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Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for putting all of this out here Srayzie. Custodes vero.

Are_we_sure ago

Might as well post here.

My Interactions with her

The first I remember interacting with JEM777 was when I challenged her claims that Barrack Obama knew Bill Ayers when he was in Weather Underground and not two decades later when Ayers was no longer wanted by the police and the two of them worked on a way to improve public schools in Chicago. (At first I assumed she was a man.) She claimed that this photo of Obama and Ayers was from a Communist meeting in the 1970s.

It was so crazy a claim I made a thread about it (A thread which Vindicator deleted as off topic), you don't need to know any of the true story to know that the picture was not from the 1970's when Obama would have been a teenager and way before Seattle's Best Coffee whose logo is in the picture even existed as a company. If you actually spent two minutes doing a real investigation, you would know your claim didn't stand up.

Another time I called her out for falling for a photoshopped picture of Obama, a wildly obvious fake.

So she didn't like me poking holes in her false stories.

The Thread

Here's the thread that caused her and her friends to falsely accuse me.

I'll explain my posts and my thinking and let folks decide what they will. Someone mentioned threats don't seem my style and I'm pretty confident you can see my usual style in this thread.

Couple of key points, one thing I didn't understand was how paranoid JEM777 was. Perhaps she was facing genuine threats in her real life but I knew none of her back story. I just knew this was a person who made crazy, easily disprovable claims and wouldn't admit when she had the facts wrong. Her paranoia seems to really kick in as the thread went on.

Another thing to consider, despite what many here want to believe, these are all true.

Antonin Scalia died peacefully in his sleep.

The conspiracy theory that he was killed is nuts.

The conspiracy theory that he was killed AND John Podesta had him killed is nuts squared.

There is no vineyard at the ranch he was killed. (I personally debunked this.) It was a goofy piece of faked evidence that was faked to try to make it fit a particular email from John Podesta. An email that was truly about Bernie Sanders.

Jeffrey Dahmer has nothing to do with pizza-gate. He has nothing to do with Louis Bourgeois.

Her Arches series started before anyone heard of Dahmer. The Arch of Hysteria, therefore, cannot be based on a photo of one of his crimes. (I personally debunked this too.) I'm pretty sure none of his crime scene photos were released until years after his trial. Again this is fake linkage to try to tie pizza-gate to actual crimes.

The Clinton Hit List meme is bothering fake and hysterical and I never thought I would be chatting with folks who believe in it.

Now to the thread.

She makes a comment about a "Russian Bribery Scheme to sell the US Uranium to Russia-a national security threat."

I call BS and lay out the facts.

Since she is going to lose the argument on the facts, she changes tactics and makes it a out me. Claiming I work for Clinton and Soros. She then does something I consider hilarious. She acts like she has super inside knowledge

Tell George everyone says HI we know about the 18 billion transfer;)

The news about Soros donating his money is from the mainstream media and his folks confirmed it on the record. It hilarious to pretend this is some big secret. So I replied with an extended joke pointing out her big secret was confirmed on the record and reported by the NY Times, Fox News and others. I replied in the voice of someone who works for Soros, I.E. a character

Tell me which one of the mainstream media outlets you found this out from. We must stop those leakers at the Open Society Foundation and make examples of them!!!! >Starting with the ones who went on the record with the Wall Street Journal.

Note two things, one the heavy, heavy use of irony on my part and two this is not even aimed at JEM777. It's aimed at someone who works for George Soros.

And the punchline is fake evidence of the kooky Scalia fantasy.

We'll do it right here! >

That is not a vineyard, kids. It's fraudulent evidence.

So no threats made against JEM777 and she doesn't claim this was a threat. Instead she claims I'm for causing birth defects in babies. I'm not kidding. Knowing she had lost the argument she tried to move the goalposts and makes an exceptionally manipulative and dishonest argument. She linked to images of

An infant born with severe deformities in Fallujah Iraq, allegedly due to the heavy use of depleted uranium by US forces

And asked me

whose side are you on? Look at these children.

She implied that by correcting her facts I was in favor of babies born with deformities. At no point we're we discussing depleted uranium weapons at all. She was trying to manipulate the argument and have me make some emotional mistake that would make it look like I was all form deformed babies.

In short, she was being incredibly dishonest. So I called her on it. I created an even more manipulative, dishonest argument as an example of what she just tried to pull on me. I made my argument absurd to highlight her manipulative tactics. Note the use of italics indicating I'm not the one talking.

Also whose side am I on? Who the fuck was discussing use of depleted uranium weapons? How do you jump to that? You don't see what a completely dishonest and manipulative argument that is?

What's that you sell mattress? Well how do you defend this

How do you defend the mattress that was used for that? Answer me.

Not only is this not a threat, is not even a joke threat. And it's not aimed at her. I was attacking her argument and her character and a dishonest trend in discourse on here in general.

Here's the full thread. At another point she claimed I deleted this thread to hide it. Of course, this is false.

Dressage2 ago

You are full of shit. Scalia was murdered. Now because I said itis truth, it is. You think if you say something therefore, it is truth. Take you bullshit, shilling ass roadshow down the road. We had you figured out long time ago. They would have made you a mod, but you don’t have good board side manners. You have always been too obvious. @carmencita @GothamGirl

Pizzalawyer ago

How can you say Scalia was murdered? You are making the same kind of unsupported claims that JEM777 made. Now if you said there is some circumstantial evidence that suggests Scalia may have been murdered, that would make for a more credible proposition.

