RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This is an obvious desperate psyop to throw off newcomers. See how they declare an issue, and then polarize the issue. And turn the tables and use the word truth while they spit utter garbage. Go striaght to the Q post my friends. Read the whole Q learn the whole Q and nothing but the Q... well... read your Bibles and some other things but stay away from this garbage.

Plan1988 ago

Well said.⛅

bopper ago

Look how Trump just validated Q again for the umpteenth time...


I noticed the Russia misspell right after Q posted (it was missing an "i'), then POTUS tweets and leaves the "i" out on "going."

13557281? ago


Type10fAkind ago

Are you aware there are conservative podcasts and sites that are all but confirming almost everything Q has said? I listen to Dan's Bongino's podcast daily and over the last week, I'd almost believe, even though he's never voiced being a follower, he is reading Qs drops. Everything he's covered, the vast majority of the sources he's cited, Q has posted. If things weren't happening I'd get the point. But they are. That's what apparently you're not getting. You don't even have to necessarily follow Q to see it.

dragonkiller ago

Are you aware there are conservative podcasts and sites that are all but confirming almost everything Q has said?

Q is only tagging along in the info stream and does not really contribute to the breaking news. Q has basically been an echo chamber of the Russiagate fiasco. Not amazing.

Type10fAkind ago

If Q somehow some way ends up being a 15 year old homeschooled nerd, nothing has been harmed. People going out, searching for and spreading truth, who may not have normally isn't a bad thing. You know who IS making conservatives look bad? Jack Posobiec and his band of smug assholes. He has become obsessed with proving Q is a LARP. He looks like a raving lunatic on Twitter now. HE will be who the liberals use against us because he's "One of ours."

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

if Q was a 15 yo home school nerd he would be a threat to national security as at any moment he could send this nation into destabilization with a few orders barked off. That said Q would be shut down already because how the hell would we know when he might do that? No... Q is legit by simple logic. If Q is MSM known, and Q supporters with big Q's on them get the point nod and fist pump from the POTUS himself then Q is a threat to those who dismiss him in some way and working with the President. No rational justification for such an otherwise sane and effective president to let Q go on.

bopper ago

POTUS has not validated Q? Is that what you believe?

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

OP is a pedo. And afraid.

dragonkiller ago

OP is a pedo. And afraid.

Thank you for that brilliant and intelligent analysis. I was hoping there would be smarter life forms on this planet.

pby1000 ago

Doh! Full speed ahead with Q!!!

Plan1988 ago

Yes. And I'm riding on THE TRUMP TRAIN. too.

pby1000 ago

Same. I do not see a better choice at the moment. We need to defeat the NWO or we are screwed.

Plan1988 ago

Bashing Q and even the report of Jen Moore's dearh-

OK. tonight I am viewing as distractions.

This is one of the biggest weeks in American History.

I follow Q. Last week he said: THE PREVIEWS ARE OVER.


pby1000 ago

The posts today were pretty intense. A lot of it is related to pizzagate, which is a good sign. That is the one topic that will unify people, which is why they are trying so hard to suppress the information and normalize pedophilia. It will backfire on them.

I agree. This is one of the biggest weeks in American history.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I stopped reading at "the moderators of Reddit’s r/The_Donald"

Why the hell would I care what the mods think over there? Anything having to do with Reddit and cannibal Spez can't possibly be trustworthy or contributing to the common good.

Anybody who wants to silence someone who has never once called for violence should NOT be trusted.

dragonkiller ago

There is a difference between silencing people and asking for common sense.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Asking people not to post about information, no matter where it's coming from, is wrong - especially when the source is not advocating violence and trying to spread info that should concern everyone. Go back to Reddit. You seem to like the way it works there. You know, censorship and all.

dragonkiller ago

Suit yourself. When we get our Ox gored by this right before the next election it will not help anything.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I think the pedos are the only ones who are about to get their ox gored. Something tells me you already have your ticket to Cambodia or Thailand.

dragonkiller ago

Never mind. I"m done. I expected intelligent conversation and have been called a pedophile twice. Now that I understand the intellectual capability and mentality of Q's base I can see can that thoughtful reason and logic do not reside here. Have a good day.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

In order to get the ball rolling with intelligent conversation, you have to provide an intelligent topic of discussion.

Plan1988 ago

With all due respect I have to say 'gore' won't happen.

Shizy ago

Oh, well since Alex Jones is off the Q bandwagon let's pack it up and call it a day everyone 🤣!

dragonkiller ago

Oh, well since Alex Jones is off the Q bandwagon let's pack it up and call it a day everyone !

Was that all you got out of it? Q is making all of us die hard Trump supporters look like nutters.

pby1000 ago

Why do you feel that way? Please explain.

Shizy ago

No, that's not all I got out of it, but that was obviously one of the most ridiculous points that I got out of it.

bopper ago

Is that who the OP is talking about? I was confused.

Shizy ago

OP lists several sources who have come out against Q, one of which is Alex Jones. I'm not really sure what the OP is trying to achieve here, but if we just followed along with what was popular we wouldn't be here in the first place 🤣😂

dragonkiller ago

Attempting to achieve common sense. That is all.

pby1000 ago

Is it common sense to align ourselves with the MSM? Please tell us what you are really trying to accomplish.

dragonkiller ago

A lot of us know that MSM will use this to smear us right before the next election and this will, without a doubt, cost us some votes.

pby1000 ago

You have a lot of confidence in the MSM.

dragonkiller ago

I don't care for Seaman but if we listen to this Trump campaign staffer we have to take Seaman in the deal because he did the interview. This is a former Trump campaign staffer and he despises the Q thing and says it is damaging Trump.


dragonkiller ago

You have a lot of confidence in the MSM.

None at all. I just know that the truth community is becoming increasingly irritated with Pamphlet Anon, pretending to be Q, and the irritation is growing by the week. Most of the truth community want those scammers gone and some are actively working to make it happen.

That article doesn't even name a fraction of the people that are fed up with this money making scam. It only names some of the more well known. Under the hood, many every day truthers and old youtube hands are pissed, fed up, and ready to squash this thing.

pby1000 ago

I think that Pamphlet Anon makes a mighty fine Q. I am not sure why people think otherwise.

dragonkiller ago

Its the deception that makes people mad. Its also the profiteering. There is a video of pamphlet admitting that he is making money from it because I have seen it. In my opinion he is also about the third Q. I saw a good analysis, don't remember all the details, but hundreds of thousands of dollars are easily rolling in on that scam. People don't like being lied to. Its unethical to take people's under false pretenses. I doubt pamphlet is getting all that money but lots of money is rolling in.

pby1000 ago

It is waking people up, right?

I wonder why Trump has not said something about Q being a scam perpetrated by Pamphlet Anon? I mean, Trump saw all those Q signs at the rallies.


dragonkiller ago

Lying to people and taking their money under false pretenses is never ok. Never ever.

pby1000 ago

Then why do you lie to people?

dragonkiller ago

I don't lie to people. I simply know a lot of things some other people do not know. The things I know are hard to explain to the uninitiated.

pby1000 ago

You are lying to people.

"I simply know a lot of things some other people do not know." Then tell us.

"The things I know are hard to explain to the uninitiated." Well, there are not too many people here who are unitiated, so do tell.

dragonkiller ago

Just because you don't understand what I say does not mean its a lie.

pby1000 ago

I understand that you refuse to explain.

dragonkiller ago

I have no idea what you are calling a lie or what you want me to explain. You will need to clarify.

pby1000 ago

Just the fact that you are here posting tells us a lot. If we did not know, then you would not bother.

Shizy ago

It seems like you're attempting to dissuade people from following Q and spreading the word. I'm just not sure why you would waste your time trying to do that here. You must have expected that it's not gonna work and this isn't going to be well received.

bopper ago

Yeah I saw the article several days ago. Just skimmed it at the time.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/vYqhk :

The far right is struggling to contain Qanon after giving it life

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