equineluvr ago


LMAO!! More George Webb Sweigert "intrigue and drama" FALLS APART!!

Eric Braverman Lectures at Oxford University

ArthurEdens ago

You used to post great stuff v_z, now you waste a lot of time on this, sad

V____Z ago

You are a fan of Webb, though, and don't have a neutral take on this. I can't imagine something more important than finding out what is behind this operation.

ArthurEdens ago

I've been neutral on George since day one. He could be a trick or he could have good intentions. I don't know what to think. I watch once in a while for the inside baseball that could be real or not. But dude, you are a great researcher that should be spending your time on better things like finding the videos of the elite doing rituals that are supposedly out there. George is small potatoes and if he's a fraud then he's a fraud. If you were to expose him, then what would be the next thing you work on? Do that.

V____Z ago

You're giving me tips on submissions, yet you've never submitted one thing. Just stop.

ArthurEdens ago

I've submitted stuff but they got deleted by the mods or exiled to pizzagatewhatever so I gave up and deleted it all. Nothing was as ever as significant as your top ones, just pointing out pedo signs in pop culture. I usually keep my findings to the comments. If I knew what I was doing I would try to climb goliath though.

jangles ago


DonKeyhote ago

I get the same impression :/

GrDec ago

In completely unrelated news, the Wall Street Journal confirms that Israel has been "supporting" Syrian rebels (and probably ISIS) for years..

Oy Vey!!


GrDec ago

The funniest thing is that Mossad / Israel / IDF / Harbara shill DarkMath has written like 100 messages here trying to convince people this video is evil, etc etc..

He's in a frenzy, LOL


Silverlining ago

Case Study Closed on George Webb Sweigert. MOSSAD-Periscope-Crowdsource PSYOP (Free Crowdsourcing)
Bravo Von Muller

Thanks for the light torture - So Mossad is one big bad backscratching cooperative?

You think the Pharaoh used slave labor? No the people did it for the greater good - for free - and were happy to help.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. Watch this! https://youtu.be/15ukqzzTDcc

Dave calls in to Lift the Veil and then is joined by his brother George Webb in a 3 way call!

V____Z ago

They've already buried this post, 8 downvotes and 10 up! Fuck Voat. It's over. (Webb's latest claim has 30 upvotes, and sits on the front page...)

GrDec ago

We can't compete against paid Deep State Shills..

equineluvr ago

You KNOW that the CIA is involved in this too. "Former CIA" and bullshitter extraordinaire Robert David Steele has publicly endorsed Webb, and they are working together on their joint venture, The UNRIG Campaign. Webb's dumbassed supporters contributed $9K to that bullshit.

V____Z ago

Steele now seems to be shilling for Hillary, and spreading disinfo through Defango https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCBi-iw9LmM @Psychanaut

Psychanaut ago

Yeah I saw this pretty sad.

Psychanaut ago

Sad as in bullshit

Psychanaut ago

Yes I have to support you and agree 100% on RDSteele. He's becoming very dark with his recent posts. His reaction to Kathy Griffin was extreme and he seemed to be turning into a dark avenger, rather than a knight. I am no fan of Griffin, so it wasn't that he was condemning her stupid beheading thing which is in keeping with all the symbolism (beheading). It was his sort of enjoyment of the dark rage he was channeling that personally creeped me out a bit. I thought to myself, 'this guy is playing me'. That was my literal thought. Somehow I suddenly saw him very differently. And the Webb stuff is just sad.

Psychanaut ago

Really well done.

V____Z ago

Thanks, Psychanaut.

DarkMath ago

Have you called the FBI and New Jersey State Police yet about the WorldCorp video you posted last night?

You seemed really upset that children were being harmed. I found it odd you were unwilling to report that fact to Law Enforcement.

Kind of made you look like a shill. And then we find out today the video used some sketchy graphics copied off the internet and passed off as real: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1943304

Weird hey?


V____Z ago

DM why not just leave people alone to say what they want to say? Why do you feel the need to control Voat? Are you paid to do this? Why are you a fan of a known liar?

equineluvr ago

DickMeth is a posting Nazi!

DarkMath ago

"Why do you feel the need to control Voat?"

Because rich people should not be allowed to buy their way out of their crimes. We all know why you're here. It's fucking horrible. They've hired you to fight their battles on line. You're part of a shill army. It's so fucking wrong it makes me want to vomit.

Did that answer your question?


DonKeyhote ago


DarkMath ago

Fun Fact: George Webb's opponent had a movie made about their corruption: "Clinton Cash"

Pro Tip: Money is the root of all Evil.

Question of the Day: Why are you on the side of Bill and Hillary Clinton?

Answer of the Day: Because you're a Nazi too.

