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kneo24 ago

There's no links or anything being cited. I'm calling fake news until someone can provide a better source.

Edit, it should also be pointed out this is from Aug of 2017. This is being posted from a 4 month old account with low CCP.

MAGAnthony ago

Nice try, clown. You're "logical" response MIGHT have been a bit more effective if your stupid ass hadn't already thrown an autistic hissy fit in your last feeble attempt. Try again, little bitch.

kneo24 ago

You're a fucking retarded SCP farming shill, nothing more.

RoBatten ago

True Pundit is not a reliable source. They make statements like this all of the time with no proof . . .

MAGAnthony ago

It wasn't a statement, it was a screenshot of a Tweet. If you're going to comment, at least look at what it is you're commenting on

kneo24 ago

I'm aware, and we need to call it out both the users and website every time this happens. @MAGAnthony is just some faggot farming SCP.

MAGAnthony ago

Troll Pussy.

kneo24 ago

You're a nigger. Probably a kike puppet to boot. Nothing else would explain the literal fake news sites you use to spread information that is blatantly false, or attempts to farm clicks to websites that share twitter posts as news.