JerkSock ago

They definitely look like they could be the same necklace, however I think we would need more comparisons to confirm. Good catch, Anon.

SJWsRuinedIt ago

This stupid shit is why people lump all conspiracy theories together.

XSS1337 ago

I posted this awhile ago... Now to perfect your post.... USE HOOKTUBE

greycloud ago

i am just going to say it. if i have to choose between a bullshit staged false flag, or a false flag where some assholes actually do go and kill a bunch of children or whatever, i will choose the staged event. in a way, this is the better form of false flag, its the type where the crime didn't really happen. and that is better than the false flag where it did.

remedy4reality ago

the tyranny is after the fact and far, far more terrible

these events provide justification for destruction of freedom and the division of Americans

greycloud ago

i agree, i just think they are going to occur. they will occur whether it is an actor, or whether it is a classroom of innocent children slaughtered, but it is GOING to occur. the tyranny must be justified, and the narrative will be spread come hell or high water. i prefer the narrative based on a lie that doesn't leave corpses over the one based on a lie that does. but i realize that the narrative is coming whether i like it or not.

10447027? ago

Fist bump... Glad to see 8m not alone in all that. Now get yourself some solar powered hot water with a wood backup, a solar powered crypto miner and you are in business! :)

BilboNoggins ago

So they look similar. If this is true, any of you can go investigate this, find out one/both aren't real and become the equivalent of Woodward/Bernstein overnight. Retards.

QuestionEverything ago

Teeth seem to be different. Her left upper front tooth.

Actor angle would be easy to discredit.. Just need people to positive id them at the same time.

If I wanted to discredit internet sleuths, this is a decent way to do it.. Make a big deal about presenting evidence without other resources.. Wrong conclusions honestly made, blah blah.

The reality is: discrepancies. Between reality and what was reported. And assured gov't fuckery.

River_Otter ago

Okay, before you guys kill the messenger, consider the recent joke of the CNN "rescuing" someone from flood waters in Houston, and he manages to do a wardrobe change mid-rescue.

Completely orchestrated, yes? An outright fabrication for the camera.

Now imagine you kid was just killed. Are you going to appear on camera and talk about it? Fuck that. So what do the networks do? They hire actors to play the parents.

Does this mean the events did not take place?

Hell, no.

Source: Am good friends with the parents of one of the Newtown child victims. It happened. And the reporters were up to all kinds of fuckery for good air time.

Sublimesati ago

No. "Covert operations" attaching to an event to steer/create the narrative AKA never letting a good tragedy go to waste, Isn't harmless fuckery by MSM.... It's psychological warfare against large populations.

bdmthrfkr ago

Original CBS interview with Vicky Soto's "Mom"

There was so much digital editing in this post that I wanted to see the original footage before I shit my pants... there is the original footage. Tooth gap and all.

Anybody else want to find the source material for the Charlottesville "Mom" footage? Until we have both we won't know the truth. I'd do it myself but I have to go change my undies.

remedy4reality ago

thanks for the post... here is Susan Bro at the VMA's >

Looks like she has a bad 'aged' make-up job in this vid, but shit if that does not look exactly like Ms. Soto !

bdmthrfkr ago

I couldn't get a clear look at the tooth gap in this clip but...HOLY FUCK!! This is a woman who just lost her child making a political speech on National TV?

She seemed to hold it together pretty well. Surprisingly.

remedy4reality ago

yep... like a PRO... already has the foundation set up for the money stream

fucking silly that anyone could think these events, when taken at their full context, are legitimate

this woman is an intel asset and likely a CIA agent

Cheesebooger ago

They must really think the goy is dumb

Obeastiality ago

What the fuck. This country is doomed

Renchon ago

They look similar for sure, but I'm not convinced that they're the same person just from that. Going to need some more evidence.

Gorillion ago

You want a DNA test? Go for it.

remedy4reality ago

They don't look similar, they look identical.

