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think- ago

@srayzie, I am going to sticky this for a while.

Gothamgirl ago

How fucking disgusting.

think- ago

Free speech is fucking disgusting? Noted.

Also noted that you obviously don't realize we stickied two posts about Jem777 with two completely different views.

Gothamgirl ago

This is not Free speech, what makes it disgusting is-this is malicious done by someone who has faked messages before.

Why does this post have any value with most likely fake screenshots? What she provided is in no way any proof.

Are you saying it's ok to dox a pizzagater when they die, do you not understand they still have family?

Shizy ago

George Webb is the one who actually doxxed Jenny Moore soooo.....are you disgusted with him too?

@srayzie @think-

srayzie ago

No. She’s only disgusted with me and thinks I planted child porn on her phone. So, while trying to make me look evil, she admitted she had child porn on her phone!

Shizy ago

She has child porn on her phone and admits it?!

Gothamgirl ago

No had, it's been reported, can you stop making false allegations. How many alts do you have, this is ridiculous?

Shizy ago

What are you taking about? What was reported? I'm just asking about your illogical outrage over doxxing and concern for the family on one forum but not another, and you accuse me of having alts! Pretty funny coming from the person who has been accused of that all day 🤔

Gothamgirl ago

You said I have cp on my phone and I don't I was correcting you.

I did not accuse you of having alts, it was a question.

Shizy ago

I asked a question about you having child porn on your phone. Your question to me was "how many alts do you have?" Which is a lot different than simply asking if I have alts. Don't play dumb, you're a tricky one and you know why you're doing. I know it to so there's no point in playing games and toying with me. It's not worth your time. I never had a problem with you before, but the way you're acting now is pathetic.

Gothamgirl ago

No you implied I still have porn on my phone there is a difference.