matt ago

Thank you for the informative information, that I asked about, having to do with the current status of the mayor.

matt ago

And whatever happened to the mayor of Charlottesville, the dude who was in charge that day?....And there is very little coverage of the trial of car dude on the news.

hang_em_high ago

The city council, mayor, and vice mayor really instigated all of it. They were pushing for the statues removal and calling Charlottesville the "epicenter of resistance". That attracted attention of people they don't want there. I don't even like the Nazis but they have as much right as anyone to be out there exercising their 1st amendment. It would have been a non-event (like the KKK march there a few months before it) if people didn't show up and start physically attacking them. On top of that the police had to have been told to stand down from somewhere.

It really took many layers of failure to get to the point it did. It makes you wonder how much was intentional.

Blacksmith21 ago

Charlottesville was as much of a clusterfuck as Parkland was. All false flag bullshit. C'Ville was overrun by the Commies decades ago. Some of the most virulent left-wingers I know graduated from UVA.

matt ago

Thank you so much for the response, but you failed to bring up what happened to the beleaguered mayor.

Blacksmith21 ago

No clue. If you know something, spill it. Signer - another leftist - has been in office since 2016.

matt ago

Don’t you mean was in office until…?

PeacefulAssassin ago

"killed" the two people in the helicopter.

hang_em_high ago

If I remember correctly he tore up the radiator. I think that happened to the truck terrorist in France too.

worlddownunder682 ago

It's also important to remember Vegas. Lots of controversy around that. Liberals cheering for the death of americans. FBI trying to blame it on terrorists. Is never brought up in the news anymore. They covered up something big.

Imightnotbetrolling ago

Not to mention 12+ witnesses "dying" within 3 months under mysterious circumstances.

Derpfroot ago

The police chatter confirming two other shooters (at two other hotels) sure is 'something big' in my book.

Blacksmith21 ago

It has been covered up, but no one has forgotten. They aren't going to get away with LV. It may take years, but I believe it will be prosecuted. Even if in the shadows.

PeacefulAssassin ago

still no camera footage, no death certificates, no interviews of victims or survivors, gun shoot audio could be heard on the speakers.
A cannery smells less fishy than this event.

worlddownunder682 ago

Its eery, it's almost like none of it ever happened. How is it that a story so big just up and vanishes and ceases to be significant. Columbine gets brought up more often and yet that happened 19 years ago from now.

hang_em_high ago

It was really off the map even two weeks out even. Parkland stayed in the news longer but they were making a big gun control push then. What ever happened with the security guard at Vegas?

hang_em_high ago

Well. I agree with that but that isn't what happened either. The guy fled, ditched the car, and took off on foot a mile away. He had no intention of turning himself in.

hang_em_high ago

Do you remember the video of the crash by Faith Goldy? Those people were completely out of control. Attacking cars, harassing her, being racist. It definitely was an angry mob before the crash even. He shouldn't have even been on that road but neither should they. The police were completely useless as well. The entire area should have been closed down.

vastrightwing ago

The FBI does make a compelling case that it's totally incompetent or a domestic terror group. This begs the question...

Below are only a few notable treasonous crimes they committed.

Of course, FBI linked to deadly Charlttesville riots. 2018

Jerry Drake and the FBI grooming yet another mentally ill patsy 2018

The FBI "spy program" has a long and sorted past of protecting killers and jailing innocent people.

FBI Insiders Blow Whistle on Massive Las Vegas Cover Up; Agents Told Not to Investigate Key Evidence Including ISIS Terror Link to Mandalay Bay Massacre 2018

FBI admits they were duplicitous in the Florida shooting 2018

Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz 2018

Failed to investigate after multiple tips 2018

Trump, Russia and the FBI 2018

Don't bother us, we're busy with President Trump 2018

Departure of Andrew McCabe 2018

Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Secret Society and Comey 2017

Mr Comey, 2nd firing of director by President Trump 2017

FBI Clinton - Lynch tarmac cover up 2017   Update New FBI Emails Suggest Decision to Clear Hillary Clinton Was Made Severals MONTHS BEFORE Comey’s Announcement

FBI abandons local police in Garland Texas 2017

Ahmad Khan Rahimi 2016

Bungling of Hilary's email case 2016

Serial Predator Larry Nassar 2015

Patsy grooming 2015

IRS scandal 2014

Failed to act on intelligence about Boston bomber 2011

Natalee Holloway Extortion 2010

Hasan investigation 2009

Bungled Timothy Mcveigh investigation 2001

Anthrax attacker 2001

William Sessions, 1st firing of a director Bill Clinton 1993

Whitey Bulger, John Joseph Connolly Jr. 1980

Watergate 1972


J. Edgar Hoover building

Teapot Dome 1922

Bruce Bielaski raids 1919

Hey Howie, what do you think?