How about odds? How about the odds of 3 women of the same age, same facial structure, same teeth in 3 high profile cases that all received national media attention?

Literally, it's right fucking in front of you and you smuggly sit back on your ass and demand more evidence. Will this post inspire you to look for that evidence? Or are you just a lazy pontificating douche ?

QuestionEverything ago

Cognitive dissonance isn't easy to break through. Keep hammering simple facts, expect triggering..

Renchon ago

Okay fine, for one their eyebrows change too drastically for starters, that threw me off. The hairline too. Older women gets more hair and less forehead then the younger woman. As for more evidence, sure. Two videos of the two(or one) woman talking, something I don't see in any of these comparison videos. They sound similar to me, but there are little differences. Mic differences? Nerves from being infront of an audience? Also Sandy Hook was only 5 years ago, do people age that much in that time. Like I said they're similar for sure.

remedy4reality ago

This person is an agent. A specialist. She is handed her prime directive and given a name and a background. She is a pro, so don't let her appearance deceive you. She needs to alter her appearance to help from being discovered.

Both Sandy Hook and Charl. are fake as fuck, and nobody can convince me otherwise. Therefor, all participants are fake. I'm being very logical, IMHO.

Renchon ago

Dismissing any evidence that might disprove your belief is not logical, it's retarded. I agree these two events are fake though, the evidence for that is more compelling than for them being real. But in the case of this woman being the same, personally I'm still not convinced.

remedy4reality ago

oh... and go ahead and prove the government's case on Sandy Hook for me... lol

Renchon ago

Did you even read what I said? I agreed that they're fake. So blinded by you're belief I'm against you that you read what you want to, and not what I actually said.

remedy4reality ago

lol evidence ? what the fuck are you talking about? you have not provided any evidence, just opinion.

have your opinion.. but you look retarded if you cannot understand how much sense it makes to have the same AGENTS working psy-op's in staged events and false flags

wow.. truly fucking retarded

Violentlight ago

Shit, did I miss something about 2.1 years?

Reverse-Flash ago

Ha ha, nice entrance.

Reverse-Flash ago

This is his monthly comment.

Reverse-Flash ago

Poor lady lost 3 of her kids. I wonder how many she has left now.

remedy4reality ago

stalked by tragedy :(

pztmp ago

Has anyone looked for MKUltra activity? Listen to one of Cathy O’Brien's conferences where she discusses her father and how she was sold (HookTube with timecode) into a MKUltra program. You should be able to see some parallels if this is the case.

MasterZenith ago

LOL you collectivists are literally retarded.

Such a bunch of stupid kids believing this shit.

koalling ago

Kiss my white ass, jewboy.

remedy4reality ago

here come the shills

kitnaht ago

I see women that look almost exactly like her all the time where I live. You people are reaching pretty damn hard.

remedy4reality ago

take your concern trolling and your faggot gaslighting back to Reddit, you shitbag

kitnaht ago

I've been here longer than you have you fucking queer. Only person that needs to go back to Reddit is you.

remedy4reality ago

suuurre you have, Jewboy..

Will you be fucking off soon ?

BentAxel ago

This is frightening, That movie is a horror show.

10439097? ago

Everything is fake. :( we are in the matrix I think at this point. Get out of debt. Prep a bit (or a lot) learn how to use a tool called blockchain and a tool called Tor.

Devious1 ago

Teach me the blockchain ways. I'm balls deep into omg and a few others.

10447001? ago

The information is available... Hell there are even books for normies. Start with Satoshi white paper. And what is Omg?

Devious1 ago

Oh - yes I do know about satoshi. Old skool engineer here

Omg - omisego. U got $ spare? Screen cap this> next year u will be thanking me. Read the white paper.

Edit In fact u will owe me

Subarukayak ago

And a tool called Smith & Wesson.