Bombing brown people wasn't bad enough. You have no problem seeing poor brown people getting fucked over by rich white people.

Maersk ship scrapped in Bangladesh contains radioactive material.

Toxic vessel illegally imported for shipbreaking in Chittagong

The people you're defending are behind the Radioactive Ratline. Please watch "Clinton Cash" and unfuck yourself as soon as possible. You're hatred of and utter contempt for poor people is pissing me off.


DonKeyhote ago

LOL! What a fag. Now i hate brown people, as if theyve ever been discussed here. Youre TRANSPARENT FAGGOT I CAN SEE RIGHT THRU YOU EVEN WITHOUT YOUR SJW TACTICS.

All you do is straw man people, fucking pathetic to witness LMAO.

BTW its possible to so research beyond Jewtube you fat bitch. Clinton Cash is an old ass BOOK that i read long ago and unlike the JEW WEBB i want Hillary behind bars.

DarkMath ago

"What a fag"

That's where I stopped.


DonKeyhote ago

Cuz u cry nazi like a lil bitch. Im not even punk rock.

If moneys the root of all evil and we havent had a gentile fed chair, who controls access to money in 30 years...

DarkMath ago

No I don't want to go to your circle jerk this weekend.


GrDec ago

Radioactive Ratline.

What is a Radioactive Ratline?, is that where radioactive rats come from?

Maybe you could point them out on a map, so we can start putting radioactive rat traps !!

that way we can start selling the rats as radioactive fuel. so we don't ever have to mine uranium again.. we can just get free electrciity from the radioactive rats!!!!

DarkMath ago

"is that where radioactive rats come from?"

You were actually funny!

" so we can start putting radioactive rat traps"

You just killed something deep down inside of me. You started so well.

"that way we can start selling the rats as radioactive fuel."

Now you're just grinding the gears. This is painful. I'm in pain right now.

"so we don't ever have to mine uranium again."


"we can just get free electrciity from the radioactive rats!!!!"

I just became incontinent. And I've begun cutting myself. ..........I want to swallow a tub of plutonium cooling water right now.


If you watch "Clinton Cash" I'll forgive you for those 4 jokes. That was bad bro. Really bad.

GrDec ago

Really? I've seen Clinton Cash a few times.. when it was "leaked" to the net last year before the elecltion.. and i didn't see any mention of "radioactive ratlines"

Please post the times on the video where they are mentioned!!

I really want to get me some radioactive rats LOL

DarkMath ago

"i didn't see any mention of "radioactive ratlines""

Watch it again but this time replace all occurrences of "radioactive" with the word "uranium".

Then come back here and apologize.


GrDec ago

oh yeah? really?

and what about "ratlines"?

is that term also implied in the narrative, is there term that can be implied as "metaphor" for "ratlines"


DarkMath ago


GrDec ago

no? oh well, "ratlines" is not mentioned anywhere in Clinton Cash, you must be hearing things..

are you a medicated Schizo like Nathan / Lift the veil? do you hear voices in your head?

ratlines.. ratlines..


DarkMath ago

No. I just like fucking with idiot shills like yourself. It's more fun than drinking and doing drugs, a lot more fun.


GrDec ago

Right Jew.. you obviously have a wonderful life.

Welcome to my block list.

bye bye Joo..

DarkMath ago

I'm neither a "Joo" or a shill. I don't care if you block me.

I've encountered squares of toilet paper that carried more intellectual weight than you do.


equineluvr ago

This is the CRAPPIEST psy-op I've ever seen. The players in this are REALLY SLOPPY.

I suppose people are so DUMBED DOWN now that they know they can be lax and still fool a lot of dimwits.

DarkMath ago

"The players in this are REALLY SLOPPY."

I bet fucking a horse is really sloppy too horsefucker. Am I right? Remember that video you posted earlier today about the Farmer Guy? I loved that one.

Lock up your farm animals people! The horsefucker's in the house.


jangles ago

Equineluvr is clearly a 🐴 fucker. We have installed nazi shooting robots on the ranch to protect our horses :)

equineluvr ago

You have ZERO rebuttal points, which is why you always resort to ad hominem attacks.

You know what's really sad? A 3 year old is better at it than you are.

DarkMath ago

"You have ZERO rebuttal points"

Go watch Clinton Cash then come back here and apologize.


V____Z ago

In this video, he notes that Mossad is pretty much just trying out players, if one fails, they've already got someone else lined up. He notes that Alex Jones is really not working for them anymore, and that the Webb Op is now trying to entice Wikileaks and Assange to join them. If Assange says yes, the case against his legitimacy becomes stronger. Jason and Trish are in London now, to try and talk with Assange, who is back in the Embassy.. according to this case study.

GrDec ago

Assange is not going anywhere near those clowns..

what i wonder is who the f is financing their whole operation?

