ESOTERICshade ago

Get his ASS @dragonkiller. He follows me around and down votes every comment I make no matter what its about. I told him his wagon could get wrecked. He didn't listen. Take his ass below zero. And Thank ya....

dragonkiller ago

Nigger, you nigger argosciv, you have awakened the dragon. Check your dashboard because your account could go minus zero REAL QUICK.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5955) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

NotHereForPizza ago

what the fuck?

why do I have anything to do with AJ or corsi?

Look up Mel Rockefeller leaks and fuck off of me

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Is argosciv a tranny??? I hate trannies, feel free to downvoat me for that.

argosciv ago

Addendum 14:

Added: (Obvious pretender, also has inaccessible comment history - same issue encountered with 2 others in this list)

2 other accounts whose comment histories are(or were temporarily) inaccessible:

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @kevdude (Let PuttItOut know, please)

srayzie ago

AaronRouseFBI is Sarah. She decided to threaten me on Twitter that day as well.

ChristopherPaddock and Yokoke are also Sarah. Probably several more. She’s really acting up since Jem died. I’ve sent some of you private messages explaining more.

@Vindicator @Crensch @Think-

@Camulos, I will be writing you later about “Sarah”. She’s at least half of those profiles on the shill list.

argosciv ago

Addendum 14:

Added: (Obvious pretender, also has inaccessible comment history - same issue encountered with 2 others in this list)

cc: @Vindicator (let PuttItOut know, please)

argosciv ago

Addendum 13:

Removed: (Removed again after having read through the responses in this thread by Crensch in v/whatever)

Sorry for the rapid nature of addendums 11, 12 and 13.

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @carmencita

argosciv ago

Addendum 12:

Reinstated: (Reinstated until further notice, I have only just now come across this thread by Crensch in v/whatever)

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch

argosciv ago

Addendum 11:

Removed: (Removed for now as a show of good faith)

cc: @Vindicator @carmencita

argosciv ago

Addendum 10:

Removed: (Removed per new relevant thread posted by themselves, linked below and on list under "See also:")

New relevant thread:

cc: @kingkongwaswrong @Vindicator @ben_matlock @Cc1914

Cc1914 ago

Do you mind telling me what your going on about now ?

argosciv ago

Just an addendum saying that you've been removed from the list, due to the thread you posted re: GW.

Like I said, the list changes in relation to new observations.

You are, of course, free to continue hating and/or smearing me, but, I figured you'd want to be notified of your name being taken off the list.

Gothamgirl ago

Just out of curiosity how do you know that subverse was made by Amalek? And who is that even?

argosciv ago

Voat's worst shill(voatwide), take a look at the threads there.

argosciv ago

think- ago

LOL - thank you for reminding me that I intended to look into @dragonkiller's comment history. :-)

dragonkiller ago

I am the argosciv pesticide. You can count on me.

think- ago

So who is @argosciv?

'I drink blood on occasion of consent'

Here he is talking about 'sex magick', probably a la Crowley, whom he constantly defends. But please correct me if you got your sex magick shit from someone else, @argosciv:

'A lot of people don't know how to react when first confronted with the idea that blood/sex magick can be performed in a consensual context'

I will look at @dragonkiller's comment history, maybe I will find more screenshots, I will add then add them later.

@Crensch @Camulos @srayzie

bopper ago

I ate blood pudding once...

jangles ago


bopper ago

I know.

think- ago

argosciv ago

Addendum 7:

Added: (Raising unrelated subject RE: Wisconsin in srayzie's Jem777 sticky linked at bottom of list)

cc: @kingkongwaswrong @Vindicator @ben_matlock

Gothamgirl ago

Just to clarify I am not Amalek or whoever that is, and the other person who followed me around here, was leaving messages on my comments. There is more then one of them too. Pretty sure it was supposed to be connected to cicada3301. Which educates about the past, and all the way into the future in the biblical way, was my point of view on them. Just have to be a compulsive digger, it spans the entire internet. I think thats why I understand the chatbot trolls, they leave clues everywhere, it's not until you have seen all, do you understand. They gave me some sha256 keys too, that I have idea what to do with. Could possibly be related to this post. So if anyone has a clue inbox me, and I will find them.

srayzie ago

Wrong. You and Sarah play games. You’re part of it. I’ve said it for a long time.

Gothamgirl ago


I don't really no about Sara, it said Sara and Sony desta on the wall of Besta with a picture of a child on circle table. (Sony is the company) I think Sara, is Sara Palin.

Remember the pic of Trump and her eating Pizza with a fork. He was telling them it's over.

Then on google maps you can clearly see a Homeland security agent is being arrested.

On the door of Besta in DC is a flyer for the child literacy program. That's how kids were snatched in Virginia wasn't it? We covered it here, and most recently happened again on the West coast.

