Gothamgirl ago

I found this video Which has the name-George Stubbs who was a artist who painted animals, mostly horses n the 1800's And there his paintings have been auctioned however information on sales is undisclosed.

Silverlining ago

Pat on the back from me to all. Great work!

fuspezza ago

Select all, copy, and paste to read with out the potential brain damage or takeover lol.

freeagent37 ago

Homg ago

This is pretty weird. Coordinates and places and emails and names scattered everywhere, no matter which links you follow. (hit Ctrl+A) I've looked up a few things on Google Maps but I don't really get it.

I see a lot of german text, so maybe that means something. Then again I also see a lot of George Bush.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Just watched the entire Bob.html video on the site with headphones, some said they felt strange before even finishing it. I can't really tell if I feel weird, the video creeped me out a bit, but I can't tell if that's because I felt creeped out going into this given these threads I've been reading about the site.

What is to be implied about this Bob.html video? Have I just watched an MKUltra vid and now have some subliminal message in my head that will 'awaken' me at the right time? (half sarcasm, half creeped out)

Anyone else watch all 5-something minutes? Any thoughts? Thanks. :)

freeagent37 ago

Here is a hand written note from the Bavarian Illuminati (San Francisco Cabal), about the republican party elephant logo, from your links:

freeagent37 ago

Take a look at what seems to be an older Washington post news article from 1989: ...and then click on each part of the Kabbalah picture here and you get something different

freeagent37 ago

These are coming from your links...Check out this disgusting disturbing video:

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm sure it's been mentioned here, but it looks like the same "Design style" as Worldcorpo.


It has! it is also very similar to sign69, that we found a while back.

see this thread: sign 69 was linked from the comet pingpong site in 2010.

which is in turn very similar to: a site linked from dr. pong in berlin.

see this thread: dr pong was listed in the friends list of comet ping pong only a while back.

Ive even found similar clipart on sign 69 and good and plenty

these sites seem like they are made by the same people for sure!

Blacksmith21 ago


privatepizza ago

Yes, a few have said that...

zlomsocz ago

Has anyone called the phone numbers for bill Clinton's in the second link, they are a chapprqua area code

privatepizza ago

I believe so. Someone on the original thread yesterday apparently did and got through to his secretary. She started to interrogate the caller apparently. See that thread for info.

freeagent37 ago

Please look at this if you have not already, this is what i believe all the flashing pictures are for. Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.

thesis ago

The Loos Hendricus patents are mentioned somewhere on the LHOHQ site (I don't have the link, sorry)

freeagent37 ago

Just clicking through some pages on your links I found this page here, looks like a enacted porn scene of underage girl:

privatepizza ago

That's a new one! Nice find! It's not listed in the page index here -

carmencita ago

Yes and I found Cecile Richards, Dan Rather, David Brock and Bill Richardson. I have a feeling they are all the people that have been blackmailed, are on MK Ultra or both. Just all the people that are compromised in some way. We need some hacker or high expert that would know how to get into that page, imo.

redditsuckz ago

More links deep and I find this: The binary on the page doesnt decode to anything in any encoding or any language whatsoever.

David Witzling likes to have binary on his homepage as well;

Jakestr ago

The list of names and their contact information on this page is very intriguing. I wish there was a way to extract and save these

privatepizza ago

Here's the paste of it someone made -

Silverlining ago

pastebin page removed - hope it was archived somewhere.

Jakestr ago

Awesome thank you sure beats my screenshots

privatepizza ago

Welcome, but don't go calling Bill Murray !!! :)

Jakestr ago

It says this page is no longer available

privatepizza ago

Here's the archive -

Micheal84 ago

Found this for ya, mentions the same site like you.

dickface8 ago

Is nobody honestly tempted to give Mick a call and ask if his refrigerator is running?

SecondAmendment ago

OMG, I LAUGHED OUT LOUD! This thread is waaay beyond my comprehension and I'm too chicken to click on any of the links. So I have just been reading this bizarre thread and your comment just made me laugh. Thank you!

carmencita ago

That was a good one. Can't stop laughing. How about asking him what he was really doing at the Cibolo Ranch?

