnesses because this is getting ridiculous.

Gothamgirl ago

See that proves your a liar, I asked you, I didn't accuse you, and It's on this thread.

srayzie ago

You’re being absolutely ridiculous and acting like a fool.

jangles ago


srayzie ago

First of all, when I made the post, I wasn’t aware that her death was being questioned like this. I didn’t know that she was having problems with George. That seemed to have blown up after I made the post. I probably wouldn’t have posted this had I known her death was being questioned.

Things went too far. People started blaming @Vindicator for banning her and telling him that he was responsible for her death. A new “Sarah” profile went ballistic and started drama. You fell for it. @Gothamgirl started her drama by implying that I planted child porn on her phone, that I threatened her child and said that things started happening after I joined. Like I’m responsible. How shitty is that? I’ve been here from the beginning. Are you fucking kidding me? Her true shill self came out publicly. The child porn on her phone should be looked into by the way.

I’m sorry that you can’t see what the majority of us see. I tried being sensitive to your feelings. I never said Jem didn’t do good. George Webb and Alex Jones do good too. But, they are a limited hangout and give some false information with truth. It goes much deeper than just Comet ping pong. I only said what’s important to this community.

Jem made a post on Voat the day after she went to Comet ping pong. Her story, just like what I shared in my post, sure changes on the 17th after George Webb made that tweet.


Here is a video of her and George right after they left Comet ping pong. They seemed to be having a blast. James followed them so much that George says “Task Force said he was following us”.

I’m not working Jem’s CASE. I liked her too and I have a right to be concerned. I’m not a heartless monster. You’re exaggerating big time. I’m staying calm because I know you’re emotional right now. But you all need to back off because you don’t know everything.

@think- @shizy @Dressage2 Above, I added a video of Jem and George Webb laughing as they left Comet ping pong, and a Voat post that Jem made the day after going to Comet, before George Webb’s tweet. Look at the contrast in her story. It goes right along with my post.

Shizy ago

Oh wow, George doesn't seem to be taking any of that seriously at all! How would he not know what JA looks like if he has followed pizzagate? It's all just a big joke to him.

srayzie ago

Exactly. Researcher George Webb didn’t know what James Alefantis looked like. Suuuuure.

Shizy ago

One more thing that doesn't make sense and causes you to go hmmmmm

jangles ago

Ok you are not a monster. Yet your claims of knowing her are shallow. Why didn't she ever mention you to me? She mentioned @dressange2 but not you. WHY? I do agree she was off her mark many times but don't think she was manipulating people intentionally as you project. I stand by that. Thanks for 'trying to be sensitive' yet we all should not trust anyone. Or eachother, thanks for your insight and commitment for truth finding. God bless. Sorry I felt frazzled yet you need to realize it appears you are discrediting all of the great she has done.

Vindicator ago

@jangles, I have a serious question. I genuinely do not understand why people hold such a high positive opinion of the Jem account. You say srayzie is "discrediting all of the great she has done." What are you referring to, specifically? What great research has Jem contributed here? I have not seen any of that, and when I asked her to link to her research 10 months ago, she refused to do so. Please...loop me in. If she contributed in a positive way, I would like to know that. I have not seen it.

jangles ago

Nothing here. Just as a whistleblower against McCabe

think- ago

Nothing here.

So you confirm that she hasn't contributed anything of value to the sub, but you are attacking all other users who hold the same view? Interesting.

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Shizy

jangles ago

nothing substantial, especially when compared to the whistleblowing she did in CA, long before voat ever existed

Vindicator ago

Really? All this sturm and drang is about a user who did not contribute research to v/pizzagate? For crying out loud.

@Crensch: apparently Jem777 fans were following her research offsite. See context above.

@Jangles, there is a real possibility blackhats created that account to discredit Moore's real life work. Did you see any confirmation from Moore that the Jem account was hers?

Crensch ago

apparently Jem777 fans were following her research offsite. See context above.

Then she was a useless cunt here.

Vindicator ago

I am leaning toward the idea that blackhats created the Jem account to discredit this real life person, and fooled a lot of pizzagoats who thought they were talking to the YouTuber.

That would be the charitable interpretation of what I've seen so far.

think- ago

But there was also a Jem777 Twitter account, wasn't it? Did it post stuff from the Jenny Moore YT account?

Vindicator ago

It would be very easy to create a fake Twitter. Someone made one of me, with the identical profile pic and everything. I would have had no clue if goats hadn't caught it and told me. It took me 10 tries to get it taken down by Twitter -- two months of asking. It was right around the time Voat was shut down for three days. It had made no tweets, though, thankfully.

Crensch ago

And the most likely or worst cases?

No rush, I know you've been busy.

think- ago

I think the 'death' of Jem777 might be connected to calling her out as part of the bot/shill network by @Camulous. An identity they couldn't / didn't want to use any longer.

I have read almost all the stuff she wrote here, and it was totally obvious that the Jem777 account mixed accurate information with disinfo and exaggerations.

And now they have created buzz, claim she was murdered, and discredit the mods, although there isn't even a confirmation yet that the rl person Jenny Moore has died (if she really died, I would be sorry of course).

srayzie ago

Sorry. That wasn’t my intention. She only talked about you and Dressage2 when she told me who she trusted here the most. Maybe she brought dressage2 up to you because you knew each other. I have never really interacted with you guys. God bless you too.

Shizy ago

I'm really impressed with your response jangles. I thought you were just wanting to fight and call names, but it's big of you to try and see where @srayzie is coming from and be a reasonable person.

jangles ago

The integrity of this community is paramount to the successful dethroning of the criminal echelon. We must all call each-other out at times. This thread shows how outrageous some of this has got. I got in a serious argument with Jenny over the outlandish claims she made about lasers causing those fires and realized she was being fed that information by people here on Voat, I learned that she lacks a fundamental understanding in the principles of radiation heat transfer. It is hard to say what the intention was driven from or whom were perpetrators of the lies and whom was the gullible goats. Regardless, Jenny is dead and she will not be able to testify. This is fucked.

Shizy ago

You're trying too hard. What is it you want to keep hidden? You're motives are highly suspect and you seem to be going off the rails since no one is falling for your shit!

srayzie ago

The LARP is the chick who thinks I put child porn on her phone telepathically. Maybe you should wonder why she has child porn on her phone. She straight up admitted it.

Cc1914 ago

Whoa! You are so off here ! I didn’t say you were paranoid for 1, I was referring to Jenny . And what in the actual world are you talking about a grudge and bringing dragon boy into this ? That did not even enter my mind . If your going to put stuff out there be prepared for some questions . I think RipJem is sketchy as I said . As far as the shadiness of yours and Jems conversation goes .. nothing there shows me what your alluding to and everything I’m reading on twitter from people who knew her are saying how much she helped them personally . This guy for instance was in contact with her before she died

srayzie ago

Well you can pick thru tweets and read all the beautiful ones all you want. If you don’t want to open your eyes and see the disinformation, then don’t. But don’t ask me what my goal in all this is as if I have some sort of agenda. I never said she didn’t go good. Disinfo protected George Webb does some good too.

Cc1914 ago

Open my eyes ! I asked you to be more clear so you could open my eyes .😔 I’m not seeing her deliberately giving disinfo . Everything I’ve ever read was well researched . Please understand , If say this same scenario was switched around and someone came and posted “Srayzie is disinfo and here’s screenshots and video to prove it “ .. I would be the first person to defend you . I asked what the goal was because you convinced some , but not all . I thought there would be some solid proof .

srayzie ago

When people die, suddenly all kinds of people that never gave a shit will come forward praising that person. I’ve experienced the part truths/part lies from Jem on many occasions. I used the Comet ping pong example, which clearly shows her changing stories, so people would see that they shouldn’t just think her word is gold and believe every post she’s ever made. So they would use caution.

I never said Jem didn’t do good. Like I said, even George Webb does good. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t also pushing false information. So my goal is that people don’t get blinded and glorify Jem so much that they take her word on everything. Check it to make sure. I sure as heck hope people didn’t start believing her Comet ping pong story that changed once George Webb stupidly made a tweet about and deleted it. He’s admitted he’s Mossad. He’s been protected from day 1. Maybe she fell hard for him and he was manipulating her. I don’t know. People need to be cautious. This isn’t a game. People are sent here to feed us disinfo. That’s not a secret.

Cc1914 ago

I get what your saying . If the disinfo was so obvious to you , then maybe next time share it right away so we could all research it and give her a chance to defend it .

srayzie ago

That’s where I was pulled. She didn’t want it out and said I’m gonna have to trust her.

srayzie ago

Ok these might be fake. I don’t know for sure. In this conversation, she’s talking to Defango. They are going over dates. It’s something to look into more.

Scroll up and down and read the comments.

@Shizy @cc1914

Also, cc1914, I’m glad we worked thru our spat. I expect arguing with some, but it bothered me having YOU upset with me. Xo

Cc1914 ago

These are real . See the date from this girls screen grab is 8/7 and she’s claiming she’s the original recipient of that text message

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I wonder why they were saying that. Good thing they kept that!

Cc1914 ago

I’m glad it’s over too . Emotions are all running wild right now . The way you explained it made sense , it’s the way I read the screenshots that didn’t make sense and still doesn’t but that could be me just not getting it . Sometimes that happens ☺️ We have to wait and see what comes out .. something’s very strange about all of this including the voat post done about Jem777 having all those bot accounts . Who was that person and was that Wendy the stalker ? 😯

srayzie ago

No... those bot accounts are Sarah. I’ve dealt with this for over a year now. Jem talking to Sarah all the time is true.

Who was what person? The more I learn about George Webb, the more I think Wendy might not have been crazy at all. If he treated Jem strange and had women show up out of the blue, maybe Wendy being stalked and manipulated by George is true. She seemed really messed up.

jangles ago

@srayzie You make lots of bold claims for not actually being a friend of Jenny. This is sad. You are really messed up, you are are not being added to a growing list. @cc1914 thanks for being legit.

Shizy ago

I know! I didn't like seeing you two arguing ☹️

srayzie ago

I can continue to show you and Think all this shit proving that Jem and GothamGirl are connected to Sarah if you want. That way if I ever need to prove it again and can’t dox, you and Think- can be my witnesses. What do you think?

There’s something very very odd about GothamGirl. Other mods have noticed it too. Think- said today that she pretty much proved it. I know I’m a bitch to people I don’t like. But I’m real with you. I promise you I’m not lying.

srayzie ago

Me neither. I could care less about G... 🙄

Shizy ago

Thanks for posting those here. I couldn't do it on my phone. @Cc1948 posted them too.

Cc1914 ago

Oh shoot !! I didn’t see those ! I watched a video earlier of Jenny serving Imran Awan those papers though

srayzie ago

I saw something about that and bookmarked it.

srayzie ago

Omg. @Shizy found something on 8chan. I’m trying to find the links.

Cc1914 ago

Those are the same ones I sent you 🙂

Shizy ago

I saw some of those posted on 8chan. Not the one about the jealous woman showing up, but the others about Jem says gshe was done with GW. It's only days before she passed away. This is why I'm questioning this whole story we have been told by GW. Until this is confirmed by another source, I'm not going to just believe what he says.

Cc1914 ago

Your welcome ! I’m not just gonna believe what he says either . I think he’s susp over anyone else and now he has a woman to blame it on because those messages show a possible motive from a jealous stalker . Or maybe she’s not dead ? Seriously chaotic

Shizy ago

It is! Total chaos around here! I can't help but think this was created for some reason. Distraction maybe? I don't know but something is weird.

Cc1914 ago

Maybe .. what a mindblow! It’s like plain as day as to what they ( whoever they are ) want us to believe . Everything is pointing to GW .. GW is posting random stuff throughout the day like how he paid for another night hotel and dinner for Jenny one time ..

Cc1914 ago

Weird because I’ve been looking at his twitter off and on all day and it’s been up the whole time .

Shizy ago

It appears things weren't as good as he may want people to believe. Thanks for posting this here. I couldn't do it on my phone.

Cc1914 ago

Certainly appears that way

Crensch ago

It's amazing how many users of come out being completely unreasonable all of a sudden. Users we thought were decent. It's becoming a pattern. There was nothing ambiguous about what you posted. That cunt was an attention-seeking disinfo troll that just wanted to be the center of attention on everything. And that's the absolute best she could be from any reasonable interpretation of your comment. At worst she specifically was planted here by alefantis to mislead you all.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It's pretty awful to call her a cunt

Crensch ago

From what I can tell she's an attention-seeking disinfo chill at the absolute best. So at the absolute best she's trying to mislead people that are trying to investigate child fuckers. She is a cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

As a mod you are probably privy to more information than we are... but since I've been called a "shill" by a couple of you lately and it seems to be because I think Q is dumb, it's kind of hard to go along with that unless there is evidence of it being that way. And since she allegedly just died it seems totally insensitive, but whatever. I've been here since we were first told by Brittany Pettibone that this is the place to go to do research and for the most part it seems like the best collection of information but I see no reason to spit on Jenny's grave unless we have tons of proof. I understand calling out shills who are on here obviously gaslighting real researchers and posting satanic stuff, but I don't understand what it is about Jenny that you guys hated so much.

Crensch ago

There has been nothing presented suggesting that anyone actually died. The source of the claim is known to be a completely full of shit fake news rag. You can ask srayzie for proof of the supposed to vote user being a disinfo shill. All it took was her posting the links she did for me to determine that is your name in question was on the side of the child fuckers.

I don't know about the other mods but this isn't hatred for me this is Tuesday. I deal with more shills and disinfo trolls than most people would even dream of, and I'm pretty sure my mods deal with even more than that. The user in question was suspicious from beginning to end, and the supposed death is being used as a vector to attack the mods of the subverse.

So when you pile on with the other very obvious shills in defending this username, you look like a shill.

On a personal note even if someone did die and it was that username that's a good thing because they spent their time here misleading people who really wanted to do research and catch pedophiles. She misled, on purpose, people that want to put child fuckers away. She is a cunt and she deserves every bad thing that happens to her.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

So basically, you and a few other mods would be happy if I were to die, because you've all decided I'm suspicious, based on the fact that we find it distasteful the way people are attacking someone who just allegedly died. That's a logical circle jerk.

Crensch ago

Basically, I was only speaking for myself, and if you were found to be someone who misleads pizzagate researchers consistently, then yes I would wish all the bad things on you and be happy if you were gone.

You are, however, engaging in a logical fallacy of false equivalence. I think you were probably misled, and likely have a problem with your emotions getting the way when you should be applying logic. If a website that is known for lying says something, what should be your first reaction, accepting it? Or questioning it? And what happens if it seems to be designed to cause an emotional reaction in people? Should you let your emotions be ruled by a lying website?

Is that lying website any more credible because a bunch of people seem to believe it? What happens if a lot of those usernames are known shills?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well obviously based on your socratic method here, I would disbelieve everything that comes from the lying website and / or shill unless it could be independently verified. That was what happened with me and following Q last year... followed it for a few days until the shills revealed themselves. There seems to be a lot of unreasonable hate against George Webb... maybe he's a liar but if so, he's a much better liar than the rest of the liars I know while some of the other so-called players have become almost laughably unbelievable. That is why I said that there have been so many psy-ops that have taken over Pizzagate research.

Crensch ago

There are quite a few assertions there to support. This is certainly the place to do that. Just in the past week or so many users have been outed as likely shills, so many people are primed to examine other users and other players very closely.

If you're wanting to change the landscape of who and what are talked about on pizzagate, now's the time to do it.

21yearsofdigging ago

Agree with you on much of this.

Cc1914 ago

I appreciate that .

Dressage2 ago

Well said!! Thank you for taking the time to discuss your thoughts.

Cc1914 ago

Thank you too for speaking your mind !

NotHereForPizza ago

See how hard you're trying?

I can tell certain things I was curious about before by how much time you're willing to invest in this. So far, you're surpassing my expectations.

Are you done with that shovel, now?

NotHereForPizza ago

that's called a joke, kev

NotHereForPizza ago

Isn't it funny how things change?

NotHereForPizza ago

Fuck off.

How stupid do you think we are? How's your tranny friend, kev?

NotHereForPizza ago

God damn, you're impatient.

Let's just wait a little while and see if anything neat happens!

Plan1988 ago

You wrote George Webb is a limited hangout.

To me, he is a dis-information agent also.

Gothamgirl ago

Yet you guys follow Q LMAO. What have you done to stop the deepstate? George has filed lawsuits I am guessing you have done more?

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Yeah i agree.

auralsects ago

then you owe me an apology, especially as these chats have you continually asking if hes handsome, LMAO

Why do you think the kikes use celebrities so much to push their agenda?

Who are the biggest consumers of pop culture?

Which gender responds most to social pressure?

Think logically.

Suck the glans.


Gothamgirl ago

She asks if everyone is, like a dog in heat, and she is married.

srayzie ago

Oh and you are fucking men you meet on Voat. You just got fucked in April. You told me you’re in a relationship. Nice. Who’s the whore now?

Shizy ago

Ohhhhhhh! Caught! it ain't easy bein' sleazie I guess 😂

srayzie ago

Omg 🤣

auralsects ago

  • SHE originally admitted she swallowed Webb's BS because women will believe anything from an 'attractive' man (look at how many times Jem mentions that he's 6'8'' lol)

  • so i pointed out this is why women shouldn't even be involved because now by the millions they're falling for another "alpha" con-man TRUMP/Q -- now shes a mod LOL

  • typically she got emotional/defensive, saying i was merely jealous of Webb and declared me 'hater' / 'anti-Semite shill trying to frame us' and my submissions were then not taken seriously/deleted

which is ironic considering she admitted it all, initiating private contact to say so and responding favorably when i offered to exchange nudes, as i do with all the other dumb whores who contact me <--eager to see all 8.5'' of my insecurity XD

but alas i was never a shill and not an alt of Equineluvr as she constantly led people to believe: heres equine even berating me

srayzie ago

You’re a fucking liar. My laughing because you said you had a python and wanted to see if I wanted a picture means I wanted a pic of your noodle? I said you could go find one on google. You tried to say I did other things before too and I took screenshots of you admitting you lied so shut the fuck up.

Shizy ago

George Webb is old and ugly as fuck! Butncompared to you he's a fucking model!!!

srayzie ago

I knew you would comment because you’re so fricken jealous of George Webb. I only asked if he was handsome once. Lol. Get over it.

Say all you want about George. But he’s still better than you.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

So... they faked her death?

srayzie ago

Heck I don’t know about all that.

SoberSecondThought ago

Don't be modest. I'm sure you know a lot.

RIPJem ago

Why so Quiet?

What do you know about Murder?

We Never Forget.

SoberSecondThought ago

Why so Quiet?

You seem to know everything, why don't you tell me?

What do you know about Murder?

I know that it frequently creates more problems than it solves. Not sure yet if this is one of those cases, but when I figure that out, I will be sure to let you know.

RIPJem ago

We do know EVERYTHING.

The blood on your hands will never wash away, and your sins will never be forgotten nor forgiven.

Your Time Will Come.

SoberSecondThought ago

Oh sure, my time will come. Yours might come a little sooner though. Life's funny like that.

