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jangles ago

@strazie is LARPing here. She was not friend of Jenny, just a twitter 'friend', and at least was misleading her with outlandish information like the directed energy weapons in the CA wildfires. Some people can be good others are bad, @strazie appears to be a 'bad guy' with real subversive tactics and no honor. please PROVE ME WRONG. @carmencita @GothamGirl @Dressage2

Gothamgirl ago

Used multiple websites against me, with multiple profiles leading me to believe it was 1 person. Then admits to screenshots of everything she did to us, patches together shit in my case, then threatens to use it againist us, like I have anything to hide. She tags all our screen names then suddenly we each start having problems. I see the patterns..

Like these types of accounts:

This is most likely how we are being targeted for our own personal hell.

srayzie ago

Oh really @Gothamgirl? You just want to spread lies about me? I can prove my side. Can you prove yours? Your shill side came out yesterday because you got called out.

Did I telepathically plant child porn on your phone? People,started disappearing when I joined pizzagate. Over a year and a half ago like most of us?!

You’re telling people I have alts? Wtf? You’re only losing credibility by making a fool out of yourself. If you want to talk shit, be a big girl and ping me or shut the fuck up.

@Vindicator @Think- @Shizy
I had so many attacks yesterday that I didn’t even see this one. I want witnesses to this shills bullshit. She is spreading disinfo about me. I can back up what I have to say. She’s just making a fool out of herself. She doesn’t even have the decency to ping me when talking shit.

I’ve never even seen that profile she provided. It’s probably Sarah’s. GothamGirl used to also make posts for other people that were banned from here. FlynnL1v3s. However you spell it. He was shot like 5 months ago. GothamGirl knew Jem and him. Should I stoop to her level and accuse her of shit? This is ridiculous.

Vindicator ago

The number of users making malicious claims without evidence over the past few days has been rather astonishing. I don't think people realize how bad this makes them look when we've got so much information warfare going on. Making a claims without anything to back them up is basic shill behavior. Amazing people don't know this by now.

JohnTheVandagraph ago

Jokes, she's a delicate flower.

JohnTheVandagraph ago

You have to admit, srayzie is a total slut

Shizy ago

People disappear for thousands of reasons! Probably the biggest is that voat is a time suck and people have lives, jobs and families! It's not a conspiracy! What exactly is she trying to accuse you of with that nonsense anyway?

srayzie ago

I guess I have super powers. I can telepathically plant child porn on her phone. 🙄 people started disappearing once I joined pizzagate which was over 1 1/2 years ago. She’s the one that was friends with both Jem and Flynn Lives who got shot.

Shizy ago

I didn't know anything about Flynn lives other than remembering the name from awhile back, so I looked him up. He threatened someone in his house with a gun, so that person called 911. When the cops show up he goes outside with the gun in his hand and points it at them so they shot him. Did you make him do that srayzie??? How dare you!

I swear, some people around here are delusional!

Vindicator ago

I swear, some people around here are delusional!

That does appear to be the case, sadly.