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Podge512 ago

Statistics show that, although homosexuals comprise only 1-2% of the population, they commit roughly a third (30-40%) of all child sexual abuse offences. This means that, statistically, 1 in 20 homosexuals is a paedophile, as opposed to 1 in 495 heterosexuals.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Trannies are even more likely to be sex offenders than ordinary homosexuals.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

You pull that statistic out of your ass? Get some statistics (and no, just using Breitbart as a source doesn't count), and prove it. I have seen no evidence, ever, that has said that.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

No, I pulled it out of my brain. Because I read about this topic all the time. When I find the study I just read about sex offenders being largely trannies I'll post it here. My internet connection is really slow right now and I just saw it a few days ago, but I can't remember where it was. Pedophiles are gonna go both ways. So they're not gonna be only homosexuals.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Sure bud. When you find all these great sources, be sure to link me to them. And please, don't just link some sensationalist article or something, I want to see actual studies and cold hard facts.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Transwomen & Sexualized Violence

There are numerous other reported incidents (assaults on women and children, indecent exposure, public masturbation, covert photography etc.) by disordered “transgender” men (; there are over 250 media reported stories at this link alone.

From that link:

88% of the transgender population, those people who are protected by gender identity and gender expression laws, are, as reported by their own advocacy organizations, males with a psychosexual disorder. (1)

Many men with psychosexual disorders practice their fetish in the privacy of their own homes. But as many as 13,946,348 of them in the US, at the time of this writing, will be free to practice their fetish in public, in front of your children, in women’s locker rooms, in the girls bathroom at school. (2) This will be enabled by current and pending transgender legislation throughout the US. (3).

Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4) Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism – in other words: TRANSGENDER.

60% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their primary paraphillia (a parapillia is a psychological sex disorder). Of the remaining fetishists, such as pedophiles, rapists, etc., 60% of those sex offenders have transgender fetish as their secondary parapillia, in addition to their primary disorder. Finally, 40% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their tertiary (3rd) fetish among multiple disorders.

Transgender sex disorders are the leading indicator of criminal sexual behavior.

This is what transgender does:

rape and kill 6 year old girls

are sexual predators and

T. rape women

TW rape women

TW rape women

TW rape women

Dallas: Convicted serial child rapist Paul Ray Witherspoon was reported to law enforcement by a woman who was frightened by him in a hospital restroom designated for use by women and girls. Witherspoon was wearing earrings and a skirt and a large bulky ankle GPS device worn by paroled felons deemed likely to re-offend. His parole had been previously revoked at least twice: in 2007 when Witherspoon was charged with assault and returned to prison until 2010, and again when he was arrested in 2011 for sending out pornographic photos of himself over the internet.

California: Male rapist claiming “transgender” status placed in CA WOMEN’S prison:–Male-rapist-put-into-women-s-prison#

David Megarry (“Sandy Jo Battista”), a convicted sex offender who has molested girls, expects tax payers to pay for his feminizing hormones.

Kenneth Hunt (“Katheena Soneeya”), who was trying to get the State of Massachusetts to pay for hair removal and sex reassignment surgery was convicted of murdering two women.

Robert Kosilek (“Michelle Lynn” Kosilek), then 39, was already transitioning when he killed his wife, Cheryl McCaul, during an argument. He strangled her to death, nearly decapitating her in the Mansfield, Massachusetts home they still shared.

Other “transgender” males presenting as women claiming access to women’s restrooms: TRANSGENDER INVESTIGATION Up to half of trans inmates may be sex offenders Plans to allow people to self-define their gender could put female prisoners at risk, campaigners warn Dragging on her king-sized cigarette in front of a no-smoking sign, her long, red-dyed hair falling over her silver fur coat, Davina Ayrton smiled at the camera just before she was sentenced to eight years in prison for raping a schoolgirl.

For anyone asking how a woman can be convicted of rape — which in law requires the use of a penis — the answer is Ayrton, previously known as David, was a man when she pinned down her 15-year-old victim in a Portsmouth garage. She still has her male genitalia.

At trial Ayrton expressed a wish to serve her time in a women’s prison. Now a proposed change in the law makes her desire a real prospect.