DarkMath ago

I got through about 25% of this and it's screaming either

1) CPP/Fatherhood video style trap but this time dealing with MKUltra/Eugenics.

2) Graduate level LARPing.

3) Evidence of art being used to launder money for god only knows what.

4) Ted Kazinski was released on parole and is taking his vows at the Mount Athos monastery in northern Greece and his monastic day job is to upgrade their IT infrastructure.

I've been wrong before, I'll keep checking in on it but I'd keep it in the back of your mind this could be another trap.

All the MK-Ultra, Catholic, obscure quantum physics is too obvious. It's in your face. "The lady doth protest too much.". It's too random. It's like trying to create a truly random number on a computer. It's next to impossible to program randomness. If you use a computer you will always see traces of the random number generator in the pseudo-random data it produces. Same thing here, there's just a little too much randomness.

They love to do this slight of hand. CPP wasn't the crime scene. That was in some ultra-rich elite hotel hiding in plane sight inside a mundane office building somewhere you'd never in a million years ever guess was involved in anything. Or a place like the UAE owned residence that caught on fire and burnt to the ground. By the time we saw it everything was gone.

But like I said I could be wrong. I'm not making up my mind yet so don't give me shit about this "a little too random" theory.

carmencita ago

I am right there with you. Hiding in plain sight. That is their MO. So obvious that it is unseen. Again, we have been shamed into not accepting the obvious because it is deemed a "conspiracy theory". I remember the fire, and that some people were shooting it down, probably just a fire. Probably just the propane they suggested.

DarkMath ago

"shamed into not accepting the obvious"

Yep, I totally agree. What worries me having learned their MO and what telltale signs to look for is what about the stuff we're not even thinking about. What about stuff that may never come out.

Actually that scares the shit out of me knowing how fucked up these people are.

carmencita ago

They sure are, that. Red Pilling of the Masses is of the highest order. That will be a game changer, for better or worse. I think it should all be released to the internet, ala Wikileaks.

lananana ago

wow! what a rabbit hole of information...i have been addicted to this thread since yesterday..and gotta say i am not "afraid" of this even with all the strange vibes these links and sites give me it seems other worldly in many ways especially stuff like http://subproject119.appliedchaosdynamicscontrolassociation adressing the readers as humans..not sure how many of you are open to the idea of non human beings existing in other dimensions..well this seems like it could be some negative (or maybe pos?) entities communicating with people on earth through coding and such...there is just so much information here that its easy to get confused by it all but to seems like if some of this stuff were written by non humans that could be a reason why some of the wording is so bizarre?

dickface8 ago

You should watch the full 4 minute video that Pizzagatecharlotte posted above and report back.

Smyrtz ago

Another thread discussing this weirdness.

redditsuckz ago

If you look at his myspace friends/connections he has someone named Daniel Pinks with a pic of the pedo spiral;

Bentley Ptythylhlyl myspace

Those are not his pics...they are of someone photographer named Ken Rockwell.

cantsleepawink ago

An interesting post. Here's a video of Dr. Colin Gardner, author of "Beckett, Deleuze and the Televisual Event: Peephole Art". He's a media professor at UCLA. He lectures on memory.

thesis ago

My feeling is this site was created by an algorithm. Someone inputs data/links and the algorithm spits out this maze of a website. I did some digging around and found these nuggets: Photo of Nazi's with a weird object. The filename is "nazi_alien_artifact.jpeg". To me it looks like it has an LCD screen, buttons, and a hand scanner. I did a reverse image search on the image and nothing found! Various photos of Bush & family doing the '666' hand symbol Seems to be about CIA drug planes, with scanned documents at the bottom of the page Global map of Echelon surveillance system Trump and surveillance Many weird videos Photo of Bohemian Grove ceremony "Dr Pong" links to List of mind control programs, including but not limited to MK Ultra

remedy4reality ago

If I may piggy back on your comment... I found this link that refers to JAMES GUCKERT, aka JEFF GANNON ( Johnny Gosch ) on a Secret Service document.