Then next to that is a Coke sign. It is a pizzashop so could be nothing. But Besta has a pedo logo so.. There is something called the "secret soda" Which from scouring internet I believe is a spiked date rape drink. Corey feldman and others were part of the "soda pop kids club."

The spinx on the wall I have 2 theories. It's a trigger for mind control programming. And/or it was to represent the false flag sacrifice in Vegas to the Spinx, pyramid and phallus.

Next door to that you have Red Fox owned by Fox Rothschild. He was the lawyer for wikileaks I believe? and the lawyer for "SONY", for a movie called "Heaven" Maybe It's a future psyop. They do have Jesus's remenants and shroud. Is AI used with DNA today?

Then you have Aliens on the wall at Comet maybe another mind control trigger. This Alien psyop stems from Project grudge and in Scientology- Alien means their god.

The chat bot trolls show an elf on Besta Pizza's window. This Besta Pizza was actually in Long Island Ny, Hillary's stomping grounds. We never even looked into it. Have you ever heard of Elf gun?

If you can't read the symbolism then it's your flaw not mine, I put in work.

srayzie ago

You said you were not Amalek. Most of those in the shill list are Sara alts, as I’m sure you are aware.

I know all about that. Sarah showed me! What a coincidence.

You and your puzzle talk really need to go. Before you thought Q was Cicada 3301, you thought FlynnL1ve5 was Q.

Shizy ago

That was kind of a odd (and ridiculously long and off topic) response from her over you saying she is Sarah! Weird!

argosciv ago

Crap, wish I saw this before I finished up with Addendum 6.

Will adjust list again shortly.

argosciv ago

You can add these to your list that comment on my posts.

I'll say this for now before I look closer at them again:

I don't think @srayzie is behind these accounts. They're incredibly suspicious, but, I doubt it's srayzie operating them.

cc: @kingkongwaswrong @Vindicator @ben_matlock

Gothamgirl ago

No those are not her.

argosciv ago

Oh wow... yeah okay, I see what you mean... what the actual fuck?

Gothamgirl ago

Yup and they have major skills in search capabilities, in the likes I have never seen before. They even knew about wikileaks drops in advance.

Don't forget was using Q's to replace another letter in their texts, the site was then taken down and Q went public, my opinion is, it is all one apparatus.

argosciv ago

Can't say synt rings a bell, but, having a quick look around, they openly admitted to being disinfo; not surprising it went down.

Doubt they're connected to Q at all, from what I can gather so far.

Gothamgirl ago

It went into how frequencies effects humans, it gave Podesta emails all reguarding a museum, an app they use, how they use weather, etc. Those people didn't keep going, I did, so they only saw that piece. You have to see all them, to understand. It lead to:

Laughing horses orifice headquarters, which is the pizzagate container of George Bushes timeframe, also shows how dark art is used and includes mk ultra logs, flight logs. It looks like it's written by a crazy person. Every word has meaning, it's tedious and time consuming. I tried to copy the entire site here as requested by Psychanaut. Who I thought was a great researcher, and felt pushed out of pizzagate.

argosciv ago

Eh, easy to get caught up in all that stuff and then think the worst.

I'm not going to waste any extra time pawing through obvious bs. Those accounts were definitely trying to rope in various researchers to mislead them - seems to have worked on a few and left them wondering what they can and can't trust.

I'll pass on some other concerns to @Vindicator in private.

Gothamgirl ago

I am not defending any of these individuals just expressing what I thought it was.

argosciv ago

I'll take a look, but honestly not looking for suggestions.

I should really get back to more important work.

Cc1914 ago

@carmencita @gothamgirl I think you should see that we’ve been added to a list of users that are “ suspicious “ 😂 by none other than dragon boy himself !

argosciv ago

Spoiler alert, I've already spoken to Gothamgirl, though, not carmencita yet.

You clearly don't understand the "dragon" reference either - which is fine, it's a bit obscure.

Gothamgirl ago

It's all good, I know the truth will come out.

think- ago

This user has only been calling out you, @argosciv, for being a blood drinking satanist.

think- ago

@Camulus @Crensch @Vindicator @Cc1914: please see parent. Nice try on the side of @argosciv to imply that his enemy here on v/pizzagate is part of the shill network. The user was able to prove their allegations against @argosciv with screenshots. Calling out someone who is constantly pushing satanism and vampirism ion v/pizzagate s hardly shillish.

think- ago

@Shizy @Cc1914: please see parent and discussion in thread.

Cc1914 ago

I wonder if he added me after he sent me this PM that I completely ignored! Trying to get me on board with @srayzie being a shill ! Not gonna happen @argosciv . You also don’t like the fact that I believe “ blood “ is sacred in the eyes of God and shouldn’t be misused . You call your self a dragon ( a real dragon ) and lust for blood . This is why we are on your list , because we called you out on the blood drinking !?

Shizy ago

What kind of game is this guy playing? Thank you for sharing that. I just pinged you because further down in he comments on this thread he has you listed on one of his shill lists!

srayzie ago

Onboard with Srayzie being a shill? So after showing you Part 1 and Part 2 of the Jem/Sarah games didn’t prove to you that I’m not lying? I’m a shill to you?

argosciv ago

Note also: the list is regarding suspicious behavior, not an explicit accusation of being "shills".

argosciv ago

Actually, you were added well before that - I've been keeping an eye on a lot of things and as said numerous times already, the list changes as new observations are made.

As for the pm I sent you, which was also well after you were added, it was not to "get you on board with srayzie being a shill", it was thanking you for speaking your mind about her.

I stand by calling it bullshit.

If I was sure she was a "shill", I'd say so quite explicitly - as it stands, I've had numerous conversations with @Vindicator who as assured me that srayzie is not a shill - I trust him over everyone else bar PuttItOut and the devs. I've already made Putt aware of my list here too.

think- ago

If I was sure she was a "shill", I'd say so quite explicitly

No, you are instigating other people to believe that @srayzie is a shill behind her back. (See the screenshot above of your PM to @Cc1914. Even if you don't actually call her 'a shill', and wouldn't dare to do so in public.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

Cc1914 ago

Thank you for pointing that out because , when I saw that message from him , I knew he was up to no good ! And as far as thanking me for calling anyone out .. I wasn’t intending for it to look that way at all . I was in shock and probably should have thought longer before I spoke .

think- ago

I understand, @Cc1914. @Jangles now changed his mind, btw.

Cc1914 ago

I didn’t know that thanks 🙂

jangles ago

this is correct

think- ago

Welcome. ;-)

Cc1914 ago

Maybe you didn’t use the word “shill” but when you say someone is suspicious and has been on your radar ( as if you were the authority on things ) what else does it mean ? And what behavior of mine is suspicious? The fact that you believe your a real dragon and you’ve admitted to consuming blood ? Am I suspicious for pointing that out ? Or is it because I had a strong opinion about the death of a fellow researcher?

argosciv ago

Notice that I haven't downvoted you in here, despite the downvote brigading aimed at me?

You can say what you want, I'm keeping an eye out for many things, some which won't be mentioned. Do whatever you like.

Again, though, you don't understand the "dragon" reference, so, that's why you think that I believe that, when in actuality I don't.

Props to you for finally using the right word, "consuming", though.

Cc1914 ago

I’m not downvoating either , but thanks for the reminder I will now . I don’t want to understand because knowing you drink blood shows your blatant disregard for Gods command to abstain from it . Acts 15:20 but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood.

Now if you didn’t know better and you didn’t know what God’s word says about blood , it would be different . So you can call me suspicious all you want . I don’t have alts and people can see my history archived for nearly 2 years . I have no agenda other than exposing the evil that is raping our innocent children . If people want to talk about Bible truths , that’s something else I’m very passionate about .

Shizy ago

AMEN!!! Christians will never be "tolerant" or "accepting" of satanic blood drinkers and no amount of pretending to be a decent human being will ever change that. God has told us what is acceptable and unacceptable, and God doesn't change!

Cc1914 ago

Wow thank you for that @shizy that’s how I feel with a passion 😊

argosciv ago

Aaand there you go getting it(wording) wrong again and joining the brigade.

Your choice, though.

As for all the rest, believe what you want.

think- ago

You were the one who talked about drinking blood. For better visibility, I will post screenshots of it above.

think- ago

I wonder if he added me after he sent me this PM that I completely ignored! Trying to get me on board with @srayzie being a shill !

@argosciv called @srayzie a shill, and said she called him a pedo.

Well, these are usual 101 shill tactics, what did we expect? /s He's been promoting satanism and blood drinking, so he can take his satanist ass and fuck off.

And since @srayzie and me called him out, he has doubled his bootlicking whenever he meets @Vindicator on a thread.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

Cc1914 ago

Please send link as everything is completely buried in comments

think- ago

Link to thread:

By clicking 'context' in your comment replies inbox under a comment, you can see the comment parent.

Hope this helps.

Cc1914 ago

Doh ! What in the world !? Oh this is laughable . I’m on dragon boys list ? Since I just opened my eyes , I will have to wake up before I even attempt to read through this pile .

think- ago

@Camulous @Crensch @Vindicator: please see parent. Nice try on the side of @argosciv to imply that his enemy here on v/pizzagate is part of the shill network. The user was able to prove their allegations against @argosciv with screenshots. Calling out someone who is constantly pushing satanism and vampirism ion v/pizzagate s hardly shillish.

Z14 ago

I am in your list of suspicious accounts, must say not that surprised, since starting to dig deeper into the situation here on Voat.

