Truthseeker3000 ago

WTF is wrong with George Webb? Now he’s putting a victim in grave danger who wanted to stay anonymous? This guy has a serious problem. Why is he even doing this work if he’s going to be so unprofessional? This kid is going to be suicided thanks to George. This guy is nuts. This whole thing is crazy it’s like a bad reality show but with one death, possibly two now thanks to George Webb. I can’t spend any more time on this. I need to more on to more serious stuff...

Konran ago

If you were supposedly the only one who knew the victim and they suddenly turned up dead then the finger would be pointed directly at you. Better to be able to say, "Well, it could have been anyone - because everyone knew where the kid lived."

SeeHear ago

I think George Webb is a humanoid clone

seekingpeace ago

In his own words...

dreamwarrior23 ago

Please, don't trust anybody. Don't even trust me. If someone told me I either spread disinfo or die, I will spread disino. If they said it's either me or you, I might have to suicide you. Sorry.

carmencita ago Jenny's message. And. I will not be sucked in even partially agian. Done.

Cc1914 ago

Everything points to GW

carmencita ago

Yes, it seems so, and He is really crossing a line by doxing someone.

fogdryer ago

Trish would have a better idea or not his anger issues —— if he was capable of killing .

carmencita ago

Who's Trish? I do think he is capable of killing. I really do.

fogdryer ago

Former gf Now investigator

carmencita ago

Ok Where fid you see this Fo you still have a link

fogdryer ago

facebook,,,,,twitter redditt

fogdryer ago

When you do that you are destroying your own Credibility . WIC said he was a “limited hangout”.

carmencita ago

Some have been doing it on here. I highly agree. But if you do that you don't really have already lost respect. Usually people that do that, they have done it before. Really low.

Camera_Eye ago

He seems a bit scatter-brained (GW), or is that my imagination. He posts look like a mind that is pulled in every direction. He put a Severna Park, MD cremation business. Didn't the family (brother) tell him to respect the family's privacy?

Pizzalawyer ago

very much so, like an absent minded professor. His meanderings would drive me nuts, taking you all over the map before finally delivering the nugget. Sometimes I thought he was showing off while claiming to connect the dots. It was 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon squared...and I bet it impressed the ladies. Jen sounds a tad like a woman scorned.

carmencita ago

I never followed him at all. Just too busy so I said I am on the fence about him, not really knowing. But lately it yes seems its all so crazy you don't know what to believe. Him trying to dox a victim was very wrong. I don't know what to think at this point. We are being given links, statements from all sides.

SandHog ago

FYI - OAN is covering her death.

Webb is shady as hell. I wonder what his angle is here.

Cc1914 ago

Wow thanks !

SandHog ago

Sure thing. From the video it sounds like TP might be the one who has the documents she collected given what they have been saying.

kneo24 ago

Why would anyone give an opinionated reblog site like TP documents? TP is not a real news website. They often make a ton of opinionated claims and then never source where it's coming from. Half the time, when they do source where it's coming from, it's still often not enough. Very rarely do they actually get anything correct or is something sourced properly.

It's more or less a "fake news" website designed to generate clicks.

You should be asking yourself why some investigators would leave documents with a place like that. The investigators should have enough clarity to see through True Pundit and find a better medium. The whole thing stinks.

jiggawatt ago

George Webb is a zionist.... he admits it.

Plan1988 ago

Carefully crafted to mess with our brains?

kestrel9 ago wake me up if Jennifer Marie Moore is confirmed to be a real person, and not a persona. Or don't /s

Plan1988 ago


Plan1988 ago


Is Webb setting us up for the True Pundit drop due tomorrow?

Previews laying the groundwork to fulfill True Pundit

Scam( IF it is a scam).

SandHog ago

I don't think so. I think Webb is playing his own game. In this interview from OAN that former fbi agent/friend of hers mentions that Jen worried the documents she had could get her killed. I guess we'll have to see what TP has, if it drops tomorrow, and go from there. I don't trust Webb at all. I think, at best, he's a snake that likes attention any way he can get it.

leaveperiods ago

Fuck around... Is jen777 dead?

GoodGodKirk ago

Look up articles on “task force” for more details.

jangles ago

Unfortunately, and it may have been a legitimate health issue.

fogdryer ago

Really now ???????

jangles ago

may, she wasnt making enough to pay for her medication.

carmencita ago

Hope not, but We think so, but we have not had anyway to really verify. We can't believe anything coming out of Webb's mouth at this point.

EricKaliberhall ago

The Knesset will award him the Medal of Valor I'm sure...

progressbin ago

Doxx the victims. Fuck you, George. You probably killed jem777.

