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Gothamgirl ago

I gave everything I had to police and deleted my social accounts. I will try to bring them up again and grab what I can.

I have never had a problem with any mod before that day. I have actually always defended them.

zyklon_b ago

Im on your side even if you are i the wrong baby

srayzie ago

You’re on her side when she lied about me? I’ve never met the bitch in my life and she tried saying that I planted child porn on her phone and threatened Imwould kidnapmher kid.

zyklon_b ago

I have met her in real life so of course i am goin to wanna protect her.

can yall just agree to not talk to eachother or about eachother and call it done?

srayzie ago

I want nothing to do with her. I just want her to stop spreading lies and talking shit behind my back. I don’t take kindly to be accused of all the shit she’s accused me of.

zyklon_b ago

I dont know about anything you are accused of or what is even goin on in this thread.

i just made a comment and now i an catching shit for trying to make peace?

wth is goin on here?

srayzie ago

No I’m not mad at you

zyklon_b ago

No shit.

I dindu nuffins

srayzie ago

You didn’t tap that did you? 🤢

zyklon_b ago

I aint answering that. I love @gothamgirl and always will

srayzie ago

Well that means you did. She’s nasty. But if you want to fuck manipulative liars, that’s up to you. You little love birds knock yourselves out.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't even know you Srayzie.

srayzie ago

You talked shit to donkey acting like I’m horrible for being married and being a flirt. It’s innocent fun. That’s how I am. Now that I know you 2 met in April, I see that you just didn’t like it that Zyklon was flirting with me.

Gothamgirl ago

"Zyklon was flirting with me." -LOL .

srayzie ago

Yeah and he always sent me hearts. Don’t act like you didn’t see all that. That’s why you don’t like me and are saying l act like I’m in heat. I’m a grown ass woman. My husband knows how I am. Although, that’s none of your business.

There’s a big difference between innocent flirting online publicly, than being a single mother on a pizzagate forum that opens her legs in real life to a stranger she met there. THAT is a whore. Not only that, but puts her kids public information on her Facebook profile. So when you supposedly got a threat from someone that said they were going to kidnap your kid, you didn’t stop and think about who you’ve been lending that pussy out to?

Child porn on your phone has to be from one of the men you’ve brought home that actually had access to your phone Miss Thang. The more you talk crap about me, the more comes out about you that shows what a cunt you are. Get your shit together before you judge someone else.

JohnTheVandagraph ago


srayzie ago

Member for 20 min lol. I’m crushed. 😂

Gothamgirl ago

Did you bother to read his bio? I made the mistake that everything he said was real too.

"One of the men I brought to my house"

Are you serious? Do you stalk me?

srayzie ago

Who’s bio?

You ask how am I going to back up that you bring men to your house and then ask if I stalk you 😂 I’ll take that my assumptions were correct.

So let me get this straight. I don’t even like Titus Frost. The video you sent me where he started running his mouth about Cicada3301, I turned off. I watched the first part where he was dancing and said that he was hot when he danced. OMG! How awful of me!

First of all, I didn’t even know Titus Frost was married. Even if he was, he’s a youtuber. Who cares? I wasn’t talking to the man.

Do you think it’s a sin to find someone attractive? My husband knows that Trump is his runner up. In case you take that serious, it’s a joke. Of course I would never leave my husband for Trump. I would only have his love child. But anyways. 🙄

You need to step back and take a chill pill. People have opinions towards public figures. George Clooney is some good eye candy. My husband knows that too. We don’t live in a bubble.

You were the one who was crazy about FlynnL1ve5. You also liked that guy on Facebook and even had his number. You were attracted to them. Publicly you said I was trying to set you up with a married man. Wtf? I didn’t know about their personal lives. You were happy when I told you that FlynnL1ve5 liked you back. I was trying to help you because you were shy. You said you had a man now. Did you in April too?

You can say all you want about my thinking someone is hot. It’s nothing compared to you fucking strangers you find online in a pizzagate forum.

Just like you said, marriage is a beautiful thing, respect it... well being a parent is a beautiful thing as well. Keeping your kid safe should be your number one priority.

A good start is for you to invest in some toys. Your need for strange cock is a risk for you AND your child. Don’t put your kids information online. Those 2 things should come first.