Shizy ago

Take your multiple personalities and fuck off weirdo!

kazza64 ago

very disrespectful fucking awful actually and typical of the bunch of retards that troll voat if you want to dissect the information this brave lady gathered thats fine but dont attack her character you bunch of shareblue david brock fucktards you're all going to hell because this lady DIED in the line of duty trying to reveal the corruption that allows child trafficking to flourish amongst the pedophiles in international power

srayzie ago

Go fuck yourself.

kazza64 ago

you're outed fuckface ...... deal with it

kazza64 ago

same to you dickhead

Pizzalawyer ago

Jen Marie Moore's youtube channel.had 2400 subscribers: Task Force - A Whistleblowers Journey in DC. She was an independant self-appointed citizen investigator who had her boots on the ground, as the saying goes, not an armchair Internet sleuth like myself and so many others here at Pizzagate, - maybe all of us for all I know. So the lady deserves some credit for picking up leads and going to work on them. Pizzagate issues, the Awan brothers scandal, survivors of sex trafficking and Spygate were of genuine concern per friends and admirers who have spoken up since her death. By tracking her footprints as best I could she worked alone but also with George Sweigart Webb aka George Webb Sweigart. (Webb is his mother's maiden name). I wouldn't be surprised if she and Webb were romantically involved. He has been called a lady's man

Womb_Raider ago

I think srayzie is the kind of monster she is trying to accuse Jem of. I think srayzie is what people like to call a "gatekeeper", she acts to choke the investigation.

Dressage2 ago

Gritz is solid and even if there is an arrest, MSM will NEVER cover it.

Shizy ago

How do you know she's solid? There are way too many posters here making claims and appearing to just blindly believe what they heard on YouTube or saw written in some sketchy news source! You don't know these people. None of us do. How can any of us say for sure who is good/bad/legit/etc? We don't know for sure!

srayzie ago

Oh I’m not saying she didn’t do good. I think she did do a,lot of things. I just didn’t want people blindly believing everything.that she’s posted.

Pizzalawyer ago

ok, point made, I agree the accolades were a little over the top but what an intense counterattack just to adjust her halo. Worse were the attacks on each other. But when you think about it, this kind of stuff happens at funerals, doesnt it.

Cc1914 ago

Yes most definitely happens at funerals

think- ago

With all due respect, @Pizzalawyer, I'm not sure you got the point. Jem has downplayed the role James Alefantis has, which totally contradicts all pizzagate investigations during the last 1,5 years. Calling her out for this is hardly 'an intense counterattack just to adjust her halo'.

The way she behaved is concerning imo. Especially, since she was a member of this community for so long.


Pizzalawyer ago

Well and to clarify my position I was just using the readily available examples from one if her videos as to how she reaches a steadfast. conclusion without gathering some evidence or sharing her evidence. And she also flipflops, and sometimes is melodramatic. Her work product must really impress those who are not familiar with them like fellow Pizzagators are. So Im agreeing somewhat with her critics but I dont think that makes her a shill. She likes the acclaim she receieves and she has to make a living so her imperfections are tolerable IMO, especially given the severe beating a year ago which resulted in at least one surgery per her friends.

Cc1914 ago

Uhg I’m trying to see the comment I was tagged in and I can’t see it . Maybe it was deleted ?

think- ago

No, it wasn't:

[–] think- 0 points (+0|-0) 3.2 hours ago (edited 3.2 hours ago)

With all due respect, @Pizzalawyer, I'm not sure you got the point. Jem has downplayed the role James Alefantis has, which totally contradicts all pizzagate investigations during the last 1,5 years. Calling her out for this is hardly 'an intense counterattack just to adjust her halo'.

The way she behaved is concerning imo. Especially, since she was a member of this community for so long.


Cc1914 ago

This is where I sit on the matter .. Jem suffered from PTSD and that was evident by listening to her speak . That’s a horrible thing to deal with and sometimes it makes people make bad decisions. I believe she made a bad decision working with GW. I also think she realized that towards the end . I don’t believe she put out disinfo ( in her mind ) on purpose. I think she may have been just caught up and confused when she was narrating her CPP story . I really don’t know about that and still trying to understand. I think with all the comments here and emotions that have been stirred , that it was some kind of distraction. Unbeknownst to any of us ..?

think- ago

that it was some kind of distraction

What do you mean by 'it', @Cc1914?

Cc1914 ago

I mean it distracted all of us and we didn’t even realize it . And when I say “ US “ I mean ALL of us . @shizzy and I mentioned that yesterday . It’s all just so chaotic .. “ it “being this whole story . Also farmer jones made a video questioning GW . Have you guys seen it ?

think- ago

I mean it distracted all of us

Yes, agree.

Also farmer jones made a video questioning GW . Have you guys seen it ?

No, but thanks for mentioning it, I guess it's to be found on YouTube?

Cc1914 ago

Sorry for all the edits .. I’m so multitasking right now 🙂

think- ago

No problem, I am editing my stuff all the time. ;-)

Cc1914 ago

I didn’t see the downplay on Alefantis part ? I’m sorry I’m totally lost now . . I’m not sure why I’m pinged in this?

Cc1914 ago

Ooh thanks . So many comments and I’m on my phone most of the time so it’s scrolling for days !

think- ago

Welcome, @Cc1914

Plan1988 ago

George Webb has been in discussion as Jenny Moore

has been reported dead. After over 20 hours of research in

2016and 2017 I concluded with confidence that he was(is)

not on our team.

I want to post some voat threads

Plan1988 ago

I concluded that George Webb is not on our team..

he is not with us. (Obviously, my opinion).

Thinking of this Biblical verse- He that is not with us

is against us. I apply that to this case of George Webb.


srayzie ago

That’s a trip because me and that poster both used to follow George Webb and were supported him at one time.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

So, are you going to start calling me a beta bitch? Because I'm a woman? I don't know why you think that is funny, are you an incel?

NotHereForPizza ago

Have you ever gone fishing, kev?

I have.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

that was rude... nobody wants a target on their heads... it's not something to be proud of, nor would it make her cocky.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Also, I follow GW from time to time, and literally everything he works on comes to pass, and NPR always attacks Trump any time he does something like revoke security clearance on Strzok or Ohr, or someone GW has outed. GW knows what the hell is going on before anyone else does and he reports on it and people on this board crucify him for it. It's like you have to try and twist his words, and take them out of context and destroy his tone in order to convince someone he is bad.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

When George calls JA a good CIA man, he's saying, James Alefantis is a CIA man. He is not a pizzeria owner. He's doing his job and he does it well. It was not a compliment. He wasn't minimizing James Alefantis's role, in fact, he at one point claimed that he thought it was possible CPP's basement was used as an operating theater for organ recovery and harvesting. Everyone here knows JA is evil, a Satanist, a breeder, Caris James is his daughter, the MILF mom likes Scott Cummings but will loan out Caris James to daddy for trips overseas. It's all as screwed up as it could possibly be but the main reason he never goes down is because he is CIA, and a Rothschild, and he is too big to fall. Think logically.

jangles ago

srayzie you are wrong about things here, you are not correct, she is dead, gtfo

RichardWagner ago

You, "srayzie" "gothamgirl" "argosciv" are low level mossad and you make me sick.

If you think God isn't real, that's your problem.

jangles ago

You have the wrong person, God presents me with many great gifts. I am grateful!

RichardWagner ago

I wish you all were as clever as you think you are.

srayzie ago

He would change his views all the time. Once he even said he was Mossad. But, I’ve never heard the theory that Caris James was the daughter of James Alefantis,

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Maybe I only shared it with a few people on Facebook but I thought I wasn't the only one who thought that. There was another mod in a pizzagate facebook group I talked with this about so I assumed other people knew too.

EllaMinnow ago

You're not the only one who thought that, ja as caris's father was the general consensus and I've been here since before pizzagate had its own name on Reddit. So yes, I also agree with you.

And the secret bathroom at comet wasn't a secret. It was a "secret" for it's customers. There were several pics taken from inside. Someone drew an alien on the wall iirc. Not saying yes or no about Jem, just pointing it out to anyone who reads this.

Pizzalawyer ago

you are right, he even attended her birth at home (or was that a sibling) Can you even imagine such a flagrantly homosexual creep at a birth. Think about those attending the birth of Rosemarys baby.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

that I am thinking was a different birth... this was a hospital birth - I think? that was a midwife / home birth & I'm not sure who it was anymore

I just remember people here arguing over who the dude in the photo was

Shizy ago

Why do you think Caris is his kid?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I went through the instagram posts with a fine toothed comb. The basic reasons are: Because of her middle name being James, he was there at the birth, because she looks like him, because he called her mom a MILF, and because when you compare the tool online at "Morphthing" with Scott and the mom, their offspring looks like the older child mom has, and when you do a morph thing tool of James and the mom, it looks like Caris. And the fact that James's mother is holding her in a photo op, looking like a proud grandma, and because she goes on a trip with James to Europe, seemingly alone with him. I don't send my kids off with a godfather for overseas trips, do you? Satanists often breed together even if they're not together, & that mom would want her daughter to be born into the Rothschild blood line, for future security. Also, contrary to what most people think, a gay Satanist WILL sleep with a woman, for breeding purposes. James Alefantis is not all he seems.

Pizzalawyer ago

thanks for bringing us around to Caris James and the reason we are all here. Maybe instead of sniping at one another (which im guilty of, too) we should intead revisit Alefantis and the DC scene, now that we are all educated.

Now that I know that satanists deliberatedly breed, that satanists parents exploit their own children, that such children are groomed for future activities, Im looking at this photo with fresh eyes & recollecting the photo of Caris taped to the table with a sheepish, unsure, semi-proud look on her face.

Is she being habituated to the basket, then a crate and being rewarded with an orange and praise and a good girl photo????

Are_we_sure ago

Is she being habituated to the basket, then a crate and being rewarded with an orange and praise for something out of the norm and a good girl photo????

This really does not make any sense at all. You're starting with the guilty verdict and working backwards from there.

Pizzalawyer ago

Sorry , but I find all the photos of Caris James on JAs Instagram account to be strange. Ive raised 2 kids and helped with a grandchild and thats just my oponion. Alefantis selected these photos for his instagram acct. after they were sent to him or after he took them. The ragamuffin little girl is not a cute photo, neither is the one where she is wearing a pedoswirl dress or "I am a pizza cunt" tshirt.

Are_we_sure ago

I would venture that the context in which you viewed them ....i.e. you were only looking at these photos because you were told and tended to believe these people were pedophiles. The ragamuffin photo is plenty cute.

Your suspicion doesn't count for evidence. As noted above, you are starting with a photo and create an entire narrative for the photo to match your suspicion.

"I am a pizza cunt"

Harsh, Dude! I believe it was just Pizza Slut in the Pizza Hut logo style.....yes, here it is.

Yeah, this is pretty tasteless, but it's a long, long leap to claim this is evidence of a trafficking ring. It's most likely just an example of people very comfortable with cursing and vulgarity. This is also not from Alefantis's Instagram and may not even be Caris James because it was posted on someone's tumblr in 2012, making it too old to be Caris James.

The "pedoswirl" dress? How much meaning do you actually place on that? It's a common design element used over and over and over again. It was virtually unknown as a code. Do you think companies that use this as part of their logo are actually trafficking children or just oblivious to these esoteric meanings? Ever wonder why the FBI never released that document themselves? My guess is they knew they would be flooded with useless tips.

I've seen many, many folks call for arrests of Alefantis and others and I always ask, what's your probable cause? What evidence do you have that would be enough for the police to get a warrant?

Pizzalawyer ago

I edited slut for cunt, assuming that makes a difference. The photos are not enough for an arrest warrant. Circumstancial evidence is tedious, built up brick by brick. I think all of the evidence re: JA and CPP warranted an undercover investigation which may or may not lead to probable cause to arrest..

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

maybe she's too elite to be used for child selling - "nobody puts baby in a basket" chances are she's just his daughter and is along for the ride

I dunno about the tape thing, it could have been just a joke but obviously one started by a person with a rather sick mind, like JA

the proof of how demented he is is everywhere...

Pizzalawyer ago

you are right, even kitty cats get into .baskets. Our minds are in danger of getting warped by warped persons

Are_we_sure ago

Maybe she's too elite to be used for child selling - "nobody puts baby in a basket"

Um what? Who/what are you quoting?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

it was a comment James Alefantis made on the photo of Caris James standing in a basket.

Joe10jo ago

You’re right!!!! She’s James’ kid! Looks just like him!

awake4646 ago

Can a non-guardian fly overseas with a child?

Shizy ago

Yes they can if they have the child's passport and a letter from the parent/guardian.

Foster children are allowed to fly internationallywith a court order allowing them to do so.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That is a pretty good question - I have never tried to go overseas at all, but I think you could if you had some kind of letter from the parent and their passport. Of course, Rothschild probably doesn't need anyone's permission.

awake4646 ago

Looks like it is fine as long as you carry the appropriate documentation. Most anyone does not want to travel with kids that young. It is a complete mess and overseas travel seems even more difficult. It is interesting that a man who is not the father and as far as we know has no official child care experience would travel with a small child like that. Not to mention there is no purpose for it. They claim not to be blood relatives, so why did he want a baby travel pal?

'Adults traveling with children should also be aware that, while the U.S. does not require this documentation, other countries may have a requirement and failure to produce notarized permission letters and/or birth certificates could result in travelers being refused entry (Canada has very strict requirements in this regard).'

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

good points, I have traveled alone with my son as a baby and it was extremely difficult

think- ago

I guess so when they show a permission issued by the parents?

ESOTERICshade ago

Is Caris that little girl with the black and white polka dot dress holding an "orange" in a picture? That little brown headed girl?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

She's blonde. The older daughter has darker hair I believe. But yes she is holding an orange and standing in a basket. I think the post said "hipster baby"

DownvoaterSquirrel ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Interesting. You made your account here at Voat just to reply to my comment. Did I hit the nail on the head?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I made a new account from the phone because I didn't know where my children put my laptop. Then my kid took my phone again, so I'm back on the laptop now.

EricKaliberhall ago

Communicating with yourself again... Absolutely pathetic!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

No, that's me. Since everyone was downvoating me for disagreeing with Q and disagreeing with Jenny Moore being a disinformation shill and disagreeing with GW murdering Jenny, I named my new profile in honor of the CIA operatives and PIs on the board...

EricKaliberhall ago

So you made a new account with the purpose to reply to the biggest shill on v/pizzagate, not to attack the shill in question... But to agree. Yeah, that's not suspicious at all... But hey, at least you're honest. :)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

No, because I was on my phone, reading responses to my own comments and I have no idea what my password is... How is ESOTERIC Shade suspicious? Please do enlighten me...

I'd love to hear why you think I'm "suspicious."

EricKaliberhall ago

How is ESOTERIC Shade suspicious? Please do enlighten me...

I didn't say EXOTERICshill is suspicious. I said he is the biggest shill on v/pizzagate.

I'd love to hear why you think I'm "suspicious."

You defending the biggest shill on v/pizzagate is kind of suspicious... I hope that was enlightening for you.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Ok, with absolutely no reasons other than you say so? OK. You're right, I don't think he's a shill. If you wanna be paranoid about me, go ahead, that's pretty moronic but ok!

ESOTERICshade ago

You are a mod. You need to take your Q Bullly Mod Patrol Car and park it in the sidebar where the forum rules are and stay out of the comment section if you want this to be a free speech zone. You are over stepping your duties. We dont have to agree about Q as long as we take down pedophiles. Ok? Chill the fuck out bro.

EricKaliberhall ago

So the big bad bully mod (me) am not allowed to comment... When I do, I am over stepping my duties? That's hilarious.

I will always call you out for the pathetic shill that you are. And I will never be your bro!

ESOTERICshade ago

You are a mod. Your duty is to allow free speech. If you want to bully people about their views you need to demod yourself. This is very simple. By the way I like your early alert system to my comments. Very novel.

EricKaliberhall ago

You are free to say whatever you want, I'm not going stop you. What I will do however is call you out on the constant bullshit that you spew.

If you want to bully people about their views you need to demod yourself. This is very simple.

You'd like that wouldn't you... Not going to happen @EXOTERICshill. :)

auralsects ago

kill yourself, Swedish cuck. I had a guy in a totally unrelated sub call ME an alt of ES's. so clearly youre gossipy faggot spreading lies.

DE-MOD THIS ASSHOLE NOW @Vindicator @think-

think- ago

I'm a woman (a real woman, not a tranny fake one :-)), so I can't seem to figure out how to press that damn 'delete' button on the mod list sheet, sorry..... /s know, with woman having no brains and all...we're technically challenged... /s

I onnly pour woomann withoot braens sso dunno why me shoult doo favuor too yu.

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @Crensch

auralsects ago

you know what bitch, i'm thinkin they should make ME a mod at this point

your submissions:

32 submissions to pizzagate

21 submissions to Wildlife


think- ago

You think I'm interested in what a gay trannie camel jockey is thinking? WRONG, babe.

You found some nice dresses in the summer sale?

@Shizy @srayzie @EricKaliberhall (I know Eric...grin)

auralsects ago

responds to my calling women stupid by calling me a woman, a stupid response that proves women are stupid

for real tho why would anyone take this sub seriously when you have ALL Qtards AND WOMEN moderating, lmao!

think- ago

I didn't call you a woman, hon, I said you were a trannie. That's a BIG difference. You will never be the real deal. :-)

for real tho why would anyone take this sub seriously when you have ALL Qtards AND WOMEN moderating, lmao!

Hmm....a trannie camel jockey with masochistic tendencies? Glad to see that it is so painful for you to hang out here! :-)

@srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall (Eric, next time, I promise....;-))

Shizy ago

And yet he cries that he should be made a mod!?!? 😂 Guess we know the real reason for his temper tantrums!

auralsects ago

what would be insulting about working as a professional camel racer. camels are worth more than racehorses.

youll be racist against arabs but I haven't seen you say a single disparaging word about Jews -- you've clearly learned a lot here and are totally qualified to be a mod.

of course, given that @Vindicator has been exposed as a dirty kike SHILL, your modship makes total sense.

Shizy ago

So the ONlY group you won't be racist towards are arabs. That confirms what everyone is saying about you being the resident dune coon! It also explains your rabid hatred of woman! I was pretty sure all sand niggers are faggots! Thanks for confirming that!

auralsects ago

Pointing out that she will stereotype one Semitic group but not another isn't defending them, you incredibly retarded bitch. It is literally the exact opposite of that.

You can get into the cattle car with the kikes if you want, there will be plenty of space for traitorous, meddling whores.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

this thread just became more visually beautiful and all because I used my husband's phone to create another account... epic numbers of rectangles and corners...

think- ago

youll be racist against arabs

SJW much? I'd recommend going back to Reddit....

auralsects ago

This is how unbearable you actually are. White men had to invent devices to make you shut the fuck up. Ponder that. You think we wanted to? Do you not feel guilty for forcing us to manufacture such barbarities?

think- ago

Donkeyhonk, do you think I will waste my time to look at your pic?

And you are neither white, nor a man, so whatever the pic shows, you don't make sense - as usual.

@srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Wow, so you aren't just saying that without having thoroughly looked through everything. Thanks for sharing, that's very interesting for sure!

seekingpeace ago

Thanks for posting.

At the end of the day it always bothered me that someone (Jenny) who adamantly believed in the big "Jewish Conspiracy" and worked hard to expose sex trafficking would spend so much time with a man (GW) who was such a public defender of Israel and the Mossad.

Not only that, but his comments like "start the trafficking at 15" and "just dial it down" among others. How could someone who truly believed in the cause support a man like that? Her lack of discernment about GW was always a red flag for me.

It must've been very difficult when she finally realized that GW was a P.O.S, just like many of us here had been saying for so long. She was a big part of his narcissist supply for so long as well as doing a large part of his research, as her final tweets exposed.

I still believe she thought she was doing "good" but her "worship" of GW led her down the wrong path. Women should stay away from him, he is a master manipulator.

Gothamgirl ago

As a mod Srayzie why has it been ok for people to dox this pizzagater on here, she still has family.. I was told just a few months ago this is not aloud?