Do those idiots think Assange is going to say anything he hasn't revealed already??

equineluvr ago

I'm at work, in a hurry, and misspoke.

I meant the characters haven't been fleshed out in detail like in most psy-ops. The script is flawed, BIG time. I know the actors are disposable -- they always are. :)

DarkMath ago

"he notes that Mossad is pretty much just trying out players,"

You know V and @equineluvr I wouldn't be bad mouthing Mossad. I'm not Jewish nor a shill. I'm just a poor person. But Mossad could screw you 6 ways to Sunday. These are "The Jews!(tm)" after all. They grew up in a pretty tough neighborhood. They're all bad asses over there.

You're on thin ice, just my opinion. Mossad doesn't like Nazis.

I don't like Nazis.

Nazis are fucking evil.

GrDec ago

I'm not Jewish nor a shill.

Through deception we shall do War.


DarkMath ago

No. I'm being serious. I'm not Jewish and I'm doing this for free.

GrDec ago

The more you repeat it, the less we believe in anything you write.

At this point, it would be better if you were a jew, because if you aren't, you are a complete crypto-jew moron, LOL

DarkMath ago

"the less we believe in anything you write."

I've been observing this cluster fuck for the past 9 months straight with no days off. I'll listen to your opinion about me when you have 30 days under your belt. Until then start reading.

"At this point, it would be better if you were a jew"

Please explain where the Jewish names are in the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate?

You can prove to me you're not a shill by watch Clinton Cash.




equineluvr ago

"I'm doing this for free."

Then you are even stupider than I thought.

DarkMath ago

"Then you are even stupider than I thought."

I don't know what country you're from but it's not America that's for sure.


jangles ago

@equineluvr you are clearly a 🐴 fucker. Beastality is as dark as pedophilia your true color is in your name.

DarkMath ago

Everyone feel free to ignore known shill V____Z. She's a graduate of the Hillary Clinton School of Bull Shit. She's learned to accuse her target of the exact offense SHE is guilty of.

In this case she's the shill but wants you to think it's actually George Webb who's shilling. You've seen this movie before from Hillary Clinton. She once famously said never let a good crisis go to waste. Well voila you get voat pizzagate shills accusing targetted individuals of being shills.

The only offense George Webb has made is questioning Andrew McCabe of the FBI. Andrew McCabe is a professional Deep State slow-walker. He and James Comey were the first and last line of defense to squash any investigation of the Deep State. Their most egregious crime to date appears to be covering up Hillary & Co's "Radioactive Ratline" making money bypassing the heavy regulation within the Uranium processing industry. Don't take my word for it. The fraud was first uncovered in "Clinton Cash". You may recall Bill and Hillary's Uranium deals played a staring role in that devastating documentary that helped defeat Hillary last fall. It appears part of that Radioactive Ratline involved using container ships to move radioactive waste:





George Webb's finally had enough and is suing the FBI:


Perhaps V____Z could explain why a shill would sue their employer for $100,000,000. Something seems a little henky. It's actually kind of proof George is NOT a shill but whatevs.

And as always the real victims are poor people. In this case any poor person unfortunate enough to live near the Savannah River radioactive waste dump and/or the ship breaking yards of India and Bangladesh(East Pakistan). And for the record as a yoot I spent a lot of time on that river. It's a beautiful area. The Savannah runs next to Augusta Georgia where they play the Masters Golf Tournament every year. Maybe that explains my deep seated hatred of rich people. I'll have to do more with @AreWeSure, @are_we_sure, @rWeSure on that one in couples therapy this week.

Now back to the fraud, the beneficiaries of the Radioactive Ratline appear to be all the usual suspects. You know the drill. Go see "Clinton Cash" as soon as you can. And don't be fooled by the stellar "Charity Audit" you see floating around the internet. The Clinton Foundation never received a Financial Audit which must go to ground to find real people and real companies. A Charity Audit can't pierce the veil of a Limited Partnership, it has to take their word for it. If we've learned anything it's never take Hillary's "word for it".


GrDec ago

Day 224.3. Hillary's Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen


I am a zionist, so i admit i protect Israel in the story. Israel supports the ISIS ratline (75% of Israeli line is from the ratline i believe) But i don't believe they are involved, etc. My big focus is to get all the emails, not to shame Israel. The emails are the key to the investigation IMO.

Just like i said before, All of his "research" is carefully constructed to divert attention from AIPAC / Israel's involvement in the corrupt US government, and in organ, women and child trafficking

Anyone with half a brain can figure out the Awan Brothers were employed by Mossad through AIPAC.. they were really patsies working on gathering info for the state of Israel, of course neither George or the zionist Gayson are going to mention this.

DarkMath ago

Israel helped create ISIS. I agree. I've said this for the past 9 months. You don't even understand what I've said all along do you.

Go find out what my explanation is for Israel and Mossad then come back here and apologize.

GrDec ago

We are not interested in your opinion, Jewboy

Bye bye,

DarkMath ago

I'm not Jewish. And I'm not a shill.

But at this point I'm almost positive the Mossad reads /v/pizzagate and if I were you I'd go easy on the "Jewboy" bull shit.

I wouldn't want to get on Mossad's bad side.

Just sayin'.

Better safe than sorry.

In the mean time please educate yourself Clinton Cash


GrDec ago

we are waiting for the radioactive "ratlines" mentioned in Clinton Cash, Jewboy

jangles ago

You have no fucking clue do you. The ☢️materials are associated to the Direct connections between Maersk shipping and Uranium One

For Instance:

Irene Joseph

Tanzania - ‎Human Resources Assitant & PR Assistant - ‎Uranium One Tanzania(Mantra) Current. Uranium One Tanzania(Mantra). Previous. Maersk shipping Line Company,; Catholic Relief Services,; CARE INTERNATIONAL TANZANIA. Education.

GrDec ago

Sure man, whatever you say..

i think George was really worried about the shipment of Uranium coming to the US, because ever since he was a "sex slave" as he himself confessed on video to Gayson, he wants to put some radioactive Uranium up his butt.. to reallly feel the BERN, if you catch my drift.

Don't forget to take your meds tomorrow.

jangles ago

And I said that's right when he was investigating brownstone ops he knew he would never be involved with a child or a dude so he went to this dominatrix brownstone where he allowed himself to be tied up in Dominatrix styles as a "sort of sex slave" though I am sure he did not mind it was voluntary and they taught h the back room ways they set traps for their prey.

That is what he meant. He is not scarred from this and explained after why he had chosen to test it out a little. That is it. He has discussed this at length and said that would in fact be their last arrow at him by releasing some video of him with a Dominatricks tied up in very uncomfortable position getting some whipping of some type. Anyone who has been investigation this corrupt government but can't handle a grown man tied up by a dominatrix should not be researching. Believe me when all this evidence comes out you will be floored at actuall deptavity. Strengthen your hearts, get ready to act, we have some children to rescue just waiting for the signals.

DarkMath ago

"we are waiting for the radioactive "ratlines""

Dipshit I just told you replace the word Uranium in Clinton Cash with radioactive.

Try to keep up.


GrDec ago

really, that is interesting.. i didn't know Uranium meant "radioative ratlines". . wow, so why don't we just start re-interpreting the Entire English dictionary with whatever we feel like the meaning should be.. right??


DarkMath ago

"Uranium meant "radioative ratlines""

Yep, now you know!


GrDec ago

I don't think so.. i Uranium means "U are an anus"

So, the movie is sending your a secret message: DarkMath you are an Anus.. LOL

Now you know..

DarkMath ago

No Uranium means Radioactive.

Lol. You're losing bad.


GrDec ago

No idiot, Uranium does not mean radioactive..

Uranium is a chemical element


Radioactive IS NOT a chemical element, it is the emission / transmission of energy


DarkMath ago

Yes it does.


jangles ago

Fucking Nazi you are a stinky piece of💩 All you have done here is spread disinformation. AIPAC has reason to want the US help against OBAMA sponsored terrorism.

Quote Trump

In Gaza, Iran is supporting Hamas and Islamic jihad. And in the West Bank, they're openly offering Palestinians $7,000 per terror attack and $30,000 for every Palestinian terrorist's home that's been destroyed. A deplorable, deplorable situation. Iran is financing military forces throughout the Middle East and it's absolutely incredible that we handed them over $150 billion to do even more toward the many horrible acts of terror.

GrDec ago

How many Palestinian babies have you killed today, dear Joo?

Do you like the smell of burning Palestinian flesh in the morning?

AngB23 ago

Until people WAKE UP and know what exactly Zionists are and that Mossad is NOT Jews, this evil will continue. Do your research and understand the difference between Zionists/Mossad and REAL Jews



GrDec ago

Nooo.. Mossad are not Jews, they are "creatures of another dimension" that are here on earth to "get the energy from children" as explained by Fatso clown Alex Jones LOL

What do they do with that energy? they build radioactive ratlines, so they can create one gigantic radiocative rat nest as the source of power for their interdimensional spaceship, so the "creatures of another dimension" can return to their dimension, LOL LOL

The neocon jews that drive the US to neverending war, the Hollywood Jews that have corrupted our culture, the banking jews in Europe that are turning the EU into a muslim infected shthole. all those Jews are good people, filled with love and compassion, LOL

Jem777 ago

You are absolutely right. Everyone should read that list over and over. Look at the Queen's face. This is Zionism.....Jesuits

ThePuppetShow ago

"Zionists" are really Jesuits. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta are the ones who run the CFR and started the UN. They also run the banking system, not the "Jews".

