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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

When George calls JA a good CIA man, he's saying, James Alefantis is a CIA man. He is not a pizzeria owner. He's doing his job and he does it well. It was not a compliment. He wasn't minimizing James Alefantis's role, in fact, he at one point claimed that he thought it was possible CPP's basement was used as an operating theater for organ recovery and harvesting. Everyone here knows JA is evil, a Satanist, a breeder, Caris James is his daughter, the MILF mom likes Scott Cummings but will loan out Caris James to daddy for trips overseas. It's all as screwed up as it could possibly be but the main reason he never goes down is because he is CIA, and a Rothschild, and he is too big to fall. Think logically.

Shizy ago

Why do you think Caris is his kid?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I went through the instagram posts with a fine toothed comb. The basic reasons are: Because of her middle name being James, he was there at the birth, because she looks like him, because he called her mom a MILF, and because when you compare the tool online at "Morphthing" with Scott and the mom, their offspring looks like the older child mom has, and when you do a morph thing tool of James and the mom, it looks like Caris. And the fact that James's mother is holding her in a photo op, looking like a proud grandma, and because she goes on a trip with James to Europe, seemingly alone with him. I don't send my kids off with a godfather for overseas trips, do you? Satanists often breed together even if they're not together, & that mom would want her daughter to be born into the Rothschild blood line, for future security. Also, contrary to what most people think, a gay Satanist WILL sleep with a woman, for breeding purposes. James Alefantis is not all he seems.

ESOTERICshade ago

Is Caris that little girl with the black and white polka dot dress holding an "orange" in a picture? That little brown headed girl?

DownvoaterSquirrel ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Interesting. You made your account here at Voat just to reply to my comment. Did I hit the nail on the head?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I made a new account from the phone because I didn't know where my children put my laptop. Then my kid took my phone again, so I'm back on the laptop now.

EricKaliberhall ago

Communicating with yourself again... Absolutely pathetic!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

No, that's me. Since everyone was downvoating me for disagreeing with Q and disagreeing with Jenny Moore being a disinformation shill and disagreeing with GW murdering Jenny, I named my new profile in honor of the CIA operatives and PIs on the board...

EricKaliberhall ago

So you made a new account with the purpose to reply to the biggest shill on v/pizzagate, not to attack the shill in question... But to agree. Yeah, that's not suspicious at all... But hey, at least you're honest. :)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

No, because I was on my phone, reading responses to my own comments and I have no idea what my password is... How is ESOTERIC Shade suspicious? Please do enlighten me...

I'd love to hear why you think I'm "suspicious."

EricKaliberhall ago

How is ESOTERIC Shade suspicious? Please do enlighten me...

I didn't say EXOTERICshill is suspicious. I said he is the biggest shill on v/pizzagate.

I'd love to hear why you think I'm "suspicious."

You defending the biggest shill on v/pizzagate is kind of suspicious... I hope that was enlightening for you.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Ok, with absolutely no reasons other than you say so? OK. You're right, I don't think he's a shill. If you wanna be paranoid about me, go ahead, that's pretty moronic but ok!

ESOTERICshade ago

You are a mod. You need to take your Q Bullly Mod Patrol Car and park it in the sidebar where the forum rules are and stay out of the comment section if you want this to be a free speech zone. You are over stepping your duties. We dont have to agree about Q as long as we take down pedophiles. Ok? Chill the fuck out bro.

EricKaliberhall ago

So the big bad bully mod (me) am not allowed to comment... When I do, I am over stepping my duties? That's hilarious.

I will always call you out for the pathetic shill that you are. And I will never be your bro!

ESOTERICshade ago

You are a mod. Your duty is to allow free speech. If you want to bully people about their views you need to demod yourself. This is very simple. By the way I like your early alert system to my comments. Very novel.

EricKaliberhall ago

You are free to say whatever you want, I'm not going stop you. What I will do however is call you out on the constant bullshit that you spew.

If you want to bully people about their views you need to demod yourself. This is very simple.

You'd like that wouldn't you... Not going to happen @EXOTERICshill. :)

auralsects ago

kill yourself, Swedish cuck. I had a guy in a totally unrelated sub call ME an alt of ES's. so clearly youre gossipy faggot spreading lies.

DE-MOD THIS ASSHOLE NOW @Vindicator @think-

think- ago

I'm a woman (a real woman, not a tranny fake one :-)), so I can't seem to figure out how to press that damn 'delete' button on the mod list sheet, sorry..... /s know, with woman having no brains and all...we're technically challenged... /s

I onnly pour woomann withoot braens sso dunno why me shoult doo favuor too yu.

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @Crensch

auralsects ago

you know what bitch, i'm thinkin they should make ME a mod at this point

your submissions:

32 submissions to pizzagate

21 submissions to Wildlife


think- ago

You think I'm interested in what a gay trannie camel jockey is thinking? WRONG, babe.

You found some nice dresses in the summer sale?

@Shizy @srayzie @EricKaliberhall (I know Eric...grin)

auralsects ago

responds to my calling women stupid by calling me a woman, a stupid response that proves women are stupid

for real tho why would anyone take this sub seriously when you have ALL Qtards AND WOMEN moderating, lmao!

think- ago

I didn't call you a woman, hon, I said you were a trannie. That's a BIG difference. You will never be the real deal. :-)

for real tho why would anyone take this sub seriously when you have ALL Qtards AND WOMEN moderating, lmao!

Hmm....a trannie camel jockey with masochistic tendencies? Glad to see that it is so painful for you to hang out here! :-)

@srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall (Eric, next time, I promise....;-))

Shizy ago

And yet he cries that he should be made a mod!?!? 😂 Guess we know the real reason for his temper tantrums!

auralsects ago

what would be insulting about working as a professional camel racer. camels are worth more than racehorses.

youll be racist against arabs but I haven't seen you say a single disparaging word about Jews -- you've clearly learned a lot here and are totally qualified to be a mod.

of course, given that @Vindicator has been exposed as a dirty kike SHILL, your modship makes total sense.

Shizy ago

So the ONlY group you won't be racist towards are arabs. That confirms what everyone is saying about you being the resident dune coon! It also explains your rabid hatred of woman! I was pretty sure all sand niggers are faggots! Thanks for confirming that!

auralsects ago

Pointing out that she will stereotype one Semitic group but not another isn't defending them, you incredibly retarded bitch. It is literally the exact opposite of that.

You can get into the cattle car with the kikes if you want, there will be plenty of space for traitorous, meddling whores.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

this thread just became more visually beautiful and all because I used my husband's phone to create another account... epic numbers of rectangles and corners...

think- ago

youll be racist against arabs

SJW much? I'd recommend going back to Reddit....

auralsects ago

This is how unbearable you actually are. White men had to invent devices to make you shut the fuck up. Ponder that. You think we wanted to? Do you not feel guilty for forcing us to manufacture such barbarities?

think- ago

Donkeyhonk, do you think I will waste my time to look at your pic?

And you are neither white, nor a man, so whatever the pic shows, you don't make sense - as usual.

@srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago