twistedmac11 ago

Well. I'm stumped.

Gothamgirl ago

I think I got the message 😉 and yes, yes he is.

*Is it Mad Dog mirrored God Dam?

Gothamgirl ago

If we finally crack this. Somebody better lock this demonic scumbag up. Otherwise we as researchers could be in danger.

twistedmac11 ago

Changing the 2's to 0's and 7's to 1's and translating from binary to English gives "John 1:5", which is a bible verse that reads: "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."


Gothamgirl ago

Wow that is eye opening. Cause I believe I just figured out what FBIanon meant with "cards".

Its sim cards my guess is they're inserting them in people/ computers/ phones that emit different frequencies. Some for sexual change and some for chaos.

If you can understand the jibberish..

twistedmac11 ago

Reading through the reddit post I noticed it said "" which is a site I came across while exploring the Laughing Horse Orifice Head Quarters page yesterday (see these posts and It has a bunch of files on there, but I haven't had a chance to work on decrypting them yet. Interesting.

twistedmac11 ago

Oh shit, follow the cards. The photos from the Podesta emails (when you search Mail2000) are Christmas cards. Trying to make sense of the link you sent now.

CardinalOfKek ago

the 3 pics

Pictures too view... Sorry was too lazy to do before lol

Pokes ago

The idea that a new member with a name that screams "I am a troll!" discovered hidden pedo-files in podesta's emails that no one else has previously discovered is highly unlikely. When they've not returned in the 10 hours since posting this thread to answer any question, it's very likely this is hoax. My two cents.

Gothamgirl ago

I have been saying something is up with these emails since day one. Everytime I talk about It I get shutdown. That speaks volumes.

chronos ago

1 - EVERY image in the link you posted converts to attached image using base64 converter

2 - "Could not compile myself due to RAM..." are you using a 386? The "compilation" is literally a cut and paste into codebeautify

3 - Base64 is not an encryption standard, it is mime encoding used for pictures in emails.

FWIW the picture of the "UFO" (looks like a moon or sun w/ some camera filter to me) is suspicious as it looks grainy like an old film picture sent from a mobile....

thisHoCwilltumble ago

for anyone wondering this is a dial tone series of 2s and 4s. afterit says password, the first tone is a 2 and the second is a 4. I can't for the life of me count these right now

twistedmac11 ago

Instead of a 4, it sounds like a 7 to me. I slowed it down; this is what I got (but it's a lot so I could be off at parts): 2722 7272 2772 7777 2772 7222 2772 7772 2272 2222 2277 2227 2277 7272 2277 2727

But this still begs the question......what are we supposed to do with the numbers?

thisHoCwilltumble ago

I was thinking password for those pictures they think might be embedded EDIT: Apparently its binary for a bible verse

palmitespo910 ago

If you guys remember, back on May 7th there was this little snippet tool that would check and see if there was "CIA HIDDEN DATA" in it, idk if it means anything, but I just inserted the downloaded raw source from Email 49177 into that snippet tool and it says there are 5 chunks of hidden data. Maybe this tool will help us out a bit.

Pokes ago

I have no clue what you're talking about, half suspect this is a glorious shitpost from the self-proclaimed "Catholic Prelate to the Glorious Nation of Free Kekistan". But if you have discovered some hidden data, would you be so kind as to share it? Or are you going the way of the OP and vanishing after making claims of having discovered things you offer no links of? ;)

palmitespo910 ago

I don't know how to find the hidden data inside, I have limited abilities. However, I did provide the information necessary in those two links for someone with the know-how to check for that.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Ok, that's creepy and weird. What the hell is it.

Cid ago

The only base 64 image code I see are in mails WITH image attachments. Like your "UFO" one for example.

Blowitwideopen ago

What's that in the water?

Cid ago

This comment is more interesting than the post for many reasons.

fartyshorts ago

Here's an online base64 to image converter:

8668930? ago

I think I may have seen the arms one the first time this was brought up. Would very much like to see the UFO one... but not the dead dog or kids.

carmencita ago

The third email down that has Forward pics, is that the girl that was in the pics with JP that many thought might be Maddy McCann? Some said it was JP's grand daughter but I still don't believe it. Someone please check out.

AreWeSure ago

Why don't you believe it? It's a declarative statement. What does your belief have to do with it?

Gothamgirl ago

That is exactly what I was thinking.

Stormer-chan ago

It's Maribel Rouse not Madeleine McCann.

ArthurEdens ago

Screenshots please

PizzaStreamerLive ago

^ I second this. With what OP writes then he's already looked into it and should easily be able to provide screenshots. If none within 24-48 hours, which is a fair amount of time. Then OP's post can be disregarded as untrue.


Lol. They never respond when they post claims of pictures.

Gothamgirl ago

Good question.

Fuckinupthecount ago

For what it's worth, the comment this poster was replying to said:

"What is "Prettige Kerstdagen"? Last slide of "

Gothamgirl ago

I am sorry I found these seperate from whats posted above. I found them from searching mail 2000.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

But how, i click on the emails you linked and theres no pictures? How are you seeing these pictures?

Gothamgirl ago

The pics I shared are in the email attachments. 2Nd attachment

nomorepepperoni ago

Can you link to a couple of the specific, questionable emails of the nature you describe? If they're encrypted, someone with skills will have to crack the key used before we can get anywhere. Supposedly, 4chan unlocked some hidden images awhile back, but no explanation was given on how, let alone the code and algorithm used.

PS. Steganography is not stenography. Very different things, but I've seen the words getting mixed up a lot. Just a heads-up FYSA. :)

Rigg5 ago

Posting in this epic thread. Would love to help if i knew how

Gothamgirl ago

Use the search term "Mail2000" in wikileaks 24 emails in chinese show up for Podesta. Half of those emails contain attachments with kids. Some you can spot, some you can't like these. I drew arrows to the kids.

Also contained is one email with women wearing all different scarves. One email with pics of real panda's and 2 kids are present.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

How do you see that? I cant see any of the pictures OP or you are talking about, are you using a program?

pby1000 ago

How do you compile them? What do you use?

FloridaJackalope ago

dig dig dig my fellow truth miners. If true, this is huge. Can't wait to see this unfold.