May I ask however while mine is the only account from the Z(x-number) to make the list with any activity on Voat at all, why did you not include A(x) or G(x) or R(x) or U(x) or any other alphabet letter with a number other than corresponding to my name? Most of those letters have valid accounts 1 through 7 at least.

Is it because I am questioning the banning of Jem777 / Jenny Moore? Why asking questions is suspicious according to you?

argosciv ago

Addendum 5:

New category:

Showing signs of redemption and/or willingness to walk away from suspicious behavior:

Or possibly changing behavior as a "hide in plain sigh" defense, in light of new developments: AMALEK?

cc: @kingkongwaswrong @Vindicator @ben_matlock

Shizy ago

@Cc1914 apparently you have been involved in "suspicious behavior"! See parent

Cc1914 ago

yes I saw that 🙄

argosciv ago

Addendum 3: (New member of ~45 minutes at time of being added to list - first comment went straight to ESOTERICshade) AMALEK! AMALEK!

cc: @kingkongwaswrong @Vindicator @ben_matlock

Camulos ago

Very interesting. You've done an excellent job at cataloging suspicious users, many whom I've seen myself spreading their laughable shit. As far was questioning Q however, I think that's a good thing. I believe Q to be nothing but an elaborate larp and not worthy of the attention it's received thus far. Especially by any free and critical thinking person.

Users like @RIPJem are clearly either easily manipulated fools or part of a disinfo campaign perhaps associated with the one that I brought to light that you graciously linked in the OP. It's clear to me (and obviously you too) that there are those that are working very hard to subvert multiple communities here on voat. I guess that just means we're on the right track :)

Accounts like @PutItOut seem to be troll accounts, @SweetChicken just seems to have wandered into /v/fatpeoplehate which is run by reddit faggots that like to choke themselves on tranny cock. @SpeakSoft just seems to be a bit of a religious nut, nothing too much wrong with that lol and @truth_s33ker just likes Alex Jones, I mean some people think that because I listen to David Alan Coe that means I'm a piece of shit. They're wrong, but they're entitled to be wrong if they so chose haha

Great job @argosciv you've certainly done your due diligence in collecting and presenting much of this info.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents, I know it might not fall in line with the rest of the Pizzagate folks but honestly, I don't give a shit. God bless and keep your damn eyes open. There is far too much disinfo that's made its way into this community and the damage has already been done. Just stay vigilant.

think- ago

@RIPJem777 is certainly part of the disinfo campaign. @SpeakSoft is a shill imo, although maybe not connected to the network we are talking about here.

And OP @argosciv is a shill who is pushing satanism and blood drinking (on the anti-Satanism v/pizzagate sub not less), and bootlicking mods, trying to make them forget that he himself is a shill.

Although he is of course not connected to above network but he has his own agenda,. He has been on the mod shill watch list for a long time, and recently both mod @srayzie and I have started to call him out in public.

think- ago

Vindicator ago

@Camulos, @Crensch, I do not agree that argosciv is a shill. Think- 's statement that "He has been on the mod shill watch list for a long time" is not accurate. As far as I know, she is the only mod who thinks he is a shill.

Over the past several days, I have tried to get @argosciv, think-, @srayzie and @shizy to stop attacking each other since we have enough drama at the moment already and this is all a distraction.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator I DO think he’s a shill. But I’m willing to back off for you. I don’t want the added drama to cause more stress for you, or anyone. But I definitely do not like him or his Satanic talk. I think he says a lot of disinfo too.

@Think- @Shizy @Crensch

Vindicator ago

Fair enough. I stand corrected.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

argosciv has been a troll from day one.

srayzie ago

Fair enough about what? GothamGirl?

Crensch ago

He is most certainly on my shit list as somebody who Writes a lot of claims and supports none of them. His comments are a massive waste of time and I've yet to see evidence to the contrary.

He might not be part of the new wildfire but he's certainly an ember that continues to cause problems.

If we're talking about these users attacking each other in comments, I don't much see the point of trying to get them to stop. As long as the mod Powers aren't being abused, and sub verse rules aren't being broken, I'm not sure there's much that can be done.

Argo has been a thorn in my side for a long time, but he didn't seem to cause too many problems with the mods or sub verse so I let it go. I assumed his posts follow the rules and we're left up despite only ever seeing his comments be complete horseshit.

As for think-'s statement, at least two other mods are not fond of so it's not entirely inaccurate. I caution against the use use of the mods as a collective group that has a static unchanging list between us of who is who and how bad each user is.

I'll be sure to make a post about Argo in a few hours when I am able.

think- ago

@Camulos, @Crensch, I do not agree that argosciv is a shill. Think- 's statement that "He has been on the mod shill watch list for a long time" is not accurate.

