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equineluvr ago

Thanks for the ping. BVM has some great information in this video. This is my fav of this series. ^

V____Z ago

Absolutely amazing. I don't see how he connects Lee Stranahan to Russia though. He says Russia may have hired Mossad in this case. But what would be their motive? And is his claim that Webb and Jason were brought together by Stranahan based on the fact that Webb met with him, and Jason entered the scene shortly after? Or is there more? Because that's not a very strong case.

seekingpeace ago

The Chabad Movement is the potential connection. The Mossad "allegedly" use Chabad Houses all over the world as their base of operations. I used the word allegedly but there is enough credible evidence to suggest this is true.

equineluvr ago

He also needs to learn about crypto Jews. He misIDed several of them as "gentiles." Defango, George Webb Sweigert, and David Sweigert/Acton are ALL CRYPTO JEWS.

ThePuppetShow ago

Actually they're SMOM, not Jews. Thanks for playing.

jangles ago

"Absolutely amazing" the extent @V____Z and @equineluvr 's Neo-Nazi efforts. It is nearly comical. The 'evidence' they present and link is baseless and refutable.

for example:

The "big tell" that gave the whole thing away was when Dave went out of his way to bring attention to this discovery

All George Webb had to say Is "UN Generals" and David Deleted his video you note and apologized.

Here is a decent overview of the absurdity

seekingpeace ago

What are these "UN Generals" you write of?

DarkMath ago

"Absolutely amazing"

Absolutely amazing is right. It's absolutely amazing you'd listen to a Neo-Nazi like the horsefucker, @equineluvr.

V are you like the Hitler Light version of the Pocket Hitler? Horsefucker is the Bad Hitler and you're the Good Hitler? Like good cop bad cop?

Help me about. Neo-Nazis fascinate me. 20 million dead Germans didn't convince you Nazism was a bad idea.