EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm not homophobic, I've never been scared of a gay guy, but I am scared of trannies. And I am a woman. I actually am seriously afraid of them, given what circumstances including rape I have experienced at the hands of one of them. So kindly leave me alone now, thank you. Maybe men have a right to be afraid of homo pedos. I leave it to you to be afraid of whomever you want.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm not virtue signaling I just feel bad going against some of the people I have had as friends throughout life and I don't think this has to do with gay people just the trannies.

GeorgeT ago

Jimmy Comet's instagram certainly confirmed that very thing. And notice how all these transgender creeps are drawn to all things children.

fuckmyreddit ago

@bloodandhonor I am not homophobic. Of course, I think gay marriage and pedophilia are terrors that have been forced upon normal people just like rap music has. I mean, the crazies with power, influence and money are doing everything they can to destroy the foundations of civilization.

However, I have been around so many gays in my crazy life that they don't bother me at all unless they involve children in their strange ways. As long as they leave my family and everyone's family alone, I don't care what they do with consenting adults (as long as they don't spread aids.) I would say that there ARE people who don't hate gays. And what gay guys do in the privacy of their own homes is just not important to me. God will be the judge of them and their "sins" and that's good enough for me.

atimeandplace ago

Yeah honestly you only need to look at social media site Tumblr to see that there is a massive influx of people with changing gender identities.

Because of my childhood rape I didn't want to be a girl as I thought being a boy was "safer". I never voiced it aloud, of course, because I didn't want to be a boy, and I didn't want to be a girl... I thought if I dressed a certain way it would be like wearing invisibility armor and nothing would hurt me. Honestly it was something I struggled with until my teens when I learned that most of my male cousins had been sexually abused in the part of the country they lived, which was far, far away from where I had grown up. It was then I realized that oh actually the world isn't safer if you're a boy either! So then I REALLY wanted to be "nothing" and I rejected this idea that I was a girl because I did not want to be hurt ever again in my life.

In my twenties I started therapy for the fact I was sexually abused / raped as a child. It took until my late twenties before I felt comfortable as a woman. I stopped needing several layers of clothing to hide the fact I was a big-breasted woman. I finally started wearing knee-length shorts, after years in sweatpants to "keep me safe". And it was only in the last year that I finally told my family how I had felt all those years, and that it was this big secret thing I'd been struggling to deal with.

I actually spent my life rejecting relationships too. Anything relating to sex was DISGUSTING in my view. I mean it kind of is, but only because the men in my country are largely of a "rapey" mindset when they communicate with women online (but I have met a super nice guy, so they do exist!).

Because I was seen as a "tom boy", one of my half sister's still calls me a lesbian. I'm not, never was. I just rejected societies ideals of what I should be in eeeeevery conceivable manner because I didn't want to exist in the world.

My point in sharing this? These people need some serious therapy. It IS a psychological issue to be confused about your gender. It IS a psychological issue to lack a sexual orientation, or have one that requires several PHD's to fucking translate into the common tongue.

I know, because I lived through those psychological conditions for the fact I was molested and raped as a child and just wanted to hide. But, sadly, the folks these days "identify" the way they do because having any of these mental illnesses make you one of the cool kids!

Sorry for the novel :)

Cc1914 ago

My heart goes out to you and I wish I could give you a big hug ! I'm also a survivor of child SA ... I won't retell my story but I did tell it here in 2016 and tbh I think the best therapy for me was talking to people on voat about it . There are some amazing people here that have really helped me a lot .

fuckmyreddit ago

I am a female rape victim. It happened about 40 years ago. I was an adult but I still get spooked when someone unintentionally "sneaks" up on me and startles me. My husband rings a little bell to let me know he's at the top of the stairs and walking down the hall to my office. If he forgets to ding the bell I scream unintentionally (as a startle response.)

I'm in awe of you for still being alive and not in a One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest nuthouse. I can't imagine what type of hell you've lived with after being raped as a child. I am sending you @atimeandplace lots of virtual hugs and love and strength. I hope you have lots of love and affirmation in your life. People who've been through something like this are slightly different than those who have not, but some of the changes are good. I became a conservative when I was assaulted, after growing up in a libtard family. But the assault changed me in a lot of other ways, some good some bad.