ESOTERICshade ago

You have to understand. Its ALLLLL about Qanon now. Q is our God, our Prophet, and we must all obey. I miss v/pizzagate

Vindicator ago

Well, Gothamgirl, you can't dox someone who is dead, because the information is no longer relevant. They can no longer be harmed. Secondly, no one has actually posted any personally identifiable information that could damage anyone. There are just a lot people saying these people are the same. Voat does not consider that doxing. You'd need to post her address, SS number or bank account number and password, etc.

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for explaining,

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The mods here don't like anyone who is a fan of George Webb. If this had been a Q researcher killed this thread would have been instantly deleted.

I can only hope Jenny's family doesn't read Voat.

dreamwarrior23 ago

Thank you. For the record, people do get killed off. I don't want to talk bad about Jenn, but she was not well. I don't think most of us are mentally ok. If we were we'd go to lengths to preserve that mental sanity by denying all of this. Jenn looks like she's on the verge of crying in every picture. Of course we've all felt that way after reading some of these stories. But I don't think she was off'd in the traditional sense. One of the ways bad actors kill us is by convincing us to do it ourselves. It's too easy to push a mental sufferer over the edge because they're waiting for someone to validate that they are worthless.

This is why I act alone. I follow NO ONE. TRUST NO ONE. Ever wonder how people like Neonrevolt can post SO MUCH content? And how some people can talk for hours about something that we have barely scratched the surface of? While real whistleblowers like Kappy struggle to go from topic to topic, name to name. All of my posts would not compare in length to a single NR post. Why? He like others are puppets. We are all in this alone.

fartyshorts ago

All the people I ignore turn out to be limited hangouts, shills, schizos and paytriots.

srayzie ago

Are you a hatriot sir? 🤔

Plan1988 ago

What does hatriot mean?

think- ago

H = Hate atriot = patriot hatriot = hateful patriot

Plan1988 ago


srayzie ago

Oh it’s just funny slang for haters that talk shit about trump and the truth. People on Twitter use it. I think it’s hilarious lol

think- ago

Oops, so my interpretation was wrong. LOL

I stand to be corrected, @Plan1988! ;-)

Plan1988 ago

Thanks @srayzie. 🌻


srayzie ago

You’re welcome 🌷

think- ago

You're welcome, @Plan1988. I do hope that this is the correct interpretation. If we want to be on the safe side, I guess we'd have to ask @srayzie. ;-)

Srayz, is my explanation of the term 'hatriot' correct? :-)

srayzie ago

I just meant that if they thought Imhad secret info or something, they kill them. Not that I think I’m going to be killed.

dreamdigital ago

Thank you for sharing. Now I'm just waiting for Thomas Pain to release whatever they were working on together this Tuesday as he says he's going to.

srayzie ago

Good. If you share it, can you ping me?

dreamdigital ago

I definitely will.

NotHereForPizza ago

The malevolent mods should, without any doubt, understand that every action has an equal but opposite reaction.

Maybe what's being talked about here constitutes what I'm hinting at, and maybe not. Just know that all kinds of people are watching what were doing here.

"And just who is it, precisely, that watches the watchmen?" you might ask. Well I have a wonderful answer for you: an eye for an eye.

srayzie ago

So what did all that mean?

NotHereForPizza ago

Certain people, NON-VIOLENT PEOPLE, watch this place. We've been talking recently.

I'd say you're in good hands.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you.

Dressage2 ago

I respect your opinion, but I do not believe Jen was anything, but sincere about getting the truth out. Nobody is perfect in what they say every time. Jen was not a disinfo shill or limited hangout. If she was, Robyn Gritz would have figured it out. She was a top notch FBI agent and she is personally trying to get to the bottom of Jen’s death with fellow FBI agents. Robyn thought Jen was a top notch, sincere person.

There is a lot of shit that went on in this site during all of this time period. I think you remember me stating my post a year and a half ago with pic of Obama and Maggie Nixon was removed from my archived post. The post is still there, but the photo mysteriously disappeared. Somebody didn’t want anymore eyes seeing that newspaper clipped pic. How convenient. The best research was constantly being deleted. I would always start reading the Deleted Section first. I think this place is full of shills and disinfo dicks, and we have to learn to identify and disregard. This is all I am going to say about this. I so respected her tenacity and guts. RIP Jen aka TaskForce.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I've had many many posts on this forum deleted, especially in the beginning, involving Planned Parenthood and organ harvesting, Satanism, etc. I've noticed that sometimes people copy my old posts, or other deleted posts and recycle them, and they're now allowed. In fact I was banned by MF for posting spam by trying to resubmit the same PP related article twice. I have no problem with that at all... we all get things deleted from time to time. Jenny was not a disinformation shill but we certainly have plenty of folks on here who are.

carmencita ago

I am here. I thought this was going to be a sane discussion of different opinions like we usually have. I am sad and disappointed. If there is one little thing that comes out about any of us, I now know who will jump on our graves. I came here to check in on my friends. My friends that I have known for almost 2 years. We have helped each other research toward helping Our Children. This is Truly Shocking and Disappointing. I will not tear down One of Our Own on Flimsy Excuses. I have not agreed all them time with some of you, but have not down voated you out of respect. I can see that you are not returning the favor towards your fellow voaters that have just come here to express their feelings. The down voating is mean spirited. I am thinking that you will now be Back Stabbing Me. I will continue being who I am and hope that you will afford me the respect I have given you. @Gothamgirl @RIPJem

Gothamgirl ago

3 downvotes unfuckingbelievable.. I think she was sincere to.

The_Savant ago

As far as I can tell, Jem was an asset to the team and had the purest of intentions. I cannot say the same for RIPJem, who certain people are encouraging the spew of utter trash coming from their mouth. RIPJem can't be trusted and neither can George Webb, although I suspect these are just two different names for the same person...

seekingpeace ago

Nah, it's not GW's style to do his own dirty work. He's passive aggressive and prefers his female followers do the grunt work.

argosciv ago

Maybe you should complain to

Don't forget to 'accidentally' ping disguised in a timestamp.

Gothamgirl ago

You can't be serious, I meant 3 minutes into the video I will fix it with the one space, to seperate it.

argosciv ago

Oh I'm sure you will fix it now, in order to pass it off as an 'accident'.

Gothamgirl ago

😄😄😄This is just ridiculous don't you have a wife to annoy?

Shizy ago

No wife, but probably a 14 year old girl to have sex with and drink her blood! Not a joke, he talks about doing those sick things!

Shizy ago

So she first claims that Alefantis and his CIA friend are staring at her and trying to intimidate her, but then the story changes to George goes to say hi and he intimidates them so they leave out the back? Why change the story? I really hate talking poorly of the deceased and I'm not trying to do that, but it seems she was possibly attention seeking, or got wrapped up and all starry eyed over this dude George and was sucked into his world. If Jenny Moore really did die I am very sorry, but in all honesty we still haven't seen anything to prove that's even true. It's all so sketchy!

I don't know much about George Webb. I haven't followed him and all I know about him has been from voat. From what I have seen he seems like a nut job. I watched some weird videos on YouTube of his brother calling him out. They seem like very troubled people. I don't think he's trustworthy.

srayzie ago

His brother always cracked me up. That’s who me and Jem were talking about.

Plan1988 ago

I think part of the ruse is this:

Pizzagate is going to blow soon and they know it.

Hey plant a 'truther' pizzagate expert to say Bill did it with minor boys.

Prove her wrong. (Like her boy witness starts saying

it didn't happen). And the world concludes pizzagate is fake.

Why did they stage this shenanigans when they did?

Think about it.

MolochHunter ago

i think thats a comment that deserves its own sticky post

Plan1988 ago

Thank you:-)

spacepopecoast2coast ago

not sure what to think, but admit I def noticed the timing felt a little odd

Gothamgirl ago

How can timing be off when you die? That doesn't even make sense.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

well this thread was having me question the validity of the entire situation, but after further looking into everything I think this whole "limited hangout" thread isn't doing anyone any good

this place is a nightmare to sift through sometimes, I would rather have not posted that comment now

and why are people downvoting anyone who come to JEM's defense?

Gothamgirl ago

Speaks volumes.

Shizy ago

I think a lot of people are feeling the same way.

Gothamgirl ago

I am sorry but that right there and her youtube shows she has done more then I have. People make errors, and she is not here anymore to defend any of this.

Dressage2 ago

I so agree with you. Look up at my previous comments. This is disgusting.

Gothamgirl ago

I am seeing a double standard here too. Q has put out disinfo, and called it necessary, but I stll read it, without judgement. Yet George Webb is being mocked for it. This is quite sad, and amusing at the same time, no one has put in the miles that George has into the deepstate, he just doesn't really touch pizzagate.

auralsects ago


women are so fucking stupid. It never ceases to amaze me.

darkknight111 ago

No woman would ever want an obese, hateful, sociopathic sand nigger unless the "union" was forced.

A forced marriage is your only hope of ever getting any. That's the true reason why you support Shariah, isn't it? It was never about anything selfless or altrustic.

Then again, lives of sub humans like narracists, sociopaths, and psychopaths are of no actual value to humanity nor have they ever been so.


auralsects ago

LOL "hateful" awww!! could you sound like more of a little bitch? I know youre butt-hurt cuz my research is so much better than yours but get a grip.

  1. I said from the beginning George "the Kike" Webb was a shill
  2. I said Jew777 was a fake
  3. I said truepundit is fake

as usualy you're all miles behind me, LOL. soon youll be admitting that "THE STORM" IS FAKE TOO

ESOTERICshade ago

soon youll be admitting that "THE STORM" IS FAKE TOO

Apparently, that is about a year away from today.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


Gothamgirl ago

Maybe just the company you entertain?

Shizy ago

How are weight watchers and curves working out for you again Bj? I know it's hard to see all those other ladies firming up and making progress, but lay off the funyons and Mountain Dew and you'll get there too sweetie. It's doesn't help anyone being so jealous and hateful of other women! It's not their fault you're a disgusting obese pig with a shitty personality!

new4now ago

Thank You

Tanngrisnir ago

I knew from speaking with Jem that she was unconditionally attached to James Webb. I soured on Webb after the dirty bomb hoax and Dave Acton soap opera drama. Eventually I decided whether he was disinfo or not didn't matter, the drama he brought only hurt the movements he claimed to be trying to help.

I have absolutely no idea what is actually going on anymore. Jem was always nice to me so I have no mean words to say of her but I also think Vindicator tries his best to be a fair mod and the story is more nuanced than people acknowledge.

Plan1988 ago

Con men are always nice at the beginning or forever

long they need you. If she would not have been nice to you

would you have communicated with her?

I don't think Jemm777 was with us.

Just my opinion of course.

Plan1988 ago

True Pundit MSM: suspicioue now big time.

I said: ⏩True Pundit NOT ⏪Gateway Pundit

@ThomasPayne777 and True Pundit I turned off after four

months of following them on Twitter. Thank You @srayzie for this

srayzie ago

I’ve been hearing stuff. Thank you!

RIPJem ago

**Why are @srayzie and other mods attacking and slandering a user who was murdered for knowing The Truth? **

Do you know Jenny in real life and meet her in person?

Do you know George Sweigart in real life and meet him in person?

Have you met any of the people involved face to face?

Have you worked with governors, senators, representatives and elite industry leaders?

Have you blown the whistle on unimaginable crimes, abuse and corruption involving top level officials and leaders?

Do you know what it feels like to have those you are close with tortured and murdered for knowing The Truth?

Do you think this is a game?

Do you truly believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know what the real Agenda is?

Have you ever considered the fact that George Sweigart is not Trustworthy like Jenny, and is partly responsible for her murder?

Does George Sweigart believe in the real Jesus Christ?

What is George Sweigart's end game?

Did George Sweigart and Jenny Moore see eye to eye on that?

Do you think Jenny fully trusted George?

What did Jenny and George disagree on the most?

Did Jenny trust Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, Dave Acton, Defango or Unirock?

Do any of them believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know who Wendy is?

Do you know who Janine is?

Do you know who Jack Lew is?

Do you know who Jack Parsons is?

Do you know how Janine is connected to John Podesta?

Have you worked with Ari, Zeke or Rahm Emanuel?

Do you personally know some of John McCain's closest friends?

Do you personally know some of Hollywood's biggest stars?

What direct experience and qualifications do you have?

Do you know who Q is yet?

Do you really believe that Q can be Trusted?

Who has been telling everyone The Truth on Voat since the first day of Pizzagate?

JEM is not the only one who was threatened and murdered.

JEM knows The Truth.

George knows The Truth.

Only one of them is Trustworthy.

Vindicator banned her for knowing The Truth.

The Cabal murdered her for knowing The Truth.

Do any of you here know The Truth?

Why would you Trust in Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Chris Wray, John Huber and an anon named Q?

Do you know anything about 5G AI?

Have you ever watched pro wrestling?

Do you know what hedging is?

Do you realize how powerful those involved really are?

Do you understand where Donald Trump fits on that ladder?

Do you believe that Donald Trump is clean and not compromised in any way?

Do you believe that no one here on Voat is working for the Cabal?

What kind of person attacks and slanders a murder victim who was working to reveal The Truth?

@Srayzie @Vindicator @Crensch @think- @putitout ARE ALL EVIL OR EXTREMELY COMPROMISED.


There are only a few real people on here that can be Trusted.

The Mods are corrupt and complicit to extreme crimes including MURDER.

Look at who Srayzie believes are the Good Guys, and who is Neutral. Is that accurate and diligent research based on real experience?

Is Pope Francis Neutral? is Ed Snowden Neutral? Is Jared Kushner a Patriot? Is Alan Dershowitz a Patriot? Is Rudy Giuliani a Patriot?

Look at who Srayzie is praising, and then look at who Srayzie is attacking and slandering - a Murder Victim who was a long-time member of this community.

Why are the Mods all ganging up on the Murder Victim, and why are they so worried about being exposed?

One could say that Srayzie is simply an ignorant, uneducated fool, but even a fool would not stoop this low.

Is Srayzie a paid operative, and do you believe there are no paid operatives here?

Why are mods defending Are We Sure while attacking the person that Are We Sure threatened who coincidentally ended up murdered?

Jenny said that she was doxxed and targeted. How do you think that happened?



jangles ago

@RIPJem you ask good questions here!! Too bad others are LARPing on her death, eg. @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Evidence, hypnobot, or GTFO.

Without evidence, you are impotent.

argosciv ago

Why do yourself and several others consistently mispell PuttItOut when pinging?

Should someone ping him properly for you so he can answer to your accusations?

cc: @Vindicator (3rd time's the charm, sorry Vindi)

argosciv ago

Oh, look at that, is also an actual account, inactive for 1.9 years, with just enough ccp to be able to downvote...

cc: @Vindicator

Dressage2 ago

Bravo bravo!!! They didn’t believe in Q, but now a bunch have jumped ship. So many of these sites are compromised and would run off the great researchers for a reason. Supposedly, @jangles, Jen and I were on some list to get rid of us. Fuck them! We were still researching and posting while threats were taking place. I am still researching. I am driven to take all these mofos down. Do you know they slice the skin off the kids’ soles of their feet while they are alive to use for their fucking red shoes? Do you know they would pull the finger nails off these children and traumatized their hands to then drain their blood for adrenochrome? Look carefully at the pictures Podesta had. Look at the kids in their underwear and look at their hands and feet. We are coming for them and they will feel the pain. Stupid fuckers.

jangles ago

It was logic and science that provided all my insights any of these matters.
The echelon of twerps that vindictively manipulate the masses have became overrun by the communication networks of the 21st century. Involved whistle blowers like @Jem777 provide pinnacles of hope for the checks and balances needed in our justice system. When that process is undermined, people like Jenny Moore become corybantic and frazzled in their outlooks and logic. @srayzie makes a logical assessment of this matter and warns about believing all that Jenny was retweeting and posting. At first I thought she was saying outlandish things to distract and mislead people whom were attacking her, but that wasn't the case, her logical assessment skills had some gaps and her understanding of the nature of things.

Key pieces of her story are critical to matter at hand and her death remains real, serious, and traumatic.

This alleged list with me on it has not substance, prove me wrong.

If there is said list I feel sorry for the perpetrators. They are up against a 2nd amendment enthusiast with intra-network of security, monitoring and automation.

Cc1914 ago

Well said !

srayzie ago

Just ignore that freak RIPJem. That’s Sarah.

Anyway, I’m sorry I felt that I had to write this. I really tried to be sensitive to you and @jangles feelings. I am sad too. I liked Jem. There were just things I didn’t like as well. Sarah played a huge role in everything. That’s why she/he/them is on the attack. Jem probably told you about her.

Jem did do a lot of good and she didn’t deserve to die the way she did. My post wasn’t to say she was a bad person. But the Comet ping pong and James Alefantis thing did not sit well with me. I held onto it for months not knowing if or when I should share what I had.

I heard something today that makes sense. Would someone about to be in the witness protection program being publicly telling us like she did? If she were in the witness protection program and died in a hotel, wouldn’t the FBI have been swarming that place?

I’ve always wondered if George worked for someone. Could she have been an FBI informant? Maybe that’s why she hid her face. What is George really? I think we don’t know the whole story. Now supposedly George is acting weird. I’m really confused. But I’m sorry if what I said hurt you guys.

jangles ago

I think you either need to quit the job paying you to be on this forum or change sides.

srayzie ago

Oh whatever. I tried being sensitive to your feelings. You don’t know the half of it. I shared very little.

jangles ago

She was corybantic. That is for sure but she was real and she did have real information about McCabe. DON"T FORGET THAT.

srayzie ago

That’s true. Like I said, she did a lot of good too.

RIPJem ago

You have been closer to The Truth than most since the very beginning.

There are only a few others who can be Trusted.

There are many, many more who cannot.

Notice any trends on downvotes lately?

There is a reason.

Many are being targeted.

If you know The Truth, you will be targeted.

This place is NOT SAFE. The mods cannot be Trusted. They are now attacking from all sides.


Dressage2 ago

Amen! Jem and others have said they were trying to get @jangles, Jem and myself. I came on to report Jem’s death and I will then leave. I only come on once in awhile. This place is truly a compromised graveyard. There are still some great people on here, but they are limited. @carmencita @GothamGirl

carmencita ago

We should start blogging at a new place. Our talents should not be wasted. Too much knowledge down the drain. @Gothamgirl @RIPJem

Shizy ago

Holy shit, so you're now throwing all of your cut and paste action into one comment!? 🤤! My head hurts!

So what is it, did George Webb kill her or did the cabal? Or did the mods? Because you claim all in your cut and paste rant!

think- ago

Why are mods defending Are We Sure

Yep, totally defending: /s

[–] think- 1 points (+1|-0) 40 minutes ago

THANK YOU for this comment, @Are_We_Sure. :-) You always pretend sticking to facts, and facts only, don't you?


'Surprisingly', you were recently called out for being part of the same disinfo shill network as Jem777.

Thanks for confirming.

@Vindicator @Crensch @Camulous @Blacksmith21 @EricKaliberhall

Thank you for confirming that AWS and you are on the same payroll. :-) He asked mods to help him two days ago, and I told him to fuck off to his pedo buddies and to never, ever dare spamming the modmail inbox with requests like this again. :-)

Clever move to claim he sent Jem777 threats - well, maybe he did, as part of the plan, when you would decide that Jem777 should stop using her Jem777/Mej777 alts. :-)

Incidentally, she 'died' shortly after she was called out as part of the same disinfo shill group as Are_We_Sure.

Plan1988 ago

⛅Thank You. I thought ... think the same thing.

