Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Fake news

fuckmyreddit ago

Please take this off. I can't find the elizabeth warren quote anywhere, not that she didn't say it. These people will say anything to stay on the gravy train.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

This is bullshit. I'm outta here.

monkeytoe101 ago

This deserves more down votes

American-Patriot ago

All those people need to be removed asap.

InediblePear ago

I really can't wait to vote against Elizebeth Pocahontas Warren in November, I hate that she represents my state.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I know what our forefathers would tell us to do

Feldorai ago

H-... How is the Constitution a "whim"?... Making laws based on what-ever you want is what defines a "whim", the fuck kind of drug is this bitch on? I think we could all use some of that good shit.

8stripes ago

It's fake jackass

phones0 ago

Hope we will elect him again

Ocelot ago

Fake news, my nigger.

snurfle ago

No, no they didn't.

This is Voat; we check sources here.

TrevorLahey ago

Satire from a satire site

Boyakasha ago

Fake news. They say enough stupid shit without people misquoting them.

TrevorLahey ago

I hate that term. "Fake News" implies deception for purposes of malice or propaganda. This is neither. This is satire. Satire was once a powerful means of making a point by people of wit to people of intellect. The label "fake news" strips it down of all greater purpose and just labels it so that the weak minds of the idiot masses will see it as merely "an untruth."

The "Fake News" moniker is a powerful and evil term created not to suppress disinformation but to hide unpleasant truths.

Alopix ago

It becomes fake news when you're a shitty bot posting uncited memes in serious subverses with serious headlines... the intent is to deceive.

Boyakasha ago

My comment was to OP. I appreciate satire but this wasn’t posted here as satire. Bullshit needs to be properly identified as such.

TrevorLahey ago

Sorry for the ambiguity. I wasn't slamming you, just commenting on the phrase in general. I also agree WRT OP. Failure to check your facts beforehand discredits all other points you may have, however valid they may be. That, too, BTW, is a tactic straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook -- bait your opponent into looking foolish.

Gringojones ago

These people are the reason we need the Constitution.

But I think squarebutt might be on to something.

worlddownunder682 ago

I fucking hate Elizabeth Warren

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

I can find nothing that has these actual quotes that does not point back to the Babylon Bee website. That website describes itself as such

The Babylon Bee is Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire.

voltronsdicks ago

how did you fucking faggots upvote this shit without checking for sources?? OP is a jew.

Diggernicks ago

Some of us aren't tinfoil hat wearing whining faggots.

elitch2 ago

And then there's you.

DrPenguin ago


GoatyMcGoatface ago

The onus is @Scrooblemeyer 's.

Will he provide a credible link? Will he be an faggot? Will some improbable third option arise?

Gringojones ago

If this were reversed, lefties would allow the lie to spread. And then offer a retraction that no one would notice.

Benweiser22 ago

That's not a trait exclusive to lefties, if we're being honest.

Gringojones ago


SquarebobSpongebutt ago

My Facebook feed shows how true that is.

Pulverizor ago