There's tons of Jew hating shills here trying to paint a picture with all of us included in it.

jangles ago

This is on point! thanks 👌

equineluvr ago

That is bullshit.

Those are ORTHODOX Jews who do the rabbi-sucking circumcisions and other horrible deeds.

All Jews and crypto Jews are evil to their fucking core.

jangles ago

Your full of💩. Your ✡️ bashing 👿 needs to go away. you, @equineluvr , are clearly a 🐴 fucker.

AngB23 ago

The sucking circumsions is disgusting as fuck. I totally agree with you

DarkMath ago


I don't take suggestions from Nazis. Sorry.


ThePuppetShow ago

He said they aren't Jews.

Did you get a ping from me the other day?

DarkMath ago

"Did you get a ping from me the other day?"

I can't remember. What was it about?

equineluvr ago

That lone ad hominem line of yours has really gotten old, DickMeth.

DarkMath ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'll work on different ways of conveying my extreme hatred for Nazis.


AngB23 ago

LMAO. The only Nazis living today is the 21 Century Kind created by Soros- Antifa, Feminist Movement, BLM....true communism But if people want to continue to believe Zionists are Jews, they are living a lie

DarkMath ago

"if people want to continue to believe Zionists are Jews"

Best of luck convincing people Zionist aren't Jews. Be sure to let me know how that works out for you.

AngB23 ago

I'm not trying to convince anyone. It's everyone's own responsibility to educate themselves versus believing the horseshit shoved down our throats thru centuries of "anti-semistim" that Zionists shield themselves with.

DarkMath ago

David Rockefeller was the guy behind 9/11. Yes he hired Mossad demolition experts. But it was David Rockefeller and George H.W. Bush who planned the whole thing. Those are both hard core W.A.S.P.s.

Sorry to pop your bubble.


jangles ago

I was involved with the failure analysis of the towers, I saw the evidence, did the engineering analysis and the towers were brought down by planes filled with jet fuel. The real crimes are associated to the stegnography tools supplied by G Bush's admin for their communications. These tools are still used by pedophiles and terrorists against the states.

DarkMath ago

"I was involved with the failure analysis of the towers,"

In what capacity? Please be as specific as possible. I speak Mathematics.

"the towers were brought down by planes filled with jet fuel."

Not WTC 7. That's a different animal all together. So the following is applying to WTC 7 only where no Jet Fuel was involved and there were only minor fires on only a few floors.

WTC 7 was built like a brick shit house. More steel was used than necessary due to its use as a command center during a disaster. Furthermore steel wouldn't fail in the manner it did within WTC 7 on 9/11. Steel is steel because it's insanely strong and resists force by bending long before it will snaps. A steel structure collapsing under load would display a visible loading and then snapping and loading then snapping etc etc.

A good analogy for steel resisting a load is on a steel container ship. The steel is loaded/unloaded constantly. Here what that looks like: https://youtu.be/PmlTk_3NN_g?t=69 WTC 7 collapsing would reflect this loading/unloading behavior. It would be very noticeable to the naked eye as extended pauses between each floor collapsing.

It's impossible for steel to collapse at exactly the same speed of steel within a controlled demolition. Here's what that looks like.


jangles ago

My capacity for the study was conducted at the university, and other sister universities, where I got my M.S. in Materials Engineering, since I have been in biomedical. The two towers, when built has asbestos lined supports up to the ~62 floor, the change in laws prevented the rest of the towers from being protected. The thermal energy needed to raise the entire mass of 10 floors of the WTC in NYC above their Austenizing temp was only equivalent to 180 gal of jet fuel. For BP Jet A-1 there is 43.15 MJ/kg energy with a density at 15 °C is 804 kg/m3. Assuming ~100 m^3 for the freshly fueled jets we see a total of ~4,250,000,000 BTU. This was sufficient to lead to the catastrophic failure of the 2 main towers.

When we did this forensics review we did not consider WTC 7.

I understand you position on WTC 7. This was odd and the missing gold and the fact that the tenets were mainly Bank Salomon Smith Barney (now CTI), but there were also offices of the CIA, the Department of Defence, utility company ConEd, and the Internal Revenue Service.

WTC 7 collapsed at 5.21pm. This was long after the airplane hits and can be attributed to the materials burning in the building. Here is a picture of the serious fire in the WTC 7 on a lower floor. This could lead to a similar failure to a controlled demolition as the steel reaches temps over 1800F and becomes very 'plastic'.

