bonerloner ago

was a day I remember, back when the cia had better control of miami bay front, and the smaller private airports along south florida's less developed communities. (side note: all fiber-driven communities. nothing satellite or antenna/receiver driven...)

back then, you'd get a bag of pills stuffed into peanut butter jars (anyone missing pallets of peanut butter?), or gatorade with ghb in it. (odorless and colorless). drugs were obfuscated within consumer products. i couldn't comprehend the scale (1 pallet, or 10), but none the less, 1 pallet of pills, is a lot of illegal drugs.

sometimes, you'd even get a shipment of games day-before release, have a buddy crack the cartridge, and then get it online within hours of brick and mortar release. most of the time, I knew that the people doing this shit were lawfags. some were the real deal fucktard criminals.

what are the odds that anytime rich fags do these kinds of events; - wine from france - sushi from japan - something from somewhere exotic

what are the odds of this being the larger coded language?

removes tinfoil hat

Are_we__sure ago

Why does anyone believe that this guy in Texas knows anything about the White House. Why do you think this guy would know anything?

Why is this not being treated as dubious gossip?

SoberSecondThought ago

I agree, sort of. I certainly agree that Stratfor have massively exaggerated their intelligence-gathering capabilities, their expertise, and their connections. They aren't a big company (one source says 100 employees), and they are kind of a joke among journalists. Fred Burton (who made the claim about the party in the White House) may actually have some contacts within the CIA as he claims, but there's nothing to prove that he would know about a sex party held in the White House, literally within weeks of Obama's inauguration.

However, I don't rule out the possibility that while Burton is passing on gossip so far as Obama is concerned, he really is talking about a sex party at Stratfor. The language is just too weird to be taken literally. Nobody in Texas would fly tens of thousands of dollars worth of hot dogs and pizza from Chicago for a party consisting of a half-dozen men. All of Stratfor's 100 employees would not justify that expense. So I don't put a lot of weight on this email, but I am unwilling to throw it out altogether.

Jem777 ago

ravensedgesom ago

Its crazy that this shit goes on yet anyone who is familiar with the franklin cover up its seem clear that this type of degeneracy is rampant in Washington.

Markb63 ago

Just a matter of time and this scumbag will be revealed.

Jem777 ago

Here is a start. Who is sitting next to weather Underground Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers in this picture in 70's. Looks just like B.O. That is odd since when this got exposed in 2008 he stated Ayers was just a guy in the neighborhood...even though it was revealed he started his political career in Ayers living room. For those that don't know Ayers research him. His wife also a convicted terrorist is Bernadine Dorn who mentored Michelle O. at Sidney Austin law firm in Chicago.....where the O'scsaid they fell in love. This picture and much more evidence proves it is all a lie. This picture is a communist Marxist meeting.

Are_we__sure ago

in this picture in 70's.

???? How old you think Obama is? Obama met Ayers in 1995 when he worked on a local school iniative.

Jem777 ago

No he did not.,Do your research

srayzie ago

I wish. But I doubt anything will ever happen to him.

KeksMex ago

Yeah this is fucked. The elite are disgusting perverts.

Baconmon ago

Yes you know any time I eat pizza or hotdogs I have it FLOWN IN ON A PLANE and not a truck..
Does any one seriously think they put 65000$$$$ worth of fucking hotdogs and pizza on a plane lol..

Too bad the FBI is part of the deep state and would never investigate any thing like this.. The elites can just do any thing they want and never get punished.. It must be great..

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

What we are witnessing is the flaw in Democracy. They never imagined the mentality of the Jew/masons. They care not for life and care only for their material pleasures. The founders were defeated by a sickness that goes back thousand of years. It is the eternal struggle of our species. And the only way out is a tidal wave of killing. Its either them or us. We end up culled and poisoned by the Jew/masons for their nefarious plans. Or we kill most of them and isolate the rest. No other answer is out there. There can be only one.

We need to wake the sleeping idiots who have been mesermized by the toys and the games and the porn. And teach them how to be real men again before it is to late. And the teach our kids how to be trannies and cucks.

DeathTwoMasons ago

They don't need to investigate it when they are partof it.

hypercat ago

Maybe that includes the plane costs as well? And who wouldn't want to fly in their favorite hot dogs or pizza? He's from Chicago where hotdogs and deep dish are a thing.

Like, sometimes the most obvious answer is just how it is, vs. a crazy conspiracy with code words and secrets, illuminati, etc. Humans find paterns where they don't exist all the time. Look at Kabalah, or the movie Pi.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Yeah, for $65000 you tool? If you aren't capable of thinking, you should skip speaking/typing.

hypercat ago

Considering it costs about $55 per person for a shitty hotel meal at the Hyatt for events, I don't see that as an astronomical cost. If the president can't order out, he probably had all the ingredients and a chef to come in to feed a few hundred people. That seems fairly reasonable in the context of costs for the government.

putneg ago

well because even the president cant order food from outside the white house for one.

