Vindicator ago

@Are_we_sure: Interesting analysis, but there's no connection to pizzagate here -- either in Jem's comment or your debunking of it. Have to remove per Rule 1. If you are debunking Jem, you'll need to do come right out and say so -- and post it in v/pizzagatemods

Are_we_sure ago

I'll just move it to the original thread. But did you notice the two reasons we know that photo would have to have been taken in the 1990s?

I do think that is Obama in the 1980's, but I believe it's from when he worked on the school initiative in the 1990's.

The two giveaways are Obama's wearing a wedding ring and they are drinking "Seattle's Best" Coffee. The Logo's are fuzzy, but it's clearly the Seattle's Best Logo.

That company wasn't called that until 1991 and probably wasn't even in Chicago until a few year's later.

Are_we_sure ago

Just some background on the history. It's known that Bill Ayers and Barrack Obama knew each other. They worked on a school reform project in Chicago, not the Weather Underground.

Ayers formed the Weather Underground in 1969 and by 1972 he was a full fugitive from the law. He went underground for years. After Ayers turned himself in 1980., He did not go to prison because it was discovered the government illegally burgled and wiretapped the Weather Underground. His wife had some state charges and got three years probation and later spent a year in jail for refusing to testify in a different case. So Ayers was not wanted by the US government. He would go on to be a professor of education and well respected scholar. He went back to school and earned a doctorate in education by the end of the 1980s. So for most of the 1980's he was in school in NYC.

Obama's involvement in the civic life of Chicago began in 1985, he was a community organizer for a group of Catholic Parishes. Then in 1988 he went to Havard Law and graduated in 1991 and started teaching at the University of Chicago Law School. In 1995, he joined the school reform project, by which point Ayers was known as ex-radical who arguing that kids perform better in small classrooms which is pretty accepted by educators across the country now.

darkknight111 ago

@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator

This thread is about the meeting between Obama and Ayers, which has nothing to do with Pizzagate.

Are_we_sure ago

Hey man, how's it going? Enjoying the fall?

derram ago :

Carmine Zozzora on Twitter: "The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party. - Mao, Nov 6, 1938 #MAGA 🇺🇸"

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