Jamescrow117 ago

If you are going to accuse someone of a crime that happened 20 years ago that will end their career you can't hide behind anonymity...

Pizzalawyer ago

thats a valid point. Hoever, Ithink here the strategy was to remain ANON until law enforcement could start an investigation. I dont follow TruePundit, is it really that bad? I wonder why Jen chose TP. Was she rejected by other alt news sites? The other curious thing is the accusation of Bill with a boy. Lots of men with cardiovascular problems are not able to use viagra and other similar drugs for ED so BCs days with ladies were waning. Maybe he decided to tryout some boys. Its all a tad weird.

new4now ago

I'm wondering what ties there are between Webb and TruePundit/ Thomas Paine

and how did a FBI agent, with this pedigree, get involved?

sorry I behind in everything, my hours changed, and not adapting well :)

TrishaUK ago

Cathy O'Brien testimony is that BC is bi-sexual and leans more to the homosexual side, so it wasn't when hes older! (to be honest I am surprised that google still has this on their search, and yt still has it available! (1 min mark) BOMBSHELL Hillary Clinton Child Rape Victim Speaks Out - The Cathy O'Brien Testimony -

fogdryer ago

I read that myself about willie, preferring the other side ......

BBhub ago

Me too

adaya ago

I’m inclined to speculate same. He makes me want to learn new cuss words. How do we? What do we do, to help those getting dxxed?

Pizzalawyer ago

i hate censorship but maybe GW needs to be shadow banned. Long established legal principle: You can' t falsely yell fire in a crowded theater and produce a situation whereby folks get trampled to death. No right is absolute.

But lets assume for a moment that GW is a good guy and distraught over Jens death. Are the victims better off exposed to protect them from murder even tho doxxing would be traumatic? Killing Jen doesnt mean the Clinton allegation go away. The victims have to be silenced, too.

We must wait for autopsy which proves shes dead and how she died. She suffered head injuries and a grand mal seizure could kill her. That seizure was even suggested makes me think there were bite marks on her tongue. Of course it could have been brain aches with all the possibilities.

new4now ago

haven't made this comment because it was a trigger

the story of a seizure is Bull

according to Webb, the hotel people went into her room, found her dead and called the police

the police have certain officers that deal with people found dead

these officers would look around for anything that would lead to suicide or murder

they would then call in the Coroner, yea old word :)

the Coroner would say yes she is dead

Is all what Webb said BS?

not sure, but that seizure, hospital story is BS

the dead one would NOT go to the hospital, they would be taken to the morgue

Unfortunately I know this from experience

its why I was leaning whole story to BS

fogdryer ago

Her age suggests: Not asthma, heart attack, aneurysm, not cancer

She might of had epilepsy idk

carmencita ago

Yes! This does it. Now what? He deserves the Fickled Finger of Fate Award. The Middle One.

carmencita ago

Oh my God. This just won't stop.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well Wackenhutt is the name of the security company that does security for SCOTUS & Library of Congress and it got bought by a foreign company so that in itself is scandalous. If he's outing a fake victim in a sting then the kid may have had something to do with her death?? Who is Brigid? She seems to be freaking out for nothing?

jangles ago

George makes a good point. Jenny would appreciate what he is doing, she didn't want to die. Again, Who is Brigid?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I've never heard of her but the closed fist symbol in her graphic on her profile is kind of ironic to say the least.

Vindicator ago


Did I read that right? Is Webb saying the whistleblower victim did a sting on Moore?


srayzie ago

This is crazy. He’s acting suspicious in my opinion. With the screenshots of Jem saying she was done with him and then now this. His brother kept making videos saying answer our questions George!

fogdryer ago

“Limited hangout”

Pizzalawyer ago

I wonder what Trish thinks about GW now. They were lovers I understand. Love or lust can cause people to do stupid things. Does she have any regrets or insight?

srayzie ago

They were lovers?

I’ve been wanting talk to Wendy. I have her on my Facebook. She’s on Twitter too. I can’t remember her exact username. She was the one victimized by George last year. Her and I were friends. She allowed me to share screenshots here to show George Webb’s true colors. Several months ago, I deleted that post. She asked me to since she got her life straightened out. She didn’t want her daughters to see it.

Pizzalawyer ago

I wish I could provide a link for you but that was the street talk on. Trish and GW. She certainly seemed smitten with him and it made things difficult for Jason as I recall. I spent alot of time, too much, back when on GW and lost interest because he took 3 days of yakkity-yam to get one paragraph of information from him. I defended him at times and still give him credit for unearthing alot of Awan information.. Jen apparently picked where Trish left off and was credited by George for connecting one of the Awans with Obamas buddy, Rahm Emmanual. Thats about it.

derram ago :

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