Dressage2 ago

I merely said that to make a point. Some say he wasn’t and others say he was.AWS thinks if he says it, therefore truth. Bullshit I call. Research for yourselves to come to a truth you can live with. Then people can feel like they made an informed decision.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

People on this board have been discrediting pizzagate for the past 9 months, every single time that they post some reference to "Q drops." So to surmise that a sudden death of an investigator is suspicious and she was probably killed is really not a leap.

carmencita ago

Lol. For Real. Don’t hold back.

darkknight111 ago

You were awfully silent on the day of her death. Combined with that image makes quite a significant number of people suspect YOU had a hand in her death.

If you're innocent, prove We still want that hour by hour account of your whereabouts from 8/12/2018 to 8/14/2018.

Do you regret sending that image? That image is coming back to haunt you.

Only the guilty have something to hide. Your silence on the day of her death and general evasiveness when pressed only make you more suspiscious.

KYS you worthless piece of lefty shill shit.

Are_we_sure ago

You were awfully silent on the day of her death.

Yeah, it's almost like I didn't learn of her death or find out I was being falsely accussed of being involved in it until a day or two later.

MolochHunter ago

i think you well know the contention is that you had no online presence that day because you 'had your hands full' IRL

Pizzalawyer ago

Ergo, pizzagators who are away from their computers on a certain day should be deemed suspects whenever one of their enemies dies under mysterious circumstances, even when there is no geographic proximity to the slain person or persons.

Come on guys, you all are caught up in some angry accusations that dont correlate with the series of well researched posts that you all typically make. Cant we all at least wait for the autopsy results that will hopefully be published in a few weeks?

MolochHunter ago

the context is that are we sure once issued an actual death threat to her

Are_we__sure ago

Ergo, pizzagators who are away from their computers on a certain day should be deemed suspects whenever one of their enemies dies under mysterious circumstances, even when there is no geographic proximity to the slain person or persons.

Thanks, for attempting to introduce some common sense, but to call her my enemy goes way too far. This is just a message board. When I'm not on here, I don't think about this board very much at all. I don't follow conspiracy stuff on Reddit or Twitter or YouTube just here. The last time I thought about this woman was probably the last time MEJ777 posted in either the PG or GA subverses as I don't follow at others.

I certainly don't follow George Webb so I had no idea she had to moved DC and was staying full time at the same hotel Webb was working out off and had become "Task Force."

Folks on here have deluded themselves into believing I'm paid to be here on balf on unknown and nefarious forces. This is just another delusion.

Pizzalawyer ago

oh no, i wasn't accusing you of calling her an enemy. I was pointing out the illogic of equating absence from a message board as proof that people are out stalking or killing an enemy, or friend. Maybe the absentee was painting his house or taking a break from Pizzagate. Thats all

Are_we__sure ago

oh no, i wasn't accusing you of calling her an enemy.

Oh OK. It gave me a chance to say my piece, so thanks for that.

I was pointing out the illogic of equating absence from a message board as proof that people are out stalking or killing an enemy, or friend. Maybe the absentee was painting his house or taking a break from Pizzagate. Thats all.

Yeah. It's pretty illogical.

As Blacksmith recognized, if she was, in fact, murdered, George Webb would be a thousand times more likely a suspect than me. As he A. actually knew who the woman was. B. was one of the last folks to talk with her. C. Knew where she was (they were staying in the same hotel.)

Anyone one who actually knew her is a likelier suspect than me.

In terms of mean, motive and opportunity, I'm pretty far down on the list. But we are dealing with folks who claim the only way someone could experience a hemorrhage is if they are poisoned, so their logic and their medical knowledge are both pretty poor.

Are_we__sure ago

Yeah, it's pretty dumb all ways around. Every one of the details is going to end up being dumb too.

But I think he means the day it was announced on Voat because he commented something to that effect in one of the first threads.

MolochHunter ago

oh, we've had the change in shift again. the morning shift Are_we_sure clocked off and the evening shift Are_we__sure clocked in

yes, I'll store credence by anything you have to say 🙄😂

darkknight111 ago

Answer the fucking questions already.

  1. Do you regret sending that corpse picture? That one image is coming back to haunt you.

  2. We want your hour by hour whereabouts from 8/12/2018 to 8/14/2018.

All you need to do to prove your innocence is answer these simple questions.

Your constant evasion only makes you more suspiscious.

Only the guilty have something to hide. By not coming completely clean for several days, all you are doing is vindicating our suspiscion that YOU had a hand in this.

Nobody trusts you. Therefore you'd better fucking come clean RIGHT NOW!

auralsects ago

I'm a little offended you think he's a secret decoder ring professional assassin but not me. If it helps however, I spent those 48 hours inside your mother's cunt I left ample DNA evidence therein.

darkknight111 ago

KYS sand nigger.

The world will be a much happier place when you die.

We all wish you dead every day. We're all gonna celebrate when that happens.

Nobody loves you. Not even your truck whore mom and loser dad.

Shizy ago

I'm against suicide, but in your case it seems like the only reasonable option. You are a sick, filthy piece of flabby shit!