Dressage2 ago

Jen will roll in grave being included in any group with that asshole! @RIPJem @GothamGirl

RIPJem ago

Do you see the games they are trying to play? Have you noticed the downvoting against those who know The Truth?

Why are they so frantic and desperate to hide The Truth? What do Guilt and Panic look like?

Of course Jenny never worked with Are We Sure. Are We Sure is EVIL. Jenny is NOT EVIL nor ignorant.

She knew getting involved with George was dangerous. She accepted that risk, and is now murdered.

George may not have been directly involved with the murder, but he certainly is not telling The Truth.

Jenny will always be remembered for her Outspoken Bravery. She may not be perfect, but she knew what mattered.

Accusing her of being disinformation and working with Are We Sure is straight out of the Rules for Radicals handbook.

They have all revealed themselves over time.

There are only a few here who can be Trusted, and many of the mods have proven to be Extremely Untrustworthy, Extremely Ignorant, Extremely Corrupt, or Extremely EVIL.

They change the rules as they go and their identities, subjectively remove posts, compromise accounts, slide the forums and control the narrative. Then they accuse you of the same.

There are also many who have simply been Fooled and Deceived. We understand. Those involved are well funded and well educated.

There are many Evil Tricksters here, and the platform itself cannot be Trusted. Neither can Reddit.

They will try to befriend you, they will try to dox you, they will try to deceive you, they will try to provoke you, they will try to threaten you, and they may even try to Murder you.

Then they will slander and attack you even after you are Murdered.

Jenny is not the first to be Murdered for knowing The Truth.

This is not a game.

This is VERY REAL.

Be careful and Trust in The Truth. It is easy to find if you choose to.

Dressage2 ago

All great researchers don’t needs mods. These mods from early on were put in place to delete relevant info and discourage people to stay. We would spend hours researching and it would be gone in one stroke of a key. Please understand that is what shills are. Many are paid by Media Matters to try different tactics to disengage researchers. They have gang mentality pile on to say what you said was outrageous or not fact driven, etc. They are the ones that voted the mods in not the real researchers. I had some excellent research that was deleted and later it came out as relevant info connecting the dots. Many people were subjected to that treatment. They think they are Gods.

I went to 8chan. You can post anything. They ignore your post if they think you are sliding the board, disinfo, etc., you don’t need someone saying it is not relevant and deleting it. That is why 8chan is so successful. It is constant discord and chaos. The shills put racist things up to make normies think you hate Jews, blacks, etc. It is like herding cats on there and that is why the Deep State can’t shut us down. Hive mind mentality. I know there are researchers from Voat on there. Think of taking the plunge. We pull things out that people realize is truth. We provide facts that are cited with relevant info. “Sauce.” We don’t give a shit what anyone says, back it up with proof. You learn to recognize the shills. @carmencita @GothamGirl @darkknight111 @RIPJem

srayzie ago

I recognize disinfo. Sorry if you can’t handle that. I tried being sensitive to your feelings...

@Gothamgirl is a shill too. RIPJem is also @Softspeak that says Jesus doesn’t like Trump and all kinds of other crazy things. Believe them too. Have at it.

GothamGirl, FlynnLives, and Jem were all connected to Sarah and I’ve saved everything and can share it with the proper people if needed so that I don’t dox others.

@GothamGirl, let everyone know how you said FlynnLives is Q and Sarah is Montagraph. You’re a fricken joke.


Gothamgirl ago

Not a shill. Get your story straight, you already stated FlynnL1ve5 is sara and harrassed him about it, are you going to accuse everyone on here? Thats not what a mod does, and the other mods don't act like you. Can I block her shes Skrayzie, and not lose access to pizzagate?

I am done dealing with you go away.

srayzie ago

Yes and you know he said that after I found out he was connected to Sarah. I have more screenshots of me talking to him SHOWING how he’s connected to Sarah. But now you're done huh? Don’t want to see those!

No need to block me. I’ll stay out of your way of you stay out of mine, But you talk shit about me and spread lies, I will defend myself and I can back up what I say.

Gothamgirl ago

Everyone takes guesses at who Q is right? Besides if you look at his research from 2 years ago you will see he knows his stuff.

No I think Sarah is you, especially since you hounded me with it, back then. I may have guessed Montagraph then, I have nothing to hide and I am not a liar.

srayzie ago

Yeah back track now. You say all kinds of crazy shit. You are the last person I would believe when it comes to who Q is.

carmencita ago

Sounds good. But tricky for me. I tried to get on to look for something and I goofed up. Would need help. They will get glad to be rid of us. Maybe throw a party so they can control posts even more than now.

Dressage2 ago

Here is a link. This is the catalog. Always look for the QResearch. The Icon you want is guys pushing up the flag.( White color). Always look for highest number as that is most current. At top in that thread, you will see a thin red line that has Go to Bottom, Return, Catalog, etc. If you hit go to bottom, it will take you to bottom of thread. you see the conversation ongoing. Look to right side to see the numbers counting upward counting how many posts. When it hits 751, that thread is closed and you need to go back to catalog to grab next highest number and current thread.

Also when you open the thread there is info at top for newbies. Also a section of Qposts. You can see all posts from him. If you touch the number you will go to that post. At top of that post and any others you will see numbers going across top. Those are anons that are commenting on that post. Push each one and you can see comments. When you are finish viewing any post push the top left < to back out. Sometimes when you push a number to see what was said it will actually take you to another thread to view the post. In those cases, when you are finished viewing and you push left < to back out it will put you at beginning of the thread that that post was in. Hit your left back < again and it will take you back to the list you were looking at. In this list they also have logged NOTABLES. Very good to look at these. It starts with the thread before and gives you highlights. There are usually at least last three threads. They also post the number of actual thread if you have time to read.

In the Catolog you will find other boxes you might find interesting. They are research on a certain subject that anons may want to store info regarding the same.

The Baker is the anon who gathers all notable info and archives the thread. He is baking the bread (thread). Moldy bread is something is wrong with it. They always stick a hot babe pic to thank the baker for his work. OP is board operator. BO is board owner. CodeMonkey is OP and fixes glitches, Ddos attacks, etc. we are anons. Don’t need to give our names because we are equals.

Important: When you decide you want to post something, a box will show up when you push the posters number. Never ever post your name or email, don’t want to dox yourself. We are all just anons. Just lurk for awhile to see how it works. Sauce means they want you to provide info that supports your statement. If you have questions contact me here in DM and I will help. There is a lot I don’t know. I learned and stumbled around myself! You will be such an asset because you are like me and know a lot that was researched on Pizzagate. Good luck and welcome aboard, Anon.

carmencita ago

Thanks so much Lots to take in. Will review. I will still be here while I figure out if I can hack that lol.

Gothamgirl ago

I try to stay neutral and they do advertise freedom of speech. I see the network of degenerates circling us, but me, myself I couldn't blame every mod. I am not one of the better researchers, I have not had any issues. I have noticed many researchers upset over the same issues you state though.

Dressage2 ago

I don’t believe all were, but definitely there were and are some. Freedom of speech is important and that is was they don’t need mods. They are taking it away just like all social media. You control the media, you control the masses.

RIPJem ago

Are We Sure is an Evil person who is being paid for their part in this.

JEM is not associated with Are We Sure. JEM was threatened by Are We Sure. JEM is Jenny Moore. Jenny Moore was murdered for knowing The Truth.

Jenny is a Good Person. We do not like to speak about Good People in past tense, for they will always Be a Good Person.

Jenny is not the only one who was threatened. Jenny is not the only one who was murdered.

Please understand how serious, scary, dangerous and difficult this is for those who know The Truth.

We do not want to be here. We are here to help others find The Truth.

srayzie ago

Do you know who Jack Parsons is?

Oh so this IS Sarah. You had Jack Parsons as a username and as your patron account name. How is your Illuminati art coming along? Does your father still run Racine? 🤔

No wonder you’re mad at me lol. STALKER.

This is Sarah @Think- @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

Yeah...pretty sure we banned that alt at one point for ignoring submission rules too. /rolls eyeballs

srayzie ago

I can resend you the list. I learned how to spot that little psycho

RIPJem ago


if you are not corrupt or Evil, or being paid to do this, stop and truly listen.



In the end, it is up to each person whether they accept The Truth and choose Good over Evil.

We are not Sarah. Sarah is one of many scary and dangerous people on here. You are not the only one they have targeted and attacked.

We do not work with Are We Sure. We are not being paid to do this. We are afraid for others' lives.

This is not a joke or a game. This is not a LARP. This is not a hoax. This is VERY REAL.

We have never nor will ever attack or target anyone here. Quite the opposite. We are here to protect the innocent and share The Truth.

There is much deception and corruption here however. There is Evil here also. You can be sure of that.

You may not have experienced what Evil is capable of, but you can be sure that is is very Real.

If you do not want to be associated with or accused of being corrupt or Evil, you need to consider that you may be wrong and are doing more harm than Good.

You have been right about some things, but wrong about much, much more. No one here knows everything.

There is one person here that you all Trust. She knows The Truth more than most.

Please stop attempting to dox or identify others both here and in real life - that is partially why Jenny Moore was murdered.

This place is NOT SAFE. We are only here because it is The Only Way. The Truth is The Only Way.

We are in extreme danger in real life every day. We are not one person. Not all of us are still alive.

We are scared for others who know The Truth, and were scared for Jenny Moore. Her murder is not a hoax.

Shame on you for attacking her after she was murdered. You do not know her. We do. We hold hope that you and all others may change.

If you are a Good Person, you will be forgiven. These choices are nothing to take lightly.

We do not want any money or likes or votes, or anything other than to help others find The Truth.


There are others who are revealing The Truth, and no one can do it alone. There are also many Fake Truthers and Imposters.

You will know by The Word whether they are revealing The Truth, or The Fake Truth.


We are not here for selfish reasons. We are here because of Jesus Christ.

If you truly believe in Him, this is your chance to prove it. If you don't believe in Him, this is you opportunity to.

Very few understand what is truly at stake.

Jack Parsons plays a major role in this, as do the elite Cabal,

Nothing is what it seems, and there are many sides being played. All sides but One that cannot be played.

Read the Book of Revelation. Think about what happens. How would they change the story?

This is about Good versus Evil, and who will control Eternity.

In that sense, yes, Jenny Moore is a martyr.

Jenny Moore believes in Jesus Christ. Jenny Moore knows The Truth.

Jenny Moore knows who is involved and how deep and dark the real story and plan is.

You do not understand how real, how scary, how dangerous and how difficult this is for those who know The Truth.

If you are not personally involved or have had those around you tortured and murdered, please consider understanding, respect and empathy instead of hate.

Do you really want to know The Truth?

Jenny is not the only one who was threatened. Jenny is not the only one who was doxxed. Jenny is not the only one who was murdered.

This is very real, and you are wrong about EVERYTHING.

There is still HOPE FOR REAL CHANGE. The Truth is The Hope.

It is possible that Trump and Q will someday reveal The Truth, but it is certain that Trump and Q cannot be Trusted.

Trump is compromised. Q has provided disinformation. We still hold out hope for them. We do for All.

Trump and Q are protected. Many others, including Jenny Moore, are not. Many innocent lives have been lost. Too many.

Both parties are working for the same Master. What Q has told you is not Untrue. What George has told you is not Untrue.

Yet they have not revealed The Truth. There is much more they know. At least one of them says they believe in Jesus Christ. We will see if that is True.

We do not want any other innocent people hurt. We do not trust George Sweigart or his family. We do not trust those he has associated with.

Jenny did not fully trust George Sweigart either, and definitely did not trust his other associates. She needed an outlet since Voat failed her. She chose his outlet, and now she is

George's new associates JK is a pawn being used for various reasons. He is not Trustworthy. Many of George's followers are also not Trustworthy.

George has a plan and an End Game. He is playing a role just as Alex Jones or Jordan Sather are playing roles. This is a complex puzzle tied to Cicada and other groups.

We do not trust Donald Trump or Q, but if the people know The Truth and force their hand, they may put their Trust in Jesus Christ and help Save the World.

We are here because it is The Only Way.

The Truth is The Only Way.

srayzie ago

Why have you neglected your @speaksoft profile for 9 days? Have you not been using your JackParsons email?

Look at the screenshots @Shizy

Welcome to the world of Sarah lol.

@Think- @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

Is Sarah Jem alt?

srayzie ago

No. She’s the one that Jem always talked to. Sarah has tons of alts. But I don’t think Jem was Sarah

Shizy ago

I knew it was that same phony asshole!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@srayzie I have no idea what is going on with that person, but don't mods have some clue who people are based on incoming IP addresses? When I run a blog, I get all incoming IP addresses that make comments recorded in my back dashboard.

Vindicator ago

The only thing mods can see that you can't see is messages to modmail. We have no access to Admin level data whatsoever. We can't even remove a post permanently/completely from the site. If you don't believe me, create your own subverse and look.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I believe you - it was just a question. This is a crazy topic and I am not accusing anyone here of murdering her, I'm just curious how the users are managed is all.

think- ago

Yep, and since someone inisuated this, mods also cannot delete uploaded pics in posts.

When a link to a pic in a post doesn't work anymore, there has been some issue with the image hosting site.

srayzie ago

I don’t think that’s something mods could even view. That would probably be putitout.

think- ago

Yep, the guy who harrassed you on Twitter.

srayzie ago

Sarah is....

She always obsessed over certain names. Stephen Paddock, William Cooper, etc...
@Think- @Vindicator

srayzie ago

I was friends with Wendy and she allowed me to make posts here of screenshots from our conversations. where she explained that George was CIA and was brainwashing her. I only removed it 2 months ago because she got her life straightened out and didn’t want that coming back to haunt her.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Wait, you have an eyewitness claiming GW is CIA and you are just now telling people about this in this comment?

srayzie ago

She was an online fling

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Interesting. Seems like he can get women in real life. He mocked Jason Goodman for using online dating with younger women... but as it turns out that could just be part of a psy op. Who knows anymore.

srayzie ago

I shared all that a long time ago here. That’s what she was claiming. He acted like she was crazy.

srayzie ago

Do you truly believe in the real Jesus Christ?

I knew you were the alt telling me that I don’t love Jesus and am going to hell on GreatAwakening. You’re creepy as fuck saying “WE can help you.”

Shizy ago

That creepy fuck was speak soft. Who is also ripJem. Is this your Sara skank too? What a sicko!

srayzie ago

Yeah I think that they are all that skank

think- ago

The Mods are corrupt and complicit to extreme crimes including MURDER.


RIPJem ago

There is nothing funny about any of this.

This is not a joke or a game.

This is VERY REAL.

Shizy ago

Just stop already! You totally fucking suck at this!

srayzie ago

First of all, it would be “did”. Not “do”. But you and whoever is “WE” like to speak in present tense.

Do you know Jenny in real life and meet her in person?

Do you know George Sweigart in real life and meet him in person?

Have you met any of the people involved face to face?


think- ago

Well, he is basically confirming that she is alive, lol.

srayzie ago

Your first sentence isn’t bold because you put an extra space at the end. 🤓

Plan1988 ago

👉 Thank You Srayzie. I concur.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome 🌷

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for the ping. Very interesting seeing it all laid out. I got a bad feeling from her death announcement and I'm glad to see others are thinking the same. There's just not enough evidence for me to believe that she's still alive or a legit investigator. Seems like an elaborate ruse to me.

Plan1988 ago

What bothered me was her sister's message:

Leave us alone.

Don't contact ME or law enforcement regarding this.⏪weird.

srayzie ago

Dang. I didn’t see that part.

Plan1988 ago

If it is still on Twitter and I can find it

do tou want me to DM you?

srayzie ago

Oh it’s ok. I believe you.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yeah, that truly gives me the creeps!

think- ago

Well, we don't even know whether this was her sister.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

true, thanks for thinking

Plan1988 ago

Absolutely. I said it was because good peiple

have enough to think about right now. She OPENED a Twittet

account to tweet out the message last Tuesday. If it was her sister,

or if she has a sistet she's in the ruse with Jemm7.

Dressage2 ago

Jen told me, personally, that her family wants nothing to do with her. The feelings were mutual. That was another reason why she left CA. If anybody jumps out as grieving relatives I would be immediately suspect of their intentions. @Carmencita @GothamGirl @Darkknight111

Plan1988 ago

Rings True.

carmencita ago

Right! Exactly what she told me. People are saying things to push a certain narrative😧

srayzie ago

Do you mean not enough evidence that she died?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago


srayzie ago

Oh ok lol

bopper ago

What do you mean "before I am killed off"??

Yeah I remember we talked about Jem and I always thought she was a little nutty and melodramatic. Big Webb fanatic.

srayzie ago

Well not that I think I’ll be killed off. Only if I had secret whistleblower type stuff. That I don’t have.

bopper ago

Well that's better.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks, good job.

srayzie ago

I did my part @RIPJem

Where is your proof that me @Think- and @Vindicator are corrupt and evil?

Gothamgirl ago

Really? Should I show them shit you did to me?

RIPJem ago

You certainly did your part in slandering and attacking a murder victim who did not Trust any of you.

How Are We Sure?

Jenny Moore said so.

Jenny Moore was threatened.

Jenny Moore was banned.

Jenny Moore was doxxed.

Jenny Moore was murdered.

Jenny Moore's fiancé was also murdered.

George Sweigart is not a Trustworthy person.

George Sweigart and Jenny Moore did not agree on what was most important.

Jenny Moore is still being slandered and attacked by you and others even after her murder.

If you are a Good Person who is compromised, ignorant or being manipulated, now is your chance to come clean.

The choices you make in this life determine what happens to your Soul for eternity.

Do you believe in the real Jesus Christ, or do you believe you know more than He does?

We know more than you could ever imagine.

The Truth is Here.

kneo24 ago

Really, I just find it odd that you insist that we just take it on someone's word. Show us something we can verify in regards to her death.

Shizy ago

We can't even confirm she died yet you're certain that not only is she dead, but she was murdered? If you have any real info spill it! If not then stop with your cryptic, cut and paste, creepy nonsense! It's not helping anything and you're not winning anyone over with your weirdness! So give something up or shut up!

think- ago

LOL - I was still a newbie user when she got banned, and never had any interactions with her whatsoever. I became a mod months later, like you.

And @Vindicator banned her only after she persistently disregarded the subverse rules.

Plan1988 ago

I saw why @Vindicator banned her after doing a search

and reading their exchanges.

kestrel9 ago


srayzie ago

Well, the day you became a mod is the day you became evil and corrupt because that’s what mods are! 😂

MolochHunter ago

there's a difference between being evil and being a baaaad grrl

think- ago

grin You referring to srayzie or to me? ;-)

MolochHunter ago

i'll take that as 'permission to flirt -granted'

think- ago

Haha, was it that obvious?! ;;-)

MolochHunter ago

not that obvious, no

but you'd think @srayzie would have enough feminine wiles to see that you opened the door and not me, but seems she'd rather discard me than catfight you for me, which is a bit disappointing imho.

srayzie ago

You want me and @think- to fight over you? Lol.

@Shizy let them know how well it went for you when me and you had to fight for my man Trump. 🙄

MolochHunter ago

i want bikinis, i want a jelly pit, and i want it now

and yes, you can throw @Shizy in there in one of those 'rope the referee into tha fite' scenes

Shizy ago

Hahaha! @srayzie and I almost got to that point over our love triangle with Trump! She's such a ho. I'm still mad about that if you couldn't tell 😤

MolochHunter ago

orrite you two, I've made you a new sub @srayzie @Shizy @think-

think- ago

You two??! You didn't make the sub for me as well?? I'm disappointed, @MolochHunter, disappointed! wipes away tears

@srayzie @Shizy @bopper

srayzie ago

Yes. Because we fought before. He wants you to learn tricks because @Shizy lost and Trump stayed my man.

think- ago

Well, if you have Trump, you obviously don't need @MolochHunter. :-)


srayzie ago

He is gone a lot. He’s a workaholic. 🙄

Shizy ago

Hate to break it to you cupcake, but he's not just working a lot! 😂 Maybe working "it" a lot!!!!

think- ago

....or so he claims. You are really so gullible sometimes, srayz. When he told you he has to do overtime, he spent the evenings with me. :-)


srayzie ago

😮 You bitch! 😮

think- ago


srayzie ago

😂 Damn! The things I can post in there... 🤔

Shizy ago

🤣 That is awesome!!!!

srayzie ago

😂 Lesson learned I hope lol

Shizy ago

Well I heard that you have some weird sexual fetish for married men 😂! Guess someone can say I do too since I joke about fighting you for Trump! People are so stupid!

srayzie ago

Only Trump! 🤣😂

srayzie ago

Oh wow lol

srayzie ago


@MolochHunter is cheating on me 🙄

You can have him! ;)

MolochHunter ago

now now

I havent gotten all possessive when you've batted your emoji eyelashes at others

I didnt even make a fuss when you gave Qanon that handjob in the POTUS motorcade 😉

srayzie ago

😂 You go me there!

srayzie ago

True lol

think- ago

Haha - you mean like, magically, over night? LOL

Shizy ago

Yes you sell your soul to the devil to become a mod, didn't you know 😂


srayzie ago

It’s time that @think- knows the truth! Thank you for trying to get thru to her! 😂

think- ago

Damn, why did nobody tell me before....only now, after I have already modded for seven months or so?! ;-)


srayzie ago

Why didn’t you tell her @Bopper?

bopper ago

I knew from the beginning that this think character was a Jew Reddit Cancer Mod Negro.

think- ago

....back to the kitchen where you belong, FAGGOT.....after you'll have finished doing @srayzie's laundry. :-)

@srayzie, @bopper wrote a PM telling me how happy and content he is since he is allowed to do your housework. He's a maniac....maniac.... :-P :-P

srayzie ago

OMG 😂🤣
I have him trained well!


Shizy ago

That's so nice of you to bring some meaning into his life 😁

think- ago

Isn't it? Haha.

@srayzie @bopper

bopper ago

If I was donkey you all wouldn't be so brave..


think- ago

If I was donkey you all wouldn't be so brave..

You mean calling him 'trannie camel jockey' is too nice and I should be bolder?


@srayzie @Shizy

Shizy ago

If you were donkey, you'd be crying right now over how your ass gets handed to you by us worthless soccer mom bitches🤣

@srayzie @think-

srayzie ago


bopper ago

Shizy ago

Ima gonna cut you bopper if you bring your crazy ho here🤣!!

Disclaimer: Don't freak out everyone, that wasn't really a death threat!!

think- ago

Disclaimer: Don't freak out everyone, that wasn't really a death threat!!


bopper ago

No worries, she doesn't love me anymore.

And there's nothin cold as ashes after the fire is gone.

Tell me Conway Twitty wasn't THE MAN.

Right @srayzie?

Take that Elvis.

srayzie ago

I like Willie Nelson better. The one you were in a hotel alone with. 😁

bopper ago

I secured a room in a hotel for Willie and me and we were sharing a bed when the maid walked in on us. And that's 100 percent true story and my wife knows about it. The maid was surprised and immediately walked out.

Shizy ago

By "business" you mean you buying pot from him right? 😂

bopper ago

Haha, I never smoked pot much, but Willie and his friends, it was ridiculous. I was trying to sell Willie some really bad songs, but he was very nice about it. Not the most punctual fellow tho, I had to arrange an ad hoc meeting place. Very laid back guy.

Shizy ago

You have the best stories bopper!

bopper ago

Somebody is downvoting you and me, makes me sad.

Even way down in this thread lol.

Shizy ago

The troll and shill people are all over this thread. They are boring and lack joy in their lives so they downvoat the fun happy people 😁!

bopper ago

This thread has over 400 comments whoa..

Shizy ago

I just saw that. Crazy!!!

bopper ago

Probably donkey, we have a love hate relationship and he calls me an old man and a larper when I tell stories. He's jealous that I talked to Laura Bush once.

Shizy ago

Holy crap, it's a bopper name drop weekend 😁!

That must be the reason. Women don't talk to donkey. They tend to run the other way!

MolochHunter ago

I KNOW, right? that @bopper is SUCH a name-dropper - at least that's what Lady Gaga once told me

Shizy ago

Well Michael Jackson is the one who told me to give @booper a chance, that he's actually a magical dancer which shows a lot about someone character.

bopper ago

I don't know why donkey and I can't be friends, like me and arewesure and @Votescam and the other oddball on here @srayzie who apparently kicked a hornet's nest with this post.

Yeah @srayzie knows all the people I've met but since she hates Roy Rogers I never told her the details on that. She hurt my feelings about it. So I just sent her this.

I even met Trigger but he was dead at the time.

srayzie ago

You must be bored 😂

Have the ladies not been giving you as much attention? You were mean to us so we hung with @MolochHunter today.

bopper ago

I see that and I don't like to share or be shared that I can tell you.

srayzie ago

Did you read that think- and @Shizy? He’s not playing. 😂

bopper ago

Crack me up. Every word is true @srayzie baby. I never contacted Entertainment Tonight about this, too embarrassing. The whole thing was a disappointment to both me and Willie, I think we both have our own regrets. Baby.

srayzie ago

Lol. Don’t forget to tell them how much smoke filled the room.

bopper ago

Yes, the smoke did permeate that night. Ah, memories.

Of the way we was. Scattered pictures. And all the rest of it.

But what's done is done. You can't turn back time. So goodnight then.

srayzie ago

Lol goodnight Bopper. Someone just called me a dickhead 😂

srayzie ago

You must feel like a hunk being surrounded by women that like to slap you around lol

@think- @shizy Now he wants to add Votescan lol. We aren’t enough for him.

think- ago

Now he wants to add Votescan lol.

Hmm....Mrs. Jones will definitely be very, very jealous.....


think- ago

Absolutely! :-)

srayzie ago

😂🤣 @Think- we all knew.


Shizy ago

Well, if it wasn't in writing before you agreed to become a mod I think you're in the clear!!!

think- ago

Phew....thanks, @Shizy! Now I will sleep better tonight..... ;-)

srayzie ago

Yup. Instantly.

think- ago

Haha, I didn't notice when I woke up that morning.... ;-)

srayzie ago

You won’t. Only users can see thru the facade 🤓

think- ago

Well, then thanks for letting me know, lol. :-)

srayzie ago

You’re welcome! 🤣

Blacksmith21 ago

I know how that drill goes...exactly as expected ; )

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

I would like to say before I’m killed off, that what I have on Jem isn’t anything incriminating. It’s just her usual exaggerated stories and experiences. The only reason I’m not sharing all of it is because it doesn’t apply to pizzagate and I don’t feel right about it.

jangles ago

your shitty antics here make you dead to me. sure she had some experience she exaggerated but you are a problem here and no friend of Jenny.

srayzie ago

Sorry you feel that way

jangles ago

Rewrite or delete so it isn't a hit piece. Jenny was pissed at JW for his comments about JA. You slandered a hero, this is a black mark on you.

gamepwn ago

I'm glad you came out with this Srayzie. I've been feeling very similar lately. At first I was outraged and felt upset but the more I see of her and George Webb the more suspicious I felt. Geroge Webb full on admitted he was Mossad. That secret room at Comet is also a major red flag I hate to say. How did she know about that? I mean it proves Comet Ping Pong has secret rooms but it's a little suspicious with not only knowing that, but Alefantis himself stalking her? Or playing along? Not to mention her being tagged in the bot army. Not a bot herself but wherever she went she had an army of upvotes or comments. Then I thought, including myself, are we making her a martyr? Just so many things don't add up. I felt just as upset about her death and created a topic for her and WIC, but things are not adding up and seem strange looking bad. I really hope we all haven't fallen for a psyop.

jangles ago

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You all fall for it every time Kappy, Q, Pizzagategear, etc...

ASolo ago

Yep, Srayzie, it had to be done. With that kind of correspondence and with her being so close to key parts of this investigation, it had to be known so that we can ALL make our own determination as to the veracity of her material. Thank you for posting.

srayzie ago

Thank you so much.

Plan1988 ago

Agree. Thank You @srayzie. Sorry you got hit so hard for your work.

srayzie ago

Thank you as always for your support xo

ben_matlock ago

☝ this is about where I'm at.

truthdemon ago

As long as u have the Fed note in ur pocket , u are inside a psyop...we are feeding this psyop oursleves.. Its a simple trick theyve played keeping us inside the OZ..technicolor dreamscape..

21yearsofdigging ago

I agree. I even made a video about her death now I am feeling...well, skeptical

RIPJem ago


Few realize what is truly at stake. Jenny is not the only one who was murdered for The Truth. Others have been tortured and murdered, and it involves the most powerful people in the world. There is a massive conspiracy afoot across all platforms to hide The Truth.


Look at their coordinated attack on a Murder Victim who was a member of the community and knew The Truth. Who would do such an Evil thing?

First they tried claiming that Jem was not Jenny Moore. Then they tried claiming that Jenny is not dead. Now they are claiming that Jenny was not murdered. They are also claiming that she was not threatened or attacked. They are also claiming that she is a CIA disinformation agent. They are also claiming that she was not doxxed and that is is fine to dox her now since she is dead even though her family is scared and in danger. Now they are backtracking a little and making jokes while attacking and downvoting anyone who exposes them and knows The Truth.

Look at how they targeted, attacked and banned JEM before she left Voat, and again now after she has been murdered. She was threatened, doxxed, attacked in real life, and eventually murdered. Now the mods are attacking her and ganging up on anyone who would defend her. This is an absolute disgrace. SHAME.

Look at their coordinated attack and downvoting to hide comments from those who KNOW THE VICTIM IN REAL LIFE.

We know EVERYTHING. We have been watching EVERYTHING. We have been telling everyone THE TRUTH for a LONG TIME. We know who is Good and who is Evil.

We do not want to be here. This is very dangerous. We owe it to Jenny and others who died for The Truth.


Jenny Moore was slandered and attacked both on Voat and in real life. She was beaten so badly she could barely talk or walk. Jem777 is Jenny Moore. We know this for certain. She was threatened by others here and in real life, and was eventually murdered.


This is not a Game, and the Mods and others involved either need to apologize and ask for forgiveness or they will all be exposed for their role in this.




Here is one the comments from below they are trying to hide from everyone. Read all of them to know The Truth. The Truth is easy to find if you know what you are looking for.

**Why are @srayzie and other mods attacking and slandering a user who was murdered for knowing The Truth? **

Do you know Jenny in real life and meet her in person?

Do you know George Sweigart in real life and meet him in person?

Have you met any of the people involved face to face?

Have you worked with governors, senators, representatives and elite industry leaders?

Have you blown the whistle on unimaginable crimes, abuse and corruption involving top level officials and leaders?

Do you know what it feels like to have those you are close with tortured and murdered for knowing The Truth?

Do you think this is a game?

Do you truly believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know what the real Agenda is?

Have you ever considered the fact that George Sweigart is not Trustworthy like Jenny, and is partly responsible for her murder?

Does George Sweigart believe in the real Jesus Christ?

What is George Sweigart's end game?

Did George Sweigart and Jenny Moore see eye to eye on that?

Do you think Jenny fully trusted George?

What did Jenny and George disagree on the most?

Did Jenny trust Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, Dave Acton, Defango or Unirock?

Do any of them believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know who Wendy is?

Do you know who Janine is?

Do you know who Jack Lew is?

Do you know who Jack Parsons is?

Do you know how Janine is connected to John Podesta?

Have you worked with Ari, Zeke or Rahm Emanuel?

Do you personally know some of John McCain's closest friends?

Do you personally know some of Hollywood's biggest stars?

What direct experience and qualifications do you have?

Do you know who Q is yet?

Do you really believe that Q can be Trusted?

Who has been telling everyone The Truth on Voat since the first day of Pizzagate?

JEM is not the only one who was threatened and murdered.

JEM knows The Truth.

George knows The Truth.

Only one of them is Trustworthy.

Vindicator banned her for knowing The Truth.

The Cabal murdered her for knowing The Truth.

Do any of you here know The Truth?

Why would you Trust in Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Chris Wray, John Huber and an anon named Q?

Do you know anything about 5G AI?

Have you ever watched pro wrestling?

Do you know what hedging is?

Do you realize how powerful those involved really are?

Do you understand where Donald Trump fits on that ladder?

Do you believe that Donald Trump is clean and not compromised in any way?

Do you believe that no one here on Voat is working for the Cabal?

What kind of person attacks and slanders a murder victim who was working to reveal The Truth?

@Srayzie @Vindicator @Crensch @think- @putitout ARE ALL EVIL OR EXTREMELY COMPROMISED.


There are only a few real people on here that can be Trusted.

The Mods are corrupt and complicit to extreme crimes including MURDER.

Look at who Srayzie believes are the Good Guys, and who is Neutral. Is that accurate and diligent research based on real experience?

Is Pope Francis Neutral? is Ed Snowden Neutral? Is Jared Kushner a Patriot? Is Alan Dershowitz a Patriot? Is Rudy Giuliani a Patriot?

Look at who Srayzie is praising, and then look at who Srayzie is attacking and slandering - a Murder Victim who was a long-time member of this community.

Why are the Mods all ganging up on the Murder Victim, and why are they so worried about being exposed?

One could say that Srayzie is simply an ignorant, uneducated fool, but even a fool would not stoop this low.

Is Srayzie a paid operative, and do you believe there are no paid operatives here?

Why are mods defending Are We Sure while attacking the person that Are We Sure threatened who coincidentally ended up murdered?

Jenny said that she was doxxed and targeted. How do you think that happened?



Shizy ago

All that's being evaluated here is how do we know what we know, and how do we know it's the truth? There is NOTHING wrong with asking questions and trying to figure out if the information we are being presented with is accurate. This is an online forum. We don't know each other. We don't know the people we follow on YouTube or twitter so everyone would be wise to always double and triple check the information we are given.

The motives of someone who tries to shame and belittle people into NOT investigating or looking into things for themselves is highly suspect! Your efforts here to manipulate people into not trying to get to the bottom of a story is disgusting and you are the opposite of all that you pretend to be!

Shizy ago

Why are you quoting your own comment?

RIPJem ago

That comment was highlighted because it is the most important comment here.

Why are you so cowardly downvoting everything that exposes your Evil Agenda and reveals The Truth?

Why are you so desperately begging and pleading with your army of corrupt and Evil mods to Hide and Ban The Truth?

Do you still think Jenny Moore "faked" her death?

Are you beginning to Trust in Jesus Christ and The Truth yet, or will you continue to sin, blapheme and worship a false god and fake savior?

This is The Real Great Awakening.

Shizy ago

Wow the arrogance you have! You should really humble yourself. I proudly downvoat you because that's how shills are handled! I never said Jenny faked her death, I have only continued to try and find out some sort of truth about this story because so far the only info coming out is from sketchy sources and annonomyous trolls like yourself!

RIPJem ago

You know absolutely NOTHING.

We have LIVED this.

We know Jenny directly.

We are a first hand source.

What you and the others involved have done is Irreversible.

You have slandered, attacked and threatened the most honest and knowledgeable people here.

This also happened to Jenny both before and after she was murdered. She is not the only one who was murdered for knowing The Truth. Read that again.

We exposed you and other mods and users involved in pushing lies and a corrupt and Evil agenda, and exposed Voat as a compromised and dangerous platform. We are warning others and sharing The Truth.

You have no way to dispute The Truth so you cowardly downvote, call for backup and beg others to ban and hide The Truth.

You know NOTHING and attempt to judge and accuse those who know DIRECTLY.

We are not arrogant. We are Right.

think- ago

Yes, telling nothing but lies about the mods and bragging about knowing THE TRUTH hardly goes together.

srayzie ago

What do you think of this dishwasher?

Updated Voat Shill List.

Umm, I took the current S(H)i[ll] list and marked it. Is it pretty?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Who is connected to the above?

Gothamgirl ago

They're not shills, you just don't understand the message.

Why are you putting in so much time to judge other pizzagaters?

Should I share the pieced together messages where you intentionally lied, and played a trick on me to fuck with my feelings?

Now that I think of it Srayzie once you got here many pizzagaters have disappeared.

Since you are on my facebook, you are the only one who knows where my child goes to school. Was it you threatening my to kidnap my child and putting child porn in my phone? It was definitely someone from here.

Crensch ago

Now that I think of it Srayzie once you got here many pizzagaters have disappeared.

That's quite the leap of logic, associating the two directly. Care to explain?

Since you are on my facebook, you are the only one who knows where my child goes to school.

What the fuck are you doing researching PG and having your family on any social media? Do you just not really care what happens to them?

Was it you threatening to kidnap my child and putting child porn in my phone?

Was it you that lied about those things happening?

See how easy that is? Back up your accusations.

It was definitely someone from here.

Blaming others for you being stupid and doxxing yourself? Who would empathize with that?

Gothamgirl ago

Her bunch of trolls and alts probably ran them off, she is rude to alot of people.

It is my fault about social media thats a fact, been deleted.

No I have not lied about those things happening.

I didn't blame others for doxxing myself I asked her a question, and its a legitimate one, since she likes to play games with people, and has with me.

think- ago

Her bunch of trolls and alts probably ran them off

You gone mad? Srayzie doesn't even have alts.

@Crensch @Vindicator @Shizy

Gothamgirl ago

You follow her on every social media network, how can you tell she doesn't have alts?

Do you have friends that claim to be in the illuminati too? Have you ever looked at her art with owls, black sun etc?

srayzie ago

I don’t have alts. That’s what Sara has. All my social media profiles are easy. SRAYZIE. Except this one...

Uh oh. There’s an alt. Rayzie!

Do I seem like the type that would make dark Illuminati type art?

That’s what Sarah does. Miss Baphomet art queen.

Keep trying. The more you post about me and proven wrong, the more you look like a fool.

@shizy @think- @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

Here is yet another lie about me.

Vindicator ago

Got it. @Gothamgirl, the Amalek shills that push the illuminati spam, which @Srayzie calls "Sarah" frequently make alts mocking moderators who ask them for evidence. They made "Vindictator" and several others mocking me. There were zillions of fake alts made to troll Falcon and abortionburger. Check the ban log to have your fill.

The fact you are claiming this is highly suspicious. Are you part of this Webb/Jem psyop as well?

Gothamgirl ago

No not at all part of any psyop. I didn't know you were mocked I would stick up for you. I have stood up for the mods before I felt like we were a family here. What I stated I feel is true. I am going to let the police figure it out, and I am not going to address her any further.

Vindicator ago

Well, thanks for that. I modded @srayzie after Falcon was demodded because she has been a trusted part of this "fam" for a long time. The Rayzie twitter is not her. They made a fake Vindicator twitter too -- took me 10 tries reporting it before it got taken down.

srayzie ago

Maybe she’s talking about this...

My fav on Twitter InTheMatrxxx blocked me so I made that to follow him. I made one when Corsi blocked me too but I couldn’t remember what it was. I only used a couple for those people.

If it was an “alt”, I wouldn’t have used an obvious username like Rayzie, which I use on my art one. I even ask InTheMatrixxx to unblock me and gave him Srayzie somhe would know who I was.

She’s just a trouble maker.

Gothamgirl ago

I am so confused at this point, if I am wrong then I am deeply sorry. I will keep to myself and let the police figure it out, there is alot more going on then what has been said here.

srayzie ago

Whe police figure out what? What are you even talking about? Don’t forget to let the police know about that child porn on your phone.

srayzie ago

No, @Gothamgirl has been attacking me since yesterday. She confirmed my suspicions that she is a shill.

She’s implying that I planted child porn on her phone, and that I know where her kid goes to school and threatened her.

She’s purposely trying to slander me. Her, Jem, and FlynnLives are all/were connected to Sarah

think- ago

how can you tell she doesn't have alts?

You made the claim that she has alts, you prove it.

Do you have friends that claim to be in the illuminati too? Have you ever looked at her art with owls, black sun etc?

Of course I haven't friends that claim to be 'Illuminati'. rolls eyes

And I don't even know what you are talking about.

Shizy ago

I bought a water bottle for my kid that has an owl on it. I must be a satanist or something.

think- ago

Ha! @Shizy, I always had my suspicions about you.... ;-)

For all others: THIS WAS A JOKE.

Shizy ago

Sad we have to make sure to clarify the jokes around here!

But I swear, I get really sick of so many symbols being stolen by sick evil assholes. I can't buy anything with a butterfly, rainbow, kitten, or pizza on it for my kids because these symbols have been tainted!

think- ago

Yep, same here...spirals and butterflies everywhere.

Crensch ago

Her bunch of trolls and alts probably ran them off,

What trolls and alts are these? I've seen no evidence that she has a crew, or even multiple usernames thus far. Would you mind supporting your implied claim that they do, indeed, exist?

Crensch ago

Her bunch of trolls and alts probably ran them off, she is rude to alot of people.

She's rude to the usernames that attack her and act like shills. I've not seen her attack someone without reason yet.

It is my fault about social media thats a fact, been deleted.

Then bringing it up is also your fault. YOUR fault. No one else's, and your mentioning them does nothing but incriminate YOU.

No I have not lied about those things happening.

Yet you attempt to use them as a bludgeon.

I didn't blame others for doxxing myself I asked her a question, and its a legitimate one, since she likes to play games with people, and has with me.

You're here defending the indefensible. So you're either directly involved with a cunt that lied continually and seems to be LINKED to alefantis in a friendly way, OR you're paid to be here and are just now showing your true colours, OR you're an overemotional bimbo that needs to set her vagina aside and look at the facts.

I'll let you choose which of the above most closely describes you.

I still can't believe you'd bring up something that is absolutely your own fault as an accusation towards another user here. How stupid are you?

@srayzie @think- @Vindicator

Gothamgirl ago

I am not commenting any further on this. I have said what needed to be said.

Crensch ago

I am not commenting any further on this.

Then I suggest you find a place like rEddit, where lies and falsehoods will be treated with kid gloves.

I have said what needed to be said, and I am not any of the names you have called me.

I gave you a choice on which of the above you are, and you decided not to choose one; I'll choose for you. You're directly involved with a cunt that is friendly to Alefantis, showing your true $hill colours, and you need to set your whore vagina aside and start supporting your position with more than your PMS.

I do not get paid to be here

That's what a shill would say.

I am only here for the children.

You're too stupid to help; not that you would, anyway, since it's obvious you're here to do the opposite. Nobody needs a retard on their research team - I'm surprised the other side even hired you.

My love and sexual life is great thanks.

I didn't ask about this, but you bringing it up is a scathing indictment of your mental stability and sexual desperation.

@srayzie @shizy @think-

srayzie ago

She says she’s not commenting any further, yet she does over and over again.

srayzie ago

I have all kinds of screenshots of you because you’re connected to FlynnLives and Sarah. The other one connected to Sarah was Jem.

You already said I was deleting the screenshots you had of me. The whole fricken site went down. I didn’t delete shit.

I will help you. In that little screenshot where I said, don’t tell him I’m sharing with you, is when you said you liked someone. It’s your choice if you want to say who that someone is. So I talked to him to see if he liked you too and that’s what I shared with you. You were so excited.

You are trying to be shady like I’m telling lies when the whole time you were going on and on about this guy.

Now you think I pay attention to where your kid goes to school? If you put that on your Facebook publicly, especially knowing about pizzagate, then that’s on you.

Now you are getting absolutely ridiculous. So I made threats against your son and planted child porn on your phone?

I think you’ve confirmed you’re a shill now. Some of us have wondered. I’m completely convinced.

@Think- @Vindicator @Crensch @Shizy
I have evidence of this too if needed.

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie why does the face look like that? And why is picture missing in some of those responses. Srayzie I have a letter from him that states he has no fucking idea who I am.

Lets make this clear, the first time he saw a judge he stated he didn't fire a weapon, he is pleading not guilty, and he has hired an attorney.

So are you throwing another pizzagater under the bus right now because you believe what? What the msm told you?

srayzie ago

I have conversations of you talking all about FlynnLives. You want to quit now? Awwww ok. I would too if I were you. You and Sarah can both leave me the fuck alone. RIPJem is Sarah.

I could be a fool like you and say it sure is strange how 2 people you were connected with had some tragedy occur. Jem died and FlynnLives was shot. Should I say you had something to do with it? That’s the kind of shit you pull.

srayzie ago

Because I had posted earlier to hide his identity so I didn’t dox him

Pizzalawyer ago

She is dead, hang in there for a month or so, you will be vindicated. See my comments at bottom of pile

Dressage2 ago

Holy shit! Be careful. Never trust this place. I haven’t. If you do research and pull out the key facts, they put you on list to get rid of you. Most of the great researchers were banned or quit out of frustration. That is what they want. @carmencita

srayzie ago

You’re seriously believing someone who says I planted child porn on her phone? You all need to learn how to spot fakes. This is ridiculous.

RIPJem ago

We repeat:






















think- ago




LOL. You must be really desperate when you spread all these lies.


It is not even possible to track IP addresses when you're a mod or an O of a Voat subverse, even if people wanted to do that.

And I have stated in public that doxxing is not allowed here, not even doxxing of shills like Are_We_Sure, and will lead to an immediate ban of the users who try it.

Since I know that nothing what you're saying about us mods is true, I have to conclude that nothing else you say is true.

I feel sorry for you, but thank you for the laughs! .

carmencita ago

TY. NONE of this surprised me. Lying yes maybe.

srayzie ago

Lying? GothamGirl is trying to say that I planted child porn on her phone. You’re gonna believe someone like that?

I have screenshots of all her lies.

carmencita ago

Please don’t put me in the middle That’s between you and her.

srayzie ago

Other people are pinging you so I defended myself.

carmencita ago


think- ago

May I ask you what exactly makes you so distrustful and believe all the crap that people write about the mods = myself, since I am a member of the mod team?

Nobody in the mod team would 'dance' when you should decide to leave v/pizzagate, Carm. I know that everyone in the mod team appreciates your work here.

And I must say that, after modding for seven months, I really feel disappointed to read such things written by you. Vin and I have worked our a**es off after MF had to leave, to make this a more comfortable place for users. I and Vin suggested to introduce the 'Edit' flair, so that posts wouldn't be pulled instantly any more. I am trying to help people, I try to be fair and neutral.

Before I became a mod, I was one of the users who pushed for including organ trafficking to the topics accepted in the rules. I have lobbied to accept posts about child marriages. Whereas MF often deleted posts about child abuse in other countries, we let them stay now.

carmencita ago

I realize you have been good but I am sorry to say that the take down of one of our own Was a Witch Hunt. All that jumped on Jem really upset me. Sorry if that hurt some but it hurt me too.

Shizy ago

Hi Carmencita, it bothered me to see you get upset about this thread. You have the biggest heart here and you don't need to have another thing to be upset about. I respect your opinion and your feelings. As for me, I just started questioning what we have been told about JEMs death. The info is coming from very limited sources and despite my efforts I haven't found anything but George Webb or true pundit reporting on her death. It has caused me to question everything about what they have said. It's not about questioning her, it's questioning them since they seem to be able to control the story at this point. I found some comments on 8chan that she allegedly posted about cutting ties with GW and having a falling out with him on August 7th. I'm trying to dig more into that, but I'm thinking the trolls who have come out of the woodwork are pretending to defend Jem and cause division, but really are here to defend George Webb. That doesn't sit well with me and something doesn't feel right about all of this.

srayzie ago

So my post showing proof of disinfo was a witch hunt? Now I’m lying? I don’t expect this out of you either Carmencita

carmencita ago

I did not call you a liar. You just went too far and I am entitled to my opinion. I am not going to get into a fight. That’s not me.

think- ago

The reason why I have posted critical comments is that

1) I do not trust anything George Webb or TruePundit say. Not a single word.

As long as I don't see any proof for Jenny's death, I will as be as sceptical as I usually am. If it should turn out that she is really dead, I would be very sorry.

And I do not trust anyone who decided to work closely with Webb, who imo most certainly is affiliated with an alphabet agency. And who obviously holds the opinion that Pizzagate isn't a worthwhile investigation. Why would she team up with a guy like this in the first place?

The same applies to her 'ex'-FBI friend Gritz, who worked abroad in missions together with military intelligence people. I think it was @new4now who looked into her, and found some shady stuff re the London Center she is connected to.

2) I have never trusted Jem777 - I joined the board as a lurker in late December 2016, and signed up in autumn 2017, about a month before Jem got banned. I read almost everything she posted. I am sorry to say that, but I thought the things she posted were always a mixture of likely accurate and likely false info, combined with an exaggerated self-confidence. I also didn't trust her information about the witness protection programme.

3) I know some more background details from srayzie, more than she posted here, which confirmed my view.

That said, I understand that you must be sad that you lost a friend and a fellow pizzagater. And even that you are cross with people that don't share your opinion about Jem, and that you don't understand why someone would have a totally different view.. But this is my personal view as a fellow user.

As a mod, I have stickied the thread, like we have stickied the other post who says exactly the opposite.

We can have only three stickied posts at a time. So when I wanted to sticky this post yesterday, I let the other post by @dreamdigital about Jem stay, and took the Ketron Island research post down for the time being, so that people would be able to read two different opinions.

seekingpeace ago

And who obviously holds the opinion that Pizzagate isn't a worthwhile investigation.>

Well, the irony is that most of GW's subscribers found him here on Voat/pizzagate. He made one post (sorry don't have a link anymore) where he talked a lot about Epstein and Lolita Island, writing as if he had first hand knowledge.

His videos were heavily promoted and upvoated by an army of posters. It was almost as if he lured pizzagaters away like the Pied Piper. Look over here! Then when he had people's attention, he changed his focus to spying and arms dealing etc.

think- ago

It was almost as if he lured pizzagaters away like the Pied Piper. Look over here! Then when he had people's attention, he changed his focus to spying and arms dealing etc.

Yep, exactly.

new4now ago

also Robyn was a Juvenile probation Officer in Camden NJ before signing up with FBI

that doesn't set well with me either

new4now ago

hoping today I can look more into it

The guy with Webb, when he announced Jems death, McDuff, well his Father needs looking into and am hoping to have the time to do so today

thought this vid was interesting

Hate to say it, but sometimes Jem gets lost in my research because I keep hitting ties to intelligence

and as I have said Webb has always rubbed me the wrong way, so here I am trying to go through his vids and twits

trying to stay neutral in my research, but intelligence and people we know are part of that which we are fighting keep coming up

I've said it before, What did Jem get herself involved in?

I didn't have as much personal contact with her as others have, I did read a lot of her posts and commented on them

so personally, I have to start from scratch, as with all the other people involved with her

think- ago

so personally, I have to start from scratch, as with all the other people involved with her

Well, that's actually a good thing, so nobody can claim you have been prejudiced.

new4now ago

all these people who are putting Jem/ Jenny news out, all have some kind of connection to intelligence, in links

Webbs involvement is rumor so far, haven't found anything on that

put am remembering a Webb that was murdered? for speaking out

and who is Webb's brother?

I wish I would have paid more attention back in those days

think- ago

Hate to say it, but sometimes Jem gets lost in my research because I keep hitting ties to intelligence

Yep. And that's the problem here.

carmencita ago

Ok we can agree to disagree:)

think- ago

Yep! ;-)

The_Savant ago

Carmen, if you choose to distrust the mods, that is perfectly acceptable in my eyes and probably a smart move. However, I would also recommend that you don't trust RIPJem. They don't represent Jem in any way. I smell a rat.

think- ago

Carmen, if you choose to distrust the mods, that is perfectly acceptable in my eyes and probably a smart move.

Oh thank you, @The_Savant.

The_Savant ago

Well... you can't force people to trust you in the same way you can't force people to respect you. As long as any of us are uncertain what goes on in all of the mods real lives, there is always going to be some room for doubt - if there isn't, then we are merely sheep. In order to be able to think, I must be able to weigh up both sides of the argument and I think others should be doing the same.

Whilst the mod team has earned my respect and I notice most shills adopting anti-mod tactics, I have to understand that I won't be able to make everyone instantly come to the same realisation. Take no offense.

carmencita ago

Jem told me a long time ago she trusted him/her.

RIPJem ago

You have always known The Truth.

The Truth has been shared on many platforms.

The Truth is Unmistakable, and easy to find if you are looking.

They cannot dispute The Truth, so they seek to hide and destroy The Truth from others.

Jenny is a Real Person who was stalked, threatened and murdered for knowing The Truth.

The Truth has been here since the very beginning. We knew Jenny in real life. We Trust her.

The Only Way to stop their Agenda is by sharing The Truth.

Do not let them lie to you and trick you. We know that you can be Trusted also. You never swayed.

Look at how they are trying to manipulate you now and cater to you because they know that you are one of the very few Honest and Trustworthy people here. They are trying to turn you against what you know to be The Truth.

We would never lie to you. We would never trick you. You have seen the games they play.

We do not play games. We do not want to be here. Many more lives are in extreme danger. We owe it to you and Jenny and others to share The Truth. This is not about one person. This is about All People.

George Sweigart is not Trustworthy. Q is not Trustworthy. Donald Trust is not Trustworthy.

Jenny has a bit more trust in them, but understood why others did not. She had to trust them to a degree, and her and George disagreed about both Q and Trump often. Jenny knew that The Truth however was unmistakable and agreed 100%.

Q, George and others involved all give you part Truth, but none of them will reveal The Truth. They all know The Truth that you know.

We are not alone, and Jenny is not the only one who was murdered for The Truth.

There are many sides being played. They have Unlimited Resources, yet they cannot dispute The Truth that Jenny and others know.

That is why she is no longer here. She is a Brave and Good Soul and will never be forgotten.

Only Evil would slander and attack her before and after she is murdered.

Only Evil would hide The Truth from the world to keep the people from having a choice.

Thank you for being a Good Person and staying True against all odds.

A wise person can see through their lies, their tricks and their games.

This is not a game, and everything is at stake.

You know The Truth. Trust in Jesus Christ.

carmencita ago

I agree. I believe you. I also trust in Jesus Christ. Prayers for you and those like you. I think Jenny trusted GW for short time and then found she was wrong. Yes I believe she was a good person with a good heart 💕

The_Savant ago

This is a mistake, carmen. If you're pro RIPJem, you're anti-mod, anti Julian Assange and anti Seth Rich. More than that, if you're pro RIPJem, you're anti-Jem777.

carmencita ago

Stop harassing me.

The_Savant ago

Stop harassing me.

Don't try and guilt me, carmen. I've sent you, what, seven messages? You're praising the most obvious shill on Voat, it doesn't look good.

carmencita ago

You have never sent me a message that I can remember. Now you decide who is a shill and I must comply or you spread this about me. Very unfair. We have differences of opinion and you say I am a shill supporter. Like I said, things have changed around here since this post. I try to stay friendly with most on here, but being called a shill supporter is hard to take and extremely unfair.

The_Savant ago

Jem also trusted GW and it seems to have backfired.

carmencita ago

She admitted she judged him wrong. People need to do their homework before judging.

The_Savant ago

Oh, well I wouldn't have known that. She stopped responding to me after a while. Still, it shows she can put her trust in the wrong people.

carmencita ago

No he is not. She met with him. You would know that if you knew her. If you didn’t know her you should not be judging her.

The_Savant ago

Carmen, RIPJem is anti-Trump, anti Julian Assange, anti Seth Rich and anti-Q. Jem was none of these things.

If you feel you need proof of these, I can send you screenshots of my DMs with Jem. I know a lot more about her than you think I do.

RIPJem ago

We only care about The Truth, and about the lives and souls of All People.

We have no motive but to stop the Evil Agenda and share The Truth. We do not make videos. We do not sell shirts. We do not want money. We do not want votes or likes. Evil takes many forms. The Truth is always Honest.

We will support Any or All who reveal The Truth, and everyone is capable of Change. Q is the closest of all, yet cannot be fully Trusted and has posted disinformation along with partial Truth. We hope that Q and Trump will eventually be pressured to reveal The Truth, but there are many question marks that remain, and neither Q nor Trump have delivered on their promises. Seth Rich's family has suspicious ties, and it is unclear if Seth Rich was a True Patriot. We do not know Seth Rich, but we do know the Evil in Omaha, Nebraska, the PANDA and DNC connections, and we know that Seth Rich does not believe in Jesus Christ.

Jenny knew The Truth. Jenny had reservations about Wikileaks, Seth Rich, Q and Donald Trump. We know this from speaking with her DIRECTLY IN PERSON. She also had reservations about George Sweigart, but grew Trust in him over time while remaining guarded. They disagreed often, and especially regarding Religion, Satanic Abuse, Secret Societies, and the Agenda.

Wikileaks knows The Truth. Q knows The Truth. Trump knows The Truth. George Sweigart knows The Truth. None have proven Trustworthy or fully revealed The Truth.

Jenny was Trustworthy. Carmencita is Trustworthy. There are Others. They know who they are. There are many bad actors here, and many deceivers.

There are many question marks about Trump, Assange, Seth Rich, George Sweigart, and Q.

How many of them Truly believe in Jesus Christ? Q and Trump claim to, yet they have not been fully honest with The People. There are tricks and questions abound.

There are no tricks or questions about The Truth.

The Truth is Unmistakable. The Truth is undeniable. The Truth never lies.

The Truth is Right in front of Everyone.

The_Savant ago

Fuck off, George. I'm the one who cares about the truth.

carmencita ago


srayzie ago

Hmmm. Dishwasher? Are you from the east coast area?”

srayzie ago

Thank you. I appreciate that.

RIPJem ago


Why are the mods so frantic to downvote The Truth in order to hide comments from those who know Jenny Moore personally?




The mods are working together to avoid being exposed as PURE EVIL.

The Truth is Here.

Shizy ago

Can't this person be banned for spamming this board? At least warned?

@vindicator @think-

RIPJem ago

The Truth is not spam and The Truth should never be Banned.

We are the reason for this entire thread. Why are you all such cowards who cannot face The Truth?

Why were you so quick to call for support in order to slide and downvote The Truth in order to hide The Truth?

Srayzie created this submission to directly attack Jenny Moore and The Truth, and to spread lies to manipulate the community. Srayzie does not know ANYTHING. Srayzie spends all day posting and tweeting, and tells others "God Bless" while missing and attacking The Truth right in front of her eyes and mocking Jesus Christ. Srayzie does not comprehend anything that she reads. Her ego gets in the way and she is too enraged by her own shortcomings to comprehend the basics. To her, it's all about her. Srazyie will never be the person that Jenny Moore will always be remembered as. It's not about any one person, it's really about Humanity and The Truth.

