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jangles ago

@strazie is LARPing here. She was not friend of Jenny, just a twitter 'friend', and at least was misleading her with outlandish information like the directed energy weapons in the CA wildfires. Some people can be good others are bad, @strazie appears to be a 'bad guy' with real subversive tactics and no honor. please PROVE ME WRONG. @carmencita @GothamGirl @Dressage2

carmencita ago

Wish I could. I have not had many dealings with her lately. But this post is proof of what you just said. She is trying to agitate a lot of people last night. We don’t need to lose our best researchers. I am really disappointed.

srayzie ago

I showed Jangles proof and he edited his comment about me.

Plan1988 ago

Wait And See Is What I Say. One side will have to eat crow.