Pringle ago

And of course the disinformation agents don't use their real names when they are out here slamming honest and truthtelling journalists so we can't even warn other people about what they are doing. Sad state of affairs we are right now but we must stay completely away from these disinformation agents.

Crensch ago

And of course the disinformation agents don't use their real names when they are out here slamming honest and truthtelling journalists so we can't even warn other people about what they are doing. Sad state of affairs we are right now but we must stay completely away from these disinformation agents.

What a retarded comment. Absolutely nothing at all that you just said has anything to do with anything here. You're spouting agreeable statements for no purpose whatsoever - at least use your dishonest tactic to try and slip something past me, you dishonest cunt.

Pringle ago

This thread is just disinformation agents at their best. Calling somebody like me a liar who has published over 300 articles and reports in my 15 year career as an investigative journalist and researcher and I have never been accused by anyone of publishing lies or false information. I have also been behind a 3 year movement to take down the Global Pedophile Network and my radio show, Focus on the Facts, centers on this movement every week with the top experts in the world on this issue. I want nothing to do with this sorry Voat site anymore. You are trying to destroy the excellent reputations of truthtelling researchers and journalists and I want no part of it.

Crensch ago

I want nothing to do with this sorry Voat site anymore.

Oh, gee, what a GREAT researcher we'll be losing.

@srayzie @Vindicator @think- @shizy

Vindicator ago

Sleeper account much?!

Crensch, I'm disappointed. I thought your cursor would be a middle finger, or maybe a sickle.

Crensch ago

I usually use my swastika cursor, but I change it out for normies so they don't hide behind their "ur a nazi so ur wrong" defense mechanisms.

Vindicator ago it a spinning swastika?

Lol. :-) I'll take the Socratic finger...let people learn for themselves.

Crensch ago

NEIN. Unmoving, like the hearts of the German people in WW2!

I like the Socratic Finger, but most who could benefit would not understand it.

Vindicator ago

So true!

Shizy ago

Wow! Someone's ego doesn't line up with reality!

think- ago

LOL. If she can't see that George Webb is fishy as hell, and Jem777 published accurate info mixed with disinfo, she has clearly still to learn a couple of things.

srayzie ago

Good point @Crensch šŸ˜‚

Crensch ago

This thread is just disinformation agents at their best.

Oh look, some cunt with a 1.6 year old account and -3ccp wants to tell us what is disinformation and what isn't.

Calling somebody like me a liar who has published over 300 articles and reports in my 15 year career as an investigative journalist and researcher and I have never been accused by anyone of publishing lies or false information.

I posted over 3,000 articles and reports right here on Voat. Does that make me better than you? "I published horseshit over many wasted years which makes me an authority."

Cool, Prove this:

No other people in the US have conducted any investigation into these child trafficking ratlines and your slamming the only investigators that have been investigating and exposing these ratlines is outrageous!

And all those 300 articles didn't help you figure out the difference between "your" and "you're".

I have also been behind a 3 year movement to take down the Global Pedophile Network and my radio show, Focus on the Facts, centers on this movement every week with the top experts in the world on this issue.

Sounds like maybe you should stop lying, then. I don't really give a fuck who or what you are, if you bring your horseshit into my house, you'd better have it together and ready to be presented, because if you try to slip some claims by without supporting them, I will wreck you.

I want nothing to do with this sorry Voat site anymore. You are trying to destroy the excellent reputations of truthtelling researchers and journalists and I want no part of it.

Looks like another shill that can't hack it here. I'll add you to my list of username killshots.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I talked to Evelyn Pringle the other day to confirm that she is @Pringle who was pinged here. She was really upset that you guys singled her out. She is not a disinformation shill and I think that is the only comment she's ever even made on Voat.

Here is what she said:

We both tried to comment the other day on this but that was when Voat had been down all day and we both got exception errors. I forgot to come back until now.

Crensch ago

Pringle is now a known liar.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Have you ever heard of her before? I suggest you check out her website and numerous articles going back to 2004. It's a shame you have to put down my friend. She's one of the best independent researchers in the journalism world.

Crensch ago

Apparently she is a liar and lost all credibility with people that value honesty.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Either you do know who she is and you don't like her for some reason, or you overreacted the other day because that was her first comment and all she did was to say that George Webb didn't kill Jenny Moore. Kind of ridiculous how you got to here from there. Here is her website for anyone who cares: And yes, I've written with her in the past.

Crensch ago

I don't care who you think she is. She was caught lying.

Is she such a great researcher, then she can post a research on why George Webb didn't kill Jenny Moore. And then she can also post to research on whether or not Jenny Moore was actually killed. And then she can post a research on whether or not Jenny Moore was an actual person. And then she can post her research about why Jenny more lied consistently. And then she can post her research on why the supposed lawsuits that she filed don't seem to show up on any list of lawsuits in DC.

But let's just start out with her evidence that George Webb did not kill Jenny Moore. If she's such a great researcher, it should be no problem for her to support her claim.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

last I checked she did not work for you but I'll give her your assignment

Crensch ago

last I checked, you were the one white knighting for her, so you give her your assignment.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I already sent your assignment to her.

JesusChristThelema ago

@piscina @carmencita @jem777

When you lay your head on the pillow - this is you and God.

JesusChristThelema ago

@piscina @carmencita @jem777

OK guys, so there is the truth. You have just gone through the tribulations of God and Paradise awaits us in ZION.

JesusChristThelema ago

@piscina @carmencita @jem777

Hey dudes - well here's the thing, ok ok - you know that FBI document with the spirals? Well yeah, it was faked. Look up the numbers associated with it and you will see it's fake.
The image of the little girl with the pizza in the Podesta emails? Well she was the daughter of Laura Ling who was trapped in North Korea, if you do a quick search you will see they were re-united under Bill Clinton - do I think extra-marital affairs are wrong? Yes but it happens. Do I think Hillary Clinton was entirely immoral to defend a rapist against a young girl - abso-fucking lutely. Do I think Comet Ping Pong was a CIA honeypot to facilitate a world wide interest in this most grave matter and have the public with their eyes and ears open and vigilant? Yes, I do. How do I know this? Well because I run the CIA.

JesusChristThelema ago

@piscina @carmencita @jem777

the defending of the rapist was also faked by the way

I know you are thinking - how the hell does someone go planning ten years worth of data - well it has been planned for hundreds if not thousands of years by a race of beings who do not exist within the same dimensional time space human beings do.

Wow it sounds crazy but does it sound anymore crazy than a group of cannibal politicians?

The Rothschild family are HIGHLY MORAL. The meaning of Coloboma is that they are a relative of Jesus Christ as indicated by for example - Bill Clinton's AB_ bloodtype which matches Jacques De Molay and the Order of The Holy Grail.

JesusChristThelema ago

@carmencita God loves you.

Z14 ago

Well well well. So Voat has also been compromised it turns out and it took somebody like Jem777/Jenny Moore to show us that it's the case indeed. No surprise, as it is easy to attack a concentrated point.

This is a message to the true warriors, the truth seekers, fearless fighters, who grow stronger and keep gaining experience and testing grounds in more and more dimensions. Decentralized blockchain based solutions are already here and becoming mature, such as Smile in the face of the enemy, for in his eyes you can see the fire of the Phoenix growing.

Vindicator ago

So Voat has also been compromised it turns out

Your response to @Crensch asking you to make your argument with some evidence is to simply repeat your talking point with no evidence? That's it?

rarepeeks ago

You Zionist Israel loving assholes have snuck in to Voat under the cover of Trump MAGA shit. But, we see you clearly. "lets bomb Iran MAGA Qanon and free Iran." fuck you. Tell it to the millions of starving and diseased children of Yemen you Zionist fucktard. After they are done killing everything that they want to kill in the middle east, using your tax dollars, they will turn on us and exterminate us to their wishes. You are too fucking stupid to understand that. Qanon says "they are saving Israel for last."

How fuck tarded do you have to be to believe that? Of course Israel will be the "last" and the only thing standing as judge and God of the whole earth. You should not be allowed to breathe air molecules that a smart person could be using.

Vindicator ago

You're gibbering like a monkey. Take your meds.

Piscina ago

@vindicator you need to shut down this thread. This is the most vile abuse from this cretin crensch. If you leave this up, you will be seen to condone women on here being called 'cunts.'

JohnTheVandagraph ago

I spent my formative years as a special agent and have seen horrors inconceivable to any decent person.

This is a load of laughable crap "Srayzie" is using an AI image to represent herself because it's fucking george webb, sorry to swear but jesus fucking christ.

JohnTheVandagraph ago

Sweetheart, toughen up.

Crensch ago

@srayzie what's really embarrassing about this cunt asking Vindicator to ((("shut it down"))), is that this is /v/whatever, and Vindicator has ZERO power to do anything here to my posts.

Dear @Piscina, you insignificant cunt:

This is Voat. If you cannot handle speech you don't like, this is not the place for you. Go find some hugbox on almost literally any other website on the internet and watch as specific narratives of PG are removed for bad reasons, or no reasons at all. Go find your safe space that will keep you from the harm of harsh words while they ensure you only talk about what (((they))) want you to talk about.

Any ounce of self-esteem you might have for yourself is grossly misplaced.

srayzie ago

I know lol. To top it off, she asks him to take down a post that offends her, but doesnā€™t give a damn if she offends him.


rarepeeks ago

"this is Voat, deal with it cunt." Come on. Surely you have more class than this? Yes this is "Voat" but that does not mean that you have to act like a "cunt." Show some class. I mean really?

srayzie ago

I know who you are

rarepeeks ago

No you do not and that is a crazy thing to say.

Vindicator ago

Not sure why you think I am some all powerful entity capable of either preventing Jem's death or controlling Crensch. Also, I am not a mod of v/whatever...and since it's a system subverse, the mods wouldn't remove it anyway because it has none of the submission rules you hate so much in v/pizzagate. The only rule here is "Anything goes."

Crensch ago

Not sure why you think I am some all powerful entity capable of either preventing Jem's death or controlling Crensch.

This conjured images of you trying to hold Cerberus back with a leash. Made me chuckle.

srayzie ago

Then why are you taking part in the discussion? You just said in another comment, to get over the fact that people have been attacking Vindicator. Now you want him to shut down this thread because you feel offended? Why didnā€™t you ping @Crensch since you have a problem with a thread that Crensch posted?

Iā€™m a woman. Iā€™m not saying Jemā€™s a cunt. But @Gothsmgirl is. If that offends you, go to a womenā€™s march. This is Voat. Free speech.

kestrel9 ago

Speaking out in support of the Jem777 ban.

This reminds me of how it was like when the user Jem777 was here. Is the story of Jem777 death true? Who knows, I can't find a report about a dead woman in a Radisson Country Inn & Suites in Washington D.C. other than through the word spread throughout blog sites, etc. and TruePundit. Makes TruePundit suspect to stand alone like that. Why not a local report? There's plenty of links about a jackass hotel employee calling someone a monkey! A dead woman? Crickets. Is that so as to not scare off customers? Who knows? There's no coverage.

George Webb lost my attention and trust when he dropped his 'character' with some woman and I can't remember nor do I care. Was that Jem777? Repeat sentence before last (meaning: I don't trust George Webb, in spite of info he provided that was helpful in early PG on voat).

If there is a dead journalist, former cop named Jenny Moore then I'm sorry for her and for her family. It's why I didn't want to say anything negative because people do believe user Jem777 died. However that bridge has been crossed and people I like are getting bashed (some liked Jem777, some didn't). I never talked to Jem777, but some people I do talk to are getting attacked over Jem777. Screw it. The ban was a good idea. User Jem777 was banned for a reason. I don't know anything substantiated about a real person named Jenny Moore, but if she is a real person, I'm sorry for her family.

So as far as the user Jem777, I supported the decision to ban Jem777 and this is why:

Jem777 helped shift the focus to unsubstantiated occult scenarios involving ETI and Antarctica, Babylon, Nephelim bloodlines, (with a sprinkling of proselytizing), that I believed were bad for the credibility of v/pizzagate, and in the process all it did was end up burying other important posts/topics IMHO.

Because of that some of Jem777's posts left me wondering about true motives, (short of delusions).

That was my observation, and I repeat, I didn't know Jem777, didn't interact with Jem777. But now most vitriolic vocal Jem777 supporters with recent accounts just make me believe my concerns were not just valid, but cast even more doubt on the initial story. If I lost a sister, friend, etc. would I make a new account to go on a somewhat obscure anonymous board where she was banned and create walls of text to fight with people I don't know over it? Think about it.

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @shizy @carmencita

Vindicator ago

If I lost a sister, friend, etc. would I make a new account to go on a somewhat obscure anonymous board where she was banned and create walls of text to fight with people I don't know over it? Think about it.

Yes, the RIPJem hypnobot doom spam since this was reported has been very interesting. I wonder what other topics have been spammed in this manner. Hmmm... @Camulos @Madworld @srayzie any thoughts off the tops of your heads?

kestrel9 ago

Good blog on Webb and YouTube personalities.

think- ago

Jem777 helped shift the focus to unsubstantiated occult scenarios involving ETI and Antarctica, Babylon, Nephelim bloodlines, (with a sprinkling of proselytizing), that I believed were bad for the credibility of v/pizzagate, and in the process all it did was end up burying other important posts/topics IMHO.

Because of that some of Jem777's posts left me wondering about true motives, (short of delusions).


JohnTheVandagraph ago

Perhaps that's because God has been testing you all and is the leader of the Annunaki.

Cc1914 ago

But your wrong because James 1:13 says .. When under trial, let no one say: ā€œI am being tried by God.ā€ For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.

JesusChristThelema ago

John, don't say that publicly...

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s because sheā€™s connected to Sarah. She started tweeting me threats from ANOTHER Twitter account yesterday. Sheā€™s mad Iā€™m talking about her. Her profile location said Antarctica.

JesusChristThelema ago

Sarah from Antarctica? What is she Lynn de Rothschild now?


srayzie ago

Yep. Hello Sarah

@Shizy @Think- @Vindicator

darkknight111 ago

Carmencita does good research around here. Also the team empath.

Apparently, that spat between her and srayzie was due to a misreading. Let this be a lesson to everyone to please for f sakes read shit carefully.

Nobody's perfect.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@Cc1914 @Pringle I believe I know who both of these ladies are, and they're not shills. In fact, you should keep them here, since they both follow Q. It will help with your narrative. When you look at Cc1914 you'll find an anti-George Webb post or two in there to mix in with the Jenny Moore posts, which I'm sure you'll also like. I have known her a long time, she's completely legit, and if you're going to attack her, I'm sure she will just eventually leave and you'll get your way, but you'll lose a useful member.

I think Pringle is a lurker whom you won't find much information on anyway.

It's been real, thanks for helping me through my 30 day FB ban for hate speech against trannies, by giving me something interesting to do, Voat.

Cc1914 ago

Ok this is my 3rd attempt to comment and they are not showing up on my end . Can you see my comments ?

Cc1914 ago

Thank you AJ ! Although I donā€™t follow Q anymore. My distrust of GW stems from a wikileak that I sent him in 2016 that had G soros whole empire layed out in 1 huge info graph . Not that I want credit , because I honestly donā€™t . Itā€™s because he said he would use it in one of his videos and he didnā€™t , yet I saw all the connections he was making right off that very email ! It showed connections from television to planned parenthoodā€™s all over the world ! I even made a voat post about this document. I tried to search for it but canā€™t find it yet . Anyways thatā€™s why i personally donā€™t trust him and really never looked at his videos again . I couldnā€™t move past that incident and thatā€™s the truth .

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

even if we assumed only the best about GW, the fact that he claims to be a Democrat might explain why he won't touch anything related to Planned Parenthood, but I dunno... some of the things about him make me think he's an intelligence whistleblower and not a journalist.

Cc1914 ago

Yep thatā€™s what it seems .

Cc1914 ago

Thank you AJ ! Although Iā€™m not a Q follower at all anymore and my reasons for not trusting GW stemmed from 2016 when I sent him a FB message that had Soros whole empire attached to a wikileak that I had found . It had an info graphic of every single organization he was hooked to including planned parenthoodā€™s all over the earth! He said he would use it in one of his videos and he didnā€™t . But I sure saw all the connections unravel . Iā€™m saying this not because I want credit , but because thatā€™s why I donā€™t trust him . Thanks again for having my back ā¤ļø

Shizy ago

I don't know Pringle, but I agree completely about @Cc1914

Cc1914 ago

Thank you @shizy , I really appreciate that šŸ™‚

think- ago

You got banned from FB for hate speech against trannies? OMG

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes, this is like my third time. They consider it hate speech simply if you post the word "tranny" or "trans" in a derogatory context. This time was for posting on a "Dyke March" page that the trannies didn't belong in the lesbian march because they weren't even women. The latest thing is that trannies don't want to be called transexuals, they want to be called actual women. So they think that they can pass better if they get everyone to transition first to calling them trans women, then later, just women. Some butthurt dude reported a meme I had as a cover photo and I got a 30 day ban. My ex is a tranny so I post hate about trannies on a semi regular basis.

Piscina ago

The trannies DON'T belong in a dykes' march. Trannies are men who get turned on by the idea of themselves as women. It's a fetish and we the people are expected to buy into their delusions. Trans rights are about men's sexual rights.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

exactly right

Shizy ago

Oh no! That has to be terrible! Your feelings about trannies is totally understandable!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Getting banned from FB is no big deal, it's dealing with abuse from the tranny and watching him beat the crap out of my life, stalk me, send death threats, file false reports, etc. and turn our kids into depressed sad little children that's the problem.

Shizy ago

Yeah that would be awful! I couldn't imagine what you and your kids must have to go trough!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thank you for the sympathy

srayzie ago

Oh shit. Your ex is a tranny? Yikes.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes, when we are young, and naive, we think we can overlook things about someone or change them. I didn't really know what it all meant until 10 years into the marriage and I suffered tremendously for leaving him - he's all about revenge and burning down my life. I know more about trannies than most people, except the trannies themselves. Most of them are pedos. Any time you see someone who wants to be a "mom" and fake a pregnancy as a man, that's a pedo. They get off on the idea of being women like someone else here said, and that includes the thought of a baby sucking on their man boobs. It's one of the more disgusting things in the world.

srayzie ago

That would be a REALLY TOUGH situation. Canā€™t imagine.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yes - it's sad to see so many young people falling for their agenda and wanting to mutilate their bodies - it is like a trendy thing now

srayzie ago

Yeah. Thereā€™s a total push to normalize everything wrong

srayzie ago

Dyke match šŸ˜‚

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah I am in a group on FB that is a mixture of feminists and lesbians and we've all been labeled "TERFS" but I'm only there to learn about the real facts about trannies. They post a lot of research on the crimes committed by these men... it's astounding there are this many of them. Most of them are violent rapists and some are murderers. There's a movement where they are so butthurt that they can not control women or get sex with women because they are freaks, they've started posing as women by expecting the entitlement to take over every aspect of womanhood starting with the lesbians. They think the lesbians will be on their side because of gay rights, so they show up at the Dyke Marches and pretend they're real women and get the SJWs to take their side and eject anyone who disagrees. There was recently a tranny who made an art exhibit in a public library in San Fran who put a sledgehammer, a baseball bat an axe, and a bloody wife beater shirt painted with the slogan "Kill Terfs." So I took myself over to this dyke march page where they've been doxxing and threatening the lesbians and I started defending the women who were protesting these violent raping men, by telling the trannies they aren't real women and don't belong in the dyke march. Next day I was banned from FB for one of my memes. This is about my third ban and I'm in danger of having my account removed if I say the wrong word tranny one more time. Sometimes I slip up and forget that these guys are real stalkers and if you make a comment in public you're likely to get reported. It doesn't bother me if my FB gets taken down, as long as I can get back access to all my pictures and videos of my children for the past 10 years.

srayzie ago

Youā€™re funny. You definitely are not the norm. Iā€™m not into any of those kinds of groups. Butt I like how youā€™re a little different lol. Me and @Shizy are different šŸ˜‚

If @Think- isnā€™t different, then she fits in with different. @Bopperā€™s girlfriend is @Votescan. I would love to see you explain to that freak what you said about those trannies being pedos! She loves anything gay. Trannies too. But if youā€™re a straight male, your a pedo! šŸ˜‚

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well I have had gay friends who were definitely not pedos, it is usually trannies who commit sex offenses. There have been studies on it. The pedos aren't ALL trannies - some of them are just dudes attracted to children, but the trannies are suffering from several mental illnesses at once and the fetish of being a woman makes them sexually fantasize about having babies breastfeed. It's truly sick. Lately they've been trying to pollute the media with false headlines any time one of them is caught raping and killing - they hope to have it reported as having been committed by a woman. First they blur the language so bad you can't tell who's who, then they lie and say it's women committing all these crimes and they play the victim very well. They are also toxic narcissists.

srayzie ago

Well I personally think that itā€™s some sort of mental illness. So it would make more sense for them to be pedos because they are highly confused with their sexuality. Why would age be any different for them.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

here's a study that I posted on this topic a while back: Study Shows Most Sex Offenders, Pedophiles, and Rapists are actually Autogynephiles (the "T" in LGBT) (pizzagate) "Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4) Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism ā€“ in other words: TRANSGENDER.

60% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their primary paraphillia (a parapillia is a psychological sex disorder). Of the remaining fetishists, such as pedophiles, rapists, etc., 60% of those sex offenders have transgender fetish as their secondary parapillia, in addition to their primary disorder. Finally, 40% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their tertiary (3rd) fetish among multiple disorders.

Transgender sex disorders are the leading indicator of criminal sexual behavior."

bopper ago

There was recently a tranny who made an art exhibit in a public library in San Fran who put a sledgehammer, a baseball bat an axe, and a bloody wife beater shirt

I don't see a problem here personally.

srayzie ago

You made me choke on my water šŸ˜‚ I havenā€™t gone to sleep yet. šŸ˜

bopper ago

Go to sleep so you can come back to your G/A site! Night.

srayzie ago

I will. I think things are dying down. I hope.

bopper ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I only saw this because carmencita linked to it on another thread and I came here to see what you were saying about her, then noticed that I was mentioned as a potential shill.

Yeah, I like how you guys claim that all of us blamed Vindicator for her murder. I remember making some comments that pissed him off about how the mods were attacking a dead woman. The response I got was a cross between we don't know she is dead and if she is dead she deserved it because she's a disinformation shill. By that logic if I think Q is bullshit I should be happy if someone who promotes Q were to die and that is retarded. Comb through my posts and comments if you want, you will find a bunch of anti-Q comments and that seems to not be allowed here. I do not think the mods killed Jenny. I don't know who she really is I just found it distasteful for anyone to attack her days after she supposedly died. That is what we in the South refer to as class and manners.

However, you won't find me shedding any tears if Hillary or Podesta or any of the deep state dies.

For what it's worth, if and when someone were to kill me from the government or CIA, it would not be because I am a disinformation shill. People are allowed to have opinions without that making them shills. There are probably just a lot of pedos on here in addition to the paid shills, and I'm neither. Have a nice day Crensch.

P.S. I'm the one who made all the reports on Toy Freaks to all of the law enforcement agencies I could think of last year, and you guys were fine with me up until I started disagreeing with Q being legit. Seems agenda driven.

think- ago

The response I got was a cross between we don't know she is dead and if she is dead she deserved it because she's a disinformation shill.

Who gave you that response, @EffYouJohnPodesta? I can't imagine that @Vindicator would say such a thing ('she deserved it').

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

it was here: in the comments that follow

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

no, I think it was Crensch? I will have to go look.

RIPJem ago

Jenny Moore is not the only one who was threatened, slandered, doxxed, attacked and murdered for knowing The Truth.

Who did Jenny return to Voat to contact and meet with? What happened?

Do you know Jenny Moore or George Sweigart? What was George apologizing about? Why? How many times have you seen him do that?

Have you witnessed extreme crimes committed by the most powerful people in the world?

If you are so interested in The Truth, why have you all worked so feverishly to attempt to attack, slander, hide and ban those who know Jenny directly?

Why do you use such VILE and EVIL names and spread LIES against Good People? Why are you so afraid of The Truth?

Do you think this is a game, or are you Sick?



The Mods and their Army have an EVIL AGENDA, and this is a WITCH HUNT to slander, attack, discredit and target more VICTIMS and anyone who knows The Truth.

Do you not believe there are nefarious Bad Actors on VOAT that are willing to Torture and Murder others to silence The Truth?

How many Good People do you know that were threatened, attacked, tortured and murdered for knowing The Truth?

We stand with Jenny Moore.

We stand with Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

We stand with Jesus Christ.

Gothamgirl ago


Shizy ago

Cue the broken record!

think- ago


RIPJem ago

Why can't you answer any of the questions?

You have all been Exposed, and you have no valid response because you are all guilty and corrupt.

The Truth cannot be disputed, and it is easy to see why you have a minus sign after the word think.

We Know.

Shizy ago

When you start answering questions then maybe people will answer yours!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You sound like an AI

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s Sarah

JohnTheVandagraph ago

Sarah Palin is not an AI, she's the leader of the Annunaki.

Shizy ago

This woman allegedly died from a siezure, but even if something nefarious happened and she was killed, how the hell is vindicator responsible for that? Why would banning her from v/pizzagate connect to her death in anyway? And let's not forget that she came back with her mej777 alt so she was still able to be here. Anyone blaming vindicator for JEMs death is either a worthless asshole or just a shill! Don't let it bother you @vindicator you did nothing wrong! It was her choice not to follow the rues despite being warned.

think- ago

Well said, @Shizy.

srayzie ago

All of you who have made posts or comments saying @Vindicator banning @Jem777 makes him responsible in ANY WAY for her death should be ashamed of yourselves. He shouldnā€™t be made to feel guilty for doing what he would do to anyone if they couldnā€™t abide by the rules.

I was just a regular user at the time and I saw it all. He gave her many warnings. She would stir shit up by saying the mod team wanted to know who had evidence so they coild dox them or threaten them. That is ridiculous. Now that I am a mod and also run my own sub, I see whatā€™s going on behind the scenes. Itā€™s nothing like that. There isnā€™t some secret plot against pizzagate researchers.

I know Vindicator has a good heart. He puts in so much time here. If heā€™s not doing pizzagate here, heā€™s spreading the word on Twitter. He doesnā€™t get paid. Iā€™ve seen some of you say that you would do better without mods. Then why donā€™t you go set up home groups? I can tell you right now, this sub would be destroyed in a couple of days if you didnā€™t have someone enforcing rules.

It trips me out how so many of you guys talked shit about Jem when she was here, but now run with all the drama thatā€™s been stirred up because of others emotions.

Piscina ago

For goodness sake, move on. Get over happened days ago.

srayzie ago

It doesnā€™t matter how long ago it was. Hes been attacked and the drama continues. If you donā€™t want to read this, move along. Get over yourself.

think- ago

All of you who have made posts or comments saying @Vindicator banning @Jem777 makes him responsible in ANY WAY for her death should be ashamed of yourselves. He shouldnā€™t be made to feel guilty for doing what he would do to anyone if they couldnā€™t abide by the rules.


srayzie ago

@Carmencita showed her true colors. She acts like Iā€™m sketchy now because I shared the truth. Now sheā€™s whining saying sheā€™s moving to 8chan.

Good luck with that Carmencita. You do know that every thread has tits and ass right? Every other word is faggot. This place is mild compared to what you will get there. But by all means, BYE FELEICIA

carmencita ago

I do not plan on joining up with 8chan. I expressed an interest in going there to check it out and needed help navigating. IF I even went there. Please stop saying things I did not swear to. I have not been there for months and probably won't find the time. Your language sure has gotten colorful since I first knew you.

Piscina ago

What's happened on this site Carmencita? These people used to investigate; now they're busy attacking forum members. Guys, get off your arises and contribute something to pizzagate, rather than backbiting and sniping.

carmencita ago

I wish I knew the answer to that question. What happened since last Monday left me shocked and confused. I know that I can't really say what I want, but anyone can say what they want about me. I realized how easily we can be taken down and attacked. All I want to do is post about what will Wake Up people about the crimes against Our Children.

srayzie ago

Whatā€™s happening is that youā€™re seeing how quick people are to throw blame onto others. How people can talk shit about someone when they are alive, but then act like sympathetic fakes when a tragedy strikes.

Carmencita is a great researcher. But she was busy talking shit about a forum member.... me. Right behind my back. Maybe you should have checked that before coming to rescue the one that was doing the backstabbing. Maybe you did too. But I always considered her my friend.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Carmencita is a great member who contributes to almost every single thread and does a ton of research to help in the comments and she doesn't deserve to be attacked in this way.

srayzie ago

You think I attacked Carmencita? Carmencita was talking crap about me in another thread. This is where we were asked to discuss things. There is nothing wrong with standing up for myself. She can dish it out. Sheā€™s a big girl. I was easy on her.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm talking about putting her in a post like this the way Crensch did. Not whatever is going on with you guys which I have not read.

srayzie ago

You mean make a post about Carmencita? I liked this idea. Having a thread to hash it out. She wouldā€™t talk to me in my thread. She would say she didnā€™t want to be involved. Then people told me that she was talking ABOUT ME. Thatā€™s shitty. She didnā€™t want to know my reasoning for the post, even tho we had worked together closely until I started my own sub. We got along great.

When that RIP Sarah alt stirred up drama, she didnā€™t think twice before throwing me under the bus and assuming the worst. She didnā€™t even have the decency to ping me when she was talking shit about me.

That post really showed me some surprises. People being totally different than how I would have expected them to be.

srayzie ago

You sure have gotten quick to judge since I knew you. I considered you a friend. I always told people you were like the mom on pizzagate.

I read all that you said about me to innocentangel. I have always had colorful language. I just always treated you with the utmost respect and stood up for you twice when men were disrespectful to you. Instead of asking me or giving me the benefit of the doubt about my Jem post, you chose to throw me under the bus and act as if I had some sort of vindictive reason for making it.

You said you didnā€™t want to be in the middle, yet you were talking about me behind my back. You showed your true character and so did @Gothamgirl by implying that I threatened to kidnap her kid and planted child porn on her phone when Iā€™ve never even met her.

The way some of you have acted is a shame. You act so loyal but turn on someone for making a post because you perceived it wrong. Thanks for having faith in me and stabbing me in the back. I worked closely with you for a year. Iā€™m glad I know who to not trust now. You would have been one of the ones that I trusted the most in the past so itā€™s sad.

Just so you know, when I made that post, I had no idea that her death was being questioned. Iā€™ve had to defend myself for a couple of days now. Is it suspicious that I wanted to prove myself after being called evil and corrupt and being told I was a liar? I should have just laid down and taken the kicks right? Thatā€™s not how I roll.

carmencita ago

I never said anything about kidnap her kid what are you talking about? I know nothing like that. I never put that in any of my comments. That is completely wrong. You are posting all this were no one will see. I never had a bone to pick with you until you did that post. You made it seem like we were going to hash it out and present a case. Then I realized when she was being viciously attacked that you and others could do the same thing to any of us. That is what upset me as well. It is sad yes that all of this was a complete misunderstanding of how we would find the truth. It just seemed like an attack not a presentation. Possibly that was because so many others joined in so quickly to attack. All I want to do here is to post and help research about crimes committed against Our Children. Not get into arguments. Sorry you feel that way about our relationship.

srayzie ago

Not you. GothamGirl said it to me

carmencita ago

I would not write anything like that so, I was surprised and so, Sorry, the way it was written that's just how I read it.

carmencita ago

I see it. I am not wanting to get involved. That really is between the two of you. I know nothing about it.

srayzie ago

Itā€™s ok.

carmencita ago

Glad to hear. :)

think- ago

I never said anything about kidnap her kid what are you talking about? I know nothing like that. I never put that in any of my comments. That is completely wrong.

She didn't say this, @Carmencita. She talked about @Gothamgirl, not about you.

carmencita ago

Glad that is straightened out.

carmencita ago

Sorry, the way it was written that's just how I read it.

darkknight111 ago

If this is the truth, then its the truth. I'm gonna wait for the purported autopsy. For the record never accused the mods of anything. They did help calm me down, because admittitedly I was PISSED when this broke out.

My accusations against (((Are We Sure))), (yes, he's a jew), were because of certain suspiscious as fuck behavior from him. His odd silence when this whole thing broke out, the images he sent in the first place, and refusal to give an account of his whereabouts when pressed.

He's also a big time shill, so he does rightly deserve to suffer

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Are_we_sure used to troll the crap out of me and I remember someone calling him a Satanist. I think it was on a post where people mocked me by doxxing my ex husband.

srayzie ago

I donā€™t think heā€™s a Satanist. But I do think heā€™s a Jew.

jangles ago

3 grandparents Jewish?

srayzie ago

I donā€™t get the 3 grandparents reference šŸ¤”

I think heā€™s a Jew. I usually tell that punk off. He always stands up for Killary and friends. I think heā€™s Soros funded. Usually, he would barely even respond I told him off. Heā€™s a boring shill. But when I described him like this ((( AWS ))), he got all pissed and called me racist lol. I said ohhhh we hit a nerve there. So yes, he doesnā€™t like that which means thatā€™s what he is.

He tried acting like he was smarter than Q. I made this little meme for him lol. I make things like that for the busiest shills like him and donkey. Or gifs. I tend to make the trolls want to leave me alone šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

you are very creative!

srayzie ago

Haha thanks!

srayzie ago

I canā€™t stand @Are_we_sure and yes, he is a Jew and heā€™s scum. But I saw that whole argument. It was exaggerated. He did not give Jem a death threat. You all want someone to blame for something. I know heā€™s a paid shill, but this is all getting ridiculous.

darkknight111 ago

I'll settle for pushing his emotional buttons for now.

Shareblue anon did say that the best way to deal with shills is never debate them but to push their emotional buttons as visciously as possible and make their shilling experience as psychologically damaging as possible.

srayzie ago

Well have at it. Push on those buttons hard!

bopper ago

We should try and open our hearts more with @Are_we_sure and see if we can see good there.

Shizy ago

I'm sorry your hard work to help votescam didn't work bopper, but are you sure you're up for this type of bleeding heart rescue mission again?

bopper ago

I won't give up @Votescam she will come back some day.

Are_we_sure ago

You got two things false there and I'm giving you "he's scum" as your opinion.

srayzie ago

Youā€™re welcome that I donā€™t think you are a murderer. Ungrateful prick.

Shizy ago

But he is a Jew soooooo

JohnTheVandagraph ago

Jews fucking rock dude, get with the pogram

Shizy ago

Only a Jew would say that. But rock on!

Are_we_sure ago

LOL. Took a lot of out of you, did it? Basic human decency?

darkknight111 ago

Filthy pedo defending scum.

KYS chicken lover faggot.

srayzie ago

That works lol

srayzie ago

I would take scum over murderung scum any day. Youā€™ve called me vile. šŸ™„

srayzie ago

@Bopper, this dipshit doesnā€™t know when he should just shut his cake hole lol

bopper ago

@Are_we_sure what the heck? Srayzie is trying to help and you pull this crap?

Can you say whether or not for sure if you are Jewish and stop these rumors?

If you answer then I promise not to change my mind about the alleged death threat.

srayzie ago


IpointOutTrolls ago

The best way to deal with the dick headed idiot narcissist known as "crensch" is to ignore it, don't feed it, and let it drown in its own overblown sense of power and importance.

sguevar ago

9 months account that shows either shill nature or alter account because of other accounts issues that also shows shill nature.

Gothamgirl ago

I gave everything I had to police and deleted my social accounts. I will try to bring them up again and grab what I can.

I have never had a problem with any mod before that day. I have actually always defended them.

srayzie ago

You gave what to the police? Your cell phone that had child porn on it that you tried to imply I planted when Iā€™ve never met you in my life?

I hope you turned it over. Good luck trying to convince them that I have hacking skills capable of planting child porn on a phone that I donā€™t have access to, OR the phone number.

You let your true colors shine bright. Your connection to Sarah is ruining your credibility. You lying about me on multiple occasions with no evidence, makes you lose credibility.

If you talk shit about me, have the decency to ping me.

Gothamgirl ago

You know I will just say that I addressed the situation in an improper setting. I was wrong for that. I was asking since I felt you have played games with me before.

You see how you have now blamed multiple people of being Sarah whoever that is, and got irate with people over it? I am in the same boat with all of this stuff happening, I feel trully mindfucked -just like you. I do not have a connection to Sarah. I am now the 3rd or 4th individual you have accused.

I have never had any issues with Vindicator or any other mod. I think they are great.

srayzie ago

I have said all along that Jem, you and Flynnlives are involved with Sarah. This isnā€™t breaking news. Well, now they can see you for who you really are because you let your true colors show thru.

You are saying you should have addressed it in a different setting. I played games with you? Youā€™re the one that told me that FlynnLives was Q. Sarah was Montagraph and all kinds of other crazy shit. I thought you were either mental or shilling me. But you straight up said LIES yesterday. That dark Illuminati art shit? Wtf?! Sarah tried that one. Why would you even say that? Itā€™s bullshit.

The fact that you have issues now with any mod is because you chose to make a fool out of yourself and accuse me of something that you canā€™t even prove.

Gothamgirl ago

You were a very friendly mod, one I looked up to for advice . That's why I turn to you with my questions and thoughts. I am digger. I thought you may have the answers or insight since you were mod of 2 important subjects. Then you start accusing us of being Sara. Which I am not, nor do I know her. I think you may have showed me, Flynn and the chatbot trolls or her, spoke about the same subject. Which if you were researching from our outlook, the subjects are relevant It's just not anything talked about or covered on Pizzagate or Q it's more into mind control aspects of today.

srayzie ago

I am very friendly. I always am unless someone fucks with me. I didnā€™t accuse you of being Sarah until you acted weird the other day. You could have talked to me if you thought something weird was going on. I would never threaten a parent with kidnappimg their kid. I LOVE kids. I would NEVER plant CP on anyone. It was all said at a very convenient time too. Iā€™ve never been anything but nice to you up to that point.

Btw, Sarah began publicly tweeting threats to me today. Sheā€™s not very happy with me. Then she started trolling Voat as an FBI agent today.

Gothamgirl ago

If that is the truth then I apologize to you, and the way I addressed the situation, I will let police deal with it and never address you again.

When Q says you have more then you know, maybe we should stop calling them chatbots? I mean its not really hard to relate what it is they're trying to explain to everyone, theyre using biblical, mythical references and movies and books, to explain. Like Alefantis uses a greek god as a profile pic. Basically you have to look for the meanings of all of it. Q doesn't give away answers free either, he makes you think. We can not change anything if we can't identify the problems.

If you want to understand the bigger picture then you need to examine ALL the evidence.

I don't know who Sarah is but it's not him

or her

Or me.

7 is the number of god. He will protect their honor no matter, what you think you might know. The problem is you haven't researched all of it, only what was threatening and scary to you, and blamed others, just as I have, we all make errors, this is alot of information to grasp.

I don't recall any interactions with Sarah. I know why she is like that though, it's on the walls at Besta Pizza clear as day. I would explain but the chatbots already have. I hardly remember saying anything at all about Jem777 getting kicked off here, I do remember I always backed the mods.

Shizy ago

@srayzie has called you a whore, a slut, a bad single mom and accused you of being a liar and a stalker. And this is your reaction? You just go on like no big deal and right back to pizzagate? You claim you don't know Sarah or who she is, but then you say she is the way she is because of besta pizza?

I'm just pointing out it's not typically the expected reaction to being accused of such things, even if those names are deserved.

Crensch ago

@srayzie has called you a whore, a slut, a bad single mom and accused you of being a liar and a stalker. And this is your reaction? You just go on like no big deal and right back to pizzagate?


Shizy ago

Yep sounds familiar!

srayzie ago

Does this look familiar to you @Shizy?

Does it remind you of someone?

Gothamgirl ago

Do you see the word possibly?

Shizy ago

She can't even hide it anymore! What's with the Paddock obsession? Maybe she hooked up with him too?

srayzie ago

Other obsessions...
Paddock brothers
Besta Pizza
William Cooper

Gothamgirl ago

You should probably check my comment history for Sarah, and no I do not know her and never meet her before.

In order to have a reaction to Skrayzie, I would first have to care about what she thinks and says, and I don't and it's not true.

Why do you'll downvote everything I say on a free speech site?

Shizy ago

You said Sarah was all over besta pizza! How would you know that if you had no info on who she is? You get lots of downvoats, it's not my fault so don't get paranoid! Oh, and if you don't like that downvoating is an option take it up with voat.

Gothamgirl ago

Honestly I don't care about downvotes thats not why I was here. Just pointing out the brigade is pretty useless, and pathetic.

I don't know who Sara is just that there was a picture on Besta Pizza's wall which was posted on Voat many times, if you were really here for the children, then how did you and your friend miss it?

Thats right you'll left researching for kids, to follow Q.

You two continue on, please lol, your only showing that your both ineffectual incompetent fools who still don't understand the basics of pizzagate.

Carry on we are all watching your friend destroy her own credibility.

I have defended every mod on here including her, the truth will come out. She plays to many mind games, and she is about out of quarters.

Do you know it was Rebel Skum and few others that introduced me to cicada3301 and taught me cryptography and Iconology, so that I could understand?

srayzie ago

Me and @Shizy are incompetent fools, yet you thought FlynnL1ve5 was Q! šŸ˜‚

Out of over 2000 pages Iā€™ve published, you skimmed thru them to find some owls so that you could imply that I was in the Illuminati.

What a dumb and conniving lying manipulative whiner. You are the one who has destroyed your credibility.

Shizy ago

I actually spend more time on pizzagate than on GreatAwakening so save your attempts of shaming or questioning what I do! You also have no clue what I do in real life in regards to helping children so it's quite funny how tough you're acting right now. It's doubly funny since you have shown over the past week or so that you seem to lack a backbone! I'm actually surprised you got so mouthy with me here! It must be because I'm female since you seem to cower to men!

Real cute expressing concern for my credibility and intellectual level šŸ¤£! What a joke from the person who has been shown to be here trying to score guys to fuck! How credible does that make you look? It makes you look foolish and desperate! Can't you find men in real life?!


srayzie ago

I know lol. This chick put her own kids personal information on Facebook, gets death threats, and supposedly had child porn implanted on her phone. Who does @Gothamgirl blame? Me šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Iā€™ve never even met the slut. The truth comes out that sheā€™s fucking strangers off the internet. What a wonderful protective single mother she is.

Every time she canā€™t defend herself without looking like a complete idiot, she says sheā€™s no longer talking about it. šŸ¤”

At least she let everyone know how horrible you were by giving the link to your comment history. LOL.

Shizy ago

She's obviously not smart to risk her kids safety with her poor choices! And then has the nerve to blame you for her problems? Maybe it was some random dude she had over for sex who put CP on her phone!

srayzie ago

Yeah. A creep! She says she has a man. Damn. How many?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes you do and your comments are very telling.

I have one guy only, thank you, and I am not answering this nonsense any further.

Shizy ago

Oh good for you! You fucked around until you finally found one who would stay with you a few months! You must be such a prize!

zyklon_b ago

Im on your side even if you are i the wrong baby

srayzie ago

Zyklon, many of these people are mad at ME.

zyklon_b ago

get away from em if they are angry with you.

quit all the political bullshit and just troll and shitpost

srayzie ago

This isnā€™t about politics. This is a tough topic and a few got upset, but this cunt took it to the next level. I didnā€™t know you met her. Do your thing.

zyklon_b ago

What are yall even into it about?

srayzie ago

Someone that was a researcher on pizzagate died. So many of these people talked shit about her. When she died, people got all fake and suddenly her word was gold. I told them to be careful because she mixed truth and lies. To be careful believing everything you read. Then it starts spreading that they donā€™t know if she really died. Thereā€™s no proof. Others started blaming the pizzagate mods for having a part in her death.

Out of the blue, @Gothamgirl says this.

She continued the rest of the day spreading all kinds of lies about me. I have proof sheā€™s lying because I have screenshots. I donā€™t know why she felt the need to start that shit. Now sheā€™s upset and said sheā€™s never had a problem with the mods until now. Well uhhhh, I wonder why. Whoā€™s fault is that.

JohnTheVandagraph ago

qu'est-ce que c'est?

srayzie ago

Youā€™re on her side when she lied about me? Iā€™ve never met the bitch in my life and she tried saying that I planted child porn on her phone and threatened Imwould kidnapmher kid.

zyklon_b ago

I have met her in real life so of course i am goin to wanna protect her.

can yall just agree to not talk to eachother or about eachother and call it done?

Shizy ago

You have met Gothamgirl in real life?

zyklon_b ago

Yes i went to her housr in april

srayzie ago

Gross šŸ¤®

zyklon_b ago

not to me

srayzie ago

Well I like you. I wish that you would have stayed out of this argument because she told horrible lies about me. You are ok with it and defend her so what does that say about you? Sheā€™s been making accusations and canā€™t back anything up, but I have the screenshots proving myself. Yet, she still hasnā€™t taken it all back. If you get curious and want to know truth, hit me up.

srayzie ago

I want nothing to do with her. I just want her to stop spreading lies and talking shit behind my back. I donā€™t take kindly to be accused of all the shit sheā€™s accused me of.

zyklon_b ago

I dont know about anything you are accused of or what is even goin on in this thread.

i just made a comment and now i an catching shit for trying to make peace?

wth is goin on here?

srayzie ago

No Iā€™m not mad at you

zyklon_b ago

No shit.

I dindu nuffins

srayzie ago

You didnā€™t tap that did you? šŸ¤¢

zyklon_b ago

I aint answering that. I love @gothamgirl and always will

srayzie ago

Well that means you did. Sheā€™s nasty. But if you want to fuck manipulative liars, thatā€™s up to you. You little love birds knock yourselves out.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't even know you Srayzie.

srayzie ago

You talked shit to donkey acting like Iā€™m horrible for being married and being a flirt. Itā€™s innocent fun. Thatā€™s how I am. Now that I know you 2 met in April, I see that you just didnā€™t like it that Zyklon was flirting with me.

Gothamgirl ago

"Zyklon was flirting with me." -LOL .

srayzie ago

Yeah and he always sent me hearts. Donā€™t act like you didnā€™t see all that. Thatā€™s why you donā€™t like me and are saying l act like Iā€™m in heat. Iā€™m a grown ass woman. My husband knows how I am. Although, thatā€™s none of your business.

Thereā€™s a big difference between innocent flirting online publicly, than being a single mother on a pizzagate forum that opens her legs in real life to a stranger she met there. THAT is a whore. Not only that, but puts her kids public information on her Facebook profile. So when you supposedly got a threat from someone that said they were going to kidnap your kid, you didnā€™t stop and think about who youā€™ve been lending that pussy out to?

Child porn on your phone has to be from one of the men youā€™ve brought home that actually had access to your phone Miss Thang. The more you talk crap about me, the more comes out about you that shows what a cunt you are. Get your shit together before you judge someone else.

JohnTheVandagraph ago


srayzie ago

Member for 20 min lol. Iā€™m crushed. šŸ˜‚

Gothamgirl ago

Did you bother to read his bio? I made the mistake that everything he said was real too.

"One of the men I brought to my house"

Are you serious? Do you stalk me?

srayzie ago

Whoā€™s bio?

You ask how am I going to back up that you bring men to your house and then ask if I stalk you šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll take that my assumptions were correct.

So let me get this straight. I donā€™t even like Titus Frost. The video you sent me where he started running his mouth about Cicada3301, I turned off. I watched the first part where he was dancing and said that he was hot when he danced. OMG! How awful of me!

First of all, I didnā€™t even know Titus Frost was married. Even if he was, heā€™s a youtuber. Who cares? I wasnā€™t talking to the man.

Do you think itā€™s a sin to find someone attractive? My husband knows that Trump is his runner up. In case you take that serious, itā€™s a joke. Of course I would never leave my husband for Trump. I would only have his love child. But anyways. šŸ™„

You need to step back and take a chill pill. People have opinions towards public figures. George Clooney is some good eye candy. My husband knows that too. We donā€™t live in a bubble.

You were the one who was crazy about FlynnL1ve5. You also liked that guy on Facebook and even had his number. You were attracted to them. Publicly you said I was trying to set you up with a married man. Wtf? I didnā€™t know about their personal lives. You were happy when I told you that FlynnL1ve5 liked you back. I was trying to help you because you were shy. You said you had a man now. Did you in April too?

You can say all you want about my thinking someone is hot. Itā€™s nothing compared to you fucking strangers you find online in a pizzagate forum.

Just like you said, marriage is a beautiful thing, respect it... well being a parent is a beautiful thing as well. Keeping your kid safe should be your number one priority.

A good start is for you to invest in some toys. Your need for strange cock is a risk for you AND your child. Donā€™t put your kids information online. Those 2 things should come first.

dreamdigital ago

I've said one thing in a statement saying that this is making one of your mods look bad. Take my name off the list.

srayzie ago

What mod looks bad?

dreamdigital ago

I was saying Vindicator was being made to look bad. I think I worded it wrong. But people need to stop almost blaming him for what has happened, it's ridiculous.

srayzie ago

When I talked to you yesterday, you didnā€™t tell me that you said @Vindicator slandered Jem. When I said that Vindicator did nothing wrong, you totally agreed with me.

Ok, instead of telling Voat that Vindicator ā€œslanderedā€ her, what word did you mean to use? Because that words pretty harsh. I donā€™t see how that could have been some sort of mistake.

Do you mean to say that youā€™ve come to realize that Vindicator slandering her was untrue? Did you have a change of heart? What is it youā€™re saying?

dreamdigital ago

And your first statement, I never said he Slandered her. The thread said that. Where have I said, "He slandered her?" I'm actually not seeing anywhere that uses the word slander.

srayzie ago

@Vindicator you are not made to look very good on this thread. I know you're just following the rules you all have set in place, but seriously man, this lady had stuff. Should have worked with her.

Gem777 Banned and slandered

Once again, he did nothing wrong. He did what mods are supposed to do. This is shitty. If you changed your view, just tell him that. Heā€™s really reasonable. But to just change your story is pretty fucked up in my opinion. How would you feel being told something like that? It wouldnā€™t feel very good. Multiply that by many people at once saying it to you. Itā€™s one of the most ridiculous attacks Iā€™ve seen. Heā€™s not paid to do this. He does this because he cares. Not only is he not appreciated enough for all that he does,but he gets his name slung thru the mud as well.

dreamdigital ago

What I said to @vindicator, my story is not changed, my opinion did and posted a lot that day. I honestly forgot what I had even posted that. And I agree, it's all ridiculous. People need to stop jumping on the same paranoid train she was on. If she was being chased after by people or got beat up by a bunch of dudes who told her to keep her mouth shut, I can see why she would lashing out at anyone who questioned her. But I agree, that's not fair to @vindicator. It sucks. I hope people back off.

srayzie ago

I donā€™t know. @Vindicator said you said that. Canā€™t you find it?

srayzie ago

Thank you. Iā€™ll give it to him.

dreamdigital ago

That's what I'm saying. People were making everyone think he was somehow to blame. He's not.

srayzie ago

I agree

Vindicator ago

Worded it wrong? That's rich.

You told Voat I "slandered" her and as evidence linked to a thread by @gamepwn which

1.) did not include the thread she was banned for and

2.) repeated her numerous lies about how she was treated, including completely false claims that I ignored death threats she received and that a physical assault on her at home was the result of doxing of her here due to the sharing of her IP address.

Here's your actual comment:

@Vindicator you are not made to look very good on this thread. I know you're just following the rules you all have set in place, but seriously man, this lady had stuff. Should have worked with her.

Gem777 Banned and slandered

Literally everything in this comment is untrue. You claim I made the rules for v/pizzagate when the users have repeatedly voted on the rules and can propose changes to them at any time. You claim Jem "had stuff" when no one, including her and Robin Gritz, has produced any such "stuff". You claim I "should have worked with her" implying I did not work with her, when I unbanned her, tried to help her make rule-compliant submissions, and only banned her when she left me no choice after she essentially gave one of our board owners the finger when HE tried to help her edit a post. She then proceeded to lie repeatedly about how and why she was banned, and tried to use it to convince people Voat would dox them for investigating pizzagate.

People need to stop almost blaming him for what has happened, it's ridiculous.

It sure as hell is. What's even more ridiculous is you claiming you innocently "worded it wrong". It's revisionism like this that has pretty much convinced me that Jem wasn't just an emotionally disturbed individual with authority issues but an actual disinfo pusher.

@Crensch @srayzie @think-

dreamdigital ago

And sorry I'm confused. I put the link that says "Banned and Slandered." I understand what you're all saying now. I'm slow tonight. No, I don't agree with that statement. That thread was just an attack using her one-sided comments because she got banned. I should have had more evidence before I shared that. How would you like me to retract that? Or did I just do it? Again, though, I don't think she is a disinfo pusher by any means. She was actually in the field interviewing alleged victims.

dreamdigital ago

No, I don't think she was disinfo, she was just trying to do her part. How is it not true when I said: "You were not made to look very good?" I was commenting on the actual thread. And by me saying she had stuff, the statement in the article claims she had something. Whether she died of natural or unnatural causes, that is up in the air. It sucks you were made to look like the bad guy. All of this info you are now sharing about what happened and how it went down, I researched none of it. The only thing I've seen was the thread I commented on. Then @Srayzie made a thread later regarding everything else. The only part I agree with what I said now in that comment is that in that thread you were not made to look very good. Sorry man, I hope everyone realizes and calms down because its' clearly no one's fault here. And again, do not say she was purposely spreading disinfo. That's not true. Could she have had something that was probably not accurate that she believed was accurate? Yes. We can all find trails and rabbit holes that lead nowhere. I think I needed more facts before I made that comment. I knew nothing about people saying you doxed her. All new to me.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for reevaluating, dreamdigital. I appreciate the clarification. One thing I'd like to ask you, though...

How do you reconcile "do not say she was purposely spreading disinfo. That's not true" with the fact that Jem -- not "people" -- Jem herself claimed I accessed her IP address and sent men to beat her up at her home? Those two statements can't both be true.

dreamdigital ago

And again, I want to apologize. I'm accusing you of nothing.

dreamdigital ago

Once again, I did not know any of this info about her saying this. Yes, I agree, that's disinfo, or what I like to call being so paranoid, anyone who questions you is out to get you. She was clearly paranoid. I had no idea she was saying you personally sent those guys after her? Where does did she say that? Was she just throwing out accusations in a rant or something? That sucks man, I'm sorry. And it's really messed up. With the comment I made, I posted a lot that day and honestly forgot what I had even said. I just knew at the end of the day what my opinion was. I feel like mods are always being attacked on here for stupid stuff anyway, but this, however, is quite extreme. I do not agree with any of this. Hopefully, everyone else reads this stuff and doesn't have the opinion you are somehow to blame.

Crensch ago

sguevar ago

Great, now I can understand why they made that claim that the user was the dead reporter. Waiting for them to reply back.

Eualos ago

Hey! haven't seen you in a while, no idea what this nonsense is about though

Crensch ago

Hey bud, sorry for the long delay in response, I meant to respond and somehow got sidetracked, so the ping wasn't there.

I think most of the above has been figured out now.

zyklon_b ago

is hilarious how upset they get tho

JohnTheVandagraph ago

Ho's gonna Ho