I was an adult and it changed my life. I can't imagine how it would change a child. I'm sending virtual strength and power and prayers to you.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Hey, calm down. In times like ours it takes a lot of courage to speak out in this way. There's nothing wrong in trying to communicate some kind of caveat, in this case "i don't hate gay people", essentially. It's trying to create a distinction and set a tone because you know the types we currently have around here, the ones that love to bash and be hateful towards anyone different. I think the OP didn't want this to become a hate fest. Whatever you believe about homosexuality--if you think it's a sin like i do--it's not okay to spew hate which is every bit as sinful, evil, and counterproductive to society. Many of us have gay friends and loved ones. And for those of us that are Christian, I'll just remind that Jesus would have called out the sinner for sinning, yes. But He also loved them, showing kindness and mercy. If you can't do both, you aren't worthy to be called one of His followers, can I get an amen? 😌 😜 💗

Marfa-Lights ago

What is now happening in Syria ties right in with Pizzagate, it's the same fucking NWO Globalist Cabal that are killing and eating our children!! If we can't all see what's happening in Syria right now, then it's too late to save all children, including your own. They are going to take control of Syria at any cost. The good thing is that many millions of people are awake to this Globalist shit. Hopefully enough to make a difference.

atimeandplace ago

I dropped some red pills for my brother tonight re: the globalist shit going on. I mean he's JUST finished playing Far Cry 5, and he thinks this stuff is bullshit. So I calmly explained to him that while he might not believe in the NWO, it does exist and came from ACTUAL speeches from real people and that he needs to start researching where it came from and stop considering it a tin foil hat conspiracy just because he doesn't want to believe there are dark forces in the world trying to undermine and exhaustively ruin the way we live.

MolochHunter ago

This is the problem, really. Our current Laws in pursuit of 'Social Justice' are so much more strenuous than the laws that pursue Criminal Justice that Bad Actors within any demographic 'protected' by political correctness can evade and avoid justice by crying discrimination

Here in Australia, the academic who drafted and launched our Nationwide school anti-bullying program for LGBTQ / diverse students is on public record in a 1982 journal stating he believes Gay rights and Pedophile Rights are Indivisible aspirations


and do you think he cops any heat for this in public debate? Not a sausage. The media shields him and wont give oxygen to anyone who would like to ask him, perfectly reasonably in the circumstances, whether he recants / disavows this view now that he is implementing policies that have the potential to Sexualise the relationship between a Teacher and a'curious student'

sore_ass_losers ago

Yes it's ridiculous that crossdressers, panty fetishists, and drag queens are all subsumed under the umbrella of transgender. It's not as if all of these males want to live as females.

Altmight ago

All sane people are homophobic. No exceptions. Its as repulsive as sex with animals.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Maybe I am just brainwashed because I may not agree with it but I really don't feel like I am homophobic. Transphobic, definitely, considering that they are such violent people.

Altmight ago

Most pedos are homo. NAMBLA has been marching in gay parades since the beginning of the gay movement. Fact.

hojuruku ago

My father was prosecuted for saying this exactly. I have all of his court files where he included the medical studies that cost $350 to buy online to give to the judge. It's "mckee burns" on www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au

Would you be interested in me dumping all the court files including said studies after this. Maybe you can write up your views on the case.

The gay judge who blogs he specalizes in representing pedophiles on his law firm's blog ruled gay marriage activists can never be pedophiles and it's a crime to call them that. http://archive.is/bBPyo He's also partnered with an American law firm.


I disagree with the gay judge. Gay marriage activist pedophiles do exist - the next big post will how the special gay police founded by the OTO sex cult will come after you if you expose pedophiles are funding the push for gay marriage - as a result of this investigation.



Policitians supporting pedophiles at political rallies - the videos of which are being flagged as child porn on youtube - in a new twist youtube is using anti-child porn technology to protect pedophile enablers.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I would appreciate if you shared those studies, absolutely.

hojuruku ago

p.s. i got a busy day tomorrow doing field ops trying to deport LGBTI pedos on my day off.... All good things come to those who ..... (just a little)

Hello Pakistani Embassy,

My name is Luke McKee.

I am a well known anti-gay-pedophilia activist and UNHCR confirmed political refugee and dissident from Australia.

It has come to my attention that a leader of the Australian Greens Party whilst supporting pedophiles on the run from the FBI for child porn gave a public speech at a protest outside Australian Government Immigration offices in Sydney claiming that Pakistan wholesale kills homosexuals.

https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=ONG394816RU2 (video)

Even Wikipedia says that is a lie. Sodomy laws are normally only used against pedophiles - and not enforced. Your country even has transgender rights.

Please read the top story about this saga on the world's #1 anti-pedophilia forum:



(lots of other links about the Pakistani child porn visa saga here - including mainstream news)


Gave visa to this Pakistani national.



Australian government has ruled you don't have bad a character if you download child porn - because the pedophile above whilst in jail in the USA is still sponsoring his boyfriends visa in Australia right now. Under Australian law you must be of good character to sponsor a migrant into Australia - and visa's are cancelled if immigration is informed otherwise. Immigration blocked my email because the manager was gay - and decided that child porn isn't bad character - as exposed above.

Background on other pro-pedophilia actions the Australian government is taking involving myself, my friends and my family.




