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Cc1914 ago

I had heard that something would surface regarding Jem777 being a liar etc . It was hard to digest and had been waiting patiently for the info to come out . I just saw this sticky . I’m quite shocked that this is the info claiming that she was a disinformation shill . I saw nothing in those screenshots that proved she was disinfo. Paranoid ? Maybe , but to go on about how exaggerating you thought she was is unfair , considering she was the one with her “ boots on the ground “ as @pizzalawyer brought out . We’ve all been paranoid researching this stuff .. even you , because REAL weird stuff has happened to several people here . Do I think her death had something to do with what @RIPJem is going on about ? Not after reading everything he/she said . Sounds way overboard and completely sketchy to me . If Jem is alive and this is all fake .. WOW ! Then they will have succeeded in dividing a few more “ sandy hook “ style as in play on our emotions ! “ How could you say those deaths were fake “ ?! Etc . @Srayzie , I know you posted about how bad you felt about bringing this up and all I just wish that your evidence was more clear because to me it sounds like your personal perception of her was unwarranted. I don’t trust GW or anyone else of his stature completely . I don’t think Jem trusted him towards the end either . Did I know her personally ? No , but I’ve seen her research and like @dressage2 said “ she wasn’t perfect “ and we’ve all posted disinfo , unintentionally of course . She was stubborn when it came to re-writing her posts to comply with PG rules , but so were/are a lot of us . So if I’m correct in my deductions here .. this woman who was a cop , and made videos of herself holding her badge talking about the coverups that happen at the top was a disinfo shill? What about that is shilly? The very cop she accused of ordering her beating a while back has been abruptly fired also ..just a few days ago ..

What was your goal here because your screenshots prove nothing IMO . If I went into CPP personally , I would have takin all those photos too , it’s scary stuff not knowing what to expect . Telling you that JA and his buddy were staring her down somehow means she’s exaggerating? I’m sure they were staring her down . Furthermore if I thought you were my friend as Jem obviously thought you were , then I’d send you play by play details of my findings too . . As much as I think GW is a setup , I still Don’t think his comment about JA was saying “ he wasn’t bad “ If someone thinks I’m a shill , please announce it before I’m dead so I can defend myself . Like I said if this ends up being a hoax , look what it accomplished...

srayzie ago

So her suddenly switching her story wasn’t shady? On the 15th, before George Webb made that tweet, she sent pictures and said she was being stared down and followed by JA and his CIA buddy. (Who knows how she determined he was a CIA buddy).

“James Alefantis followed me to Little Red Fox to stare me down.”
“I stared evil in the face.”
“James CIA buddy staring evil at me.”
“Inside the secret bathroom. Yes... It is behind a secret door.”
“James followed us. It made me nauseous”

After George Webb made the tweet on the 17th, her story about everything changed. That’s not shady? What is it that you aren’t seeing here?

“The secret bathroom is not what it seems. This is a hole in the wall dump.”
Ok, then why send me the picture and video saying different?

“I could not get past the ping pong tables to the back.”
“There is no basement in the building.”
“I went everywhere except part of the kitchen.”

Really? She did all that while being followed by James and his CIA buddy huh?

Let’s not forget that now... James Alefantis is a “Finder”. Poor JA the victim.

Nothing to see here right?!

I have a lot more. Like I said, I only shared the Comet ping pong portion. I contemplated and many people thought I should post this. What pisses me off, is that you and I know each other. So what are you implying when you ask what my goal was here? We’ve been on the same page. We both have fought for the same things. So I don’t appreciate the way you’re making this sound.

Look what it accomplished...

Obviously, your interpretation of the screenshots proving nothing, is in the minority. Many people agreed. So I’m paranoid? Exaggerating? How can I exaggerate what the screenshots and video show? Why do so many other people see it but you don’t? You seemed pissed at me last week because I told Argosciv off about how he would drink human blood. Instead of being happy that I blasted him, you said that when you did, Vindicator got onto you. Holding a grudge?