10447007? ago

M&p r8 is my fav. :)

FabrizioFamiglio ago

Smith and Wesson are my right hand men not just tools

thebassdude ago

And a tool called firearm.

hrdtak ago

There's quite a resemblance between the first two. The Omaha shooter's mother doesn't look like the same person to me, especially when you look at other video footage:

remedy4reality ago

I completely disagree. She is wearing a massive layer of make-up on Dr Phil and is obviously wearing hair extensions. The fact that Dr Phil ( Oprah protege ) covered the story, makes me more convinced. BTW, the video you provided was literally 2, less than one second flashes of her face. I searched through the archives for this episode of Dr Phil, and could not locate it. It's been deleted from his website.

Go to the video provided above @:44 // That is her. No doubt.

cdglow ago

To be objective, fats' facial characteristics all tend to look alike so it's easy to guess that they're the same people when they're just all fat. Also, these are taking place with a time lapse apart, so if it it is the same woman, the Omaha footage would be a decade old: and appearances can change a lot in that much time.

There's a superficial resemblance that's definitely worth the internet investigating. What would help is getting current footage of all of them in the year 2017 for a more direct comparison. I don't want to make bad claims, but I don't want to prematurely rule anything out when it comes to the government psychopaths.

Cantilever ago

The teeth

8Ball ago

The resemblance isn't superficial, it's almost uncanny. Why wouldn't the government psychopaths sanction this?

Gorillion ago

I imagine there's a larger-than-reported phenomenon of face blindness in the population.

You see it with people not recognizing famous actors from movie to movie unless their name is plastered all over the advertising.

I think a wig and basic make-up tweaks may be enough to fool a crazy amount of people out there. Particularly if they have classic "News Cycle Memory". Where anything older than 2 Weeks, unless it's 9/11 level, just ceases to exist in their minds.

For the controllers, it's just easier to work with a small. controllable, trustworthy cast of players, than go through the tricky process of casting new people each time and risk one coming out in public. This actress will be a pedo or something. Something they can use to keep her from spilling the beans. Or some long-time successful MKUltra subject that they can re-program to suit. Like the dude who shot up Comet Pizza being involved in a fatal car hit-and-run a short amount of time before that incident. Did they recruit him because of the hit-and-run as a trade off? Or was that one of his earlier missions? Seemed odd that a guy who who "cared about the kids" would run a young guy over in the road, kill him and speed off afterwards. I think the witness report even said the guy accelerated before the impact.

8Ball ago

This actress will be a pedo or something. Something they can use to keep her from spilling the beans. Or some long-time successful MKUltra subject that they can re-program to suit.

Yeah they're controlled through either trauma based mind control or sexual blackmail.

Like the dude who shot up Comet Pizza being involved in a fatal car hit-and-run a short amount of time before that incident. Did they recruit him because of the hit-and-run as a trade off?

Edgar Maddison Welch, IMDb-listed. So an actor who also recently had had a traumatic experience. This reeks of psyop.


This is getting too crazy

DasNincompoop ago

Nice find. They don't even try anymore.

Bad_Idea_Bob ago

honestly though if I were a parent to a woman in her 30's, and said child was 'killed by the nazis' the last thing I would want to do is stand on a stage in front of thousands of vapid teenagers to talk about her death and moving past hate etc etc

(((they))) really aren't trying, and they really do think we're that stupid

pauly_pants ago

You and I aren't, but let's be honest. Most of us are. Nothing is ever going to come of this. We'll just pass messages online to each other and the show goes on.

DasNincompoop ago

Unfortunately you're probably right. Even the fucking Internet, with it's miraculous ability to immediately communicate with the world isn't enough to wake people up.

green_man ago

I don't think it's a lack of effort on (((their))) part, they just didn't change their propaganda tactics to account for the autistic internet detectives. My hat off to you autistic internet detectives, godspeed.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ago

Muh autism!!

Devious1 ago

Praise kek

DasNincompoop ago

So this appears from my reading to be the tip of the iceberg (pun intended). Nukes, 9/11 even the death toll of the civil war are questionable. The pysop didn't start recently. It's been ongoing for centuries.