What am I seeking from Pakistan?

A public statement that you don't kill gays to restore the honor of your country on the international human rights stage contrary to the public statement's by Australian political leaders - and that this homosexual put in Australia near Australian children by the Greens party lobbying and a pedophile singing the sponsorship forms is removed as per the law. He never had a right to stay in Australia even before the visa was granted as he was an illegal immigrant over-stayer. Greens used gay rights as a platform to help him queue jump, avoid deportation and a 5 year ban that even non-homosexuals get for breaking the immigration laws before they can marry.


What you choose to say about Lee Rhiannon of the Australian Greens party is not my decision but I know what I would do. She's already lost the ability to rejoin the next government, and has under investigation for parliamentary expenses fraud. There will be little detriment to international relations condemning her actions in league with pedophiles to attack Pakistan with baseless lies, and to be honest the majority of the Australian voting population will THANK YOU!

Warm Regards,

Luke McKee UNHCR Ref 2010-000092 HK.

hojuruku ago

soon have you seen my most latest thread. We have been under satanic pedo cop and Jewish pedo judge onslaught all day... i'm exhausted - I will deliver and I have the goods you seek.


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Thank you!

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

I'm not homophobic but I am on God's side. Sodenmy is a sin, just like men dressing up like women, let alone getting surgery. LGBT(PP pedophiles & pro rape). If man and woman are straight, you can tell if thy are pedo.

hojuruku ago

gay dads are cock chopping 3 year old boys for gay pride, and the head of the OTO in Australia has two tranny sons he offers to judges for favorable judgements.


https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html (search in archive.is if you are reading this a month from now)

Gay charities are taking kids away from their parents to live in child prostitute rent boy dorms twenty10.org.au exposed on kidsrights.org.au

Watch the taxpayer funded laywers who take kids brainwashed by safe schools to be tranny make gay marriage vows under 16 - you must commit to a future gay marriage if you have been castrated or chemically castrated. I though the muslims having sex with girls when they first menstrate was bad but this is worse child abuse. Anyway watch the lawyers that do this cheered for doing it by the gay pride parade. It was this tip off that got the ACL.org.au later bombed by a CA Mayor intern Libby Oakland gay terrorist investigating the saga that found they were doing it to 3 year old boys.




Theytookoutgodslaw ago

If a women says it's easier to raise children by themselves, they provoke/turn the blind eye on on underage sexuality.

GreenDell144 ago

I often wonder why humans seem to be having more and more issues within our existence. I study some aspects of it in our biology.

Humans are an anomaly in nature. Consider all of the illnesses, diseases, mutations and disorders... just the sicknesses and parasites in general that plague the wild kingdom. Plants, animals, etc... you may think that that is a phenomenally large task, counting and cataloguing all of that (and it is). However, all of those added together pale in comparison to the shear number of such things found in humanity.

Humans are profoundly imperfect. Humanity gets worse with each generation. Food, water and environment...we have caused it all to become shoddy and making us worse too. The living things that we have domesticated have a significant level of problems also; far more so than there natural counterparts. Domesticated European bees have 10 times as many problems with parasites and infections, for example. It has taken a tremendous effort to find a solution for colony collapse, to try and save our pollinators, and thus our food supply. Africanized bees escaped our control and thrive. North American bees have an almost idyllic population. The same is true for virtually every living thing dominated by civilization, but STILL those issues are small compared to the disorders, dismorphias and diseases of people

sunajAeon ago

Who the fuck uses terms like "Virtue signaling" WTF? Sounds like something Sal Alinsky would come up with

sore_ass_losers ago

Critics of SJW (Social Justice Warriors), primary in mens rights forums on the net. The idea is that they give lip service or implement 'progressive' ideas in order to appear virtuous to other SJWs.

GreenDell144 ago

Thanks for dropping some science!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Great timing of this thread, and I couldn't agree more! In fact, I was at the doctor's today and they gave me what I thought was the typical form you fill out for your first time being there for the year. You know - has your address insurance, or phone number changed? Or your gender?

Wait, what?

Yup! They wanted to know what gender I identify with as well as my birth gender, what pronoun I prefer to be referred to as,and whether I was heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and a couple others I can't remember.

These questions were not optional either. I think they're truly doing all they can to make this stuff appear to be the norm and as far removed from mental illness and childhood abuse as possible. You would think more doctors would be against this sort of thing, but I'm sure their careers would be ruined if they tried to push against this movement.

sore_ass_losers ago

Wow, what pronoun you prefer. It's sad to see that craziness go more mainstream.

I've never figured out what the definitive list is supposed to be and exactly what a 'xer' is, for example. Everyone supposed to just pick their own because they like the sound of it?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I have no idea. Your guess is as good as mine!

