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hang_em_high ago

Can we kill the propaganda-ists already? This shit is getting ridiculous. They know exactly what they are doing making videos like these. Also this site is utter shit.

kneo24 ago

Truepundit is just the opposing political side pushing propaganda. It's a shit website, often unsourced and / or unsubstantiated. @Scrooblemeyer likes posting fake news.

Scrooblemeyer ago

Thanks for your weak critique, Moron. Just about every one of their articles are taken from other websites with a link to the original article found at the bottom of Truepundit's page. It's basically a news aggregator a lot like the Drudge Report. I just like how they present the news with their own title and a little bit of additional commentary. How about you post a list of your approved websites so I know where to find real news. And try harder next time.

kneo24 ago

There's little here to substantiate their claim that these kids are actors. Not a single fucking link pointing to any evidence of that. There is no link at the bottom of this page taking you to the original article. There is a link in the article, but the linked material doesn't indicate the children are actors at all, but that some movie maker made a propaganda piece. There's a world of a difference there.

For example, some faggot @MAGAnthony, tried posting this shitty, unsubstantiated claim the other day. Not a single link at the bottom of that page either indicating where they got their information from. Not a single anywhere in the article.

Here's another instance of you being a total faggot. That's directly ripped from a Babylonbee article, which is complete satire, but here you are passing it off as real. You do this shit all the time. You act like a bought and paid for shill. You're here to farm SCP and your CCP numbers are low. I imagine there's some measure of bots upvoting your shit to the front constantly. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see through a lot of the bullshit you post. Not once do you ever come back, when called out, and say, "hey guys, I'm sorry, I was mistaken" or anything like that. You just carry on as if that's normal.

You're not helping any causes, you're poisoning them.

Scrooblemeyer ago

Would it ever actually do any good to apologize on Voat? Seems like it would just be chum for all the perpetually hateful man-babies running around here calling people names all the time such as shill or kike. Sorry, I'm not a professional at spotting BS like you are, so I'm going to make mistakes sometimes.

kneo24 ago

Sorry, I'm not a professional at spotting BS like you are,

So you have the IQ of a nigger? You're wholly incapable of following the source material, when provided, and calling bullshit on an unsubstantiated claim? You're wholly incapable of looking for better sources or figuring out where things come from? It's not difficult and you pretending otherwise is disingenuous. You constantly use shit sources that are just pushing narratives. Apologizing for it and trying to do better would earn you respect from the community as a whole. Instead of engaging in shill like tactics, you could actually spend any amount of time beyond reading headlines and posting links, and read and use some critical thinking about what you're posting.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

It's okay. I mean, if he's that intent upon posting disinfo that hurts our cause, then I can equally rashly down voat him every single time I see his name pop up. See how that works, OP? You don't want to read, I don't want to read... You'll get the same treatment from us as you do upon the cause. Leftists are liars and baiters... We don't need to be. We have the truth. So why post bullshit if there is so much damnable truth out there? I agree with above poster, this is beyond a few isolated incidents on your part. This is habitual, and at this point it can only be construed that you mean to damage the cause.