Srayzie and others are raging with anger and hate from being exposed, and are swinging wildly in all directions claiming the Jenny Moore was a disinformation CIA agent, claiming Jenny Moore is not dead, claiming Jenny Moore was not murdered, claiming Jenny Moore never helped any victims or children, claiming Jenny Moore was never attacked and beat up in real life, claiming Jenny Moore was not a real victim and whistleblower of corruption, accusing anyone who defends Jenny Moore of being a stalker named Sarah, accusing anyone who defends Jenny Moore of working with Are We Sure who everyone knows is Evil and one of the worst people here, accusing others of being an advanced bot targeting the mods, and claiming that Jenny Moore contributed zero value and calling her names that should never be said about anyone under any circumstances.

Instead of Srayzie and others involved admitting to their mistakes and sins, Srayzie and their army have been working overtime to trick, downvote, attack, coddle and play games with certain users like @carmencita @jangles @Cc1914 @Dressage2 @The_Savant and @gothamgirl to manipulate them into believing lies. Why? Why are they so afraid of anyone agreeing with The Truth?

Srazyie is either a completely ignorant and malicious fool, or she and her cohorts are involved in Pure Evil. Based on her outright Betrayal of Jenny Moore, the murder victim involved, and her continued slander and attacks of the victim and those who defend her and know her personally, The Truth is clear.

Srayzie Betrayed Jenny Moore exactly like Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, and you are all being Deceived by Srayzie and her army of Liars.

We knew Jenny Moore personally. We are a direct witness to many Events involved. Jenny may not be perfect, but Jenny was Trustworthy, and will always be a Good Person. Jenny put her Trust in Jesus Christ and The Truth.

We are not an advanced bot. We have been here since THE BEGINNING. We are putting many lives in extreme danger to share The Truth.

Jenny Moore gave her life for The Truth, and you and your cohorts have been Exposed.

That is why you are so desperate to Hide and Ban The Truth.

Anyone who reads All of the comments, including the ones you cowardly downvoted and hid will see The Truth.

You have tried every shady and unethical tactic possible to hide The Truth.

You called your entire army to downvote The Truth and spread lies because NONE of you can dispute The Truth.

You have slandered and attacked a Good Person who was murdered for knowing The Truth.

You have continued slandering and attacking anyone who stands up for Jenny Moore and The Truth.

You may not realize how many lives have been lost, and how many more lives are at stake.

Or you don't care. Or you are an ignorant fool. Or you are Pure Evil.



We know more than you ever will about everyone and everything involved.

Many of you are making ignorant guesses about things you do not know, or you are purposely lying to everyone.

If you are NOT EVIL, this is your opportunity to stop believing lies, and get to know The Truth.

It is not to late to become a Good Person and denounce the EVIL AGENDA.

Who do you Trust?

**We stand with Jenny Moore.

We stand with Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

We stand with Jesus Christ.**


The Truth is Here.

Shizy ago

Truth should never be banned, put cut and paste spamming that is just a repetitive jumbled mess should be!

think- ago

No - Voat is free speech. We don't censor comments.

Shizy ago

Ok, I had thought repetitive spamming of the same thing was one of the criteria for being able to ban a user.

RIPJem ago

Why the Desperation?

Why the Cowardice?

Why the Lies? Why the Hate? Why the EVIL?

Why is Srayzie not smart or strong enough to stand up for her own Lies, and needs you and others to Lie, slander and attack for her?

Is Voat a bastion for free speech when the mods and their Gang of Lies and Ignorance are corrupt and covering up crimes and an Evil agenda? What are Srayzie and the other Liars and Betrayers really hiding from Everyone? What is The Truth they are so desperate to ban and hide?

Why are you spreading so many lies, and attacking and slandering an Innocent Victim who gave her life for The Truth and all who stand up for her?

Her name is Jenny Moore. Say it out loud. Look at her photo. Then ask yourself a question.

How much is your Soul worth?

Shizy ago

My soul belongs to Jesus Christ, but thank you very much for your FAKE concern! Nice touch by the way. Is that your attempt to appeal to the Christians on here by pretending to be one of them?

You are a troll, and a fake! You have given ZERO information to back up any of your broad and generic accusations and assumptions that are all fluff and no substance.

You are creepy on top of it, so do not send any comments to me or I will block you like I did your other creepy alt @speaksoft !

RIPJem ago

You have all been Exposed as Corrupt and Evil.

When will you admit that this entire submission was a shameful and Evil direct attack against a Murder Victim who was slandered, doxxed, threatened and banned right here on Voat, and who was subsequently attacked and murdered in real life for knowing The Truth?

Look at the Title of the post. Do you really believe that Srayzie is "sorry", and who is she apologizing to? Certainly not Jenny Moore. Look at the first link in the post. Who is this entire post a response to? Why do you want to take your ball home after you have been exposed as Corrupt and Evil?

Or are you still claiming that Jenny is not Jem, or that Jenny is not dead, or that Jenny was a CIA disinformation agent, or that Jenny was not a whistleblower, or that Jenny didn't contribute anything of value, or that Jenny was not murdered?

The jig is up.


You cannot hide behind your fake devotion to Jesus Christ. He knows what a Liar you are. Jesus Christ forsakes you, your Lies, and your Sold-Out Black Soul. He does not forgive those who mock Him.

Did you know Jenny in real life? Do you know George Sweigart in real life? Have people you worked with been tortured and murdered for exposing crimes among the most powerful people in the world? Do you know what happened when Jenny returned to Voat? Can you answer any of the questions in the other comments? Are you, Srayzie and the other mods flailing wildly out of desperation because you have been exposed?

Are there any mods on Voat that are Trustworthy? Is the owner? Do any of them see what has happened here? What happened when Jenny Moore Trusted one of the mods, Srayzie? Why did Srayzie Betray Jenny Moore, and why is she attacking and slandering her and those who know her in real life, and those who know The Truth?

We know why.

Your Sins have exposed the entire platform and your part in the Evil Agenda.

Shizy ago

When will you prove that A). She even died, and B). If she did die that it was murder?

This story STINKS of being fake! Despite the efforts of many people here, including myself, to find ANY documentation showing that she passed that is not directly linked to George Webb and True Pundit, there's NOTHING! Can you explain that? But we should just believe you that she was murdered because you keep repeating it. Not gonna happen buddy! People who don't just run off emotion need proof, not some creepers word, or the word of sketchy sources like GW and TP!

I'm not sure why that doesn't make sense to you, other than you're a total shill or utterly mentally ill. So which is it? Provide proof, or shut up speak soft!

And you're blocked because you're a total joke!

RIPJem ago

We bet our lives on it. Would you?

You will get your Sick Proof that Jenny Moore gave her life for The Truth.

Jenny Moore is in Heaven.

Some of you will never see her again.

May she forever be remembered as a Good Person who Exposed Evil, and put her Trust in Jesus Christ and The Truth.

This is not a joke or a hoax, and many Good lives have been lost to Share the Truth.

Do you have any idea what it feels like to have those close to you Tortured and Murdered for EVIL?

Do you have any idea what it feels like to witness Extreme Evil involving the most powerful people in the world?

Do you have any idea what it feels like to know The Truth and be mercilessly attacked, slandered and threatened?

Will you Apologize and Share The Truth, or do you want to spend Eternity in Hell with all who are involved?

This is not a game. You only get one Life and one Soul. Some things can never be taken back.

The Truth cannot be Disputed.

think- ago

If it's exactly the same wording: yes. If he just posts similar crap: No.

Shizy ago

Oh ok, I see.

RIPJem ago


The person who posted this is not a Good Person, and has been Exposed along with many others she is working with.

Srayzie and her team have called out the entire army in order to deceive everyone and hide The Truth. They have employed every shameful tactic imaginable to hide The Truth. They have made attacks and threats to others, and have abused their roles to lie, downvote, and do anything possible to discredit and attack anyone who is defending Jenny Moore and The Truth.

That is why this post has over 550 comments in order the hide the few that are The Truth.

Look for the hidden comments and The Truth will be clear to all.

The OP is wrong about EVERYTHING. The OP posted this as a direct attack against The Truth and the victim, Jenny Moore.

We know Jenny Moore in real life. We know George Sweigart in real life. We know many involved in real life.

Jenny was Trustworthy. George is not Trustworthy. We have ALWAYS told The Truth. We have been here since THE BEGINNING.

We have exposed ALL OF THE MODS HERE as being involved in Corrupt and Evil tactics in order to hide The Truth.

Jenny was attacked, slandered, doxxed and threatened. Then she was murdered. Now she is being attacked, slandered and discredited by the OP who has proven to be a liar, a manipulator, an abuser, corrupt, and EVIL.

Jenny is not the only one who was threatened, attacked and murdered for knowing The Truth.

Jenny is not the only one who left Voat for being attacked and threatened.

There is one other user you all know who ALWAYS TOLD THE TRUTH that left Voat.

Who did Jenny Moore come back on Voat to meet with?

What happened?





This is not about any one person. This is about The Truth. This is about the History, Present and Future of the World.

Many have died for the opportunity to know The Truth. They will stop at nothing to silence The Truth.

Some of you know more than others.

@Carmencita @swordfish69 @fogdryer @dressage2 @gothamgirl @jangles @deathtomasonsasap @esotericshade @speaksoft

This is not a game. This is not a hoax. This is All Very Real.

Q and Trump know Everything. George Sweigart knows more than he is telling. There are many, many players involved. There are many layers to the system. They are only afraid of The People Knowing The Truth. They will do anything and everything to trick and deceive you. They want you to play by their rules. They want to divide and isolate you. Anyone who knows The Truth is in extreme danger.

Sharing The Truth is The Only Way to Save The World. The Truth cannot be disputed or discredited.

Are you going to believe an organized Army of Corrupt and Evil Liars who are attacking and slandering a Murder Victim and threatening anyone who defends her including those who are directly involved and knew her personally, or do you want to know The Truth?

The Truth is easy to see if you know what you are looking for. Who can you really Trust?





Shizy ago

What is the truth? That's why people are here asking questions and sharing information. To find out the truth!

You never seem to actually provide anything of substance. Just cryptic messages that really don't say anything at all! You bash mods and users but don't provide any information on how they are being deceptive or withholding the truth! Everyone is just supposed to believe what you say even if you have nothing to back it up?

And saying our lives and families may be in danger is a nice touch! What better way to get people to self censor or avoid this platform than to tell them it could put their very lives at risk! That is some really shady tactics right there! Dissuading people from the truth whole pretending the truth is what you're all about! Don't be surprised that people will continue to question you, especially when you pop up here with a new account the very day this story breaks. Hmmmmmm!!!

Shizy ago

Look at the users he pinged in his comment? Interesting.....

srayzie ago

Yes. I saw that too.

srayzie ago

Which comment? I can’t keep up.

Vindicator ago

Don't you think this reads like a script produced by a bot? It takes what you say and mixes it into its hypnospam.

@Crensch @Camulos @cynabuns

Camulos ago

I'm convinced that everything surrounding this Jem777/Mej777 user is a disinfo campaign. To this very minute there is NO connection to any account on this site and to whoever this Jen Moore person is if she even existed to begin with. And if there is proof, I've yet to see it.

I reckon all of this crap is to make people look the other way, to distract and to obfuscate. To make people dig in intentionally manufactured dead ends.

Crensch ago

Easily scripted, IMO. Whether it is or not, I don't know.

srayzie ago

If it is, it’s targeting me as @speaksoft on V/greatawakening too

Crensch ago

You're onto something.

@Vindicator, check @speaksoft's comments.

Vindicator ago soon as I get through the 103 notifications I had when I logged on today! ;-)

I've never seen such a swarm of shills. I missed the very first shitshow right after the Reddit migration just before I became a mod. Hard to believe it could be worse than this. Serious feathers have been ruffled.

Interesting that the calls for my head blaming me for this "murder" have turned to attempts to discredit srayzie. My inner autist wonders what would happen if you just disbanded the mod team. What would they post that they can't get away with now. So curious. :-)

Crensch ago

I've never seen such a swarm of shills. I missed the very first shitshow right after the Reddit migration just before I became a mod. Hard to believe it could be worse than this. Serious feathers have been ruffled.


This tickles compared to that. Easier at all angles to tell the shills apart, and to see what their goal is, or at least their angle towards their goal.

Interesting that the calls for my head blaming me for this "murder" have turned to attempts to discredit srayzie. My inner autist wonders what would happen if you just disbanded the mod team. What would they post that they can't get away with now. So curious.

Constant disinfo slides, where any legitimate post would be buried under an avalanche of shit.

RIPJem ago


Jenny Moore took a risk Trusting Srayzie, and was Betrayed just like Jesus Christ was Betrayed by Judas.

Good People are taking risks Trusting Voat, and end up Betrayed, targeted, attacked, threatened, and Murdered.

After Jenny Moore risked and lost her life to Share The Truth, this is how you respond?

It could not be any more clear who is GOOD and who is EVIL.

Jenny Moore knew The Truth, and will never be Betrayed by The Truth.

You cannot argue with The Truth, so your only move is to Deceive others and Hide The Truth.

Jenny's Murder is Real. She is not the only one who was Murdered for knowing The Truth.

You are calling in your Army of Evil again, because you know you have been Exposed and are panicking.

If ANY of you are Not Evil, now is your opportunity to Denounce Evil and Share The Truth.

Jenny Moore will always be a Good Person who was murdered for knowing The Truth.

Are you GOOD or are you EVIL? It is a very simple question.

If you are GOOD, The Truth will be clear. If you have made a mistake or sinned, this is your opportunity to make it Right.

The Truth is Here. There is nothing you can do to dispute The Truth.

Ask for Forgiveness and Accept Jesus Christ as Your Savior. You can still be Saved.

You do what what Pizzagate is about after all, don't you?

Your statements, actions and decisions in Life will determine the Fate of Your Soul for Eternity.

think- ago

Your statements, actions and decisions in Life will determine the Fate of Your Soul for Eternity.

Well, then better hurry up and become a decent individual or bot right now!! It's not too late!! :-) :-) :-)

jangles ago

this is wrong gtfo

gamepwn ago

No problem! Always good to take a double take and not take everything at face value.

Shizy ago

That's what's great about here. Most people are very willing to take a second look and reevaluate things as new information comes in. Not everyone in the general public is able to do that. It says a lot about people who can 🙂

think- ago

Imo George Webb is a limited hangout for sure. And I don't trust him when he says she's dead, sorry. It's only him and TruePundit who spread the story, there are no articles in local papers to corrobate the story, nothing. And TruePundit has published disinfo before.

ASolo ago

I'll tell ya, that man's involment in this has EVERYTHING fuckered up. How could you even be comfortable saying something like that above, WEBB is off his rocker.

It seems Jem was very up and down about Goodman and even voiced that Webb had concerns over him, but right up until right this very second since I've learned of her corroboration they both seem to still be very buddy buddy, and if so then where is the counter fire from Webb? All of it's just whacka doodle.

Gothamgirl ago

Umm George Webb gives much more information then Q so what does that say about you guys lol.

think- ago

You mean that I called Q a psyop from the beginning and call out Webb for being a limited hangout doesn't go well together?

Gothamgirl ago

My bad. George is doing real things like filing lawsuits. I mistook your meaning. I apologize.

Shizy ago

How do you know he's filing lawsuits? Have you seen them or are you just going off why he says?

Gothamgirl ago

Posted links below.

Shizy ago

Thank you!!

srayzie ago

I didn’t know that it wasn’t reported by local news. I’ve heard the same about True Pundit. Geez.

Pizzalawyer ago

by local news, do you mean wash post? There have been numerous close friends who know her, including former FBI agent Robyn Girtz who do not doubt her death. Her attorney has been contacted and is reportedly devastated.

Per my comments below, she died in Maryland, a state which makes autopsies a public record. Hopefully we will know more in a few weeks.

jangles ago


kneo24 ago

Truepundit has always been a garbage source. The biggest reason they're garbage is because they almost never source their claims. It's sensationalist headline after sensationalist headline. It's often why the progressives can easily lambast the right with the moniker "fake news". It's definitely a different type of "fake news" that we see from the main stream media. I would say the biggest difference is often the production quality put into these fake stories, though the more unhinged MSM becomes, the worse their quality becomes. I guess it's a race to the bottom there at this point.

I've called out users for using Truepundit as a source before. (See here and here. I actually found it quite strange you all were rallying around truepundit as a source for this, but decided to opt out of the discussion all together due to the drama it would have started. Despite some people's popular belief here, I don't always try to engage in drama.

I think this is a good lesson for a lot of people here. If you can't find the source material of where the information is coming from, don't trust the story until you have better information. This doesn't mean the story is false, but if one were to be at least try being intellectually honest, they could hardly fault you for not believing a poorly sourced news article.

truthdemon ago

As there is set up fake mainstream media..there is a fake alternative media running parallel as part of the 99 percent of the illusion matrix to support the debt illusion matrix..its the banksters paradise..and there is only one kill switch...before we go back to kansas.. Liquidate the witch ... Till then u guys will be ping ponged, to feed the FED..

srayzie ago

I hate the ones that don’t show sources. That’s what yournewswire does and I see trustworthy people tweet those out all the time.

Are_we_sure ago

I'm not sure why people think local news would report this. A woman died in a hotel room. She wasn't a public figure. We got news of her death from

George Webb

True Pundit

And Robin. Is it Gritz?, The ex FBI. So we got news from people working with her, her colleagues basically.

Gritz said there was no signs of foul it's not surprising this is not a news story. She was known under a couple of pseudonyms to a small group of folks on Twitter and Voat. It's news to us but, woman dies in hotel room is not a news story in most papers.

Dressage2 ago

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. @RIPJem

think- ago

THANK YOU for this comment, @Are_We_Sure. :-) You always pretend sticking to facts, and facts, only, don't you?


'Surprisingly', you were recently called out for being part of the same disinfo shill network as Jem777.

Thanks for confirming.

@Vindicator @Crensch @Camulous @Blacksmith21 @EricKaliberhall

Are_we__sure ago

Surprisingly', you were recently called out for being part of the same disinfo shill network as Jem777.

Do you have reading comprehension problems? Because I'm not on that list.

And If you want to think I'm with George Webb or JEM, go right ahead, you'll be one of the only ones.

srayzie ago

You could be right. People are found dead all the time. Maybe an obituary would be where her family lives. Not where she was found. They travelled.

Are_we_sure ago

Obituaries of ordinary folks usually involve talking to the family.

I think this is self explanatory and not controversial at all. I think the pushback is hilarious.

I'm on the side of True Pundit and George Webb now??? Okeydoke.


srayzie ago

I agreed with you for once. Why are you talking shit to me?

Are_we_sure ago

I'm not. You were not giving me push back.

Didn't quote you.

kneo24 ago

I feel weird defending srayzie here, but you know, it helps if you reply directly to the quoted statement. Or at least properly ping the person you're quoting.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've looked into it in all the local papers. Nothing. That being said, a body in a hotel room in Prince George's county is barely news.

Vindicator ago

Did anyone call the hotel?


Shizy ago

It crossed my mind to do that, but it's highly possible the hotel would deny or not comment anyway as a dead body in their establishment isn't good for business so it may be pointless

Vindicator ago

Worth a try, though. They might confirm it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Not me. Everything is Stingray'd here.

srayzie ago

I would think since her story is growing, that someone would cover it tho. I hope George Webb didn’t kill her.

Blacksmith21 ago

He could certainly get the closest to her. If a proper investigation were being run, Webb should be POI #1.

think- ago

Yep, @Shizy and others looked into it. No trace of an incident like this in alleged location.

srayzie ago

That’s weird. Has anyone looked at obituaries?