Shizy ago

You don't have to answer their BS questions. Just leave them blank. This is all turning into to one sick joke

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Well, I thought about that, but then it occurred to me that if heterosexuals don't answer the questions, it will look like they're more gender fluid people than there really is, which would give them the angle to say, "Hey, we need to start catering to them even more than we do because there are so many."

Shizy ago

That's a good point.

sunajAeon ago

I think he made a perfectly rational and respectful argument

FakeNewzIsFake ago

The point was, he prefaced it with something that contradicts his feelings about the study. There is a difference between homophobic, which by definition is scared of homosexuals, and disliking the factors that led them to the dark path. Homophobic is just a catch phrase, nobody is actually scared of them.

sunajAeon ago

I go along with that-LGBT movement is built on perversion, psychological disorders and is being used as a weapon upon society as a whole; it is chilling to see how society is so pliable under this programming, today you 'aint cool unless you are 'metrosexual"

Blacksmith21 ago

1) Da fuq? 2) If you were abused by both sexes from birth, a fractured psyche could "identify" with a non-existent "3rd gender". Possible? 3) "Transgender" was a statistical anomaly 25 years ago. Almost non-existent 40 years ago. Either it is an induced mental disorder or there is something being manipulated at the DNA level to create freaks. 4) Side effects may cause thoughts of suicide, homicide, regret, compulsive gambling, or thoughts of pedophilia. 5) Homosexuality is very rare in the animal kingdom. Human rates of disease, birth rates, etc. is not dissimilar to other kingdoms. Why the recent, disproportionate amounts of "non-hetero" in the news?

think- ago

Why the recent, disproportionate amounts of "non-hetero" in the news?

Exactly. Why the sudden push of transgenderism as something fashionable?

Why should all girls and women share lavatories with dudes, who dress as women? They are a tiny minority.

Why does the majority have to endure this, so that a tiny minority might feel better when they are able to go to a 'no-gender' bathroom?

My impression is that 20 years ago, those who came out as transsexual were really serious about it. Now it's just a hyped thing, and everybody who happens to like the way they were born are 'boring' now. Especially when they are heterosexual.

sore_ass_losers ago

I think transsexuals in the past would try to 'pass' as the other gender. Now that's completely unnecessary and you have such phenomena as the bearded performer Conchita Wurst. (Just looked it up, actually this person is a drag queen who only identifies as female when performing.)

MolochHunter ago

Genuine Transgenders (Gender Dysphoria) are usually about 0.3% of any population. The number of people we currently have identifying as Trans is magnified by social engineering and a civilizational self loathing / deathwish /collapse

Camille Paglia, solid 2nd wave feminist, despises 3rd wave, speaks of the advent of transgenderism in collapsing civilizations as evidenced through the statues the ancient Greeks made - all heroic and masculine when Greece was expanding as an empire, but wimpy androgynous figures when Greece collapsed


Matt_Helm ago

parents are so brainwashed they are raising their babies "without any gender" let the kids decide!


Matt_Helm ago

Chemicals in food use estrogen which makes girls enter puberty much earlier and gives feminine traits to boys. Diet and environment so many plastic items in every home. Some boys are very feminine and I can see why they feel like girls and become girls. Not nearly as many girls who are masculine it has to be the estrogen in the food doing this.

carmencita ago

Gross Really Sick. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2013/08/22/alleged-underwear-thief-told-police-his-habit-started-early/ A girl I worked with once said when she was in college someone was going around to apt. complexes and stealing women's undies. After a while I think they caught the guy and she said some of hers were taken out of the laundry room. She said she and another girl always went together to do laundry after that. This guy in the article says it started when he was 8. 8? Good Lord. What makes them this way. I have also read that this is a mental condition. Could the father have been abusing the boy? Idk, but something has to happen to these people at some point.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah, a person I know told me it started for him at 11. I think they must have been molested to turn out this way. It makes me so sad.

carmencita ago

Also, when you think about it, in that story it said he urinated in front of the dryer, or washer. This is a sure sign of fright or arousal. Which is what animals do. I agree it is very sad and although I am sickened by pedophiles I am saddened by what was done to a child for him to turn out this way. This is why we are here, to stop this from happening.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/2zNSY :

Amy James on Twitter: "Go join me on Patreon! t.co/RAhR00uoqy t.co/l69s5jlOvs For news that matters like this ridiculous DNC platform goal not to detain LGBT human traffickers… t.co/zw1Ngk6fUz"

https://archive.fo/htM62 :

Amy James on Twitter: "It would hurt implementation of the 2016 DNC platform, specifically, never detaining any who "identify as LGBT," claiming to be parents of the children they are trafficking. Real Americans would never allow that to happen. Only pedo-terrorists "vote" for that (using fake names)!… t.co/ilU0GKvQMw"

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