I better don't comment on this.

SoberSecondThought ago

We Need An Investigation Here

@argosciv @Vindicator

Camulos, over in v/ProtectVoat, you posted this long list on the 2nd of August. At the very top of the list, you had an extra-long entry regarding this person: Jem777/Mej777, which read: and < Appears to be real accounts, but there's always one of the other bots welcoming him back whenever he posts in a thread. And many of them seem to ping him whenever a certain buzzword is said ( not sure about that list ).

Now, first of all, you've misgendered Jem, which is a common mistake around here. It is a bit sloppy if you're going to accuse that person of leading an army of trolls and sockpuppets, but whatever.

Second, it's easy to check the account histories and see that the last activity by Jem777 was in November 2017, while the last activity by Mej777 was on 16 December 2017. So what are you referring to when you claim that "there's always one of the other bots welcoming him back whenever he posts in a thread". When was anyone welcoming either of these accounts back? Back from where?

My third point is going to be uncomfortable for everyone, but there's no getting around it. Go and do a search on Google for "Voat Jem777" and restrict the date range to Dec 16 through August 3rd (that is, from the last time she posted on Voat to just after you called her out.). You'll find absolutely nothing (except for some spurious links to the True Pundit report of her death 11 days later).

There has only been one time that anyone has mentioned Jem777 on Voat since she left. That was when you denounced her two weeks ago as leading an army of trolls and sockpuppets. And then she died.

My Theory At This Point

I suppose some people might argue that we don't know for sure that she died, or even that Jem777 was Jenny Moore. But if you look at the screenshots provided by srayzie, you'll see that she corresponded privately with Jem777 and that Jem not only confirmed that she was working with George Webb under the working name "TaskForce," but even shared pictures from the time she went with Webb to Comet Pizza to taunt and intimidate Jimmy Comet.

So I'm strongly inclined to believe that Jem777 was Jenny Moore / TaskForce. And while the police investigation into her death has only just begun, and it may yet prove to have been from natural causes, I find two things very, very strange and disturbing indeed.

The first strange thing is that on the 2nd of August, Camulos attacked her as an enemy of Voat, with absolutely no supporting evidence, indeed totally out of the blue given that there had been no activity by her in eight months. And then she was found dead August 14th.

The second strange thing is that she went back to Comet Pizza on July 6th (see this video she made), which is the same day that True Pundit says that she filed documents with Homeland Security alleging that Bill Clinton molested a young boy.

Could it be that the young boy was provided by the child trafficking organization run by James Alefantis? Could this have been sufficient provocation for the Clinton criminal organization to decide to kill her? Obviously that's speculation on my part. But what is not speculation is that absolutely nobody was talking about this woman on Voat, until Camulos decided to attack her reputation two weeks ago.

So let's say for argument's sake that my long-standing theory is true, namely that David Brock pays a guy to come here every day and spread disinfo using a huge variety of sockpuppets. And let's suppose that the decision was made by the Clinton gang to kill Jenny Moore. Word was sent down to this guy, not necessarily that she was going to be killed, but that her reputation needed to be attacked because she was going to come out with some damaging claims. So he pulled out one of his sockpuppets, Camulos, and did as he was told. Only because he was in a hurry, and because he's a lazy stoner, and especially because he quite likely didn't know what a big deal Jenny Moore was soon going to become, he didn't bother to back up his claims with any actual evidence. In keeping with his usual practice as Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt or HighLevelInsider, he just made vague accusations.

Would you care to comment on all this, @Camulos? I think you should.

Vindicator ago

Word was sent down to this guy, not necessarily that she was going to be killed, but that her reputation needed to be attacked because she was going to come out with some damaging claims. So he pulled out one of his sockpuppets, Camulos, and did as he was told.

Sorry, SST. You are wrong. Jem has been on that bot list since long before @Camulos started maintaining it: There is no correlation between his posting of the list and Jem's alleged death, timingwise. His recent posting of the list was an update adding new names to the bottom of the list. I stickied it in v/pizzagate because we were getting a rash of shitposts from a number of the users on the list, in the same style as the bot net posters. He did not submit it to v/pizzagate himself, and had no idea there was any connection to Jenny Moore prior to last weekend (nor did I). I took down the bot sticky several days before any posts were made about her, in fact.

I find it very interesting that the only time you make a post, it is to associate or conflate yet another Voater to your own shill list.

SoberSecondThought ago

I find it very interesting that the only time you make a post, it is to associate or conflate yet another Voater to your own shill list.

Just to respond to this: I would say I've raised this particular question in a very responsible way. I didn't go into either of the two big Jem threads, I raised it here where maybe a dozen people have seen it in total. And my policy in general has been just to keep my mouth shut since my theories are unpopular. So short of simply going away and ceasing to advocate for my theory altogether, I don't think I could tone it down a lot more.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, fair enough. I did not see the earlier reference to Jem. My mistake, and I'll admit that. Sorry to @Camulos for not understanding his more limited role in generating the list.