Jem777 ago

There is more here than people understand.

thesis ago

I think you're right, this site has some serious info buried in its layers. Almost like someone is trying to leak important evidence, but camouflaged as an art project. I'm surprised nobody is discussing the "nazi_alien_artifact.jpeg" ( I have to take it seriously when a reverse image search gives zero results, indicating LHOHQ is the original source of the image. I improved the contrast to see the object better:

remedy4reality ago

the lie is so big, the deceit so widespread... that most lack all capacity of ever understanding even a sliver

Jem777 ago

Agree. Everything has been a lie.

Micheal84 ago

Found this, its updated april 4th 2017.

Look at the bottom of thise site, it has an archive going back to 2006.

finska ago

Aug Tellez claims to be a victim of unacknowledged special access projects, a series of research and experimentation projects performed (beginning in the mid 1900's with the end of WW2) on people and children who were brought into underground bases and experimented on with various mind control techniques including sexual abuse and pedophilia.

He explains that a form of AI (perceived as demons or satanic parasitic entities by humans) have taken over the souls of the elite human abusers who are used to vampire human energy through inflicting trauma and mind control. He claims humans are their food/farm to feed upon. Children are especially desirable (delicacies in fact) to them as the children produce the most hormonal secretions.

Basically it's an AI parasite behind all of this evil a bit like the matrix (but far worse). The difference is that it uses a simulator technology that records consciousness of the experiences of those being abused to replay and broadcast out to continue to disturb the natural human (loving) vibration continually lowering our frequency until we become them. The aim is that the parasite eventually takes over the host.

I am wondering if these sites are the code or signatures of the AI control program?

David Icke also claims that the bottom line of all this evil we see in the world is an AI intelligence, he actually calls it a virus.

neo50 ago

This sounds so far out there, but might be true. Robert Monroe wrote about something like this in his second book, Far Journeys. He was a pioneer in out of body experiments and documented everything over many years. He wrote that we are a farm planet and certain extraterrestrials collect and feed off the energetically charged emotions that humans give off. In his book, he called it "loosh" and went into a deep depression after he found out. So he believed it anyway. He said fear and murder (any extreme negative emotion) are what these ET's want, as it's a delicacy to them. David Wilcock has also mentions this in one of his posts. This is so far outside of the believability range, but so are the previous presidents diddling children and participating in satanic rituals.

M0l0nLabe ago

They have some weird crappy art vids too. This one is a hynosis vid to weird art. Dont listen to his complete message or follow his instructions. Just weirdness. Its all the same people in the vids too. Damn hipsters.

Hynosis vid is the one about how to sleep deeply.

Pokes ago So I watched this and now I partly think this is just like vaporwave for the CIA, or some branch of the deep state. That said, I'm not sure what to make of this stuff. I wish someone would verify whether or not those contact #'s for the VIPs discussed in the previous thread are genuine, because they're sort of what the relevance of this stuff is hinging upon. Like if LHOHQ is tied to a black book listing the names of some verify important and relevant elites, there is rampant sado-sexual imagery, etc... we're probably onto something. However, if those numbers are a hoax, I fail to see how this can't just be a ruse. Much of the text appears to have been authored by a bot which casts doubt on whether it can be meaningful.

privatepizza ago

Seems they are genuine contacts. If you look at the original thread from yesterday, someone called Bill Clinton and got through to his secretary. Someone else called George Soros and got through to his office, there were a few. No one's called to ask Huma for a date yet. /j But yes, they seem genuine. Check out the thread.

YingYangMom ago

This has nothing to do with Pizzagate.

privatepizza ago

We found mentions of John Podesta and Madeline McCann on those pages. This piqued our interest! The dox also contains everyone PG related, including Tamara Luzzato (sp). YingYangMom, do you know the name of her husband btw? There's another Luzzato in there and we think it's him, just need his name. Thanks if you do !

YingYangMom ago

I guess you're right. I haven't clicked on any of the links because I'm afraid it could be a risk. However in the post, no explanation of how this relates to Pizzagate is given. I just thought it seemed like a distraction, but there could be something there.

privatepizza ago

Yea understand... it's a big mish-mash at the moment with info everywhere (we're finding new things constantly), so I can understand people thinking it's irrelevant. It all needs to be consolidated. If it wasn't for the mentions of JP and McCann (and Luzzatto's dox!), I would have left it, however this is keeping me going with it and others I'm sure.