Don't get me wrong in saying this, I still believe that there was foul play at hand. I attribute most of my anger to the cryptic tools (stegnography) used by the Saudi's who attacked our country. John Podesta was involved in making this 'legal' through the Millennium Copyright Law where they classify this method (stegnography) as watermarking and then are able to send crypto messages without violating the law. THIS IS BAD because this is also a key tool for PEDOS.

DarkMath ago

"When we did this forensics review we did not consider WTC 7."

I specifically asked we not deal with WTC 1 and 2 for this very reason. Your research doesn't apply here because you dealt with a steel structure hit by a massive airplane travelling at 500+ knots containing a full load of Jet Fuel. We're talking an ungodly about of energy that could cloud the issue.

So now WTC 7. I'm not sure why you included a picture of a fire on a floor of WTC 7 when I admitted there were fires on some of the floors. Forgive me but you're down 2 strikes already.

So that leaves just one argument: "This could lead to a similar failure to a controlled demolition as the steel reaches temps over 1800F and becomes very 'plastic'."

1) Yes steel will become more malleable when heated to the temperature Jet Fuel burns at. But no Jet Fuel hit WTC 7 and "plastic" is the wrong word. Steel that's been heated like that still maintains a large portion of its strength. There have been many studies proving this and quite frankly that's why steel is steel. The temperatures required to make it are insanely high as in approaching the surface temperature of the Sun. I think steel melts at like 1/2 the Sun's surface temperature. And remember the fires inside WTC 7 were office fires hardly the inferno going on in WTC 1 and 2.

2) Fire only explains the collapse of the floors with fires on them. All other floors were at 100% strength. For them to fail would require the same loading/unloading I mentioned earlier. As WTC 7 collapsed we should have seen distinct pauses as the steel on each floor is loaded to failure and then snaps. We don't see anything like that. All we see is EXACTLY the behavior seen in a building demolition like this.

The only conclusion possible for WTC 7 is a controlled demolition. There are no other explanations. And the NIST report reflects this. Their computer models didn't use standard parameters for steel's strength, elasticity etc. The NIST model reproduced something vaguely resembling the collapse with the assumption the steel was more like a piece of lumber. And worse if you look at the video of the NIST model collapsing it doesn't collapse symmetrically. Even NISTs own model can't reproduce the collapse.

WTC 7 was a controlled demolition. That means 9/11 was an inside job as tragic as that is to accept. But accept it we must. And once you accept it was an inside job you can explain the rational for 9/11 by reading up on an infamous propaganda technique behind it called The Big Lie. A big lie is much easier to believe than a little lie. When it came to propaganda Adolph Hitler was a genius.

And the rest is History.


jangles ago

You lost cred in my eyes dude

jangles ago

"Steel that's been heated like that still maintains a large portion of its strength. There have been many studies proving this and quite frankly that's why steel is steel." FYI I don't think you "speak math" when you say thins like "I think steel melts at like 1/2 the Sun's surface temperature" when the sun surface is 9500F and steel melts at 2500F. Furthermore, structural steel easily PLASTICLY DEFORMS at ~1200F.

Plastic is the proper term https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasticity_(physics)

DarkMath ago


Plasticity is a relative term. I just means bends. You're right about the temperature at which steel bends, I didn't know the exact temperatures. But that doesn't matter you can't address my argument with steel plasticly deforms at ~1200F. You provided no number regarding HOW MUCH PLASTICITY. Get it?

You created what's called a Straw Man. You couldn't argue the point so you attacked the fact I got the wrong temperature and then put in the word "plasticly" which is meaningless without numbers proving HOW MUCH it bends.

"You lost cred in my eyes dude"

You shouldn't say that given the Straw Man you built and the fact you didn't address the 2nd issue. Remember I brought up TWO arguments, you only addressed the first. The second argument is the speed with which the steel failed doesn't reflect the time required to load up the steel to failure.

Unless you provide empirical numbers about steel plasticity and what temperature you lose 1). And if you don't address 2) in your response to this this comment you'll lose that as well.


jangles ago

@DarkMath , I hear your response clearly and find it fair as the thermophysical properties of metals, mechanics of materials and interdependent dynamics during failure are complex and not trivial. Before I provide a detailed response I would like to assure my interpretation of the questions are sufficient. Please respond to this comment :)

1) What are the empirical values associated to the plastic deformation of structural steel and at what temperature will catastrophic failure of the fire damaged floors manifest as it was observed during the collapse the WTC buildings in 2001.

2) The failure of the heat damaged floors explained by the degradation of the steel's strength during the time and temperature dependent doesn't sufficiently resolve the failure mode observed when the WTC buildings fell. Are there system dynamics that can explain why the buildings appeared to be 'demolished' with explosives, especially the floors that were not damaged by fire. Furthermore, why weren't distinct pauses as the steel on each floor was loaded to failure and to what extent does strain rate affect the failure modes of beams, bolts, welds and joints?