Are_we__sure ago

Presidents eat outside food all the time.

Obama did have a pizza party a out a month before this email. Didn't cost 65,000 either. The owner of Pi in St Louis brought his ingredients to the WH and cooked. He donated the food and his time.

maggiethatcher ago

Which is not the same as flying in cooked pizza which, even if it was the most wonderful pizza in the world at orogin, would be vile after a 2 hour flight. Nobody in the world would fly in genuine pizza. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN SERVED PIZZA ON A FLIGHT?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Obunghole did NOT fly in actual hot dogs and pizza. These Evil fucks are known for being Pedos and using these specific codewords!

Donaldo ago

Could do without the shitty meme being dead center, honestly

steve0suprem0 ago

the resizing and the artifacts don't lend any credence either.

un1ty ago

It needs more JPEG

3141592653 ago

What it needs, is more cowbell

Chess_Master ago

My honest opinion about this is that he actually had pizza and hotdogs flown in from Chicago as they are both something that Chicago is known for. I’m sure he somehow circumvented the rule about “no outside food”.

Note: I believe that Pizzagate is real and I also believe that Obama is a traitor but I do not think that children are getting fucked at the White House... I just think that this claim does more harm to the PG community than good.

Dressage2 ago

Too bad you can't find any of the kids from the Franklin sexual abuse scandal in Omaha to ask. They would fly the boys to D.C. for sex parties and they would end up going on a "tour" of the White House after midnight.

Chess_Master ago

I found out about this today through a few Voaters in this thread. I appreciate the information and for not just calling me a shill and leaving it at that. @Blacksmith21 @srayzie @Dressage2 @carmencita

srayzie ago

You’re welcome! I’m glad you were open minded and wanted to learn 🙂

carmencita ago

It's hard to know always who is a shill and who is not. Some are obvious others we just have to guess. But after being on here for months and some even years, you develop a sense. Check in more often and we'll remember your name. Learn to contribute and research. Even if you don't have a lot of time, every little bit helps. Thanks for participating.

srayzie ago

Why have them flown in? $65,000 of tax payers money just so that they can have food flown in from another state for their party? No.

Chess_Master ago

I’m not saying it’s true, just that it is plausible. These people give no fucks about how much money they spend. The military will spend $500 on one (1) hardware screw. It’s easy to imagine that they would throw a party on the taxpayer’s dime to the tune of $65k.

Again, I do believe that PG is real, this whole thread came up on my feed because I subscribe to it. It’s crazy how much everyone is jumping down my throat when I’m having a discussion on plausibility.

srayzie ago

Sorry. It’s overwhelming here if you aren’t used to it and people can be really mean. I see what you’re saying. I wouldn’t put it past them for spending that much money on real hotd dogs. I wouldn’t put it past them to fly in kids either sadly.

Markb63 ago

Just price out 65k of it and let us know what you get and how many it would feed.

Arrvee ago

$64k of that will be for the plane and its pilot and ground crew. They're not shipping FedEx and they're not paying for it out of their own pocket. The taxpayers are footing the bill, and if the contractors are friends of the campaign then they'll find a way to pay them extra.

carmencita ago

Please realize that this was going on in the WH. It is going on in Westminster and in Palaces across the Globe. Read this and be educated. It really happened. Those of us that have been researching these horrible acts have had to face the truth about our leaders. It is a harsh reality.

Jem777 ago

You are not allowed to bring food into the Whitehouse. The President of the United States is only allowed to eat food prepared by special Whitehouse chef due to poisoning attempts. If you ever see him eating in public he is eating food prepared by Whitehous chefs even if it appears he is somewhere else.

World leaders like the POTUS and Purim will not even drink water not pre-screened due to the high risk of poisoning.

srayzie ago

That would scare the hell out of me if I were him. Since so many people there hate him, I wouldn’t want them preparing my food if I were him.

MrPim ago

So, youre saying that Obama was so powerful he could ship multiple children to the WH for a pedo party, but not powerful enough to get actual Chicago pie and dogs.

chris ago

Seriously man, like he's going to go through the monumental risk of having child prostitutes at the fucking white house.

Anybody who's from Chicago, who has visited Chicago or just heard about our food, who's not an idiot can easily recognize that we're known specifically for our hotdogs and our pizza (and apparently our bagels according to someone I met from OK?). Its extremely common for Chicagoan transplants to order local pizza and hotdogs and have them shipped to them. Portillos and Lou Malnatis both do this regularly.