Once again, I never said that Jem was bad. She did a lot of good. But she gave truth mixed with disinfo. I have much more and have shared with a few people that I’m close with. If my GOAL was to just smear her, I would have posted it all.

RIPJem is Sarah. I’ve tried to explain to you a long time ago who Sarah was. You thought it was a bot. Well then it’s a bot that Jem talked to daily. I have the conversations with Jem about Sarah too. I was always cool with you. A lot of people talk shit to me, but I never expected you to be one of them.

@Shizy @Think- @Vindicator

Crensch ago

It's amazing how many users of come out being completely unreasonable all of a sudden. Users we thought were decent. It's becoming a pattern. There was nothing ambiguous about what you posted. That cunt was an attention-seeking disinfo troll that just wanted to be the center of attention on everything. And that's the absolute best she could be from any reasonable interpretation of your comment. At worst she specifically was planted here by alefantis to mislead you all.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It's pretty awful to call her a cunt

Crensch ago

From what I can tell she's an attention-seeking disinfo chill at the absolute best. So at the absolute best she's trying to mislead people that are trying to investigate child fuckers. She is a cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

As a mod you are probably privy to more information than we are... but since I've been called a "shill" by a couple of you lately and it seems to be because I think Q is dumb, it's kind of hard to go along with that unless there is evidence of it being that way. And since she allegedly just died it seems totally insensitive, but whatever. I've been here since we were first told by Brittany Pettibone that this is the place to go to do research and for the most part it seems like the best collection of information but I see no reason to spit on Jenny's grave unless we have tons of proof. I understand calling out shills who are on here obviously gaslighting real researchers and posting satanic stuff, but I don't understand what it is about Jenny that you guys hated so much.

Crensch ago

There has been nothing presented suggesting that anyone actually died. The source of the claim is known to be a completely full of shit fake news rag. You can ask srayzie for proof of the supposed to vote user being a disinfo shill. All it took was her posting the links she did for me to determine that is your name in question was on the side of the child fuckers.

I don't know about the other mods but this isn't hatred for me this is Tuesday. I deal with more shills and disinfo trolls than most people would even dream of, and I'm pretty sure my mods deal with even more than that. The user in question was suspicious from beginning to end, and the supposed death is being used as a vector to attack the mods of the subverse.

So when you pile on with the other very obvious shills in defending this username, you look like a shill.

On a personal note even if someone did die and it was that username that's a good thing because they spent their time here misleading people who really wanted to do research and catch pedophiles. She misled, on purpose, people that want to put child fuckers away. She is a cunt and she deserves every bad thing that happens to her.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

So basically, you and a few other mods would be happy if I were to die, because you've all decided I'm suspicious, based on the fact that we find it distasteful the way people are attacking someone who just allegedly died. That's a logical circle jerk.

Crensch ago

Basically, I was only speaking for myself, and if you were found to be someone who misleads pizzagate researchers consistently, then yes I would wish all the bad things on you and be happy if you were gone.

You are, however, engaging in a logical fallacy of false equivalence. I think you were probably misled, and likely have a problem with your emotions getting the way when you should be applying logic. If a website that is known for lying says something, what should be your first reaction, accepting it? Or questioning it? And what happens if it seems to be designed to cause an emotional reaction in people? Should you let your emotions be ruled by a lying website?

Is that lying website any more credible because a bunch of people seem to believe it? What happens if a lot of those usernames are known shills?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well obviously based on your socratic method here, I would disbelieve everything that comes from the lying website and / or shill unless it could be independently verified. That was what happened with me and following Q last year... followed it for a few days until the shills revealed themselves. There seems to be a lot of unreasonable hate against George Webb... maybe he's a liar but if so, he's a much better liar than the rest of the liars I know while some of the other so-called players have become almost laughably unbelievable. That is why I said that there have been so many psy-ops that have taken over Pizzagate research.

Crensch ago

There are quite a few assertions there to support. This is certainly the place to do that. Just in the past week or so many users have been outed as likely shills, so many people are primed to examine other users and other players very closely.

If you're wanting to change the landscape of who and what are talked about on pizzagate, now's the time to do it.