DarkMath ago

1) Why are you asking me the same question I asked you?

2) "Are there system dynamics that can explain why the buildings appeared to be 'demolished' with explosives"......Yes. WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition.


jangles ago

Impulse dynamics and catastrophic rupture are key pieces to the question at hand. The high strain rates and shear impulse seen in the floors not damaged by the fire (diesel generators on lower floors) when the damaged floors buckled and gave way. Here is video that shows some key aspects on the integrity of WTC7 and why it fell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbPpK-oWdYc

@DarkMath I really believe that the attention on WTC 7 is a distraction from the advanced cryptographic communications these terrorists were using that enabled them to deploy this horrible attack.

Here are some details worth your time.

A wired http://archive.wired.com/politics/law/news/2001/02/41658?currentPage=all

Bin Laden: Steganography Master?

by Declan McCullagh 2:00 a.m. Feb. 7, 2001 PST



Steganography- See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil. Chris Farrow GSEC Practical v1.3 May 13th, 2002


With the world focused on terrorism propagated by poor security and businesses suffering from huge economic losses due to computer crime, information security has become a top focus of IT departments. Corporations have begun to heavily implement strategies to secure their workplaces and the information associated with their business. Security tradeshows have sprung up around the globe and organizations are spending significant portions of their budget on training and outsourcing. Yet, despite this revival in information security there are still entire fields of security that remain virtually unknown. Of these, steganography provides not only an exemplary tool for protection of intellectual property and a medium of private communication but also a serious risk to the security of an organization. Amazingly, a simple search of online stores for steganography books and courses finds this subject to be almost unheard of. Further research for steganographic focused vendors shows there is a serious lack of strategy and defensive solutions for the corporate world. This paper is intended to explore the legitimate and malicious uses of steganography and the lack of defensive strategies to counter steganographic techniques. To adequately understand the subject material, the paper provides background information on the history of steganography, an overview of different types of steganography and popular steganographic tools.


Steganography: A New Age of Terrorism

“Steganography is the art and science of communicating in a way which hides the existence of the communication’ (Johnson). According to nameless “U.S. officials and experts” and “U.S. and foreign officials,” terrorist groups are “hiding maps and photographs of terrorist targets and posting instructions for terrorist activities on sports chat rooms, pornographic bulletin boards and other Web sites” (Schneier). Three years ago, FBI Director Louis Freeh tried to convince government authorities that terrorists were using encryption and steganography to support their organizations. Freeh urged legislators to enact stricter Internet usage laws, emphasizing that ignoring the issue would not only cause harm to the United States, but that it would make the fight against terrorism extremely difficult (McCullagh). Today, terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, and others, are employing advanced steganography techniques to pass sensitive communications across the Internet, undetected. In the wake of several highly coordinated and deadly terrorist attacks, the United States government, and indeed, the world, is hastening to discover viable methods for the detection and prevention of this electronic subterfuge, in the hope that denying criminal networks (the use of the Internet as a communications medium) will render them incapable of mounting another attack that could cost more lives.

DarkMath ago

Your first piece of evidence is a blurry 4 minute video which flashes a few quotes from the NIST report: l. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbPpK-oWdYc

Jangles that's pathetic. It's disturbing that you'd lead with that. I was expecting something more like this: Anatomy of a Great Deception which explains in great detail how that NIST report couldn't reproduce the way WTC 7 collapsed which was symmetrically. The NIST explanation relies of jagged chunks of WTC 7 failing due falling debris from WTC 1 and 2. That theory requires an ASYMMETRICAL collapse which clearly didn't happen.

You just officially lost. Please watch Anatomy of a Great Deception before responding. Thank you.

jangles ago

You officially lost because you are distracted with this unsubstantiated theory and haven't been worried about the advanced cryptic communication techniques used to orchestrate these attacks.

DarkMath ago

"You officially lost"

No. You lost when you refused to watch Anatomy of a Great Deception.

I watched your 4 minute joke of a video. Now it's your turn.


jangles ago

jangles ago

Before I provide a detailed response I would like to assure my interpretation of the questions are sufficient. Please respond to this comment :)

I thought I was clear. I wanted to make sure the questions you had were clearly defined before i invested my valuable time into the detailed answers you are requesting.

DarkMath ago

"before i invested my valuable time"

Valuable? Jangles from where I sit you're some sort of mechanical engineer who thinks WTC 7s collapse can be explained without the presence of explosives. A six year old child could see the building on the left was brought down the same way the building on the right was.

From where I sit your time is hardly valuable unless I wanted to hire you to defraud an insurance company in which case your time and poor understanding of physics would be quite an asset.


jangles ago

@DarkMath The constructs I present are based on the physics of materials and dynamic loading mechanisms, things I know well. Take it or leave it, my intentions here are not to argue with people like you whom I come to respect. I will admit that I may be mistaken with my analysis of WTC 7 yet find my judgment based on key details and my fundamental understanding of failures analysis, materials, dynamics, and structures. With that said, your Ad hominem abusive fallacy:

A six year old child could see

You are better than that, typically you avoid fallacies in your comments.

DarkMath ago

Jangles please watch Anatomy of a Great Deception before responding.

Thank you.

AngB23 ago

You forgot some. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger and Comey. And many more..can't pull off something that large w/out a "team" and part of that team, Zionists.

DarkMath ago

"Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger and Comey"

They were willing participants but just the hired help. The real kernel of pure evil came from David Rockefeller and George H.W. Bush. Those were the two dyed in the wool American Aristocrats that made everything possible. Go see a move called The Good Sheppard. It'll help explain most of 9/11.

ThePuppetShow ago

David is controlled by the Rothschilds who are controlled by the black pope.

V____Z ago

Half of the comments on this post are from you. Obsessed much?

DarkMath ago

"Obsessed much?"

Yes. I'm obsessed with people who work for child rapists, organ harvesters and now radioactive waste haulers.

Go take a look at who you're protecting here V: "Clinton Cash"

You have no problem seeing poor people getting fucked over by rich people:

Maersk ship scrapped in Bangladesh contains radioactive material.

Toxic vessel illegally imported for shipbreaking in Chittagong

The people you're defending are behind the Radioactive Ratline. Please watch "Clinton Cash" and unfuck yourself as soon as possible. Your hatred of and utter contempt for poor people is pissing me off.


HollandDrive ago

"I like Obama. I'm a democrat. The FBI tried to kill me but I evaded those suckers (unlike Dillinger, Ma Barker, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde Barrow, and Machine Gun Kelley)." - George Webb, Mossad homie

"Cut. That's a take."

PGIsRetardedd- ago

Did those "free to talk" FBI agents started talking yet?

HollandDrive ago

You still like me. Yes, soon enough it will be Howdy Doody Time.

srayzie ago

Thank you! I watched that today. I listened to all his case studies. He's really smart. I never heard of him until last week when you gave me the link. Thank you for keeping me up to date! Do your believe his theory?

V____Z ago

Yes, the general points that i detailed above seem legit. I noted some questions here, but they don't affect the overall take.

DarkMath ago

I'd take @V____Z with a grain of salt srayzie. She and the horsefucker, @equineluvr, are known shills.

And evidently pretty hard core Neo-Nazis at least the horse fucker is. V seems a little lower key but still she's not a fan of "The Jews!(tm)"

equineluvr ago

So, one must be a "fan" of da Jooos to not be a Nazi?!

You just gave yourself away, you JEWISH FAGGOT SHILL.

DarkMath ago

No you just have to not fuck horses.


equineluvr ago

Thanks for the ping. BVM has some great information in this video. This is my fav of this series. ^

V____Z ago

Absolutely amazing. I don't see how he connects Lee Stranahan to Russia though. He says Russia may have hired Mossad in this case. But what would be their motive? And is his claim that Webb and Jason were brought together by Stranahan based on the fact that Webb met with him, and Jason entered the scene shortly after? Or is there more? Because that's not a very strong case.

seekingpeace ago

The Chabad Movement is the potential connection. The Mossad "allegedly" use Chabad Houses all over the world as their base of operations. I used the word allegedly but there is enough credible evidence to suggest this is true.

equineluvr ago

He also needs to learn about crypto Jews. He misIDed several of them as "gentiles." Defango, George Webb Sweigert, and David Sweigert/Acton are ALL CRYPTO JEWS.

ThePuppetShow ago

Actually they're SMOM, not Jews. Thanks for playing.

jangles ago

"Absolutely amazing" the extent @V____Z and @equineluvr 's Neo-Nazi efforts. It is nearly comical. The 'evidence' they present and link is baseless and refutable.

for example:

The "big tell" that gave the whole thing away was when Dave went out of his way to bring attention to this discovery

All George Webb had to say Is "UN Generals" and David Deleted his video you note and apologized.

Here is a decent overview of the absurdity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sslBTq5RlFE

seekingpeace ago

What are these "UN Generals" you write of?

DarkMath ago

"Absolutely amazing"

Absolutely amazing is right. It's absolutely amazing you'd listen to a Neo-Nazi like the horsefucker, @equineluvr.

V are you like the Hitler Light version of the Pocket Hitler? Horsefucker is the Bad Hitler and you're the Good Hitler? Like good cop bad cop?

Help me about. Neo-Nazis fascinate me. 20 million dead Germans didn't convince you Nazism was a bad idea.