However, since I have you here, I need to ask: Have you now concluded that Jem was indeed Jenny? I was unsure myself when the news first broke, as I remarked to you. But I was persuaded by srayzie's evidence, such as the screenshot of her asking, "Are you Taskforce?" and Jem answering "Yes." So is your only remaining puzzle the question of whether she is actually dead?

Vindicator ago

No, I have yet to see definitive evidence that Jenny admitted to being Jem. I've seen a lot of evidence that Jem said she was Jenny on both Voat and Twitter. One user has said he spoke to her on Voat and then met her in person, but he could not provide anything more than his own personal testimony to that effect.

SoberSecondThought ago

One user has said he spoke to her on Voat and then met her in person, but he could not provide anything more than his own personal testimony to that effect.

Right, I saw that exchange, but then doesn't Occam's Razor kind of narrow it down here? Srayzie has a picture that she got from Jem of George Webb standing in the doorway of the Little Red Fox, just next door to Comet Pizza. She has long private texts from Jem saying that they went there together in December to intimidate Jimmy Comet after they started working together. And in George Webb's "Epilogue" regarding Jenny, he specifically says that he and Jenny/Taskforce had been working together for "eight or nine months" (For context, start listening at about 8:15, he says it at 8:40.)

Seems like there's not much room here for alternative hypotheses. I admit that Jem telling srayzie in December that she was Taskforce, and had just started working with Webb, when taken by itself could be a lie. But how did Jem manage to get a picture of George Webb at the Little Red Fox, on her own phone, dated Dec 15th, if she wasn't Jenny/Taskforce?

I realize that you and I have recently been developing a kind of a negative dynamic where I propose ideas to you, and you don't buy them -- but this is srayzie's story that I'm just repeating to you. I obviously disagree with srayzie on some things but I really can't argue with that photograph.

Vindicator ago

Srayzie has a picture that she got from Jem of George Webb standing in the doorway of the Little Red Fox, just next door to Comet Pizza.

I saw pictures of Webb. Did I miss a picture of Jenny and Webb? If Webb and Jem are working to subvert Jenny (and Webb today doxed the victim guy Jenny was supposedly helping out Bill Clinton as a boy rapist and claimed the guy was a sting operation implying he killed her), Jem providing pics of Webb doesn't prove anything.

On the other hand, from the sounds of the interview with Gritz, who told OAN she neither knew Jenny's identity nor saw any of her research, it may well be that Webb/Jenn/Jem were running a multiplatform psyop on Gritz herself. I find it fishy that the only place Jem/Jenny was held accountable for her claims -- v/pizzagate -- is the place she left when challenged, after of course making all kinds of claims of being victimized and attempting to round up a posse in retaliation.

I really don't know what is/was going on.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, so I agree that the sheer volume of stuff that George Webb puts out does render the story harder to follow. That has always been a problem with him, and I intend to come back to that. But again, in that same OAN piece, we have the anchor saying that the Prince George county police "released a statement" that they found a dead woman. Later in the story we have Robyn Gritz saying that she was contacted by a Prince George county detective using info found in the woman's effects, and that was when she found out her friend's full name was Jenny Moore. Right? So that's pretty strong evidence that a woman has died and her name was Jenny Moore. The same OAN clip shows a picture of Jenny Moore, and unless you want to argue that OAN is part of the scam, I think we have to take it as given that this is the woman who was found at the scene.

I saw pictures of Webb. Did I miss a picture of Jenny and Webb?

I think maybe you did. Aug 18th in Webb's Twitter timeline is a picture of him standing with the dead woman from the OAN broadcast, calling her Jenny Moore. So from George Webb's side of the story, I think we have to conclude that he did indeed work with a woman named Jenny Moore, who is now dead. And then given that minimum, I go back to Jem's photo of George Webb in December, vouched for by srayzie, and I also see no alternative to Jem being Jenny.

I hope to say more on the victim guy and general George Webb / Jem credibility problems in a separate note, maybe tomorrow. But just to ensure we're on the same page, I agree that Jem made a lot of unsupported claims, got into some pointless fights, and was quite rightly banned under the rules. Also, not that it really matters, but Jem didn't like my theories and was suspicious of me on the rare occasions we interacted. I'm not defending an ally here, just trying to get at the truth.

I don't know if her research into the Newport yacht case was sound, and I don't know if Webb's posthumous take on it is sound either. I'm not claiming she was a good researcher, just that she worked hard at it and clearly cared about it. Right now I'm just trying to establish whether Jenny Moore is dead (I think she is) and whether she was Jem (which I think she was). With those facts established, we might start to find our way out of this forest of confusion.