DerivaUK ago

What "monumental risk" would be involved? He was the President ffs! Where's the "risk". Who'd question him? Who'd report him? And to whom?

chris ago

Uh anybody with a conscious? You should ask Bill Clinton about how that works.

Blacksmith21 ago

You are so full of shit. I guess you forgot about this White House event:

chris ago

You think escorts are child prostitutes are the same thing? Lol.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice try.

chris ago

I'm sure if you explained to any rational person (aka, nobody in this thread) that there were escorts in the white house, they'd be surprised but not necessarily angry.

If you then explained to any rational person that there were child prostitutes in the white house, they'd be surprised and very angry.

What you dumb fucking retards don't/can't comprehend is that the vast majority of people find the idea of pedophilia and sexually exploited children as repulsive and rage inducing, but said majority don't necessarily feel the same way about prostitution in general.

Dressage2 ago

Of course he did. Who would have ever believed Clinton would have sex with a young intern in a blue dress with a cigar in the Oval Office? This $65K was all about the kiddies as distasteful and mind blowing as it sounds.

chris ago

Yes I would because two coworkers having sex behind closed doors is a lot different than flying in 65k worth of children for position

srayzie ago

I know all about Monica and all. But what’s up with this talk of a cigar?

Dressage2 ago

Ahhhh the cigar. Bill had Monica "hold it" for him some place special. Yeah, I know disgusting, but better than a letter opener.

3141592653 ago

Letter opener?

Dressage2 ago

Just a joke.

3141592653 ago

Oh ok, cuz they really do use knives :(

srayzie ago

Did he really? 😮 Crazy lol

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Again, who do you think Obunghole filled his staff with? Think! They are all in on it! Fuck JA was even there multiple times in WH, that creep HWeinstein was there also. Rubberstamp these Evil fucks all u want does NOT change the fact that they all,every last one for at least 100 yrs(b4 Trump) have been into the kid diddling at the WH!

Dressage2 ago

What better place to play "hide and seek."

Cheesebooger ago

Monica Jewinski got a cigar shoved in her pussy at the whitehouse

srayzie ago

Lol thanks for the visual

chris ago

two coworkers fucking around behind closed doors is a lot different than flying in multiple child prostitutes for a entire party of people. Cmon man, common sense.

srayzie ago

Well, I wouldn’t rearly call them coworkers 🤔

Cheesebooger ago

You didn't get my point, niggerfaggotkike. My point was that the Whitehouse isn't some holy place where nothing ever happens.

srayzie ago

You’re funny lol

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Nope, it's all about blackmail and power! So yes, Monica getting a Cuban up her VJJ is part of it.

Chess_Master ago

True. But a cheating dirtbag is far from a child-fuck party at the White House.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

What part of this R U not getting! It is done at WH for the blackmail!

Cheesebooger ago

Look at the rituals at the big owl statue. The fact is, we don't know what the fuck they do there. We only *think we do

Chess_Master ago

I am very much uneducated about the rituals at the big owl statue. Can you post a link? I’m using DDG and just getting poorly written conspiracy theory crap.

srayzie ago

Haven’t you ever heard of the Franklin Cover up? If not, look it up. They would have children brought from orphanages and stuff for their parties. This stuff truly happens.

@Blacksmith21 shared this image as well.

Chess_Master ago

I have never heard of it. I quickly read the (((Wiki))) page of it and am intrigued. I’ll check out the book.

srayzie ago

I’ve never read the book. There are things all over online tho. It’s disgusting what they were able to get away with.

Cheesebooger ago

Oy vey its all conspiracy, goys

chris ago

poorly written conspiracy theory crap is about all you're going to get about bohemian grove.

Cheesebooger ago

ahhh and there it is. Thanks. kike

Donaldo ago

I could see that, but 65k worth? And I thought these were being flown to his "Hawaiian hotdog stand" or whatever...

Chess_Master ago

Oh I forgot to address the Hawaiian hotdog stand part of your reply; The $65k hotdog/pizza was from 2009. The Hawaiian hotdog stand was from a Podesta email from 2015. Podesta is a total creep and I wouldn’t doubt any horrible shit that comes out about him. The two emails seem very much unrelated.

Chess_Master ago

I understand where you are coming from. I chalk it up to really shitty government spending. I mean, it’s out of control. Was it last year when we learned the government spent $25,000 per bicycle as gifts?

Judgejewdy ago

Even at 4 bucks a piece (which is high) that's over 16k hotdogs. That's a lot of hotdogs....

Chess_Master ago

$4 a hotdog? I wouldn’t put it past our government to spend $25 a hotdog. Not kidding.