 Interesting website about FBI case of Judi Bari 2010

kneo24 ago

Truepundit is not a real news site. They often post fake news. They rarely source or cite any of their claims. The point I'm making here is that including that shitty website only hurts whatever point you want to make, not help it.

Reymrgapurple ago

EVERYONE of those including 9/11 and okc crisis and many others were federal informants and corruption including the 93 wtc bombing.

kneo24 ago

Great, posting links to Truepundit doesn't help the case. Once again, they rarely post source material.

MAGAnthony ago

It wasn't an article written by the site, It was a snapshot of the Tweet.

MAGAnthony ago

You're a joke man, your making my WHOLE night, LOL Did you're mom let you sneak the laptop down into the basement again?

MAGAnthony ago

Remember to wipe down the keyboard when you're done eating Cheeto's & whackin' off, you keep leaving the keys all orange, little bitch.

kneo24 ago

That is some autistic level chimping out.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh look....the Bacchu Nazis are here (Dancing Bottoms of Weimar). Which side are you on @kneo24

kneo24 ago

Implying that I'm somehow Antifa because Truepundit is a shitty website for news, since they rarely post actual news that can be sourced, is laughable.

kneo24 ago

There's no links or anything being cited. I'm calling fake news until someone can provide a better source.

Edit, it should also be pointed out this is from Aug of 2017. This is being posted from a 4 month old account with low CCP.

MAGAnthony ago

Nice try, clown. You're "logical" response MIGHT have been a bit more effective if your stupid ass hadn't already thrown an autistic hissy fit in your last feeble attempt. Try again, little bitch.

kneo24 ago

You're a fucking retarded SCP farming shill, nothing more.

RoBatten ago

True Pundit is not a reliable source. They make statements like this all of the time with no proof . . .

MAGAnthony ago

It wasn't a statement, it was a screenshot of a Tweet. If you're going to comment, at least look at what it is you're commenting on

kneo24 ago

I'm aware, and we need to call it out both the users and website every time this happens. @MAGAnthony is just some faggot farming SCP.

MAGAnthony ago

Troll Pussy.

kneo24 ago

You're a nigger. Probably a kike puppet to boot. Nothing else would explain the literal fake news sites you use to spread information that is blatantly false, or attempts to farm clicks to websites that share twitter posts as news.


So, is it the fbi that I owe thanks to for the best day of my life

MinorLeakage ago

I can't wait for the "Ohio Man" trial.

RaspberryPi ago

What about that Ohio man who was driving the car? No info on him or court case for months?

hang_em_high ago

Trial isn't until November it seems. He is charged with first-degree murder, five counts of malicious wounding, three counts of aggravated malicious wounding and failing to stop at scene of a crash. I am not sure how it could be first-degree murder or murder at all if he didn't actually hit her. He will probably get the rest though.

RaspberryPi ago

Bigups. I've been looking for info.


Fields? I know guys in jail with him. About 4 months ago he picked fights with all the wp guys and asked to be separated.

MrShekelstein ago

Some 400 lb, cigarette smoking fat ass dying because someone shoved her to the ground on accident shouldn't be getting any outrage at all.

Sharipie ago

Or maybe someone got her with a heart attack gun purposely killing her so that the establishment would have a death to blame on Trump. Otherwise the chances of her dying right there are astronomical.

Dudesocks ago

She was fat. She died because of her habits.

MAGAnthony ago

I know its disgusting, I hope this comes back up in the current / upcoming testimonies

dooob ago


gazillions ago

That's exactly what it is. Undercover narcs deal a lot of drugs too.