Vindicator ago

I agree, it sounds like Jenny is dead and she was working with Webb. I'm not positive that Jem is Jenny.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay. But then apart from the other questions I've already raised, what was the objective when Jem told two people in private eight months ago that she was Jenny? Somehow she managed to go to Comet with George Webb and mess with Alefantis, making it possible for her to pose as Taskforce, who according to Webb was working with him starting at about that same time. Somehow George Webb never mentions this second woman who he went to Comet with, he only mentions Taskforce. But this other woman, Jem, realizes that it is possible for her to pretend to BE Taskforce using her photo of Webb, and she has some motive for doing that. And then the only person she uses the photo on is srayzie? And then she never, ever does anything more with that information but just leaves Voat, abandons the Jem/Mej identity, and leaves it up to srayzie's sole discretion to share the photo with us when Jenny dies? Who is she scamming by doing that? Srayzie? What does she get from doing that? Where does she get leverage or credibility if the photo just sits in srayzie's inbox?

You made a remark a while back about me getting too wrapped up in my theory and needing to just go take a walk or something. I took that in the helpful spirit it was intended. Let me return the favor. You've been criticized very heavily, and unfairly, over the past few days. People openly asking if you should be removed as mod has to suck. Apart from defending your own actions, you also want to maintain solidarity with the other mods, which I understand. And I'm sure you, just like me, are heartily sick of taking a stand and then having it proved wrong a day later.

But if you just step back from this whole mess, I think you'll see that THIS part of it is pretty straightforward. Jem may have been a malicious, disruptive, forum-wrecking idiot with no redeeming values. I think that's excessive, but for argument's sake grant that. Or we might grant the opposite, take RIPJem's point of view, and see her as a saint and a hero who was murdered by the Clintons. Again, we're a long way from proving that theory too. My point is motive doesn't matter here. What matters is that she gave those photos to srayzie in private and they stayed private until now. She didn't tell srayzie she was Jenny Moore, she told her she was Taskforce. And srayzie didn't tell anyone else. You can't build an identity scam on that, or a long con. There's no nefarious plan that can be constructed on that foundation. It just is what it is.

Vindicator ago

Sorry. I guess I missed where Jenny said she was in control of the Taskforce Twitter.

you, just like me, are heartily sick of taking a stand and then having it proved wrong a day later.

Not sure what "stand" "proved wrong" you are referring to, here. ?

SoberSecondThought ago

No stand in particular. I was speaking in general terms.

Camulos ago

Well said.

argosciv ago

Can't say I disagree with what you're saying there.

The whole situation is beyond messy and I'm also wanting clarity on the central & peripheral events/persons. The point of my particular list here is to keep track of accounts which have demonstrated some amount of suspicious activity in regards to the timing of the Jem777/Mej777 situation and a few other names such as those mentioned in the thread title. (Some accounts listed have a long history of suspicious behavior, increasing in activity during the time-frame in question)

At the same time as the Jem777/Mej77 + George Webb rumblings, chatter about Jones and/or Corsi seemed to ramp up again, alongside other behaviors and topics which are repeated ad nauseum over in v/pizzagate. I have chosen to omit a few of the cues I look out for when it comes to determining suspicious behavior, so as to allow those who would present as suspicious, to continue doing so without being aware that they're on my proverbial radar.

As said in the opening statement of the main post and in a comment reply, I am not infallible and some of the accounts listed may not deserve to be - as such, I look out for not only continued suspicious behavior, but also, behaviors which pacify my concerns and thus warrant the account in question to be removed or re-categorized.

A statement on Jem777/Mej777/Jenny Moore specifically:

While keeping an eye on the relevant developments, I have arrived at the opinion(won't call it a conclusion per se, as the situation is still unfolding and I certainly don't have all the facts at hand) that Jem777 is quite likely Jenny Moore indeed & that one way or another, she is no longer on voat to weigh in on what is being said - apparent also is that much of Jem777/Jenny's posted work here, is indeed of value.

Do I know if she's been killed or otherwise died? No, I cannot be certain of that at this time.

I do have suspicions about George Webb and thus share concerns about Jenny's involvement with him - whether she was at all misleading people intentionally or otherwise. I'm not necessarily sold on the thought that she was intentionally misleading anyone, as it is possible that she was herself, being mislead by George. Equally possible, though, is that neither of them were maliciously being misleading; they are human and fallible like the rest of us.

What is clear, is that the both of them do/did put a lot of time and effort into their mission, for better or worse.

This thread/list of mine is not at all meant to be an accusation that Jem777/Jenny was a bad person, merely that I have observed suspicious behavior from some, during the time-frame in question.