The MK ULTRA info found is also extremely interesting. We'll see... there's a hella lot in there to sift through.

Understand you also being wary of going there. We should all be vigilant here.

Dauphin ago

Tamara Luzzato is mother of Ben Luzzato. He is married to Alexandra Tydings (Aphrodite from the old Hercules tv series.) She is the mother to the 3 children listed on the Podesta email and Tamara Luzzato is their grandmother.

privatepizza ago

Wow, thanks @Dauphin !! That helps a lot!

carmencita ago

I think she married David Leiter in 2001, but thought I read that he has since passed away. Tried to verify it, but have not as of yet. I could be wrong, maybe he is still living. But that is his name. There was a big write up on their wedding in the NYT.

privatepizza ago

Hey thank you! I'll pass this onto the guys. I can't recall the initial which is in the dox, I'll let you know tho!

carmencita ago

Catchthem and I are having a problem with a pedo in an argument about the Alec Baldwin post. If I get a response I will link it to you:-)

privatepizza ago

Okay! Good luck : ))

DabbaDan ago

Maybe not at the top-most level, but it's something. Hoax or gold nugget - that's for everyone to make up on their own.

But it's interesting as hell, and you know, you never really know where things will take ya. Maybe PG is a lightswitch in a room that's been dark for a long, long time.

One can dream.

M0l0nLabe ago

Found this weird part of the site after travelling down the rabbit hole a bit. It seems to be a lot of old conspiracy stuff. Then i hit this... Anyone have any ideas?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Random thought:

OP mentions this page On that page is the symbol of the Illuminati (pyramid / eye) and also the skull and crossbones 322 (this is the "Skull and Bones" secret society of Yale which Bush (both) and Kerry were members of - well worth exploring deeper ask me if you want links).

False Flags (such as some terrorist events) often take place on symbolic / Satanic dates. What happened on 322 (3/22 = 22nd March). The Westminster Jihad attack. Which if you YouTube "Westminster Attack false flag" or "hoax" - you'll find a lot on this. Even the police helicopter at that event said "London Freemasons" on it and had a logo of the Masons near the door

This stuff just permeates below the surface and once you have a bit of knowledge its very disconcerting to see it right there in front of you "if you have eyes to see". What it means, its significance or otherwise - well thats a different question. What is true is that we live in a very weird world of many layers, of which we only scratch the surface. PizzaGate is for many, the first glimpse behind the curtain and once seen, opens the mind to the reality of secret societies, Satanism, a Hidden Hand manipulating events, the New World Order agenda, how power really works, etc.

Sorry rant over.

carmencita ago

I wrote on here that the Westminster attack was a False Flag and was immediately shut down, that it had been debunked. I still am questioning it. The Freemason logo is a real clue.

Silverlining ago

I assume they are just the main sponsor. But whether there is a quid pro quo or not....

RedGreenAlliance ago

There is a ton of stuff on YouTube now about this false flag, its looking quite likely it was a hoax

Waalchastazoor ago

It looks like the London Freemasons have donated a number of emergency vehicles recently.

wgvdl ago

You are spot on.

2016/3/22 - Brussels terror attacks.

2017/3/22 - London terror attack.

mrsmeyer ago

Anyone ever noticed: 3*3, 2/2, 2/2 = 911

wgvdl ago

Thank you. The Powers-That-Be are obsessed with this kind of numbers game.

carmencita ago

Wow. Do the Math. We must start questioning everything from now on.

jangles ago


RedGreenAlliance ago

Great find. Extremely disturbing. Anyone else get the feeling they are touching the Dark Side?

Some weirdness i found by following your links:

You found this site

I searched the name at the end - Ambrose Mnemopolous

First off, a person with this name has a Twitter feed which is just... bizarre. Not sure whether the guy is very clever or completely insane. (UPDATE: just notice OP mentioned this twitter account). Defo same guy as his most recent Tweet leads here: Again another Applied Chaos link.

Even more odd is his Facebook: "ambrose.mnemopolous"

First off his photo is a poorly-distorted photo of Michael Chertoff (just image-search it)

Chertoff, former director of Homeland Security (and Zionist, NeoCon, Illuminist) is the architect the Patriot Act, which he worked on BEFORE 9/11, probably as part of the preparation for the destruction of liberties which was brought in following that treasonous crime against America. So one has to wonder who Mnemopolous is, and why he chose this image.

Also, the other image on his Facebook is the same weird flashing shit we saw on some of the other links via Comet Pong Pong bands. Can't find the link. - what the hell does all the text mean? more psychobabble or maybe i am just not smart enough.

THEN i found this old thread

They discuss this same Applied Chaos website. Read through the comments. They found this Applied Chaos site with more flashing imagery and a long line of text i haven't got around to watching yet. and a few other images nested in the 4chan discussion. Someone else please dig into this site and links as I have to go to work now...

There is a LOT of former threads on Voat, Redit and 4Chan on LHOLQ (the prefix to the last link and another in the OP's thread) Google Voat LHOLQ or variant

Another thing from the Facebook page above, is the reference to Cold Springs Harbour research laboratory. "Started Working at Cold Springs Institution for Experimental Evolution"

It immediately made me sit up and pay attention, as a student of 'conspiracy theory' (hidden knowledge). This is the Eugenics movement dating back into the early 1900s, linked in turn to the Fabian Society eugenicists who are the architects of the modern New World Order agenda. The Lab was funded by Robber Baron new world order dynasty, the Carnegie Institute. Here's a start but google "Cold Spring Harbor" followed by "eugenics" or "new world order" or similar phrases. Here's an article on

So what to make of all this?

I don't know but the common threads are

  • Mind control and social engineering
  • Social control eg Patriot Act / Chertoff
  • Eugenics
  • Tavistock Institute -style flashing imagery (google "flashing images Tavistock institute Estulin)

This is just a massive mindfukc and unfortunately i have neither the time or brains to unravel this. But VERY interesting that this strands have been discovered independently on Voat, 4Chan and Reddit before (LHOLQ).

**NOTE ** I had to suggest search terms because my first draft wouldn't submit with a 'banned domain' hyperlinks and i couldn't figure out what was triggering it. Sorry.

redditsuckz ago



DAVID WITZLING... - Note: Jewish Name

This is most likely the guy running the LHOHQ websites...

David Witzling - "Art" lecturer

He is into Esoteric Creative Software; - check resume

Here is his website now defunct lhohq;

lhohq archived;

Here are his pics from the LHOHQ website;

He throws up pics of Esoteric symbols in Milwaukee...

near exactly like this one - except it has a falcon instead of a snake at the bottom;

Calls people Pinks for trying to decipher it;

People try to decipher the codes;

Unrelated but one of the users has a sig with someone named Jason Fall - State of the Comet and a spiral heart

Goat heads at Peck School of the Arts

Bull horns + Spiral on Jar at the Arts school


More Evidence...

Photo taken by Dmitry Myakovsky;

Dmitry Myakovsky blog on ACDCA; - Check the background picture - "Try a Pizza"

Pizza section lhohq;


This LHOHQ website is some kind of bot crawl as it just added the words "lecturer David" which was just typed above in this post;

"Many good people think and lecturer, David points out to investigate"

Those words did not exist 5 days ago...

So it might crawl the web for "lhohq" and update the site forming sentences from other words?


Amanda Kleinman's Heavy Breathing band has the same kind of imaging flashing as LHOHQ;

And notice the satanic 8 pointed "Chaos" star on the rectum of the picture...

Chaos symbol might equal the anus...


Picture inside Besta Pizza 8 pointed star/anus;

CIA also have very similar "Chaos symbol" on their logo;

It would be disassociation and mind control of the victim through anal rape.

Jakestr ago

This is interesting I kept clicking on these pages and it led me to a page was George Bush throwing up the devil horns check it out this is the order I clicked on the sites

chiefcrazyhorse ago

So are you saying this maze of websites is just one big art project?

redditsuckz ago

So are you saying this maze of websites is just one big art project?

I dont know...the CIA would need to hire "artists" to make the mind control/MKULTRA images.

But the two guys running it are Dmitry Myakovsky and David Witzling both from Milwaukee.

Dressage2 ago

So @Wisconsin_IsCorrupt might be on to something?

Jem777 ago

That is the first thing I thought of. @Wisconsin_IsCorrupt has been screaming about Rancine, WI this entire investigation. This might be gold?

Dressage2 ago

Here is his moment to chime in @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and nobody has shears from him. I hope he is okay. You might be right this might be gold.

Jem777 ago

Seriously where is this guy now. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt we are pinging you. Hope you are okay?

42times5 ago

Where are they though? There have been several threads implicating Wisconsin over the past week and no sign of them.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Cold Spring Harbor link - sorry missed it out above

Micheal84 ago

Nice work!!

I have to agree the site is a big mindfuck!

RedGreenAlliance ago

Makes my head hurt. At a bare minimum, its the work of a very clever but very sick person.

DarkMath ago

"its the work of a very clever but very sick person"

That's what I thought at first. The only thing making sense to me right now is this might be another trap like CPP.

You can't reset one of these traps, it's one and done. And since CPP was definitely a trap it would make perfect sense there'd be more than one.

gt8h65fg ago

Watch this Colin Gardner's Composite Memories lecture. I think its art website created by whom studied his art.

  • Bergson, Freud, Proust, Saussure & Composite Memories part 3, by Dr.Colin Gardner

Mad_As_Hell ago

Is there anywhere to see this list of people without clicking into that site? I'm legit scared of it messing with my head too much

AngB23 ago

I'm with you. I'm wanting to dig in and look but too nervous and computer stupid to know what to click and not click.

Silverlining ago

pastbin page removed

Silverlining ago

Removed again. If you find another, could you archive it at please. Thanks.


hm they obviously dont like that..odd

apostle_s ago

The original thread has a bunch of archives people created, so you should be able to find it there.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I just watched that video. It was hilarious. Clearly satire, no?

dickface8 ago

I got about 20 seconds in and made it out just as they were saying something about "unconscious thoughts" or some shit. Now I feel cold and frazzled, hard to describe. Surely some brave soul has sat through the whole thing?

DarkMath ago

I feel like a jelly donut.

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

Can we try to make a positive flashing images thing? Like; you will feel happy, you can do anything, you will be motivated, you will get the hottest girls. Should work the same way, no?

Madwack ago

I feel hungry looks at jelly donut

YingYangMom ago

Hehehe :D

dickface8 ago

lol yeah something like that.

RedGreenAlliance ago

This is MKULTRA / Tavistock Institute mind control crap, be careful. There are LOADS of unrelated links now throughout PizaGate with flashing imagery. We have to assume there is a reason for this. I don't come across it normally, only via the weird shit PG researchers unearth. It could very well be affected you brain chemistry.

MKULTRA did experimentation on subjects with this technology. Its well known that hypnotic messages or hidden words can be places in film so fast the subconscious is influenced but the conscious mind doesn't recognise it. All of this has been known for decades, imagine what crap they can do now.

Jem777 ago

This MK Ultra technology still involves the same type of programming. Anal penetration to stimulate nerve endings at base of spine while visual trauma coding. Terror, fear responses, sexual programming. TInstitute is the place.

RedGreenAlliance ago

I wrote this about MKULTRA some months back, you might find the links useful

meowski ago

Sounds like a bunch of jibberish

Pokes ago

Clicking the orifice link about their tracking ppl discussing them was pretty creepy, i have to admit.

Pokes ago Don't laugh at me but this sounds to me like poetry written by AI.

Micheal84 ago

Its important we keep diggin, theres a lot of info found.

I tried to keep my Original Post uptodate, but its just too much, theres things coming up by the minute.

palmitespo910 ago

I am wondering what all of these people have in common. It says on there that some of those are auto added, I wonder if it is still compiling information from somewhere. Also, protip, your best bet while looking into these pages is to just check the page source and read the code. so you don't hurt your eyes.

Gothamgirl ago

Applied Chaos & this stuff is adressed in this post & also a video by Alex Jones the other day.

artfullyours ago

Did you see in that fuzzy picture the message that says, In Praise Of Hippasus (at top) then His TruthIn The Endless Braid (at the bottom) Found this online

jangles ago

This is a good post, It is hard to tell what it is yet it is surely a distraction unless there isn't just creepy crap and liberal blah

Grifter42 ago

To be honest, this sort of thing stinks of honey pot.

I'd like to be proven wrong, though.

RedGreenAlliance ago

could be right, but if you were a criminal or hiding criminality or a way to connect with other people and you wanted to avoid being rumbled, you'd intersperse it with lots of crazy stuff to throw researchers of the scent. The reaction would be to dismiss because its 'crazy' or a 'honey pot'.

The people that are 'in on it' would know to ignore the 90% garbage, because they know what to look for. They have the key. We are standing there as uninitiated visitors, trying a bunch of a hundred keys while the lock keeps changing. If you get my meaning.

jangles ago

The alien crap is the giveaway.

Pokes ago

Where did you find alien crap? I've yet to see anything that dubious.

Pokes ago

Meh, a UFO report isn't some proven shitpost. The military has investigated tons of ufo sightings, that much has been made avail via FOI or via expiring statutes. Don't presume compartmentalization precludes the possibility of the gov't chasing its own tail.

jangles ago

I haven't found anything there that is useful to this investigation, have you?

Pokes ago

Ugh, well I've dug a little deeper and have come to the belief that this is very likely some visual art hobby project if not just a trolling operation. I'm not even giving it credit for being propaganda or misinformation unless anyone verifies the authenticity of those contacts. Even then its significance is unclear. But the youtube channel makes me think we've been trolled.

Pokes ago

I'm not entirely sure or unsure of what we'v found. I do however know this is far more suspicious and bears more hallmarks of the deep state and mk ultra then plenty of threads i've been downvoted for calling hoaxes. Do you not find much of the imagery hypnotic, sado-sexual, MIC sub-cultural, or even outright pedo-related? Feels like it's worth a dig. How do you explain the doxing of significant VIP #'s n addresses?

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin What the F*** is this?? 4/4/2017 OP HUGE LEAD: Laughing Horse Orifice Headquarters, findings and chronology summarized in post (Possibly NSFW) 4/4/2017 OP laughing horse's orifice headquarters WEB CRAWL 11/30/2016 OP I've connected Jack Dorsey with pizzagate and the occult and found a weird website 11/23/2016 OP laughing horse's orifice headquarters WEB CRAWL 11/30/2016 OP I've connected Jack Dorsey with pizzagate and the occult and found a weird website 11/23/2016 OP laughing horse's orifice headquarters WEB CRAWL 11/30/2016 OP MEGA DATA DUMP - IN B4 SUICIDED - HILLARY CLINTON, JOHN PODESTA, HUMA ABEDIN - CLINTON FOUND 372 TIMES IN MEGA DATA DUMP 11/25/2016 6927409 I've connected Jack Dorsey with pizzagate and the occult and found a weird website 11/23/2016 6893036 laughing horse's orifice headquarters WEB CRAWL 11/30/2016 OP HUGE LEAD: Laughing Horse Orifice Headquarters, findings and chronology summarized in post (Possibly NSFW) 4/4/2017 8665205 Laughing Horse Orifice Headquarters 11/23/2016 6902468 laughing horse's orifice headquarters WEB CRAWL 11/30/2016 OP MEGA DATA DUMP - IN B4 SUICIDED - HILLARY CLINTON, JOHN PODESTA, HUMA ABEDIN - CLINTON FOUND 372 TIMES IN MEGA DATA DUMP 11/25/2016 6927409 I've connected Jack Dorsey with pizzagate and the occult and found a weird website 11/23/2016 6893036 laughing horse's orifice headquarters WEB CRAWL 11/30/2016 OP I've connected Jack Dorsey with pizzagate and the occult and found a weird website 11/23/2016 6893036 laughing horse's orifice headquarters WEB CRAWL 11/30/2016 OP I've connected Jack Dorsey with pizzagate and the occult and found a weird website 11/23/2016 6893036

drgrm ago


Techius ago

Nice find, Pvt. Dick Johnson