In March, Jessica Winfield, a transgender double… Voices A recent study claimed that 41 per cent of transgender prisoners are sex offenders – this is why it's false It is no coincidence that this research has surfaced as the Government has announced they will be reforming the Gender Recognition Act, allowing trans people to self-identify without needing a psychiatric evaluation from a medical professional to confirm they are trans

Cc1914 ago

Haha ! Thanks bud ! I'm tired of people saying " there's no connection " between homos and pedos !

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

So, a few cherry-picked articles about idiots committing crimes (as if that proves that all trans people are criminals? Huh??), an article that literally states in the FIRST SENTENCE that the study referenced is false, and some low-quality site that doesn't really source anything well at all and which you just copy-pasted this all from? Really? Try harder. This is the most obvious confirmation bias I've ever seen.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The Independent article came up on Google, and its argument against the study is that "women who are anti-trans are wrong" sorry LGBT person, but you're the one who is wrong. I'm sorry if you're offended by the truth, but considering you're LGBT and apparently on this board to further the transgender agenda more so than LGB then I guess I'll just say you're really biased then.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Huh, so I'm wrong because you say so I guess? For all the shoddy '''research''' you linked here, there's countless other evidence that shows trans people are just fine and probably not something you should be worrying yourself over. I really don't think this is the place to discuss this anyways, since it's not remotely relevant to this investigation. You can try to convince yourself that it is through bias and finding more cherry-picked articles (while claiming everything else is fake news), but unless it turns out that the higher ups in this whole sick mess are trans and that's also relevant to anything, then it's pointless to even bring it up at all.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

No, you're wrong because you have a conflict of interest, and none of these studies are wrong, and you have not proven any of them wrong. A straight stat on the number of sex offenders in prison with transexual fetish as their primary, secondary, or tertiary fetish / disorder is pretty compelling. There is no point in discussing this exact topic with you since you said you are LGBT. And clearly you are offended by people who are anti-trans, but that doesn't make us wrong.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Use the internet to search for things that aren't just feeding your confirmation bias. I genuinely have no desire to waste any more time than I already have debating this or spoonfeeding you articles that you will, I'm certain, deny anyways. That sounds like a cop-out reply, I know, but I honestly don't care, because, again 1. none of this is remotely relevant to this investigation 2. you insisting on spreading your own bias here only hurts the cause. But go off I guess, not like this sub isn't already full of people like you who I'm sure the shills love, since it makes it so much easier to keep the general public off this site.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

LOL, so if most sex offenders are trannies, then that has nothing to do with rape and pedophilia how? It's easy to see how wrong you are. Bye Felicia.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

MOST sex offenders are trans people now? How in the world did you get to that? It's pretty obvious that you'll just believe whatever you want to believe, instead of actually doing unbiased research.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I posted the link above. Cheers, pedo.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Your claim was "Up to half of trans inmates may be sex offenders", and now you're saying most sex offenders are trans people. I think you can see how that doesn't track, at all. Anyways, there are so many other things to focus on, so many other areas of research to focus on that will actually help this investigation, so arguing about this is beyond pointless. Unless you find out that all the people behind pizzagate are trans (and...lets just say I'd be shocked if you did), it's not relevant, so just take your 'research' somewhere else.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't answer to you, anonymous person on the internet.

BigMatteson ago

HuRr DuRr ThAt'S nOt AcCePtAbLe To mE bEcAuSe I'vE mOvEd ThE gOaLpOsTs. TrY tO fInD a BuZzFeEd ArTiClE, sHiTlOrD!

Do you hear yourself? You sound like an offended faggot that doesn't want to hear the truth.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Or, ya know, you could link some actual studies and stuff instead of your ridiculous cherry-picked articles. Just saying. I'm not remotely offended, but OP shows some really shoddy researching/journalism skills. But honestly, none of this is remotely relevant to this investigation anyways. I don't care if you hate trans people, I don't think this is the place to discuss this anyways.

BigMatteson ago

I don't hate trans people, I pity them. They should get the mental help they need. Keep moving those goalposts, though. It's been working for your side for about 70 years now.