Forgive me for saying it, but, mostly I don't want to have to spend much more time on the situation - I have a lot of writing to get back to on other much larger topics. An underlying concern of mine in relation to this, is that regardless of what has happened/will happen, a lot of time is being wasted on it and much division is being generated by it - I'm not proud of any part in that which I may have played in said division, but, I couldn't ignore the suspicious patterns I was noticing.

SoberSecondThought ago

I just want to point out that you and I agree on ESOTERICshade and fogdryer being very suspicious. I called them both out months ago. Here's a link to fogdryer denying he's a sockpuppet.

Ironically, if you scroll a bit further down in that same thread, you'll find a fairly lengthy post by Mej777 expressing suspicion that I'm a shill. She believed Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt's complicated and empty allegations about Racine being a center of Luciferianism. This was one of the very few occasions when Jenny and I interacted. While I was disappointed that she didn't see through WIC's empty talk, that doesn't mean she was a bad person. She was a tenacious investigator and worked very hard.

Anyway, I just wanted to make the point that yes, this whole situation is very complex, and that I certainly don't blame you for struggling to figure it out. Thanks for agreeing that I might be right.

argosciv ago

Well, not to start an argument with you here, but, as an aside:

She believed Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt's complicated and empty allegations about Racine being a center of Luciferianism. This was one of the very few occasions when Jenny and I interacted. While I was disappointed that she didn't see through WIC's empty talk, that doesn't mean she was a bad person. She was a tenacious investigator and worked very hard.

The ironic part here, is that WIC's mention of Racine is not as far off-point as you may think. Indeed, my own research snowballed thanks to WIC asking me to look at Racine - I openly disagreed with some aspects of what WIC said, however, the prompt to look closer proved invaluable as it connects up with long-running theories/suspicions which I held for years before pizzagate even broke - not necessarily with respect to Racine specifically, but, through exploring my own theories, I have come to realize what WIC was pointing us to does have connections to trafficking(humans and 'black market' resource trading) and Political/Hollywood corruption...

My research is hard for most to follow and the earliest entries are incredibly messy, but, WIC definitely provided solid prompts, mixed with what I suspect was deliberate jibber-jabber so as to maintain plausible deniability.

The WIC stuff is a topic for another thread though, really.

SoberSecondThought ago

I can't comment on your theories, obviously. But WIC was attacking Paul Ryan for reasons of his own, relating to the Glenn Beck whistleblower incident of June 2013. Continually bringing up Racine was just a way of hitting Ryan a little more indirectly, as that is his district.

But as you say, another thread.

argosciv ago

Clever ducky!

You just baited out a shill over in srayzie's Jem777 sticky.

SweetChicken ago

Yeah, I’m just a middle aged dude who luckily found Voat. When I joined I subbed everything I came across and since I was never on Reddit I had no idea of the depths of depravity I would find. My internet usage was primarily confined to message boards with no experience of the chans and stuff like that.

argosciv ago

Thanks for popping in to respond.

I freely admit to being fallible and am indeed willing to remove names if it becomes apparent that they do not belong on the list.

May take me a bit to do so, but, I very much acknowledge your response and that you aren't showing what would otherwise be warranted hostility.

SweetChicken ago

Thanks, dude. I’m open about who and what I don’t like but otherwise I’m harmless

argosciv ago

For what it's worth, it was a particular exchange you had with another far-more-suspicious person, which grabbed my attention. I'm reasonably sure about that person, but, looking through your comments, I'm very much feeling like it was a mistake to list you here. :)

SweetChicken ago

Thanks. If needed, I could provide you a few people that would vouch for me who mod a sub (theredpill).

argosciv ago

Truly not necessary, I'm happy to say that I should have taken a second or even thrid look before including you.

argosciv ago

As far was questioning Q however, I think that's a good thing. I believe Q to be nothing but an elaborate larp and not worthy of the attention it's received thus far. Especially by any free and critical thinking person.

Yeah questioning Q isn't necessarily a problem at all, it's healthy to do so. I certainly don't encourage blindly following everything Q has said and even disagree with at least some of it.

Elaborate is definitely apt, LARP or otherwise.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents, I know it might not fall in line with the rest of the Pizzagate folks but honestly, I don't give a shit. God bless and keep your damn eyes open. There is far too much disinfo that's made its way into this community and the damage has already been done. Just stay vigilant.

Thanks for the reply, I know you're not much for Q or pizzagate, figured you'd want to see this anyway - common ground and all that. Seems that there's a brigade here that utilize many areas of voat to spread disinfo and otherwise monitor/derail genuine efforts, regardless of differences between us all.

Camulos ago

I know you're not much for Q or pizzagate, figured you'd want to see this anyway - common ground and all that. Seems that there's a brigade here that utilize many areas of voat to spread disinfo and otherwise monitor/derail genuine efforts, regardless of differences between us all.

You're precisely right. Divide and conquer is as old as the hills yet it stays as relevant as ever.