Shizy ago

I looked for obituaries. I searched for all of 2018 with both Jenny and Jennifer. I found nothing that remotely matched her. There was one too young, one was black, and one had a daughter.


srayzie ago

Since her and George Webb were always on the road traveling, I don’t think that they would put her in the local obituary’s. Besides, isn’t that something a loved one pays for?

Shizy ago

I checked using just the name, and then the name and 2018. I did t specify a city or state. I got hits all over the country but none were her. Yes her family, a friend, or sometimes the mortuary puts those in the paper. If they are still performing an autopsy then obviously she's not at a mortuary yet so it would be up to a friend or family member.

darkknight111 ago

Check California just in case.

Shizy ago

I just checked California and there's nothing that is recent or matches her.

I had read that she is credited with working with child sexual abuse victims and that she has a degree in psychology. Without knowing if that means she works/worked in a professional capacity with victims it's hard to say if this connects:

This Jenny Moore is a MFT intern (marriage and family therapist). An MFT would be qualified to work with sexual abuse victims, but I believe she would need a degree in Marriage and Family therapy not just psychology. Hard to say without more info.

I did find that this same topic is being discussed on Reddit and people there are asking similar questions. People are saying without more information they don't really believe the story being put out by GW:

think- ago

Thanks, @Shizy.

srayzie ago

I’m glad you’re on it girlfriend

think- ago

Yep, they also looked at obituaaries - there are none.

There is only a Tweet from a never really used Twitter account, claiming to be a family member of hers. But looks fishy imo.

jangles ago

STUPID PEOPLE think Obituaries are published within the first 3 days of a death.

Shizy ago

Actually they can be! And most are published within the first 3- 5 days. It's now day 6 and still nothing.

srayzie ago

I saw the family member too

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for putting all of this out here Srayzie. Custodes vero.

Are_we_sure ago

Might as well post here.

My Interactions with her

The first I remember interacting with JEM777 was when I challenged her claims that Barrack Obama knew Bill Ayers when he was in Weather Underground and not two decades later when Ayers was no longer wanted by the police and the two of them worked on a way to improve public schools in Chicago. (At first I assumed she was a man.) She claimed that this photo of Obama and Ayers was from a Communist meeting in the 1970s.

It was so crazy a claim I made a thread about it (A thread which Vindicator deleted as off topic), you don't need to know any of the true story to know that the picture was not from the 1970's when Obama would have been a teenager and way before Seattle's Best Coffee whose logo is in the picture even existed as a company. If you actually spent two minutes doing a real investigation, you would know your claim didn't stand up.

Another time I called her out for falling for a photoshopped picture of Obama, a wildly obvious fake.

So she didn't like me poking holes in her false stories.

The Thread

Here's the thread that caused her and her friends to falsely accuse me.

I'll explain my posts and my thinking and let folks decide what they will. Someone mentioned threats don't seem my style and I'm pretty confident you can see my usual style in this thread.

Couple of key points, one thing I didn't understand was how paranoid JEM777 was. Perhaps she was facing genuine threats in her real life but I knew none of her back story. I just knew this was a person who made crazy, easily disprovable claims and wouldn't admit when she had the facts wrong. Her paranoia seems to really kick in as the thread went on.

Another thing to consider, despite what many here want to believe, these are all true.

Antonin Scalia died peacefully in his sleep.

The conspiracy theory that he was killed is nuts.

The conspiracy theory that he was killed AND John Podesta had him killed is nuts squared.

There is no vineyard at the ranch he was killed. (I personally debunked this.) It was a goofy piece of faked evidence that was faked to try to make it fit a particular email from John Podesta. An email that was truly about Bernie Sanders.

Jeffrey Dahmer has nothing to do with pizza-gate. He has nothing to do with Louis Bourgeois.

Her Arches series started before anyone heard of Dahmer. The Arch of Hysteria, therefore, cannot be based on a photo of one of his crimes. (I personally debunked this too.) I'm pretty sure none of his crime scene photos were released until years after his trial. Again this is fake linkage to try to tie pizza-gate to actual crimes.

The Clinton Hit List meme is bothering fake and hysterical and I never thought I would be chatting with folks who believe in it.

Now to the thread.

She makes a comment about a "Russian Bribery Scheme to sell the US Uranium to Russia-a national security threat."

I call BS and lay out the facts.

Since she is going to lose the argument on the facts, she changes tactics and makes it a out me. Claiming I work for Clinton and Soros. She then does something I consider hilarious. She acts like she has super inside knowledge

Tell George everyone says HI we know about the 18 billion transfer;)

The news about Soros donating his money is from the mainstream media and his folks confirmed it on the record. It hilarious to pretend this is some big secret. So I replied with an extended joke pointing out her big secret was confirmed on the record and reported by the NY Times, Fox News and others. I replied in the voice of someone who works for Soros, I.E. a character

Tell me which one of the mainstream media outlets you found this out from. We must stop those leakers at the Open Society Foundation and make examples of them!!!! >Starting with the ones who went on the record with the Wall Street Journal.

Note two things, one the heavy, heavy use of irony on my part and two this is not even aimed at JEM777. It's aimed at someone who works for George Soros.

And the punchline is fake evidence of the kooky Scalia fantasy.

We'll do it right here! >

That is not a vineyard, kids. It's fraudulent evidence.

So no threats made against JEM777 and she doesn't claim this was a threat. Instead she claims I'm for causing birth defects in babies. I'm not kidding. Knowing she had lost the argument she tried to move the goalposts and makes an exceptionally manipulative and dishonest argument. She linked to images of

An infant born with severe deformities in Fallujah Iraq, allegedly due to the heavy use of depleted uranium by US forces

And asked me

whose side are you on? Look at these children.

She implied that by correcting her facts I was in favor of babies born with deformities. At no point we're we discussing depleted uranium weapons at all. She was trying to manipulate the argument and have me make some emotional mistake that would make it look like I was all form deformed babies.

In short, she was being incredibly dishonest. So I called her on it. I created an even more manipulative, dishonest argument as an example of what she just tried to pull on me. I made my argument absurd to highlight her manipulative tactics. Note the use of italics indicating I'm not the one talking.

Also whose side am I on? Who the fuck was discussing use of depleted uranium weapons? How do you jump to that? You don't see what a completely dishonest and manipulative argument that is?

What's that you sell mattress? Well how do you defend this

How do you defend the mattress that was used for that? Answer me.

Not only is this not a threat, is not even a joke threat. And it's not aimed at her. I was attacking her argument and her character and a dishonest trend in discourse on here in general.

Here's the full thread. At another point she claimed I deleted this thread to hide it. Of course, this is false.

Dressage2 ago

You are full of shit. Scalia was murdered. Now because I said itis truth, it is. You think if you say something therefore, it is truth. Take you bullshit, shilling ass roadshow down the road. We had you figured out long time ago. They would have made you a mod, but you don’t have good board side manners. You have always been too obvious. @carmencita @GothamGirl

Pizzalawyer ago

How can you say Scalia was murdered? You are making the same kind of unsupported claims that JEM777 made. Now if you said there is some circumstantial evidence that suggests Scalia may have been murdered, that would make for a more credible proposition.

Dressage2 ago

I merely said that to make a point. Some say he wasn’t and others say he was.AWS thinks if he says it, therefore truth. Bullshit I call. Research for yourselves to come to a truth you can live with. Then people can feel like they made an informed decision.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

People on this board have been discrediting pizzagate for the past 9 months, every single time that they post some reference to "Q drops." So to surmise that a sudden death of an investigator is suspicious and she was probably killed is really not a leap.

carmencita ago

Lol. For Real. Don’t hold back.

darkknight111 ago

You were awfully silent on the day of her death. Combined with that image makes quite a significant number of people suspect YOU had a hand in her death.

If you're innocent, prove We still want that hour by hour account of your whereabouts from 8/12/2018 to 8/14/2018.

Do you regret sending that image? That image is coming back to haunt you.

Only the guilty have something to hide. Your silence on the day of her death and general evasiveness when pressed only make you more suspiscious.

KYS you worthless piece of lefty shill shit.

Are_we_sure ago

You were awfully silent on the day of her death.

Yeah, it's almost like I didn't learn of her death or find out I was being falsely accussed of being involved in it until a day or two later.

MolochHunter ago

i think you well know the contention is that you had no online presence that day because you 'had your hands full' IRL

Pizzalawyer ago

Ergo, pizzagators who are away from their computers on a certain day should be deemed suspects whenever one of their enemies dies under mysterious circumstances, even when there is no geographic proximity to the slain person or persons.

Come on guys, you all are caught up in some angry accusations that dont correlate with the series of well researched posts that you all typically make. Cant we all at least wait for the autopsy results that will hopefully be published in a few weeks?

MolochHunter ago

the context is that are we sure once issued an actual death threat to her

Are_we__sure ago

Ergo, pizzagators who are away from their computers on a certain day should be deemed suspects whenever one of their enemies dies under mysterious circumstances, even when there is no geographic proximity to the slain person or persons.

Thanks, for attempting to introduce some common sense, but to call her my enemy goes way too far. This is just a message board. When I'm not on here, I don't think about this board very much at all. I don't follow conspiracy stuff on Reddit or Twitter or YouTube just here. The last time I thought about this woman was probably the last time MEJ777 posted in either the PG or GA subverses as I don't follow at others.

I certainly don't follow George Webb so I had no idea she had to moved DC and was staying full time at the same hotel Webb was working out off and had become "Task Force."

Folks on here have deluded themselves into believing I'm paid to be here on balf on unknown and nefarious forces. This is just another delusion.

Pizzalawyer ago

oh no, i wasn't accusing you of calling her an enemy. I was pointing out the illogic of equating absence from a message board as proof that people are out stalking or killing an enemy, or friend. Maybe the absentee was painting his house or taking a break from Pizzagate. Thats all

Are_we__sure ago

oh no, i wasn't accusing you of calling her an enemy.

Oh OK. It gave me a chance to say my piece, so thanks for that.

I was pointing out the illogic of equating absence from a message board as proof that people are out stalking or killing an enemy, or friend. Maybe the absentee was painting his house or taking a break from Pizzagate. Thats all.

Yeah. It's pretty illogical.

As Blacksmith recognized, if she was, in fact, murdered, George Webb would be a thousand times more likely a suspect than me. As he A. actually knew who the woman was. B. was one of the last folks to talk with her. C. Knew where she was (they were staying in the same hotel.)

Anyone one who actually knew her is a likelier suspect than me.

In terms of mean, motive and opportunity, I'm pretty far down on the list. But we are dealing with folks who claim the only way someone could experience a hemorrhage is if they are poisoned, so their logic and their medical knowledge are both pretty poor.

Are_we__sure ago

Yeah, it's pretty dumb all ways around. Every one of the details is going to end up being dumb too.

But I think he means the day it was announced on Voat because he commented something to that effect in one of the first threads.

MolochHunter ago

oh, we've had the change in shift again. the morning shift Are_we_sure clocked off and the evening shift Are_we__sure clocked in

yes, I'll store credence by anything you have to say 🙄😂

darkknight111 ago

Answer the fucking questions already.

  1. Do you regret sending that corpse picture? That one image is coming back to haunt you.

  2. We want your hour by hour whereabouts from 8/12/2018 to 8/14/2018.

All you need to do to prove your innocence is answer these simple questions.

Your constant evasion only makes you more suspiscious.

Only the guilty have something to hide. By not coming completely clean for several days, all you are doing is vindicating our suspiscion that YOU had a hand in this.

Nobody trusts you. Therefore you'd better fucking come clean RIGHT NOW!

auralsects ago

I'm a little offended you think he's a secret decoder ring professional assassin but not me. If it helps however, I spent those 48 hours inside your mother's cunt I left ample DNA evidence therein.

darkknight111 ago

KYS sand nigger.

The world will be a much happier place when you die.

We all wish you dead every day. We're all gonna celebrate when that happens.

Nobody loves you. Not even your truck whore mom and loser dad.

Shizy ago

I'm against suicide, but in your case it seems like the only reasonable option. You are a sick, filthy piece of flabby shit!

think- ago

@srayzie, I am going to sticky this for a while.

Vindicator ago

I thought this was an excellent approach to the situation. Thanks for doing it.

think- ago

Thank you, Vin. Much appreciated! :-) Sad that people don't seem to be able to see that we in fact have stickied two totally different posts, so everybody will be able to draw their own conclusions after having read everything, and also participate in the discussions.

Gothamgirl ago

How fucking disgusting.

think- ago

Free speech is fucking disgusting? Noted.

Also noted that you obviously don't realize we stickied two posts about Jem777 with two completely different views.

Gothamgirl ago

This is not Free speech, what makes it disgusting is-this is malicious done by someone who has faked messages before.

Why does this post have any value with most likely fake screenshots? What she provided is in no way any proof.

Are you saying it's ok to dox a pizzagater when they die, do you not understand they still have family?

Shizy ago

George Webb is the one who actually doxxed Jenny Moore soooo.....are you disgusted with him too?

@srayzie @think-

Shizy ago

@pizzalawyer if you're really a lawyer you might want to take a look at this.

Shizy ago

He outed her on twitter which is a much larger platform and would seem to have a much larger impact for her family.

srayzie ago

No. She’s only disgusted with me and thinks I planted child porn on her phone. So, while trying to make me look evil, she admitted she had child porn on her phone!

Gothamgirl ago

No I asked you, and since you have played games with me before.

srayzie ago

I don’t have access to your damn phone

Shizy ago

She has child porn on her phone and admits it?!

Gothamgirl ago

No had, it's been reported, can you stop making false allegations. How many alts do you have, this is ridiculous?

Shizy ago

What are you taking about? What was reported? I'm just asking about your illogical outrage over doxxing and concern for the family on one forum but not another, and you accuse me of having alts! Pretty funny coming from the person who has been accused of that all day 🤔

Gothamgirl ago

You said I have cp on my phone and I don't I was correcting you.

I did not accuse you of having alts, it was a question.

Shizy ago

I asked a question about you having child porn on your phone. Your question to me was "how many alts do you have?" Which is a lot different than simply asking if I have alts. Don't play dumb, you're a tricky one and you know why you're doing. I know it to so there's no point in playing games and toying with me. It's not worth your time. I never had a problem with you before, but the way you're acting now is pathetic.

Gothamgirl ago

No you implied I still have porn on my phone there is a difference.

srayzie ago

Oh really @Gothamgirl...

Are you saying I faked messages? I have NEVER faked a screenshot.

I have screenshots of you too girlfriend. Many! Because you were connected with FlynnLives. I felt FlynnLives was connected to Sarah. You are connected to both. Sarah was connected to Jem. You 4 people had a connection. I can gather allllll of your guys’ shit to prove it. But, THAT would be doxing.

Prove that even one of my screenshots are fake!
Why would I do that?
Why would I purposely be malicious to someone that died?

Look at this bullshit...
@think- @Vindicator @Shizy

Vindicator ago

Look at this bullshit...

Yeah...we appear to be in the Great Bullshit Blizzard of 2018. I'm pretty amazed, actually.

Gothamgirl ago

Good while your at it tell everyone who Q really is cause it was figured out months ago.

srayzie ago

Oh should I show them the time you tried to convince me that FlynnLives was Q too?

think- ago

Oh really @Gothamgirl...

Are you saying I faked messages?

Yep. Obviously she ran out of arguments.

Gothamgirl ago

Ran out of arguments no, I went to dinner.

srayzie ago

Yeah, you have a lot of those.

think- ago

This is not Free speech

Pointing out that a Youtuber has been / was a limited hangout is certainly free speech.

'Free speech' doesn't mean 'speech that Gothamgirl approves of'.

....done by someone who has faked messages before.

Why does this post have any value with most likely fake screenshots?

That @srayzie forged the screenshots is a ridiculous claim, @Gothamgirl.

Srayzie has had close interactions with Jem777 over a long period of time. What she is posting here is only a tiny part of it. She didn't post the messages that contain more private information.

srayzie ago

I must have faked the fuckin video too @Gothamgirl

Gothamgirl ago

Who the fucks knows you faked messages to me, and for that I don't trust you anymore.

srayzie ago

I’ve never faked any messages to you either. I’ve never trusted you. Just so that you can’t twist everything I say again in the future, don’t write me again.

Gothamgirl ago

She may not for this post, but she most certainly has in my inbox towards me, she just quickly deleted it too, I am trying to find my copies now and someone here has visually seen them.

srayzie ago

she just quickly deleted it too,

LOL. Yeah. I have that ability. That whole fricken website went down Gothamgirl. All of my screenshots I used for my stickies were lost.

Go ahead. Continue making a fool out of yourself. What else do you have?

@Think- So if Gothamgirl thinks that sharing my “sneaky faked” screenshots, doesn’t that mean that she doesn’t consider that doxing? Is that free speech? Because I have many of her because she’s connected to Sarah and FlynnLives.

The only way I’m sneaky is I’m able to call bullshit on fakes. Then I prove it. You’re opening up a can of worms that will turn around and bite you on your OWN ASS.

@Vindicator @Shizy

Gothamgirl ago

Stop you are Sara, your not fooling anyone. I have not doxed you liar. You are sneaky, you pasted together a bunch of lies, and tried to set me up with a married man, your a psychopath and disgusting. The only reason I don't post it, is because I don't want embarrass him, and his family.

"Opening up a can of worms that will bit me in my ass" - sounds like a threat wtf does that mean. I don't fear in the slightest bit.

srayzie ago

What married man? FlynnLives? Was he married? Because you had such a crush on him so I talked to him for you.

Is this who you are talking about?

You were so excited that I got him to admit he liked you. Now you say he’s married? Hmmm.

You sound just like Sarah now. You’re true colors are coming out.

Now she says I’m threatening her...
@think- @Vindicator @Shizy

Gothamgirl ago

Now? No you knew then. Your the one who has a fetish for married men you expressed that often. I have 1 account only. Anyone can clearly see that is fake. Again Sara is you and your not fooling anyone.

srayzie ago

I don’t know if that freak is religious or not. I know you liked him and he liked you. I shared that he liked you. You tried to use that screenshot as if I’m keeping secrets.

srayzie ago

That proves he’s religious? I thought you wanted to stop. Should we continue? I have a lot. It’s up to you.

srayzie ago

Sarah tried that one too. She tried to post that I was having an affair with a married woman. You sound just like her now.

If I had a fetish for married men, you wouldn’t be the one that I would tell my secrets to.

You are an idiot. I’ve never trusted you and I would never tell you about any of my sexual “fetishes”.

think- ago

think- ago

You might also want to ping @new4now, @Plan1988, @seekingpeace, @Shizy and @bopper.

new4now ago


although not good news to some, it really needed to come out

Webb seems to be capitalizing on her death, I'm not sure of that yet.

from what I heard, she was definetly on a mission

problem is, its the same people, the only people that have her story

and I'm not sure these people are trust worthy

so much fake news in media has made me a Doubting Thomas

srayzie ago

What has George Webb been doing since? How is he capitalizing?

new4now ago

on the day I looked it was Task Force Jenny Moore repetitively in at least 4 twits

been watching it

that's what I have meant I have been looking into him

to say he's a character is an understatement

when his vids would pop up here I never watched much and ended up not even clicking on them anymore

check it out

srayzie ago

I’ll have to watch one of his newer videos.

new4now ago

he has multiple twitters and vid names

the one link, when I found it first 4 twits were of Jenny, didn't really look at what his new stuff is, tried to get link to you before I went out to eat

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you

srayzie ago

I was about to ping you too @Bopper

srayzie ago

I did 4 of them already silly

think- ago

No, only two, silly. :-P

srayzie ago

Lol. Oops. 🤬

think- ago

;-) :-P